Question for Nihilists: Why haven't you kill yourself?

Question for Nihilists: Why haven't you kill yourself?
You claim that life has no meaning, yet you consistently act as though it does. I anticipate a response will be something like "I have no reason to live just as I have no reason to kill myself" but that doesn't explain at all why you consistently chose to continue your life, rather than not. obviously you perceive some value. it is impossible to live by the contradiction "I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless"

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What's it to you?

I enjoy sex, alcohol, drugs and shitposting. Just because life is meaningless doesn't mean i cant try to enjoy myself.

Your life is meaningless, deal with it instead of praying to an all powerfull sky god that can have all his plans fucked up by a snake with some fruit.

this is a pre school understanding of nihilism and complete ignorance of anarchist nihilism

Nihilists: is there a meaning in death ?
then why killing oneself stupid ?

Well some Swedish guys liked it. Care to explain?

You can't fuck girls in the ass when you are dead famalan.
That's the main reason why I haven't killed myself.


I'll give you credit for at least anticipating the appropriate response to that, which is that there's no more reason to live than there is to die.

Continuing to live isn't a conscious choice I make, so much as my faciticty/throwness into the field of possibilities I live in. Whether or not it's wrong in the grand scheme of things obviously doesn't matter to a fucking nihilist, because I cannot so easily escape my will to live. I could try to do so by meditating a lot and purging myself of all interests until I eventually just perished in complete indifference from starvation, but it would be pretty fucking hard to do and would require a whole lot of dedication to get to that point. It would be really ironic to care that much about trying to not care, would it not?

If one could authentically just stop caring and die, then they would be the passive nihilist sage and I would have mad respect for them. I just doubt whether anyone could ever do something like that.

But taking your own life actively is a different story. Suicide is the greatest affirmation of meaning you can take, because you are so convinced of the value and meaningfulness of your life that you will literally stake your life on it. You value your life so much that everything else that exists as an object of your consciousness is negated in your death, making your ultimate act a final affirmation of meaning that exhausts your physical self. You choose to make yourself a sacrifice to meaning, like a self-immolating monk, in other words.

And then naturally the other side of this is to deny that there is any meaning or necessity to the narratives and values we impose on the world, so uphold our desires and to destroy bourgeois values in the inhuman, willful task of negation. Perhaps with the possibility of then creating our own values, but we have no right at the moment to make any kind of claims about that.

What mental gymnastics are you going to pull to say this isn't meaning?

How are you implying that any of that constitutes a meaning to life ?

was the Crucifixion of Jesus active or passive suicide?

still don't get why nihilists allude to or are attracted to buddhism

still don't get why nihilists allude to or are attracted to buddhism

If it isn't something actively chosen it's not really suicide now is it.

I seriously hope you are not implying that reason to live = meaning of life.

I always thought Nihilism meant you make up your own meaning and gain the power to realize it.

Regardless, if life has no meaning, why would death either?

because i enjoy living

It's because Buddhism has a strong element of passive nihilism in it, which is why is appealed so much to Schopenhauer.

can one of the anarcho-nihilists recreate the manifesto of a response i saw 3 or so weeks ago where they explained their stance/reasoning to an user? I can't remember exactly what was said in it but i remember enjoying what i read.

Happened. See Mumified Buddhas (or living Buddhas) medidators who died during meditation peacefully due to lack of food, water and sleep

it's not active suicide, but you leave the door open to passively dying. Jesus certainly set himself out to die. expanding on that, Suicide by cop and kamikaze attacks are also seen as acts of suicide, but they lack the life-value you ascribe to suicide. what do you think of these?

As Western philosophers did, many confuse Buddhism for being nihilist when it isn't.

This may not apply to N1x though.

I haven't consistently chosen life. Tried to kill myself a few times, didn't pan out, life seems pretty good at the moment, so until it sucks again, I'm just gonna roll with it.

don't forget to sage, lads

are you active nihilist ?
plz say yes

they didn't confuse Buddhism with nihilism

Hegel said that Buddhism is the dialectical product of nihilism you miss understood him
Nietzsche on the other hand was full of shit

I would post the relevant passage from Life and Fate, but then I realized that fascism won, so if you want go to page 325, or better read the entire book.
(It's Ikonnikov's letter, if anyone who has read it wants to discuss it
Everyone should read the book tbh, I imagine some of the reactions already (babby's first anti-nihilism and so on), but if not for anything read it for the amazing prose. It's once in a civilization stuff.

Expanding on this, Nihilists are all hypocrites. We can say there might be some historical examples, Buddhist mummies, et al, but even then their motivations might seem hypocritical. Really, a Nihilist has two minds, one more visceral derived from thrownness is a value system with beliefs so banal they would make them blush. This is what they use everyday. Then we have a higher mind that realizes all of that is rather queer. It is a contradiction, but people are allowed to contradict themselves. a Nihilist isn't obligated to any course of action. a Nihilist can be a Nazi, a monarchist, a republican, and a religious terrorist, all as easy as one another. The only reason nihilists are known ascribe to certain platforms like Anarchism, is really just a demographic phenomena, there is no reason to it.

That's lit af and really inspiring honestly.

What are you talking about exactly? Honestly I probably wrote it :^)

That's an interesting question. I hadn't actually considered those cases.

The thing about the case I gave before of letting yourself die of starvation is that I consider it to be the fullest expression of passive nihilism because passive nihilism is ultimately shutting yourself up to everything other than your own petty concerns. You don't take action against any external forces because you just want to be left alone, in other words. But even then, you cannot escape the political if you still reproduce narratives that have been structured into you when you're living your life as a passive nihilist - everywhere from being a devout Christian to committing suicide is a reproduction of narratives. So levelling yourself down to just your physical, bodily needs and then negating even those is to annihilate the political and the natural world, leaving yourself with the maximum amount of negative freedom we can have.

The funny thing about that too is that the examples you gave are highly political. Being crucified or committing kamikaze/death by cop are all strong political statements, and I guess I might say that it's kind of like a lower form of active suicide. You're still offering yourself up as a sacrifice to a narrative, but unlike a true active suicide - something wholly personal where you actively take your life - you are sacrificing yourself to some other less-fundamental narrative other than meaning and Selfhood.

I mean that's just my thoughts off the top of my head so might be complete bullshit too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I wouldn't say that Buddhism is out and out nihilism, but I do definitely think that there is a strong passive nihilist undercurrent in Buddhist thought. Which is fine, because they do it far better than Westerners.

Of course famrade.


i remember it mentioned 'being ready for the revolution' or something like & how to rebel against consumerism by doing nothing lol idk i was in class when i read it but it was pretty nice i wish this board had an archive

I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself. That's the only reason why. If my government had assisted suicide, I'd sign up immediately.

Good news then.
Spend all your savings on hookers and blow and after a 10-day binge go in peace. Film it too, it will be the Dziga Vertov of liberalism.

Thanks, I'll keep tabs on this. Hopefully it ends up passing.

go for a drug overdose, preferably heroin or another opiate, you'll go out in a state of bliss without realizing you're dead

You're thinking of Existentialism.

A philosopher said “Life is no better than death. Death is no worse than life” His student asked if that was the case then why was he still living. The philosopher replied. “Death is longer”

-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

After this thread, I want to.

Because today living suits me, tomorrow it might not. Why does it matter so much?

because i have no imperative to do so and i dont believe that life has to have any supernatural or cosmic meaning to want to live
recognizing that there is no meaning in life is not the same as being seriously depressed and wanting to die

It actually does.

Stupid argument. The question of meaning is a malformed one. One will always find a way to be able to ascribe meaninglessness or meaning to a world. It will always be arbitrary.
It's just like the question of free will. Useless question.

Go bite Kantian metametaphysics in the jugular.

does nihilism refute itself?

Nihilists think that the meaning of life is to be edgy and seek attention. Its basically just a fascination for petit-bourgeois teenagers

Isn't the conclusion of nihilism tha there is no objective or God given meaning to life and that the only meaning to life is what you desire?

Go back to your grave Bookchin.

No, nihilism is a lot more complex than "no meaning". Passive-nihilism is surely self refuting though.

If nothing has meaning then theres also no meaning in killing yourself.

how is passive nihilism self-refuting?

The meaning of life is subjective, so is morality.

The epitome of passive-nihilism is for Nietzsche resignation, or as Kierkegaard would call it: "levelling". Denial of the will as the prime mover, and therefore as great threat to the individual (because for Schopenhauer the self is a "maya", a dream like illusion).

So passive-nihilism is essentially alienation from values, people become passive-nihilists when they realise the egoistic nature of morality but still find societal morality useful or at the very least still try to cover over the fact that morality is egoistic to themselves

So therefore, we find that passive-nihilism is only about judgement, and therefore is a useless philosophy (and is therefore self refuting from the view of someone like me who is only interested in application of philosophy to one's life) whereas active-nihilism goes beyond judgement and towards deeds.

In this way passive-nihilism is a transitional stage or one for learning, for both Nietzsche and Kierkegaard.

So basically Protestants are passive-nihilists and Catholics are active-nihilists.

What? No.

Lol just wanted to see how you'd react.

I think a good idea would be to understand some of the terms on the subject before posting, but that can be difficult.

I find the meaning of life to be incredibly intuitive (in a løgstrup sense), very real and fluid.
“For the real world has inexhaustible splendour, the real life is full of meaning and abundance, where we grasp it, it is full of miracles and glory.” N. Hartmann

It can be hard to see through the capitalist-cultural mechanistic doctrine of matter, in which the Parmenides idea of everything being still, nothing moving, everything being random, and the platonic idea of the unchanging genetic code, and that a cell is a happenstance random collection of chemicals without any meaning in and of itself, is regarded as irrefutable scientific truths, while in reality they are almost purely ideological and rely on odd theological commitments and strange pseudo-scientific reasoning.

It's rude to bully!!!!

This is more of a question for

What makes you think death has meaning? Also look how many people DO kill themselves, people do often make those choices.

Besides that, we don't know what will happen after death, maybe humans are biased to take choices that lead to known outcomes?

Should one kill oneself? Killing oneself, though, implies some sense of resistance: one must possess a value that one can destroy. Where there is nothing, the destructive actions themselves crumble to nothing. You cannot hurl a void into a void. "If only a rock would fall and kill me," wrote Kierkegaard, "at least that would be an expedient." I doubt if there is anyone today who has not been touched by the horror of a thought such as that. Inertia is the surest killer, the inertia of people who settle for senility at eighteen, plunging eight hours a day into degrading work and feeding on ideologies. Beneath the miserable tinsel of the spectacle there are only gaunt figures yearning for, yet dreading, Kierkegaard's "expedient," so that they might never again have to desire what they dread and dread what they desire.

the nigga didn't fight back sooo :DDD