New Disgruntled Leaf Network Video

Posting to boost visibility and also show a good video.
Disgruntled Leaf Network is a Canadian user making redpilled videos but his videos are not all about Canada, as this video shows.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who are bigger pussies, the leafs or the britbongs?


https:[email protected]/* *//mayday-in-manchester

Leafs should not exist as an independent country. The country should either balkanize or be annexed by the United States or the British Empire.

The Leafs only Nationalist party is cucked.
Trudeau literally has Soros as his mentor.

Fuck off Dimitri

great post OP, was just about to make this thread.

Funny how few subs he has the guy is dropping massive fucking redpills

Burger are the scum of the earth and deserve slaughter

Considering that we still for the most part have our guns and have a larger white to non-white ratio than both britain and america by a significant margin I'm going to go with britain as the bigger pussies.

I don't recognize Canada as a country

Right on time mordecai comes in with his d&c. Just filter and report lads.

I don't recognize israel as a country you dirty yiddish sewer rat

think it bares repeating, every user should sub

Why is heterosexual stuff (female twerking in a guys face) in the video considered degenerate? I don't like to shame the female and male body like this. All ways for men and women to play with each-others bodies is to me considered natural , and to call it degenerate is highly suspect. Maybe I sometimes get confused with what is degenerate and what is not, but at this occasion this is how the video inspired me atleast.

I also like the way how they say "We don't kill the scapegoat because we don't want to get contaminated by it" . Perhaps this is why christcucks/leftists are so vehemently against capital punishment, because of a hidden form of patronizing?

Fucking kill yourself kike.

Was expecting shittyness, especially with lispy voice. Video is actually pretty decent.
First few minutes seem to suggest religion or ritual institutions being a aggression or selfsabotage valve.
Without them you still do it, just with more fucked up results like kids twerking and people chopping their dicks off.

haha I love how I triggered canuckacuks here.

Did you watch the video. They have a hippster saying oy vey we're not bad goy nationalists… only civic… nice leaf nationalists… were not bad goys, please… spare us master!

The only civic nationalism I support is if all immigration is banned except in the case of marriage.

begone kike

The book mentioned, "Violence and the Sacred", is a great read by the way. Don't know why Girard is never mentioned here, he was a definitely top-tier scholar imo, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of biblical, ancient, and ethnolographical literature. For example, he even managed to convince me that the Bard was "repilled" on the dangers of egalitarianism.

Take this quote from Shakespeares "Troilus and Cressila", where he warns of the destructive power of absolute non-differentiation. (Shakespeare uses the word "Degree" to mean difference)


this is a bit convoluted, blurring the lines of some truth with some fog. it gets parts right that children miss. but it is still in the fog. needs more work, less idols.

there are two primary intrinsic instructions that all animals generally have: (1) recognition of other / not me, and (2) eating. the prior is required for the former (recognition of not-me and worth assessments come first). now, when 'other' = 'eat' (that is, there is something to eat and it is not me; prey), an assessment is made instantaneously: each animal can 'sense' if it can afford the expenditure to fight to eat. if it cannot, it lies.

in this, the full expansion is: (1a) prior recognition of 'not-me', (1b) prior recognition of wants/owns that lie with that 'not-me', (1c) prior recognition of power inferiority of 'me' vs that 'not-me'. this (1c) is the edge link that engages the second instruction, which is a complex instruction that can execute in a single 'tick' or cycle of virtually all animal brains from mice to dolphins to monkeys: (2a) lie, so as to (2b) steal, so as to (2c) eat.

the birds eye view of this process can be written as a scape-goat narrative, and set into a framework of loss of a moral distinctive rightful-rights and wrongful-wrongs. but that's stretching it. such is also usually used to justify scapegoats and create over-emphasis on them, glossing over the actual people sets involved and those specific actual people sets' actions.

that is, the liars do not like ownership, because it means they loose eats. antifa, sjw, blm, jihadi, jewtits, kikeland, anything-centrist-that-is-cannibalist, all practice this (1) and (2), share a collective collectivist agreement of strange hypocritical/oxymoronic ownership, and absolutely will scream endlessly over it. because their object is to lie, to steal, to eat - in that order, in that sequence. they eat what is edible, which is (until it runs out and only they are left) simply 'not-them'. the 'victim' mentality requires 'enemy' (aka food) sources, so as to herd/swarm/kikerush the prey. the appearance of mental gymnastics is just children using man's intelligence to bite the hand that they live off of. this is identical to female and nature, so it's really just a lack of form – a loss of distinctions, as the video puts it.

so it's not like the vid is entirely wrong. but i suspect that it is, and will be, used for antifa source. it (the vid) does not recognize, nor admit, the differential actions under focus come from different differential sources, which by definition, is a lack of definition itself. done in order to reach an ends. and ends to eat.

here, 'lie' is possession. that is:
(1b) prior recognition of wants/owns that [are possessed by] that 'not-me'

because it is escapement. the act is hypnotism; dangling a carrot and yet pulling it away. never ending, never delivering, never paying, always eating. a pointless consumption. no one cares about consumption (eat a leafy salad), but yet some seem to care about consumption (eating a leafy salad's ass) - the difference is that the latter is misappropriating my attention to eat me and explicitly in a dance to ignant any return (that is, the eats are reversed, and pointlessly so, to an exaggerated degree).

escapement/hypnotics crucially rely on trance to prevent memory. they must attain suspension of recognition on the target in order to work. the leafy ass shaker is not just ass shaking, it is ass shaking, to not commit, to thus steal by literal naked shorting, to eat.

actions that seek escapement to eat do not feel better. once the trance wears off, even niggers hate their niggerdom. to call this body shaming is mis-definition only reachable by first strawman-ing a crazed extreme, to justify the crazed mis-defined. this is also the same as kike's and –their– scapegoats. psyops, controlled opposition full of inconsistencies, etc.

I actually like your writings

Great post. Not the most well-versed in philosophy but here goes:
The Girardian notion of the scapegoat doesn't require the latter's innocence to be a valid target, nor does it require its guilt. All it requires is that the victim is impure - that is, in order for the act of violence against it to be final, without further repercussions.
In that sense the relationship of sacrificer-sacrificed can't be equated to that of predator-prey in an animalistic sense. Although both prey and the sacrificial victim are "not-me", animals are wholly unconcerned about the vengeance of their prey's kin or flock coming down on them, whereas the selection of the victim in sacrificial societies is entirely based on the impossibility of retribution. After all, who will stand up for the concept of the White majority? It is something, within the current cultural order (no matter how decayed it may be) that is seen as thoroughly expendable in the name of egalitarian myth-creation.
Girard wrote something interesting about the concept of "kudos" in ancient greece which you may find interesting.

The quest by the left for moral superiority in the KulturKampf can be defined as a quest for the kudos. To have it is to be blessed by the Gods, and the violence of he who obtains it becomes necessarily righteous.

The Hero's Journey OP.

Our problem is we want to get away from the world, instead of see it the way it is.

no body is sacrificing anything.
what, of this amorphous capital W white, is blm 'sacrificing'?
what, of the same, or similar, are jewtits 'sacrificing'?

the Le Grand Culture Zeitgeist is err 404 actual. it does not exist; it –can– be mathematically arrived at. language is math. numbers are math. symbols, phonetic or otherwise, have their (1) assemblies, denoting the physical world claims they are proclaimed to model, (2) their operators, verbs, and travels, denoting the math performed-as-a-set-of-universal-rules, and (3) their disassembly, denoting the again supposed physical world claims so-called 'arrived' at. problem: not shared. i do not feel the need to rape. i do not want to jew. i'll go crusade if i have to, but for fucks sake i have work to do. even if i have no work, i have things to do. time ticks. time ticking is not in the 'Zeitgeist'; consequence, as a sequence of events, is missing. it is not mine. it is capital G gaul; it is other; it is animal. [sub animal, is my riding claim i'll state here and now.]

an escape will be painted, and hung, and if you look closely, the scapers and goats are usually (4) when revered in ecstasy: cannibals, (5) when begrudged as tax: work acknowledged. i don't know what girard has to say about this distinction, or if he saw it. all i witnessed is the vid, and that vid does not confess any such recognition. to be clear, i drop this back down to physical happenings. but if you prefer to take the abstraction only, stick to Le Grand Scale of ideals being redefined and hung, and ignore actuals… it still happens as ecstasy exclusive-or work. scapegoats do not share universal framework; scapegoating only shares a universality if the symbols of ownership and possession are ignored, so that the operations surrounding a 'from' whom and 'to' whom can be knowingly ignored so as to be written by historians as justified.

to put it in terms of victory, right, and gods: people will know when the victory is not victorious, because the result is less, not more. the result is might-less, and time shows the outcome as poverty. the purpose of 'victor' is not to have losers - no one cares. no, the purpose of the victor is to grant recognition of first-and-no-other, by the faceless, to the faceless's exchange for the victor's might. this is the only form of payment; the faceless, who are of lesser might, have no other net gain to grant the victor. while you can look at the abstract process and graft it on to all, nevertheless it will still be seen: violence of the righteous is might-less and impoverishing when done by sjw hoards. not the same. not universal. invalid graft.

to be blessed by the gods is to be of the gods, which is victor. the violence to obtain the title of first-and-no-other must still prove over time to warrant that transient fleeting excusal permitted to the winner.

Good stuff. While I was browsing the channel.

In a racially homogenous society with a single religion and a healthy sense of community, institutions manage to regulate the community's internal thirst for blood and direct it towards the outside - race war, wars for expansion, holy wars, etc. All of which contribute to solidify in-group solidarity, all at the expense of outgroups of course but fuck them. The problem that we have now is that there are multiple contradictory groups with contradictory institutions, and mutually-exclusive definitions of the Good. Any form of religious obscurantism is by far preferable to the current so-called "emancipation of the soul".

i don't care what they define it as. you will see past their linguistic machinations and stick to the actuals. civic nationalism requires ownership transfer, by those who can source, to those who cannot, without granting recognition. civic nationalism says their-civil is recognized. which it cannot be, has never been, and is as impossible as jewtits being salaried. good cucking luck with that. civic nationalism is the idea that specific individuals will be rightfully taxed, and certain groups will be rightfully free - to consume that tax –and– be free of recognizing agreement and gratitude. those are (((certain))) kind of right and freedom definitions. do not use them. do not repeat them. do not speak crazy.

not shared.

Is that so? The UN and other judaic organizations' demographic restructuring of all majority White countries, ostensibly to achieve Global redemption and an end to inequality seems to indicate otherwise. The removal of Whites from the custodial seat in their own societies can most definitely be seen as a sacrifice in order to purge the West's impurity and create a new Symbolic Order.
Is it still a culture war if one of the two sides doesn't know it's playing the game? Hate to get all dialectical here, but there are world-concepts in fundamental opposition here:
nature/nurture, heredity/environmentalism, the One/the Many.
If you choose to view the consistent efforts by seemingly disparate groups to create a new timeline in which ALL races are (and always have been) equal custodians of our Society as a random occurrence, and not a concerted effort; that's up to you. I call it KulturKampf because binaries in opposition is a sexy and easily intelligible concept.

Wow. All I can say is:
1. You do know there is a shift key right?
2. I can somewhat make some sense from your post's, but for the most part, you seem to be spazing out on you keyboard. Your points ultimately, allin all, make very little sense.

Bear in mind; I'm not judging. I simply want it to be known you are making very little sense.

that's my point. they, who are consuming what isn't theirs, are sacrificing nothing. thus it is not called sacrifice; it's called eating. you don't have to be conscious or knowing to play this game, robins and cuckoo birds play it; it is a highly conserved complex instruction included in the set of (1) food (2) eat when you are meeker.

so known.
do you feelz better nao?
shift away.

Obligatory dub-check
That is semantic jewry - you are conflating different definitions of the concept together. Although all definitions of the word imply the presence of a trade-off, you know very well which definition I am referring to.
self-sacrifice/abnegation != ritual sacrifice

What is at stake is more than just "eating" - it is the very possibility of "being able to eat" another day. What the sacrificers gain first is dominion and legitimacy, legitimacy to dictate who gets what and when; who DESERVES to eat. In order for all Others to be able to fill their plate, it is not enough that we should have less - the necessitas is that we should be made unable to ask for some. Problem of scarcity solved!

Some of the video was above my IQ to be honest. Maybe I need to watch it again.

Figure this should go here. TERF war!


For decent red pilled leaf channels (discounting Molyneux) I got
Anyone know any more Holla Forums approved ones?

I'll discover right wing youtubers on my own time. I don't come to Holla Forums for this.

Because there are whiter, sexier expressions of female sexuality.
Twerking must be destroyed.
Niggerspeak for healthy breeding girls (hips, boobs, thighs) needs to be destroyed.
Everything the jew has helped the nigger do to our society needs to be erased.
We're starting over, or we're going back to the 80s.


Nice video