Ammon Bundy and his band of reactionaries were just found not guilty of all charges

Ammon Bundy and his band of reactionaries were just found not guilty of all charges.

Meanwhile, in Standing Rockā€¦

How the fuck were they found not guilty of this shit?

Jury nullification, apparently.

Fuck off, they're revolutionaries

Fuck off

Just today at Standing Rock there have been mass arrests of protesters who were holding a prayer circle.

occupancy and use principle applies to republicans too.

No they actually didn't. The controlled burn went onto government property only slightly, and had no negative impacts.

Well, retard, if it makes you feel any better, the land will now be used by a multinational uranium mining corporation.


stop eating nigger

muh turtles.

NODAPL is contending that the police are now trespassing on their treaty land.

Cattle ranching itself devastates the land and the environment. Several studies show this, if you can be asspained enough to read them.

If the state want to treat us as if we are under military occupation, then we should do the same.

t. Primitivist

I know one of one such study that says that proper, mobile grazing (the kind you need predation or simulated predation to keep on the move) actually leads to more flora due to the effect of herds compacting and fertilizing the dirt they walk over.

This is quite pleasant news. Not a big fan of the FBI and the reckless murder they carried out here.

Holla Forums needs to fucking leave.

Yeah dude. Us lefts love when cops kill people especially ones who are doing no harm.

I could care less if cops kill reactionary scumfucks that want to exploit natural resources for private financial gain.

Standing Rock protestors need to stop pussyfooting around and start digging trenches tbh. They should learn from their Canadian comrades.

They're protesters peacefully asserting their rights and their financial gain extends to self-sustainment and independence which any human should seek out and be able to achieve

too bad you're too asspained to post them, huh?

report shitposters

No surprise
Right wing terrorists get a free pass in American media (unless it's racist because then it fits with MSNBC's narrative)
All this tells me is if a clandestine communist group wanted to operate unopposed on america, just have right wing pr and say you hate Obama and love fox news

You think they got a free pass? What were you doing when this was going on? Literally every day there were a half dozen front page articles propagandizing against them.

Ok bud
And by Free pass I mean leftists doing the exact same thing would have been shot


european here

I don't understand any of this, depending on who's talking about it it's either ranches burning down a nature reserve or the government stripping people of their farm land

what is really the case here?


if u take up arms against your enemy then it makes u as bad as the enemy :^(

I'll tell you they're both fairly disingenuous reports. For example, the burn was ordinary maintenance and sensationally reported on because most people don't know that.

It seems like all those stories about how even the Local People want them to go were fabricated. The local people apparently thought they were totally innocent.

They're fucking kulaks and deserve to burn in gulags.

Not bringing guns was their first mistake.
All protesters need that type of deterrent at this point.

And, they would be released without any real charges. And have the support of the media and a couple presidential and former presidential candidates.

Meanwhile, Oregon received practically no media support, one of the protesters actually got shot, and everyone was arrested. (Arrested =/= convicted.)

Stay dumb Holla Forums.


Stay dumb Holla Forums.

What's with that disgusting notepad?
Is the author completely incapable of handwriting?
