Can somebody explain how this shit is "competitive" and "skill based"

Can somebody explain how this shit is "competitive" and "skill based"

I'm sorry for the soundless webm, but Jesus fucking Christ look at this shit.

A game doesn't need to be realistic to be competitive
sage for shitty thread

git gud

You can see all the shots missing and landing on the wall about where the terrorist's ear is.

I can't believe I share the same board as you

welp, is right

oh fuck he has a bingo card. all your arguments are invalid because bingo card

Hello VIDF

64 tick and also csgo is pretty bad. Multiplayer games are pretty bad in general. Don't bother with them, play good games, you'll be happier in the end.

But Insurgency and Siege are a blast though.
For some reason they have less players than this piece of shit

Whats the problem, you missed every single shot and stood there like a retard instead of dipping to the left and letting your teammate get a free kill/not miss your shots.

CS GO is awful but you're just bad at the game.

You didn't missed, is much more as if you failed from the start.


insurgency is fucking terrible. Holy shit kill yourself.

There are 3 shots where the crosshair is almost entire within the bounds of the head.
fat man defence force out again huh?

Like anyone will care what a singleplayer shitter thinks about multiplayers?

I think out of the 7 shots he took, his crosshair POSSIBLY wasn't on the head for 1-2. I went and reviewed the video and besides the 1 or 2 shots, the others are lined up just fine. Then again, everyone knows GO is garbage when it comes to your bullets going where you want them to, even with spread and recoil accounted for.

Also, 64ticklol. Play a better game, OP. Sage for Global Offensive shit.

Is that supposed to be OP or some stream? Are we supposed to be commenting on the bullet sponge health, or both players fucking terrible play? Why the fuck is POV sitting like a duck, not even slightly behind cover? Why is the other nerd running straight fucking at him?

Why is everyone ITT talking about the aim? Is this just normal play when it comes to CS:GO? I knew the game was a hitscan based joke, but I didn't realize it was this bad


Not everyone wants to play counter strike in Battlefield maps I guess.

what a sad life you live, probably a reddit mustard race


It's a petty self-serving thread that you're forcibly keeping alive just to stroke your streamfag ego. Fuck off

What are you even going on about you fucking loon

Look at the timing from the shots, the first 3 shots when the T is moving sideways before lining up are all too late and land on the wall because the retard can't aim.
The T is fucking terrible running in a straight line while emptying his glock too, and the guy shooting can't even line up his crosshair right while the T is just running like a complete fucktard and pretty much placing his head on the crosshair on his own.
And the moron managed to miss even then.

Everybody knows it's a esport bait game for teens and preteens that is miserable to actually play. No need for another thread about it.

>Thinking playing with retarded AI in any game is more fun than outplaying people that are basically random

nigger are you retarded, people fucking suck to play with

I'm anti-social as fuck but even I can enjoy Mario Party from time to time.

co-op/local is a fair exception. just not esports

You don't even sound like a jaded neet anymore

You sound like an edgy 13 year old

you would be wrong, but you are used to making the wrong decisions in life, aren't you

That armor he had should have been shred. CS isn't competitive only faggots think it is. Anyways hitscan is shit if it isn't implemented well, or has good hitboxes.

esports cultivate terrible communities, with that I agree.
There are games where you're pretty much forced to collaborate which can create good online communities in which random people are less likely to be assholes than not in which playing online with people you don't know isn't like picking some brown substance from the street and placing it in your mouth hoping it's chocolate.

They're pretty rare though.

He's aiming where the op is as opposed to where he's going to be. By the time he can fire the next shot the op has already moved out of the line of fire.

Nice bullshot though.

cs has hitscan weapons, the same frame you click is the same frame the weapon hits the target. you don't need to aim where your target is supposed to be. It's a shit game with awful network code.

dumb frogposter

He is actually playing in 4:3 instead of the superior 16:9 therefore his aim is off but he can't see it is off.

You hit ~maybe~ 3 shots. You were definitely seeing the crosshair on him, but the bullet trajectory was deviating from the center of your screen because guns in Counter-Strike have spray patterns, and in GO in they are Not random.

I included a gif of the spray pattern for the pistol you were using, can you tell me now why you missed?


this fucking website

Thanks Satan

one pistol kill wouldn't have mattered in the slightest you fucking podbot shitter

Oh hey, I usually like volve games, but fuck CS:GO

You can clearly see the bolets clipping through the bad man's skull

shit game is shit and valvedrones will defend it, who knew?

top fucking kekerino


I still maintain that this is the gayest fucking thing ever.


i cant believe how terrible you are at video games. obviously youre not supposed to aim at his head. how the fuck can you master bunny hopping and not know how to adjust your aim a little?

I have nearly 1800 hours in CS:GO. I can tell you that it has always had complete bullshit retarded hit detection. Source was somehow better than this game.

Valve needs a game to actually compete against CS:GO so they will get off their ass and fix the game.

I hate Counter-Strike, but you do actually need to git gud. All I see is a scrub getting mown down.

If you're not willing to essentially get your Masters in Advanced Unemployment Studies by studying the game for hours a day every day for years, it's not for you.
If you're not already competent at CS, the ship has sailed.

Silver scrub detected.

insurgency is alot better
the thing is getting the retards to quit playing cs:go

it isn't.

It's just the male equivalent of dress-up, except it's not dolls,it's guns

Now this is autism.

Yes, this is why Holla Forums sucks at video games. I am explaining basic mechanics of a video game and you call it autism.

You should kill yourself.

I thought people on Holla Forums are great at playing games. That's why they critically analyze them.

There's good people and there's also people who are terrible at games and blame the game instead of themselves everytime.


This is why these threads sucks. OP just wants to complain instead of realizing his/her mistakes and improve their skill.

In short: GIT GUD

FPS went downhill as soon as the CS mod was released.

Speaking of Siege, I bought two days ago after updating my rig and I'm starting to have tons of fun, it was hell in the start but I feel like I got gud at it.
I still feel like I'm cursed to lose a match every time I'm the MVP.

Normalfags are not allowed on this board.

cs go requires a decent bit of muscle memory as well as quick twitch, but tbh you can spend your time on something else more fun like EDF or baking cakes, instead of practicing CS:GO

i like making banana bread

I'll give it to you, the European community is normalfag levels of cancer, however the American community is usually pretty chill and helpful.

There must be a special hell for people like this.

It pretty much is if you play on a good server. Let go of matchmaking, collect a few friends around your levels, rent a tick 128 server and the game plays a lot differently.

However, what I hate about CSGO isn't the game itself but it's what it started. This trend of tacking competitive (ie. ladder based) matchmaking modes in games. And CSGO showed that you can be successful, and not only because of your brand (I'd love to see the overlap between CS, CSS and CSGO players), if you are a barebones multiplayer only game with just a nice ladder to climb and some skins to buy.

You guys are still playing this shit? Why don't you buy Fallout 4 instead?

All the people defending GO hitdetection have never played competitively in their life, there's a reason why there's more cheater now.(because the skill ceiling is so low, there's no other way to get the edge)

Here is proof, using source. On a listen server with bots, using the auto sniper(one shot kill every time to head, two shot body), my velocity is zero so no movement inaccuracy(movement inaccuracy actually stops at around 90vel as long as there's no input but yeah), time is slowed down by a factor of 100. As you can see, there is clearly a blood splatter on his head, but he is not dead. This would happen at a rate of about 10%, it was more common during (bot) jumps and top down firing. I 2 shotted him afterwords and it only gave me 2 shots in console rather than 3.

As you can see, the game denies you hits that are rightfully yours. CSS was meant to be the better game(even after the updates that ruined it) and it still gets this bad hit detection.

Its competitive because

There are people who actually pay for multiple copies of this game just so they can matchmake in different ranks and farm skins.

The gameplay is pretty shit and theres a handful of similar games that do everything better.
Go play Arma or insurgency.

Chances are, you were playing with furries.

Matchmaking is good for people like me who play the game casually but still want a competitive environment.

Pubs in CS suck balls, as far as I am concerned.

CS:GO is bad but turning off dynamic crosshair and wanting confirmation bias because you're shit at videogames is even worse.

To answer OP's question: any game that enough people take seriously can become "competitive" and "skill based". More than anything else, it's a question of the mindset of the majority of players.

It's not his fault though, it's a shit game with shitty lag, shitty hotboxes, and shitty gameplay. Valve hasn't made a game within 7 years, let alone a quality one. Valve didn't even make this game, they outsourced it to some fuckhead indie studio. Why should you get good at something that isn't even fun?

All weapons have a certain random deviance, at least on the first shot. OP's shooting appears to be accounting for the spread, but he shot just a little too quickly for it to settle.

Round 1 you don't even get any head armor in Competitive mode, so all close-range headshots are lethal. The T should have been killed at that range, but OP's shots were probably off due to his rate of fire. Sage for double-post.

Ohh come on now, is this your only argument against it? Yes cs:go is bad, I do hate it, but hit reg is rarely this bad. Your webm is just a extremely rare case. And other games have waaaay worse hitreg.

cs:go has server side hit reg, this means the server calculates all that shit, while games like cod and bf have client side. Which means if you are on a server and play against a nigger from africa that has 300 ping you can die even if you are in cover already. Because his game is laggy, he sees you in the open because his internet is trash and when he shoots you his client reports that you died and you will die for no reason.

That shit is hardly better than what cs:go has.

CS is trash



shit hitboxes, but you're right that the game isn't skill-based at all and the redditors who play it plague this place


CS:GOY is pure RNG, the illusion of skill. Consider every headshot a lucky one.


How retarded can you get?

About as retarded as he has shown.
It's like people understand 'high ping is bad' but then when witnessing what ping does he just doesn't get it.

Unless I am wrong, he didn't hit more than a few headshots.
Don't know how many it takes, but a good number of his were off target.

CS:GO is a shit game, anyway.

And it is only slightly better at lower pings. These tic rates are not new. Why do you think people got mad when Valve lowered the max allowed ticrates in cs:s?

You can't use tickrate as an excuse, it works the same for you and for your opponents.

If you don't like the tickrate you can always not play through matchmaking.

The only time this game gets even close to competitive is on LAN, the official servers are just a joke.

Not only is this game not competitive in matchmaking, it's beyond fucking toxic as well. Not only is there barely anyone on their simply playing for fun, there isnt even any genuine tourneyfags at this point either. The community is nothing but a bunch of redditors who think they're playing "The most tactical, skill-based shooter ever made" even though they've never left de_dust2 and all they know how to do is buy P90 and smoke cross from long doors.

The only enjoyment I can get out of this game is playing it a LANs with my friends or watching the pro scene, but even that is getting unbearable after all the money Valve has pumped into it.

so he was a nazi after all

It's like you don't even wanna know where the hell your bullets are going.

I bet you thought that playing with static like the pros would make you better. Retarded.