Cultural Marxism and Postmodernism

Since the mid-20th century Jewish intellectuals have wiped out love for the beauty of Western Civilization in the humanities and replaced it with unscientific kabbalah word-magic.

Take "deconstruction" for instance: it proposes there is no true reality, and everything that exists is merely a product of language, and all language ultimately fails to convey true meaning because it is inherently fragmented. This is one way how SJWs brainwash. They claim words like "white", "black", "male", "female" and such are arbitrary and can have their recognized meanings flipped, but that human behavior and the way we see are entirely dependent on them. This is where we get political correctness as SJWs think the way to reshape society is to reshape the meanings of words and language-police so that "bad words" or "bad meanings" don't resurface.

All of this is very similar to the Jewish kabbalah. According to the kabbalah, the Hebrew god created the world through language and continues to reveal and create through language. But, according to kabbalah, the Hebrew god became fragmented due to creation, and must be returned to one-ness by the Jews who reveal and "release" the lost sparks of holiness through their deeds. Since the Zohar says "as above, so below", a fragmented master god in need of repair means language is fragmented and in need of repair.

We must fight this evil before it's too late.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are there Holla Forumsyps who really believe this?




While these threads never work, it's worth a try.

Is 'deconstructionism' praxis?


Now this is the real unscientific kabbalah word-magic.

Imagine how fucking depressing your life must be to beloeve that Jewish Space Lizards from planet Not An Argument rule the world rather than the must simpler explanation of it's just the fucking rich people, fam.

Are the idiots claiming Benjamin was a Jewizard hell-bent on destroying European culture aware that he was an expert on Goethe and Kafka and translated Baudelaire and Proust into German?

This. People would literally rather believe in aliens and secret societies than entertain the possibility that porkies are just assholes.

Benjamin was a genius. You should try actually reading his work.



Sauce one the song?

As someone that actually studied the history of Kabbalah, these threads trigger me so fucking hard.

Benjamin used Kabbalistic analogues in his Theses on the Philosophy of History (shards of the past, messianic time, etc.) to actually harshly critique historical materialism. How then, praytell, does that make him part of a Marxist conspiracy?

Sage you dumb faggot.

SJWs, the alt-right and postmodernism as a whole are all products of neoliberalism, beginning in the 70's.

With the rise of credit and finance in the 70's, capital became unmoored from space and time. Culture, language and the superstructure of society as a whole followed suit.

You silly bitch.

Here was the primary aim of the Frankfurt School: to figure out how Nazism and Stalinism (and totalitarianism in general) came to be and why ideologues on both sides actually ended up desiring their own repression (a pathology that still exists today, clearly). They attempted to use Freudian psychoanalysis to figure out this latter part.

Some of their observations are quite astute and still ring true today. Some are total hogwash. But nowhere in any of their work is an overarching theme of destroying "Western Civilization." In fact, they wanted to know why this thing called Western Civilization was (and still is) hellbent on destroying itself.

Also, if you actually read their work, you'll discover that Adorno and Horkheimer both defended the family as a vital institution in any healthy society, that Adorno held a particularly strong disdain for the New Left, hippies and praxists/militant communists, that Habermas strongly believes in the Judaic ethic of justice and the Christian ethic of love ("all else is idle postmodern talk") and that Axel Honneth's primary work is on the defense of individual autonomy.

This is some jack chick level logic going on right here