Do you think this game will have a Gamergate reference?

Do you think this game will have a Gamergate reference?

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For what purpose?

Probably Ubisoft has SJWs don't it?
They probably can't resist name dropping it to try and manufacture some outrage on Holla Forums

It was too hard for them not to reference Trump so they most likely will, the muzzie girl will probably have a mission for you where you have to track muhsoggynerds to teach them how to be real menz.

To make themselves look like the heroes.

the real kicker is that the people they are lambasting won't even be the final boss and yet no one, not even the developers, will realize the irony.

also the fact that the main character is protesting false criminal charges by breaking the law.

V ~


post that pic, you know the one.


I enjoy the cyberpunk vibe, even if it's hipster trash

Thats the part that still gets me, he was "charged for a crime he didn't comit" and then instead of justifying this guy's methods of proving his innocence, or very well even trying to prove his innocence, the game goes on to make this guy out to be an actual criminal

Yah maybe Jamar Dindu Nuffin and that Store WAS robbed by some other Nigger or whatever bullshit, BLM, Virtue Signaling sob story that they make this guy's backstory, but what does it matter if he's goin all "WE WUZ HACKAZ AND SHIT" and actively breaking the law with a cyber-terrorist organization no less?

If you feel like doing some meme magic you can work with that.

Even the cucks over at Ubisoft know that a nigger can never be innocent.

It has Trump, it will have GG.

what are these photos of?


This what happens when you watch Hackers and believe it.

The latest riot about a guy who dindu nuffin and ended up getting shot, I don't remember the name.

Are you saying that as if they won't make those references? You know they will.

They're animals, simple as that. Animals in the shape of humans.

Trump will be the first president memed into office

Time sure flies, doesn't it? I'm surprised that Holla Forums lasted this long without going completely dead like 7chan did.

I would actually play a game based on Hackers, but this is just a piece of shit sequel nobody really wanted.

We have no home to go back to.

That looks like a warzone.

Well considering that the the politician bad guy from that demo they showed off is basically Donald Trump (and the irony that the set up is that corporations are actively trying to help said politician by censoring information and shilling is hilarious because that's Hillary's gig),yeah, they probably will.

They just can't help themselves and suck their own dicks.

Should have added Shiggy on to the end of those 2 statements, its absolutely retarded, the memes in WD1 were bad enough considering they were old even when the game was in pre-production, but shit like this is just embarassing

There's always the obscure text boards, no one uses those.
Or we can just move to one of the many clones of Holla Forums that were abandoned.

compared to the beginning we lost some things

site its a ghost town despite its potential of constant board creation.

Well, at least /sp/ and /int/ are having fun on 76chan. Maybe we can beg them to make a Holla Forums? Probably wouldn't work.

Well at least we became the new internet hate machine in the process of losing some of the userbase.

The bigger irony to me is that by obsfucating the real details and strawmanning this fictional guy as Trump they are doing basically what they're saying this ebil racist politician man is doing, only difference is they aren't using real names.

Yes, recently we've been mentioned on fox news by rick wilson and on the new york times.

True, it should be noted that most boards outside of Holla Forums, Holla Forums and obviously Holla Forums move at a snail's pace because nobody posts there, but that's really always been the case

I wish /cyber/ and Holla Forums would be more popular.

how many fucking chans are there left?

yeah, i used to browse /toy/ and /lucid/ but they are fully empty now

Good one user

No, you don't. I like the smaller userbase, it keeps things civil and on topic most of the time.

I was trolling around RCP just to see if there were any new vids out, and I noticed a shot of wilson's face with the caption about "hot pockets and the holocaust." First thing I thought was "Oh no, Rick, don't tell me you're going after Holla Forums."

He did not disappoint. Some people really, REALLY, should not be on the internet. They take shit far too seriously.

I don't, actually, but I'm assuming you're talking about one of these?

>TFW /a/'s UID count is so small that when there is a thread that a bunch of people want to talk in we reach the bump limit by the end of the day and can't make another thread until it slides off the catalog, which could take weeks because of how slow /a/ is

Screencap? that sounds hilarious

There a lot, some died off, some are in a zombie state and the only people that go on them are pedos and cp spammers. Not to mention the many BBSes and text boards. Or in 7chan's case, people only went there to see a porn comic update. I'm sure we can make one of them our new home, there's plenty of imageboards that are based on the same code Holla Forums uses.

To be fair, Jason Bourne did the same.

Jason Bourne's accused crime vs. what he did to prove innocence is far more balanced then getting accused of petty nigger shit and then doing blatantly illegal shit that would get the FBI on your ass, not even trying to prove your innocence, but doing it just cuz

Rick used to be the 4/8 chan of politics, his job was to find dirt and smear people, he tried with us and it resulted in his son being outed as a crazy degenerate who writes about murdering hookers and pissing on them, his wife fantasize about other men and his daughter reads like a racist joke, he received pics of his daughter with some dude's jizz on it. I don't think the GOP respects him now since, compared to us he's a lightweight and it probably got to him … Anyway sounds like karma slapped him in the face.

Jason Bourne had amnesia, he didn't know he was a bad guy.

user, you are correct, no need to post the ironic face.
It's dead, but through sheer hate alone they bring it back to life.

From the very beggining I thought that was an stupid as shit feature. I mean, I recognize it have potential, but it would have been good if it was implemented in 4chan, and even then I have my doubts.

Holla Forums simply would never have an userbase as big as 4chan, specially since Holla Forums userbase consisted in a little faction of 4chan that went even smaller by the time. The only times we have a growth in users is when 4chan fucks up.

thedivision had a goobergate quinn reference in it

It sure fucked up the delicate balance of Holla Forums and turned it into the joke it's these days.

Here you go, fam.

Jason Bourne went around the world choking people out and having gunfights and high-speed car crashes as a murderboss even after he forgot that he was actually a murderboss. The Holla Forums is overtaking you, you should just like play game for a while. Reminder that Holla Forumsshit as it exists now is a hybrid of sarcastic responses from the original Holla Forums userbase to hysterical SJWs calling them nazis for not wanting to pay for everyone else's meals or abortions or whatever, and then there was some big rustling in Stormfront causing all of the least coherent stormfags to scatter in search of a new place, and they found Nazi propaganda threads on Holla Forums, intended to act as scarecrows for the retarded SJWs, and latched on in earnest because stormfags are dumb.

You must walk the middle road, user. Call dindus out on their shit and constant double standards and crime, but without yourself setting up double standards and becoming a wigger dindu yourself. Seek balance, and remember, no gay shit.

is there a reason that response warranted this blatant attempt at thread derailment?

This game is a gamergate reference.

Niggers gonna nig.

That's fucking great. What did he talk about in the video, did he use any screencaps?

Hard call there fam

Nah, never used any screencaps or anything of the sort, just on MSNBC being butthurt saying how Trump is literally Hitler because these are his fans.

I would like to point out that no one in the comments section was having any of Rick at all. They tore him to pieces.

What about a Chris Chan reference?


It's a thread about internet drama and references. It's not a thread about the game, it's a thread about what might be referenced in the game, sociopolitically, and I'm responding to someone derailing it into the way media portrays dindus. There's no call for you to act like a paranoid SJW about it.

I'm pretty sure the game itself is a gamergate reference.

There's been many people blaming/calling out Gamergate a few times this year even though the movement is dead. See Balder's Gate.
Either way i'd imagine a game which is supposed to be hackin' n shieet would mention it.

I don't like to run around screaming shill but my shekel sensors are really going off here.

It's "internet hate machine" and "hackers on steroids" all over again. They're using GG because people are aware it's a thing, yet nobody can be fucked enough to bother to check what GG is or how it died in misery and humiliation.

The fact that anyone can make a board ruins boards like Holla Forums because anyone can make a hugbox.

Because they're still terrified that someone fought back.

And that's one of the reasons reddit is a shithole and Holla Forums is a graveyard outside the popular boards.

Holla Forums only works when you put all the faggots in there to fight it out with each other endlessly. If you remove the factions and let them make their own echo chambers you end up with what we have now.

Why would they have a Gamegat joke? It's not needed because Gamergate itself is a walking joke.

That's degenerate.

That picture has to be a joke

Just like GamerGate.


I hope this game's story is as hilarious as DmC's. Shit like "Fuck you" and noscoping a fetus through the mother will always be fond memories.

Last time they had EBIG MEYMEYS on billboards
it will probably have more than one GG reference

Of course it will.

Gamergate is the SJW's holohoax. They'll be desperately fabricating stories about it forever in fear of anyone forgetting it.

What does the GG thread on Holla Forums even do? Is it just Acidman and some niggas circlejerking for eternity?

It's just bullshit internet gossip now. And if you point out maybe they should actually do something they call you a shill.

Why not just bump every other thread and make a new one?

Yeah, what a joke, right?


They're still calling anyone who they don't like a shill eh? Still driving people off because they sound like paranoid nuts eh?

Those digits don't lie.

Oh man I remember that. Pic related was the source of that story!

GamerGate is dead but it has already become a memetic entity that haunts the SJWs, leaving them in fear of the shadows.


No the source was actually legit, it still doesn't even compare to what Hulk Hogan did of course.

Yes I'm sure it was verified by Kingofpol himself :^)

Is the sun going to come up tomorrow?

It would be hilarious if people started becoming ironically pro-GG and the movement took off again without the fags and losers dragging it down this time.

They tell ghost stories of the fabled GamerGate that terrorized the poor coddled liberals years ago to scare each other.

You're meming, right?

yes but who cares

does ubisoft think the stuff they're presenting in WD2 is hip, or is it actually what's in right now and i'm out of touch?

i wish it wouldn't

it would be extremely cold



No. That's Pretoria in South Africa.

haven't you played mgs2?

Maybe as one of the NPC traits or whatever when you mouse over them (never actually played the first one, ignored the hype), but it's not nearly relevant enough anymore to be a guarantee like some of you are thinking.

Why is it that Holla Forums posters so often seem like a shadow world version of tumblr posters?

Maybe because leftists are ideological scavengers without a leg to stand on that can only revive the corpses of counter-movements that lost relevance to kick around to seem more intellectually formidable and stagnant conversation that could lead to being called out on their current flaws?

They just sit there, existing.
The funniest part is, it's working.

I mean technically, he's probably not wrong.

Working how?

It's just 20 or so people in a thread bantering, and it's still getting spergouts from SJWs.
The bright, hot flame of the torch has been passed to Trumpfags, but the gg torch is still there.

It's how it goes. Look at how they won't stop whining about the MRA even after all these years and those poor bastards only had their time in the sun because of feminists sabotaging their talks.

Oh Lord, please let there be the unsubtlest reference there. Better yet, make them the main villain, somehow.

The main villain is going to be the faggot in the electronic emoticon mask as a surprise plot twist.

user… gamergate cant die because its already dead

Goyimgate may be dead but SJW don't know that.

But he IS a degenerate.

Yes. SJWs are still looking under their beds at night for gamergate.

The real question is if they'll still have that shit in the first on where you'd get a bit of info about NPCs like if they were a feminist or something? There was a good deal of salt about people posting videos of them doing a little ethnic cleansing and shit.

the same way undertale threads worked



So it's real
(I'm the same guy but it seems my ID got changed)

Sorry, I meant
No it's real.
(Also my ID didn't get changed but it didn't write the (you) next to my post number.)

Do you think they went with a black charatcer, to stop people making these videos again?

One of the writers for it is Ethan James Petty, the guy who was previously on Bloodlust Software. He greatly dislikes SJWs and is alright with GG. So, I doubt it.

It's real in their mind

all i could think during the "big" e3 reveal of watchdogs 2 was "we didn't ask for this. nobody asked for this"

the writing was absolutely cringeworthy, the one-touch hacking made my brain want to run away, the stupid fucking LED dot matrix mask retard made me want to die, the thinly-veiled HACK THA PLENT ANRCHY RULZ anti-trump shit is just so fucking transparent, like who greenlit this

my only hope is that even the retarded radical-left liberals it's written for will shit all over it again and ubisoft will curl up and begin to chew parts of itself off to save what's left of it

yes i mad

Someone still has a sore butt it seems.


No, it's more than that. It's real in their head, just like god is real for religious idiots.
That's what a memetic entity is. Something that is not real and only exists in the mind, yet able to influence the real world.

GamerGate is a new boogeyman entering the unassailable fortress of triggering. GameGate is the butthurt.

So what exactly gamer gate was and what it did?

I want to restart the gg engines again so that this fear they have is never lost


So nothing?

An attempt to fix gaming news sites.
Mostly cause butthurt and showed how untrustworthy gaming sites really are. The ultimate goal of actually fixing them was never achieved.
It's still being used as a boogeyman by Tumblr types for some reason even though it's mostly died down, that should show you how much ass pain it caused despite it not doing much.



Originally everyone was talking about Zoe Quinn and how she had slept with people and had recieved indie awards, and press which is a huge thing in indie games, Reddit, and a whole bunch of other major sites banned talk of the whole thing citing "Women hatred" and then multiple websites on the same day told gamers they are dead and evil misogynist girl haters.

Yes. GG will be a sexist terrorist group secretly led by the Trump-based character whom you have to stop before they unleash their vile woman killing virus into the water supply.

Are making :^). The new xDD?

Is getting revolting, do it again an i will smack you like an anime fan on prom night