Fixing Bunker magazine

So as we all know Bunker magazine is a fucking mess. There has not been a single new article since August and it's not very active. In this thread we are going to attempt to fix Bunker magazine and we are attempt to see if we can save Bunker magazine. Now I'm going to start by giving my suggestions on how to save Bunker magazine.

Have some people who can regularly contribute their writings for the magazine to avoid long periods of time without any activity.

Publish the magazine in PDF format as issues of the magazine.

Make threads on this board some time before the release of each issue of Bunker magazine that are dedicated to taking submissions for the magazine.

Plan events on the Internet for promotion of the magazine such as live streams.

Have a core team that regularly gets together and chats with each other about how to run the magazine and other things that need to be done with the magazine.

If Bunker magazine can't be saved then start a new magazine which takes into account what made Bunker magazine fail and makes an attempt create a magazine that does not repeat those problems again.

Also, on one last note I think we should look at other Ezines to see what they do right and see how they are more successful.

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Dumb, this is not good unless you were a printed magazine on the first place

this been done before

Just spam it on reddit and call it a day

That's called an editiorial board, just an extension of your first point

That's called a reboot


Hey I'd love it for a couple people to come on board in a chat who'd regularly contribute content.

Tell me when you find some.

ignore flag

Have actual editorial standards (no allowing Zionists or other retards on the magazine), and gather donations to PAY the writers. Make it like a competition.

hmmm not sure that's the best idea.

But I have brought up the idea of setting up donations or even ads to be distributed among the writers and the site dev, but the site dev was against it.

This and also remove the retarded posts like in pic related.

Those are two of the best posts and you should fucking kill yourself

Is if either of those articles are worse than what's between them. No need to be so triggered over spanish radioshows comrade.

Adopt a trip you idiot



I think a lot of posts in the US Election thread and some other threads are, on occasion, well thought out and referenced and would make good articles that I'd read.

So, instead of this: Why not instead gather a group of people who read Holla Forums, and have them find good posts, then reply to the person and politely ask them to write an article?

Hopefully this would have two desired effects: 1. People become flattered that their writing was individually recognized and appreciated, and perhaps their thoughts aren't doomed to the internet void like most other comments, and 2. Maybe the post/board quality would rise slightly because people hope to be picked? lol, that's probably too much to hope for.

….I guess it could also just backfire and people would get upset at "Bunkermag shilling" though, who knows.

I'll give my thoughts on some of the ideas posted in the thread thus far.

Good idea, but that necessitates having a group that is capable of dedicating the necessary time on a regular basis. That is asking a lot, and I question how many volunteers you'd likely get long-term
I'm skeptical of doing this. On the one hand, it sets deadlines when certain thresholds of content must be filled to help motivate contributors. On the other hand, if at any point the magazine falls below that threshold (which it inevitably will due to any number of reasons), the format falls apart. For our purposes, I think sticking to individual digital articles works fine.
Honestly, assuming you're getting a few articles a week, you could easily make a thread whenever a new article is released. Keeps active exposure for the magazine, stimulates discussion, and encourages other contributors to get "their chance in the spotlight."
The magazine was working towards getting a bit more of a multi-media presence with partnering up with Youtubers and such. I think it would be worthwhile to renew that project and maybe get something like Bunkerbantz or similar radio/podcast back up and running (though under a more controlled format). There was also always talk long ago of getting a semi-regular small comic section added on the side, and we seem to have more drawfags than ever right now. Maybe see if any of them are willing to pitch in.
A bit vague, but good idea.
I personally don't see Bunkermag as unsalvagable, but sure.

This is more community project than anything. Aside from more ideologically-based concerns about running the magazine like a business, it's also a bad idea from a practical sense to offer rewards (cash especially) for writers of "quality" based on highly subjective criteria. That's an open invitation for abuse that we don't really need.

If I want purely run-of-the-mill political commentary and newsfeed, I know of dozens of semi-decent sites that can provide that already. Articles like those in your image (while I do think they should be kept in a "less serious" categorization on the site) are unique and showcase alternative perspectives/ideas that would never fly in areas of more mainstream notability.

I really like this idea actually. Back when Bunkermag was more active, I (as well as many others) had the desire to write a piece, but never really knew what to write about. In a way, I think a number of people simply didn't know what sort of expertise and viewpoints they held were worth expanding upon and sharing.

However, you do run into a slight problem in that you must then resolve what the purpose of the magazine is meant to be. From my understanding, Bunkermag was intended to be essentially a platform for amateur writers and journalists (mostly from Holla Forums) to have a semi-professional platform to share their work regarding the political left. If we go more towards a system you describe, we'll be moving more towards the magazine acting as curation rather than incubation. That's not to say that role is not welcome, but it relies on would-be contributors being active posters on the board here first and foremost before they can be selected to write specific pieces. That might be troublesome if threads are not prevalent that touch on topics would-be contributors are familiar with or feel compelled to discuss.

That's of course is all assuming (and maybe wrongfully so, I might be misinterpreting) that you mean to say that being chosen by the "curators" gives you exclusive rights to contribute; a system I don't see as being enforceable anyways given that most people post anonymously anyways. If it simply is a way of saying "this is good, and we encourage you to expand upon it," then this might be workable.

Also I wouldn't worry too much about "Bunkermag shilling." It was endorsed as essentially the official long-form writing platform for Holla Forums for many months, and I think most people still have fond opinions of it.

No, why would it have to rely on that? Anyone can submit an article right now, even if they don't post here regularly, right?

It would be the same thing; except you're picking out people who already had the motivation to get fired up enough to write a blogpost that few people will ever read, so why not have them finish the job?


Start a channel

My comments on the reliance on board posts was assuming that picking out posts to encourage expansion in article form meant those individuals had exclusivity when it came to contribution. I already stated that said exclusivity would be a bad idea shortly then after.

Those are the only worthwhile posts on that site.

I would suggest an epub format and a pdf, epub because its much better for ereaders and epub is open source.


this is the kind of bullshit we need

I want to a series of articles for bunkermag but english is not my first language so they'll be awkward to read.

I'm the user who is reading Dungin's The Fourth Political Theory and made a thread posting some criticism and concerns and I tought of writting a full chapter by chapter critique of the book, sounds like something right up the alley of bunkermag

Do you know anybody who could help you write and edit those article with you? Because that's what I'd do if I was you.

Also, everybody here is free to volunteer for.

Sadly I don't have an editor but I'll love somebody helped me with that

Translate the articles into Esperanto



Here, I wrote an article for you guys:

Social Justice for Kung Fu Assassins

Under contemporary crony capitalism, people get robbed of all their variety, overlapping identities are denied, the fluidity and temporality of personalities gets frozen, and people are put into claustrophobic boxes. And boxes within boxes within boxes. And boxes are binary concepts, you are either in a box or outside of box. You are either a man or a woman, a winner or a loser, and so on. This is especially true for mass media representations, and one of the most hurtful ones is the scaremongering and stereotyping around kung fu assassins.

According to the media, kung fu assassins must have a particular gender and race. Only your job exists, you are not shown as a loving father, and a loving mother is unthinkable. Let's open the boxes of stereotyping, and throw them away!

Most people, even those who consider themselves educated, would not even think that you can be both a Black Christian Woman and leftwing activist and kung fu assassin who finds moments of spiritual solace and (f)empowerment when admiring the paintings of Thomas Kinkade.

cont. from
What do you see in a movie? What you see is blood hitting the face of a child of the "innocent victim" as the kung fu assassin rips out the target's beating heart. What you NOT see is the face of the child of the kung fu assassin, sitting under the Christmas Tree, red with joy ripping open the biggest box, and there is a Nintendo inside!

That's Hollywood for you. There are people who say race and gender are topics of yesterday, that they don't even see race. Yet, in the citadels of power there are clearly different patterns of race and gender than in society at large. Fact: Most Jews aren't kung fu assassins. Think about it.

Capitalism kills creativity. What's in the cinema: remakes of remakes of remakes. And you know what the worst thing is: when a movie assassin isn't even a kung fu assassin. Instead it's some prettyboy with a sniper rifle and no skill. (Of course I protect my child from seeing that sort of garbage.) This gives people the wrong idea when they think about hiring an assassin. So the tools do the job now. Important moments in life and death are industrialized away. Would you have a robot speak at your marriage or funeral? This lacks the human touch.

We need to think in a holistic way. We must link up our understanding of cultural mores with our understanding of the economy, or we won't understand either. It is not enough for a businessman to accept a woman as a business partner. A businessman should never call off the assassination of a competitor just because she is a woman. My job is on the line here! And the wellbeing of my child! Think of the children, please.


I know but muh alliteration combo


Actually not bad satire

Here you go faggots

I was just thinking that what the Left really needs is another publication full of articles by people who can barely write.

What is a good size (in amount of words) for an article?

Maybe you should start one. You'd fit right in.

700 to 1000

You can do more than that of course, but I really think it should at least be 700

As little as possible to get your full message across.

Increasing your word count for its own sake is the SUREST sign of a terrible writer.

Of course I want people to get to their point as efficiently as possible, but anything less than 700 words tends to make for a rather abrupt article

Rather than being a daily news site that publishes articles whenever, why not switch to a quarterly format and release multiple articles every few months, in PDF with a dedicated layout?

Uh… I actually took the only magazine I read, fortean times and counted how many words fit per main article column, did the math and set myself a page length. So I was aiming to write a 2400 word article-

But no more than 1500 should be better

That is very refinated but will lose the propaganda power.

How often are you planning to publish? I have some experience but more importantly, I have some time to work on edits and helping to put things together.

For contribution, I'm happy to try to contribute ~700-1000 words a month. But I think I can do more with proofing pieces.

Why not have frequent updates and then a monthly compendium of select works and longer pieces that would be better suited for something like that? These aren't mutually exclusive schedules imo.


Just write, dude. I got something into media and I was surprised someone took it. Just write. It's BunkerMag, not the New Yorker. You only get better and develop stronger analysis through writing (and obviously reading too).

To proofread I'd need to give you admin muh privileges, something I'm just not sure how to do. I can take care of the proof reading in general. But those 700-1000 words a month are greatly appreciated.

Also, at best we get some 4 pieces a month, not much to make a compendium out of.

pretty much this

Bunkermag is just as easily a way for people in the community to better themselves as it is a propaganda outlet.

Oh wow, I didn't know it was so inactive. I'll start contributing light pop culture commentary immediately, then.

Not sure if this is the kind of thing you guys want, but I could write about how to support and help someone who's behind bars, plus a few basic tips for people who find themselves locked up. Also things like procedures for prison siege scenarios and any other stuff people want to know about.

Used to be corrections officer until the sheer fucked upness of the prison-industrial complex hit like a hammer and eventually led to me devouring a lot of Marxist, old black power, and anarchist texts. Example of the kind of stuff that could be included for supporting an incarcerated comrade:

Many prisons require inmates to buy basic supplies like toothpaste and socks on their own dime, and when you're picking cotton for a nickel an hour that shit is prohibitively expensive. Transferring money to an incarcerated friend or relative usually involves corporations like J-Pay that make a killing with huge transaction fees. One way to minimize that at many facilities is via hobbycraft. Have the inmate in question make you a shitty painting of a duck and buy it for however much money you want to send; usually the amount they take is a lower percentage for hobbycraft than straight cash transfer. Lot of people I knew would do that and buy a crappy work of "art" from their cousin for $200.

this would be interesting, would read

It would be nice if Holla Forums actually fucking read theory and kept up to date with multiple new sources.
I'm very much in favour of starting a reading group with people who will actually stick to it.
I don't want this to turn into reddit or Holla Forums (i.e a faggoty circle jerk)
We need to take action - and knowing is half the battle

very nice

I'd write for it, but I haven't read Zizek…or Stirner…or anyone but Marx. I'm afraid my content would be that of the uneducated.

Start a Capital Volume 1 reading group with journals and secondary text chapters. It'll be the most useful thing this board has ever had.

There are much, much better places to start than Capital. Like if the issue is that nobody reads, diving into Capital is a surefire way to ensure that people get lost, disheartened, and confused. Not even a big Lenin fan but State and Revolution is a great introduction. Rosa has good stuff to start with too. Getting some other stuff under the group's collective belt and then moving on to Capital is probably easier.

Is the point for BunkerMag to be an academic quality journal?

No there aren't, which is all the more reason that you start reading it too.

thank you my man

we'd publish this

bampu ;3

It`s Uhre tier- shit.

One thing that I've found some of the articles useful for in the past is answering some FAQ type stuff that gets posted a lot around here and on other boards in relation to leftist politics. Would it be possible to have some way to get pieces into a good-looking PDF form that can be downloaded per-article? Some of the stuff I'd like to have on hand to post as a PDF without it looking like a shitty printscreen.


First time even hearing about this. I'll try and write some stuff soon and send it in.

Awesome! Much appreciated

There was a thread about making a jargon dictionary for certain words like class (and classcuck) a couple months ago. Some suggested definitions I saved on another computer than the one I'm now on and can re-post that tomorrow.