OSRS Gay Pride Event


Looks like there's some backlash brewing against Jagex for putting gay pride stuff into their game on Thursday.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lmao, I had actually gotten an osrs membership last month and then canceled it after 2 weeks when the nostalgia wore off. Looks like I made the right choice sticking to WoW private servers instead.

They deserve it for what they did to AoS, anyways.

I bought The Long Journey Home the other day and five minutes into it I'm reading the profiles for the starting characters and the male science officer is talking about his husband. Refund.

the osrs playerbase is pretty far right, but the mods are all faggots

mod mark is a faggot

I saw this on Holla Forums.

I am looking forward to general salt and seeing mods shit the bed and killing the game

I just started playing again a few weeks ago too, and I even thought about getting membership. I dodged a bullet. Oh well. If even Runescape is now so irredeemably trash that not even a legacy server can make it better, then it's time for me to admit MMO's are dead, never coming back, and I need to find something else with my time.

Jewgex turned OSRS in a rehashed RS3, so something this terrible is right up their alley. OSRS now has an end game and raids with a boss dropping loot so overpowered, valuable, and full of variety that there is no reason to train anything except combat skills. "Convenience" updates also help ruin moneymaking from non-combat skills even further, such as Runecrafting with the option to mass-buy magic Runes from NPC's at low prices the player market can never change. The one strength Runecrafting had in the player market was giving the ability to mass-sell Runes exclusively to players.

Is there a 8/pol/ clan chat by any chance?

I need a backup cc when osg gets full

I'm go to make meme war

Jagex deserves everything bad coming their way, they've been fucking over the userbase for far too long. I really hope another EOC type event happens again, RS3 is nothing but effortless money grabbing and they don't even try to hide it.

there's actually a free weekend for OSRS for people who have accounts made before June 1st.

anyone feel like shitposting the gay pride event?

Been playing Runescape for 10 years, this is classic Jagex. Don't poll something controversial, announce it on some random mods Twitter, then play the victim. Oh, and for good measure, give more info to a third party than to your own playerbase: archive.is/DBXan

yeah, join clan 8ch v
I'd be down to coordinate autistic screeching with you guys

There isn't a single good WoW private server that exists right now and the current selection are all ran by kikes and slavs so you're a faggot either way.

The free members weekend starts on the 8th. Don't use a bond, since it indirectly gives money to Jagex (all bonds were at one point purchased with real money). I have enough for a bond and I'm waiting till the free weekend.

That may be true but at least I'm not paying anything to play on them.

I'm shilling Holla Forumsscape for anyone who still wants to play. vscape.wikidot.com

You're not paying anything to use jewtube or other such websites, but you're feeding the jews money at the end of the day by legitimizing their platform.

It's the same with the scammers that run private WoW servers. Gummy will be our savior, though. You can already see the chinks and slavs spamming threads trying to discredit him because they know the glory of the worlds greatest TBC server being hosted in america so we can finally get sub 100 ping will destroy every other private server indefinitely.

Fuck osrs


i remember when the (((grand exchange))) came out. right after "clans" start popping up where kike tier merchants would choose 1 item to jew. like 10 rich ass fucks would conspire and pick for example, a rune scimitar. then they'd spend all of their money buying all of them for the highest price. then they'd leak the item they chose to their clans chat and the goyim would spend all their shekels buying them to get in while the price is rising. then the 10 jews would dump early and make stupid profits while half the goyim made a few shekels and the other half lost money.

this is kind of like insider trading in the stock market. jagex is fucking retarded.

osg is a disgusting pile of trash

True, there are lots of pro-Trump clans and whatnot. All the mods are fags except for mod Ronan I think, because I noticed he followed Sam Hyde on twitter before Sam got banned.

I think once you try a few things and find something that really works for you, you'll be happy you did.

Usually whenever a business or producer of sorts do this, it's a sign of death for their business. Their business was already dying so they start shooting themselves in the foot hoping for a chance of survival from a deus ex machine miracle happening from doing something completely different and untamed. We're seeing this a lot now, some shooting the foot lesser than others, and we're going to see a lot more of this shit in the future, but instead of explaining what deus ex machina is, and everything business -how about we just call this Target-Syndrome?

Just gonna chime in ice poseidon is going to crash the event there are already hundreds of players dressed in white robes (kkk) shitposting about the event in game. The plan is to march next to the mods during the event which there will be way more players on ice's side.

Didn't people already get banned for this?
Coudn't we claim it's islamophobe because the white robes are desert robes from arabs who's diffrent culture doesn't tolerate homosexuality?

People were still doing it yesterday not really sure since i dont play myself.

Me nighter… I almost consider making an account just for this.