Bone marrow transplants: When your heritage leads to a needle-in-haystack search

Bone marrow transplants: When your heritage leads to a needle-in-haystack search

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Needs a truthful propaganda edit. Sad picture of the kid with a caption like:

death comes for us all

He's be fine without the samoan ape in there.

Whoever wrote this needs to get curbstomped.

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What highly advanced racism is this?

But how could this be? Race doesn't exist!

Bone marrow is a social construct.

The kids parents didn't have "races" either, both were themselves mix-race abominations.

Pretty sure they mean his mother is part abbo.

Someone needs to remind old bone marrow that race doesn't real

I didn't catch that. Sneaky journalists.

I hope i never need the same treatment then.

any pictures of the parents? if one was a jew it would not be mentioned.

Jews tend to have genetic based cancer.

what do you mean there aren't any bone marrow doners that are 1/5 Inuit, 1/5 nog, 1/5, nig, & 1/5 ashkenazi jew? These hospitals & their racist doner programs!



Race is a social construct. His doctors won't do the transplant because they're racist.

obviously this kid has a racist skelleton.

As far as I remember, they are at the rock bottom of donating blood as well.


Myeloid Leukemia seems to be quite common in mixed race people.

Just a quick Google shows multiple stories of the same cancer in mixed race people.

That cancer usually forms in white blood cells. Seems logical to conclude that it's caused by the racial differences in the immune system.

Any SJWs want to contradict my superficial observation?


I think they'd die here

That's because nobody pays them to do it.


Holy fuck so what would happen in the nightmare that leftists want when everyone becomes beige? The concept of transplants would probably be wiped out from history

bone marrow is a fucking shitlord



who are the biggest recipiants of blood packs though? maybe its a mixed bag. I refuse to donate blood for years now because Im nervous it will save a niggers life and he'll live to kill white people or breed more niggers.
I have A+ blood

Why are they so upset? Its just a truck of peace!

Then donate marrow because it can't be used for niggers

I am only alive because of donated blood though. Some nigger fleeing police ran a red and slammed into my car. He died and I almost died.

well at least hes dead. glad you made it

transfusions are not done between races. it can cause medical problems.

society being the degenerate paradise it is today I wouldn't be surprised if many people have been maimed or killed by medical unprofessional SJWs that deliberately transfused the blood of another race into an "ebil white man" to teach him a lesson that there is no differences between the races.

Well, according this infograph , you can take it from cord blood. I wonder how you get cord blood.
*Abortions most likely*.

this is literally the future they want

Planned Parenthood Sacrifice

please god never let this nightmare happen to anyone I love

How is this possible? Race is just a social construct invented by white people.

Makes me kek, every goddamn time.

so this little cocksucker is going to die?


Shit-tier logic there. But I wouldn't be surprised if the rates are higher in mongrels.


Already habbening. . .


fucking make posters out of this to shove into every libtards face

Imagine a chemical/biological weapon that causes a disease that makes people to seek bone marrow transplants. It'd be a shame. :')

baboon to ayylmao transfusion

I bet some infamous tribesmen would love to get their hands on such a weapon after their plan for global racemixing is complete.

"cultural background"

The resistance to stating facts continues to kill people.

Meme it. We're all the same under the skin - Evil hwyte doctors would rather have this kid die than use the white man's bone marrow to save his life.

Too bad that kid can't culturally appropriate the proper bone marrow, but he's a good boy and doesn't want to be a mean racist.

If those French speaking Cucks actually tried it.

Good thang us blaa peepuh haz melanin, the cozmik mineral, we can jus injec moor of it in our bonez

These are erected on huge billboards in Quebec.

What is that thing? Something seems very off about it.


All you need to know about why our ancestors conquered the world, and not the other way around.

How is this possible? Professors (((Stephen Jay Gould))), (((Jared Diamond))), and (((Richard Lewontin))) told me race doesn't real! Don't these bigoted cancer therapists believe in SCIENCE! ?

Dubs of truth

I'm gonna allow you to add that one to your kill count.

Altruism can be a double edged sword.

Yet they still do it though.

That means no race mixing ever.


Post yfw your parents racemixed, and your wife's parents also racemixed, so you racemixed, and God got so pissed off he gave your kid leukemia.


I find that hard to believe he's so rare. Western sydney is literally crawling with polynesian/european mixes. Almost as much as abo/euro mixes. Go to any shopping centre and there's white girls pushing prams with their bastard coconut babies.

The odds of finding two race mixed people with similar genetics is extremely slim. Whereas an ethnic group that has evolved in its own region for hundreds of thousands of years is a whole other story.

Cord blood comes from the umbilical cord and placenta from a term baby. I don't think they'd get enough from a tiny aborted foetus. Why would families go have another kid to get cord blood when they could just get pregnant, abort in a few weeks and use that?

I'm also alive because of a blood transfusion. I'm still not 100% comfortable with it and it was 15 years ago. I wasn't asked for consent because I was busy being almost dead. I don't know where it came from homefully non degenerate white blood but who knows? The doctors did the right thing and it's remarkable they even got me back since I'd lost over 3litres of blood and my heart had stopped. I'm not bitter at them at all. But there's a niggly feeling that it's not right. Maybe I should be dead.

A nurse can do a frightening amount of damage.

I have a feeling that as time goes on, the medical community is going to find more and more disadvantages to race-mixing, including things that are far more common than looking for bone marrow donors.

It makes sense that every time a civilization goes through its internationalist trade materialist phase, many race-mixed people are born. The question then is: where do they go? Some get absorbed, others probably leave or don't reproduce because they don't fit in, because race is real and people either fit in or don't with the dominant culture which is built around large groups of people looking and acting the same. The last option is that many die from diseases and other medical complications that come from being mixed-race.

I'm no expert but we are talking about very slim chances of finding a match. You have:
- Different sub-species of whites, and their ancestry
- Different races of several generations race-mixing (the big one)
- Differences in blood type

Add to that language barriers and the fact that most people don't donate blood marrow and you have a serious problem. It wouldn't surprise me if after two or three generations many race-mixed children are born with crippling diseases and cancers.

that's a new one to add to my colorful racist vocabulary.

Liberals get around it by spewing such obvious BS as 'race isn't real, but ethnicity is' and then proceed to say how ethnicity is simply your cultural background. The same way they say sex is real but gender isn't, when both words mean the same fucking thing.

The mental gymnastics are hilarious.

A million upvotes to anybody who sends this to the kid and/or his parents.


Blood is a liquid for transporting oxygen and nutrients around your body. It's like oil in an engine. Don't attach spiritual significance to it. You shouldn't be any more concerned about blood from a shitty person than spare parts from an old, beat up car. If it keeps you going, it's good.

I feel sorry for the race mixed people. It is unethical to subject them to the suffering for something they never did wrong.

Stop the race mixing. Our children have right to be healthy and happy.

Just admit you would.

It just keeps happening. Who could have possibly foreseen such a thing? All the programming told us that HBD doesn't realz.

Burn it with fire!

The black ork made the white girl look like a alien.

The proportions on that ape always crack em up. Every part of its body is simultaneously the wrong length and in the wrong place.

Congratulations, user. You may add that one to your score.

So the genetically distinguishable group is not real but its subgroups somehow ain't? How is that supposed to work in their minds?

This is great.

It works just find in their minds because their minds don't process logic. That isn't a dig at leftists, it's the actual fucking truth.

Congrats user. God work through you to kill a nig. I wish I could say the same…

What the fuck?

Bone marrow transplants: When your mud heritage stops you from cheating natural selection.

Everyone who gets bone cancer in childhood is genetically inferior, not being able to find a transplant donor is a good thing.
Childhood cancer is an attempt by nature to delete faulty code, treatment is dysgenic.
Cancer caught after 45 or 50 is irrelevant to natural selection because in any age but the one we are in, a 50 year old would already have adult (over age 16) children and possibly even grandchildren, the sooner they die, the sooner their resources are available to raise the next generation.
Getting cancer in middle-age is completely natural.
Total myth based on inclusion of birth mortalities into total stats.
tl;dr who cares.


Medfag here. This is all legit. It's much harder finding a donor for BMT or solid organ transplants if they're mixed-race. The best situation is if you're in a place like Japan, where you're Japanese and so is 99.9% of everyone else. The worst situation is if you're BLANDA-UPP'd mystery meat and this makes it so much harder to find a decent match. Enjoy your graft-vs-host-disease, tbh fam.

Also, this causes niggers to get completely fucked over on transplants, because none of the other niggers are willing to donate. And they can't even rely on altruistic white people for transplants instead due to genetic differences.

truely natural selection at work
mongrels probably are at higher risk for all kinds of bullshit diseases that have been weeded out of established genepools ages ago

They lack the empathy capacity so they never really care just like we do.
Research seems to support it.

This. The boomers are a result of natural selection not having had a chance to adapt to med advances and kill them off as intended.

That's retarded nonsense. Grandmothers are a unique human phenomenon. All other mammals continue to be mothers up until death. We have menopause for a reason. Historically, grandmothers provided the most food for a family. Women stop being able to breed at 40 because at that point the risk of dying giving birth outweighs the potential benefit of another child, since her death would mean the death of her existing children. Instead, she becomes an additional caretaker for her children's children, thus increasing the chances of their survival, and of her genes being passed on. Getting cancer at 50 is not normal or natural, and is absolutely detrimental to your reproductive success as your children and grandchildren are now much more likely to die. Evolution selected against dying at 50. Human lifespans have always been 60+, the average lifespan was low simply because of high infant mortality.

Right, like Childhood leukemia culling the weak.

I went to get my Medicare card and the nearest actually laughed when I said no to organ donation.

Didn't that fucking missing link win a beauty contest in some European country? My god how are why women too stupid to notice, but instead get all feel-good and support it?


this is bullshit
childhood cancer is nothing more than bad luck, there's no biological process (that we know yet at least) that could 'detect and delete faulty code' or whatever.
you could have Ivan Drago's genetics and still get cancer at 8 y/o if a UV ray hit the correct nucleotide and the immune system didn't catch it. or whatever, just a possible scenario

Good job, user. Don't be modest.

No, like simple infectious diseases and starvation. Childhood leukemia is far too rare to make any significant difference. And again, the point is that grandparents dying was not normal, and not in any way "freeing up resources". Grandparents dying was a hardship, removing a big source of resources, and lowering your chances of survival.


Why do abbos somewhat resemble caucasians as children and then go full nigger when they get a little older?


Reminder that there are five separate species that are collectively called ‘humanity’

Why does ring a bell for me? Oh……_Three

I can't believe I used to watch this fucking show when I was younger.

MASH was, of course, anti-Vietnam and pro-sexual revolution propaganda wrapped in a 1950s package. There are several episodes with faggots being accepted (if I remember correctly, they’re all blue-eyed, blonde-haired aryan men…), and of course the total racial blindness portrayed. On that particular note, a nigger didn’t invent transfusion.

Blood Bank
Dr. Charles Drew in 1940? Nope.
During World War I, Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of “banked” blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term “blood bank.”

Blood Plasma
Did Charles Drew discover (in about 1940) that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine? Nope.
The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma’s advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions. Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma.

Looks like that nigger from Night Court. 80's pop culture actually had me believing in racial harmony as a kid, I can't imagine what it's like growing up in today's world.


At most you could say it's a genetic defect cleaning system that has an amount of false positives sometimes, but mostly it correctly kills race mixers as intended.


Not to mention the only reason he needs a bone marrow transplant is that he is a mongrel. Race mixed mongrels are extremely likely to have serious illnesses that require transplants. It is no coincidence, this is nature correcting its mistakes, trying to get rid of faulty animals.

That's a model, mind you. You don't want to know what the non-model monkeys look like.

I bet that handbag is stolen

I remember a story about a mixed girl who was part flip getting that stuff..

They huffed the petrol gas and the genetic is corrupted due to the inbred breeding.

What happened to the article? They are gone.


Underrated toast

i'm sure they all noticed. they're all hyper aware of atractiveness. its pure virtue signalling…_Three

there is a similar episode in the Jeffersons where an ebil white man doesn't want black blood.

these jews stand against science to spread social justice bullshit.

Holy fuck. I was apparently out of the loop on this one, and upon researching, am so thoroughly fucking disgusted. I don't know how I can come on Holla Forums all day and still be shocked, but I am.

I watched embed awhile back on why modern humans, and many types of animals, hold onto their childhood looks into adulthood rather than getting the "adult" skull (or whatever trait) of the ancient's.

seems abbos hold onto the old ass traits.

The word you are looking for is Neoteny, the retention of childlike traits into adulthood, be they physical or behavioral.

Whites and east asians have the highest amounts of neoteny of all human subgroups

At least 80s hair was great.