
Some material describes this position as “left” or as the “left” in the Nazi party.

Do you think this is a left position?

Possible avenue for radicalizing reactionaries, or just as bad as the orthodox variety?

Other urls found in this thread:

its left because it believes in worker liberation.

what happened to the Asser wordfilter?

For fucks sake, it was the Hitlerites that were the unorthodox ones(why do you think that night of long knives took place?). Hitler just turned nazies into occultist,racialist post-fascists form actual socialist movement.


Oh, a fresh wordiflter?

Wordfilet list shows



Nazism is so far right the left wing of the party was still rightist.


Who would turd positionists side with in case of civil war between capitalist nationalists and fascists against marxists, anarchists and such?

Well they sided with Hitler and capitalists the last time. So after being thanked with long knives maybe they would side with marxists this time. Or not.

historically they are all over the place as it is a broad ideology

in spain phalanx (falange) was initally turd positionist but allying itself with all kinds of conservatives got it subverted by that retard franco and also you have situations like knife germany

maybe next time it'll be with the marxists or maybe they'll be on their own ???

Still fascists, hang them all.

Falangism was initially inspired by Italian fascism, they were pro-monarchist and capitalist.

Nazis with workerist rhetoric.

They boldly embraced totalitarianism and never supported seizing the means of production.

ohh i was thinking of nat synd part.

Social Democracy is the best system anyway. Hitler was smart to fire them.

the bando sublebado was a big tent of rightists, falangists have nothing in common with carlists but they just hated commies too much to care

Well Italian fascism was inspired by syndicalism based in Italian Nationalism, so you could say Falangism was national syndicalist except for all the pro-monarchy and pro capitalism capitalist sentiment.



im saying your retarded, if that wasn't obvious.

Daily reminder that the [email protected]/* */ brothers weren't the only people to take a nationalist approach to socialism

They were killed by Hitlerites because Hitler was afraid they would turn down support from corporations and oligarchs that he needed to fund their military campaing. Like Ford car company opnely supported Hitler, for example. Hitler was more of a racist jew-hating social democrat at best, he wasn't a real socialist.

Fuck off nazbol

He wasn't a socialist in anyway what so ever.


I shill for co-ops on here all the time

Otto Asser or Adolf Hitler? Asser had plenty of socialist ideas, I wouldn't say he was a Marxist though.


Beefsteak Nazi was a term used in Nazi Germany to describe Communists who joined the Nazi Party. 'Beefsteak Nazis' appeared following the suppression of the German Communist Party in the 1930s, and the term was popular as early as 1933.[1][2] The term was particularly used of working-class members of the Sturmabteilung (SA) who were aligned with Asserism. The term derived from the idea that these individuals were like a 'beefsteak' - brown on the outside and red on the inside, with 'brown' referring to the colour of the uniforms, and 'red' to their communist sympathies.[3] The implication of this was that their allegiance to Nazism was superficial and opportunistic.[1]


kys dumb anime poster

stop being so tsun-tsun user-kun~

Friendly reminder that right wing socialism is still a thing.

Nazis never wanted social democracy, they hated the SPD and even fought them in street battles.

[email protected]/* */ was a fascist, they were all fascists, haveing some left wing ideas dosn't make him any less fascist

yeah to add to
he was a socialist for sure but not a marxist, so his ideology isnt really fitting here with the majority being marxists of some kinds but w/e


Even if you put the MoP in hands of workers?

Considering he was a fascist and never intend for the workers to run the factories themselves and still favor control of the state over production, i don't see how this is relevant.

[email protected]/* */ fuck off

So you're telling me that if there is a state involved it's not socialism? Wew lad, statists BTFO :DD

haha fucking idiot, did you read his book? i get he triggers you, but do you make such bold claims without knowing something?

Proudhon was my earliest political influence and drove my thought for about two years

how did you figure that? lol

If the state is controlling industry, its not socialism.

His book? Their is no "his book", their are 2 Assers, one of them never wrote anything and the other wrote quite a few books. So be more specific when you say "his book"

i'm talking about the only A S S E R who means anything, otto. his book, germany tomorrow where he goes into his ideology….

Only thing Proudhon has in common with Nazis is his anti-Semitic and sexist attitudes which was extremely common at the time.



Cant say ive read it, ive only interacted (in my youth) neo-nazis who were straasserites and they were very clearly not socialist in any way shape or form.

fug :D

word of advice never trust a roleplayer which is 99% of people irl believe me.

They're they ones representing his ideas and considering they were pretty firm in their position im going to go with what they had to say rather than you, a person on the internet saying all irl Asserites anrt real Asserites because they don't fit your definition.

they're equivalent to revisionists in marxism if i'm thinking of the same people as you. most asserites i have met are basically hitlerians who like otto's flag, not much else.

didn't it filter into useful idiot?