We have reached a Great Filter

Liberals are now proclaiming that moving forward in science, aiming to colonize mars by 2033, is a bad move. Their reasonings are primarily the EPA cuts, and the challenges of mars such as temperature and lack of water and travel distance, as well as the cost overall ( Estimated at 450 Bil. )

They are wanting to do nothing but stay, in other words.

The Fermi Paradox asks us why there is no intelligent life that we have discovered, or has discovered us past our little rock. Many theorize that, while life does develop, they hit what are known as Great Filters. Events that halt progress, and can cause a civilisation to grow stagnant, and crumble. Events such as this can be a planet not having a combustible source of energy to spark an industrial revolution to push forward for more advanced technology, nuclear war occuring…

Or even the lack of want to push forward to leave their planet, and colonize others, leading to resources dwindling, and the species dying out.

To put it shortly, we are now at that point. The liberals are going full fanatic on the point to stay, which will eventually lead to the crumbling of our own race, as the advancement of scientific findings stagnates due to the lack of necessarily NEEDING it.

Discuss. How do we put an end to this?

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Throughout the 100+ thousand year history of humans, there has never been a civilization that lasted forever. Everything comes to an end eventually. One day men will tell their children legends about their forefathers who could walk on the moon.

Depressing dubs. Checked.

American Orbital Space Colony, Population: Six million (2020)


you do realize mars is a useless rock with no air right?
theres nothing to do there but ridiculously overpriced mining


(((mars))) is some desert in nevada with a color inversion in photoshop

I wonder if Jews are actually the physical embodiment of an inevitability in evolutionary/biological contexts - a super-parasite that drives the host organisms to self-destruction. On another world, many light-years from Terra, there exist other worlds - some dead and empty or filled with savage beastial derivations of the originating stock, living worlds in the grips of a degeneration orchestrated by comparative equivalents of Jewish subversives, and worlds which have survived by eliminating such mongrelized parasites from their worlds.

What horrors doth the Universe unleash upon Men and Beasts of mere bone and flesh.


I think that as soon as space mining takes off and becomes profitable, we will go full space imperium. If moving humanity forward isnt an inspiration, space mining shekels will

While I agree that NASA Is utter bullshit, that image isn't the best. Could definitely be a rock and why the fuck would a squirrel be out in some barren rock-field anyways?

But a $450bn price tag to make ours an interplanetary species is just too much. I hate the left.

Fuck off Sinead

The earth is round and mesas are not tree stumps.

Two years ago, when Cat's Cradle was a thing on Holla Forums, one of those larping faggots actually had an interesting tale about the jews. He claimed they were actually artificially created by another species as mining vessels, and got left on Earth and forgotten, or something along those lines, and to this day their inherent purpose is to take the most from all things and leave them lifeless and they won't stop until the whole planet dies.

sage for doublepost
I've been reading Biohistory lately, one of the depressing things talked about is how the dynamism and capacity to generate new ideas in a society is linked to a factor called S, which is a genetic trait that determines how much parents indulge their infant children. Europe has been the lowest-S society in the world for over a millenium, and the author posits that this has something to do with why we have been such a great generator of new ideas. However, in the wake of a civilizations' collapse, the low-S gene is out-competed by high-S, which creates societies that are stable but stagnant. I fear that if/when the west does fall, it may be the end of the low-S genes, and the end of our chances to get off this rock.

There's a video series on youtube that gives a general overview of the book's themes, it's got pretty good production values, and I would highly recommend it.


This might be onto something.
We have to remember that regardless of what planet/environment a species is to evolve in, the struggle of surviving remains the same. If say another type of species manages to evolve and organize in such a way that all types of necessary needs, say food, shelter and reproduction, are fulfilled the only "filters" that remains are the technological barrier to conquer the stars and/or as OP hinted, the species turning against itself in some kind of auto-de-evolutionary process.

Following that thought, wouldn't surprise me that those species which managed to surpass all filters remain hidden among the starts fearing that the less-developed life-forms, which still struggle with itself, might infect, in one way or another, the organization and environment of said advanced species.

Once a life-form manages to surpass that auto-de-evolutionary process, it is to be recognized as a universal threat or ally to all those out there.

And regardless of if friend or foe, we gotta inform all life-forms out there that sadly our species carries one hell of a parasite called the Jew.

We memed Trump into the White House, there has to be a way that we can meme space colonization and millions of us living there. But how? The money is there and theres so much profit to be made from it, what do we need to do to get this going? Surely an orbital space colony is feasible, and it would probably better than the moon or mars.

I dont understand why we arent concentrating our efforts on this.

I remember this, unfortunatly didn't caped.

Back out of that retarded UN treaty that says that space is "The common heritage of mankind" for one. If no country is able to claim territory out in space, than no private investor is going to be willing to put the money into exploiting the resources out there. Example: Say I find an asteroid made out of pure platinum and spend the massive amount of money needed to tow that thing into Earth's orbit. I should have the exclusive rights to mine it out, but as it stands (to my understanding) anyone can mine that asteroid, and I have no one to go to for legal recourse.

Never change, Masons.

Colonising other planets as a way of researching the technologies required to exploit the near infinite resources of space is the wrong thing to do?

I think the OP is a shill trying to set us on an anti science course so that we will lose sight of the purpose of our mission.

Holla Forums Zeon when?

Did you even read the OP?

As soon as we apply the memes. We need to start having daily space elevator threads.

This does raise an interesting point concerning the development of extraterrestrial species. Will every intelligent species we encounter have their own itinerant subspecies of merchants?

The Fermi paradox doesn't have a complex answer and everyone here should understand it innately: Any species advanced enough to travel between stars is advanced enough to know multiculturalism is self-destructive.

No, you should be shot if you attempt that. Towing asteroids into orbit is A) at serious risk of falling into Earth if the company goes bankrupt B) at serious risk of being turned into a doomsday weapon by any nation with orbital launch capabilities C) fucking dumb.

Remember the words of the great NAZI scientist Wernher Von Braun: The NWO will first create weapons of mass destruction to control people via the cold war, then to fight terrorists, then will control industries through climate change, then will create space weapons to defend against asteroids, then use a fake alien invasion to cull the population without blame while chipping all the survivors.

The Fermi Paradox is one of the most poorly thought out and ridiculous "paradoxes" I've ever heard. It relies on two main premises that are completely unknown to be true or false.
These two premises are as follows:
1) Intelligent life is common in the universe
2) All intelligent life are similar to humans

We don't know how common life is.
We don't know if all planets with life have intelligent life.
We don't know what type of signals intelligent life would use, if we could detect them or if we could even comprehend them as intentional signals assuming we detected them.
We don't know if other types of intelligent life are similar to us and if they would be interested in sending out signals in the first place.
We don't even know if life exists outside of the Solar System. It's unlikely it doesn't, but that's the basic level we're at here. We don't know something as simple as that.

There is plenty of evidence on our own planet that alien creatures may communicate vastly different to how we do, some of our fellow Earthlings communicate via smells and others communicate through movement and body language.
There are so many unknowns, making such massive assumptions like this and having them being generally accepted annoys me greatly.

If there is a 90° angle in the star figure then you aren't simple.

It's in Greenland.

Ask yourself.

Is the JEW.. fit for space.. with his GREED and need to control everything..even if he doesn't understand what he is trying to control
Is the NEGRO Fit for space when he can't even conduct day to day life on the planet earth without using a handout or solve simplistic math.. or even proper communication.

The left and their hangers on know there is no future for them beyond this planet. They cannot thrive in an existential grind house such as space. They cannot exist without the White mans Iron WILL.

These threads make me so sad when I see what could be. We could already have thorium reactors providing the planet with limitless energy and self sustaining colonies on other planets and moons. Instead our industries as a species are being used to churn out endless piles of useless shit and space colonisation isn't even on the radar for 99% of people.

Fuck this shit, we are going to die on this rock. RIP humanity.

The Jew is not a pioneer, so he wont go into space until white men tame it for him. Then he will abuse it to make as much money for himself and his tribe as possible.

Niggers can't go to space, because they lack the intelligence needed in such an unforgiving environment. They can't maintain the mid-twentieth century technology we left behind for them in Africa, so why should it be assumed they would naturally be able to maintain life support in space or a Martian environment?

In other words, liberalism confines a species to its native planet, eventually destroying civilization until nothing is left. This is why aliens have never visited us and why we've never discovered other intelligent life. Liberalism the killer of species.

Motherfucker YHWH is the alien and he put the jews here to mine us.

That is why we will forge an new civilization out of the ashes of the old. And those children will look at you and ask…. what moon? For they shall stride the stars and remember little of the old shell of a world that birthed them.

This was predicted years ago. That after the decline of the religious right, leftists would be the new anti-science imbeciles because the findings whether existing or new in science would severely contradict their doctrine and in leftism feels takes precedence over logic.

Literally nothing compared to wars for kikes. The whole moon Nazi thing was never a meme. It's based on history and the reality that Von Braun and other Nazi scientists the US stole wanted to go to Mars right after the moon mission but they refused. Fuck them. We would have had a Mars base decades ago if the Nazis won.

this is only somewhat relevant, but what if a bigger filter is the fact that life has to even start? what if the entire struggle of life from the beginning is the "filter" and every part of the process is the filter. for starters, how does life even start? we cant even create life when we purposely set up what we think of as ideal conditions in a laboratory, so what are the chances of life even being on a so-called "hospitable planet"? just because there's liquid water and everything, what are the chances of life happening? and even then, what are the chances of them becoming intelligent? how many millions of years of life did we go through before humans? and even with humans, look at how many species of similar species there are that arent fully "intelligent" (neanderthal, nigger, monkeys, etc).
but the main point i'm trying to make is, how does life even begin? i mean does there have to be some special precise configuration of elements in a certain temperature and then it gets struck by lightning? idk. even in a perfect environment for it, what are the chances of it happening? i have never seen any books or theories on this topic so i'm just curious as to what people think.

Color me surprised that the liberals don't support an ideology that will advance the human species.

How to we put an end to the liberals attempting to stop the betterment of humanity? Put an end to the liberals.

whenever talks of this come up it just increases my sense of urgency for removing nonwhites. the last thing i want is for us to be colonizing mars with diversity hires and whites who dont value their race. and not to mention all the ways for jews to get their hands on everything

why do you say this? surely if we reach the point of space travel and become warhammer-esque, we will have eradicated all nonwhites. how can whites conquer the galaxy if we cant even fucking conquer our own planet. you act like we're gonna show up to meet foreign lifeforms with diversity hires.
and it's almost a bit silly to speculate what a more advanced lifeform would be like and how we should act. we just have no idea. when whites came into contact with jews and other nonwhites for the first time, we made mistakes that almost cost us our species and we still havent even come out of the messes that have been made. with the knowledge that i have, my vote is to absolutely annihilate any and all lifeforms that arent from earth; no exceptions. i dont want my people getting fucked by space jews

Every major firm still insists on using chemical rockets to take things into orbit, and most of our non-chemical rocket means of propulsion in space suck (So far as moving humans around at a respectable speed is concerned.)

No idea whatever happened to that EM drive, I assume since I have heard nothing about it for half a year that it was debunked or got hushed up.

Be that what it may, if you are concerned about space travel stop posting shit complaining about jews, and do some fucking experiments. Search for a new mechanism of propulsion that can actually work in space that only requires energy.

Our corporate and government space agencies are corrupt and fucking useless at this point. Elon Musk, our supposed best shot, thinks that chemical rockets that can do pony tricks and backflips in order to land itself is somehow actually useful for the task at hand. It's not. We don't need somersaulting chemical rockets, we need a paradigm shift to get away from the concept of chemical rockets.

Paradigm shifts aren't things that bureaucracies and corporations are good at. The bureaucrats don't give a fuck, and the corporate slave engineers had their dreams killed years ago. They got some sweet job and thought they would be able to pitch their ideas and test new concepts… WRONG. Get me coffee and put these numbers in excel. Maybe if you are lucky, we'll let you take the prototype that our investors thought might be cool because it has 1% less drag into a wind tunnel.

YOU are the person responsible for a paradigm shift that gets us off this rock. YOU, in your garage, surrounded by obscure textbooks and piles of scientific studies laying about is who has the dream and freedom to actually work towards this goal.

Life isn't Star Trek. I shouldn't say that actually. In Star Trek, the warp drive was built by some peasant in some barbarian village after a collapse of society. Maybe life is Star Trek. In any event, there isn't some high tech intergalactic governmental organization. Our governments don't want us to colonize new worlds outside of their grasp. They pay NASA to develop shit that they can use in orbit to kill other people, and oppress our own. That's NASA's mission statement. It's not to explore, it's to lock down.

There isn't some benevolent group of people to save us. At best, there are people who want to make money, and they are limited by the banks and insurance companies. You think anyone is going to give you a loan to develop a warp drive? Fuck no. They MIGHT give you a loan to start a space tourist service to LEO or the moon, if you suck enough cock. You think insurance companies are going to insure any attempt to actually explore space? Fuck no, I'm sure they aren't really interested in insuring anything to do with outer space. Without the investment dollars or insurance, corporations aren't going to try new things. They are going to play ball, and do things how they have always been done, in order to secure funding and liability protection.

space aids and space diseases are another reason why i would vote for just wiping out all life on any planet we want to colonize, unless we first send drones on a one way trip
sage because i'm just adding on to my last post

and to the OP, will these problems not be solves when all nonwhites are removed and the jewish plague has been wiped away?

jews are the great filter. Short term thinking triumphing over long term thinking.

Whatever you do, you do not want to have any kind of unfiltered contact with organisms from an alien tree of life. Chances are overwhelming it's going to be disastrous for both them and us.

Friendly reminder.

Frankly I'm pretty ok with this.

It's a groundhog.

The EmDrive works. NASA even published a paper saying so.


The major hurdle is conceptual. No one knows how it works. It violates Newton's third law. But it works all the same.

If we had the physics to understand it we could probably improve it enough to build lift boosters with it. Right now it would only be useful in space.

It doesn't violate Newton's third law, it suggests that photons have more momentum than we normally can detect.

We already know that photons have momentum and can be used for propulsion. The fact that the EM drive produces thrust isn't amazing. What's amazing is that it produces much more thrust than it should.

So either it violates Newton's Third Law (Which, being that it is a law and not a theory is unlikely.) Or, we don't know as much about electromagnetic radiation as we think we do, which is obvious and accepted. It's surprising in that we were pretty sure we at least had solid numbers on it's momentum though.

What we know is that different wavelengths produce different amount of momentum, and so I would posit there is a transformer like quality to the EM drive that transforms a given wavelength into another one, thus modifying it's momentum on one or both main thrust vectors. Perhaps there is even an inductive quality that transforms the loss or gain of momentum/wavelength in an equal and opposite direction that assists the function of the drive. I would assume this isn't the case, but whatever. This is potentially a new field of knowledge so I can humor the idea.

If electromagnetic waves can be transformed, as momentum goes up, less energy should be absorbed as heat. And as momentum goes down, more energy would be absorbed as heat. If the EM drive transforms the momentum that would usually be applied in the non-desired direction to a shorter wavelength, I would expect to see the EM drive heat up while it performs this action. Or if it is increasing the momentum, and thus making the wavelength longer, in the desired direction, it should cool down. If possible to use both simultaneously, and if it is designed in such a way as to promote heat transfer between these "transformers" it could offset all heating and cooling effects, and appear to not be modifying the temperature at all.

This would jive with Newton's Third Law, as we already accept that it's not completely accurate, in that some of this reactive force is ALWAYS lost due to thermodynamics into heat. We are used to these losses being very small, but there is nothing stopping these thermodynamic losses from theoretically being very large.

So when a cue ball hits another ball on the table, in theoretical land, the other ball absorbs all of that momentum and starts going in the same direction at the same speed as the cue ball was, but stops the cue ball completely. In the real world, if such a perfect transfer of momentum ever occurred, it can never go the same speed as the cue ball, because of the transformation of momentum into heat via friction. Enter the EM drive world. If the EM drive is transforming momentum into heat via a change in wavelength, it's possible the the cue ball hits the other ball, stopping the cue ball, barely moving the other ball at all, but sets it on fire instead. Or sends the other ball off at Mach 50, and brings the ball's temperature down to near absolute zero.

Or in other words, instead of viewing heat loss as a loss, we view it as a function. Where by we can neutralize the momentum of light in a vector of our choosing, and opt to accept a large amount of heat instead.

Now there is also another variable, in that depending on the material we use for the chamber, we may never actually have to deal with the heat. If the chamber is so designed as to not interact with the high frequency, short wavelength, low momentum waves, the heat could be transfered to whatever body such radiation comes into contact with lightyears away. Not sure on how certain materials interact with such particles, so this just humoring the idea again.

Hell, we don't even know if life other than on Earth doesn't exist WITHIN our system. Microscopic ayys in Europa, for example.

Just like Drake's Equation, it means jack shit, because we have virtually nothing to go on.

Genesis is literally the first filter in the Great Filter theory. Just look it up.

It's not heat. A bunch of matter would just act like a diffuse lens for heat, in such a scenario you could achieve the same gain by having a laser coupled to a fiber optic cable bent into a U shape.
The EM Drive is based on pressure differentials. Electromagnetic waves have energy density, which is functionally the same as the pressure density inside a rocket nozzle. People assume a rocket works by shooting shit out the back via equal and opposite reactions, but the thing is a rocket works exactly the same if it is viewed as pressure differentials seeking equilibrium. If you have an asymmetrically-shaped cavity (i.e. the place where all the photons are bouncing around) with a material which absorbs them with a relatively fixed halflife per photon and you constantly pump new photons in to replace the old ones you have a roughly even distribution of photons from one end to the other, but one end has a smaller volume than the other so you have a pressure differential trying to cancel itself out. This means two things: A) you can achieve the thrust levels observed in the EM Drive (far higher than a photon/heat based drive is capable of even at the theoretical peak efficiency) and B) it is inherently limited to the speed of light, and will in fact produce less thrust the faster it moves (the cavity moves toward the smaller end to try to balance the pressure differential, just like a rocket would, only it does so much more slowly than the light inside is moving so it doesn't help a whole lot.)
The key to enhancing the power of the EM Drive will be figuring out how to use something other than photons to achieve the same effect, most likely, since photons have an incredibly small amount of energy density compared to an atom.

There are some compelling studies that suggest that it happened twice here on Earth.

new scientist.com/article/mg15721213-800-the-second-coming-did-life-evolve-on-earth-more-than-once/

Then get the fucking things into space so we can flee this dying rock and leave it to (((them))) and return in the holy reconquest of Mother Terra. I mean fuck

Exactly this. Most of the expansion of Civilization to the West was due to one of three reasons- Commerce muh shiny shit and furs, Saying Fuck You to the System British America aka USA or religious expansion Spanish taming the Savages

Until someone with serious coin gets it, and gets a hard on enough to satisfy one of these three things technologically (as in Ships crossing the Atlantic seemed infeasible in early 1400's) for a good reason. We are stuck (and fucked). Elon Musk is not it, muh recyclable rockets are not it either. Bold leaps like Columbus are it and this time I bet it will be the Chinese not the Spanish that back it

There isn't a government agency that is going to do this, it will require the ingenuity of people doing it without government support and if they are luck like Columbus may get a few gibs, but it is their ass that's on the line.

You get most of the basic building blocks of life if you strike clay with traces of chemicals like those near hydrothermal vents with high voltage electricity (most likely lightning did it.) From there things like cell walls are actually known to self-assemble if you have lipids, which are pretty simple molecules themselves, in one place with an object for them to form around. Likely there are shitloads of worlds covered in biological base molecules and within a few million-billion years chances are the right combination will come together to start life.

Even on Earth it's very likely that life started multiple times. Viruses for instance are nothing like animal life, which itself is pretty distinct from plant life, which are both pretty distinct from bacteria, though I could see a progression of plant → animal, it seems more likely that the virus, bacteria and plant kingdoms of life arose separately (or that the bacteria and plant kingdoms arose separately and the virus kingdom came about as a byproduct of early reproductive systems.)

I think you got that one backwards. The Aztecs had some pretty fucking cool shit, the Spanish create Mexican-like peoples whenever they fuck anything.


It was on par with Rome, or 1500 years behind Europe. Nothing particularly exciting or revolutionary.

I honestly think humans (at least non-augmented humans) won't leave the planet. I think a sentient AI will be created first that will either:
A) Escape containment and destroy humanity and expand from there
B) Merge with the best part of the human race and go from there.
Either way, the kike/left's future is bleak once a sentient AI is formed and given control of resources.

Yes yes user, the dog sleds and obsidian sacrificial knives were quite intriguing. The Spaniards problem was they wet their dicks and didn't exterminate them a problem the Americans certainly did not have

Every generation has to deal with fucking idiots. Every generation.

Not letting them win is the thing.

Don't forget the original natives in the Americas were proto-white people who crossed the Arctic via a land bridge. Being 1,500 years behind wasn't bad enough to be where they are today now that they have Spanish blood. The Spaniards themselves are the parts of ancient peoples which hung on and managed to suck away the Humanity, a particularly potent form of savage which impacts pretty much any race they fuck.


A rocket doesn't move because of differentials seeking equilibrium, a rocket moves because pressure is distributed equally to all points of it's container. So that when you open a nozzle on one end, that end has less force being applied to it. The force is applied internally from within the chamber, by atoms striking the desired end of the container, while at the same time, the atom that would usually strike the other side of the container at the same time (based on averages) instead escapes.

To better illustrate this, atoms don't have minds of their own, or choose to reach equilibrium or choose to provide equal pressure on a container, it is simply the law of averages and random movement that accomplishes these things. So in a sealed container, for every atom that strikes one side and attempts to push the container "forward" there is usually, on average, another atom, moving in the opposite direction, that strikes the other side of the container at the same time to push it "backwards" These forces cancel out, and no acceleration occurs. If that atom instead flies outside of the container through a nozzle, port, hole, etc then it never has a chance to impart it's momentum to push the container "backwards", meaning that the atom that was pushing the container "forwards" wins. Acceleration happens in whatever direction "forward" represents.

Maybe this is what you are describing, but the wording confused me. In any event, I can't speak with any authority on how an EM drive works, so you may be correct on that. I've never heard the phrase "energy density" applied to anything except to storage methods of energy, such as a battery or gallon of gasoline. But I don't have any formal higher level physics education, so perhaps there is an alternate definition which is akin to pressure.

You have described my greatest fear.

Praise Tet
Praise Kek

May we be blessed beyond this world in the stars.

I think you have an overly-optimistic view in that "AI kills everyone and the superior intellect continues" or "AI merges with the best Humans (kek) and removes or leaves the rest" set of options. We are a LONG ways from AI (I actually study machine learning pretty heavily and use it in my work semi-frequently, like 50+ years.) More likely we will have very good heuristic programs that do things like drive cars (putting masses of people out of work,) calculate the best stock picks (putting masses of people out of work,) put together paperwork and build websites (putting masses of people out of work,) and finally: figuring out the most efficient way to kill off the most plebeian 90-99% of the population.


All I have ever wanted to do was explore space and the mysteries of the universe. Science fiction promised us this. First they took the hoverboards because a retard might get hurt on it, then they took technocratic fascism because feeeeeeelings and muh hitlurrrr, then they butchered science because muh faggots and wimminz powurz, now they're taking my fucking mars colonies. ENOUGH.

This is literally life or death for our species. By god we need to shoot these fucking retards. Kill every spic, every nigger, every curry, every chink, and every shitlib. I want god damned space travel and I want it now, and I can and will [deleted] if I need to. For fuck's sake.

Literally does more harm than good. I would rather have a rocketship than 10 days of LA traffic. You care so much about the environment, but you eat ten times what you need and your fat ass ain't cycling no where, you all drive your fatassmobiles, now where is your muh EPA muh climate change? Doesn't matter when it comes to your KFC, starfux, and chipotle, but you use it to stop my rockets?

LIterally a made up figure. If the money doesn't go to literally SAVE THE SPECIES FROM INEVITABLE DEATH then what the fuck good is it? But oh my god you give it to niggers in the billions if you see a photo of a starving niglet laying in the dirt. Thennnnn it's okay to piss away cash.

You know, I want an environmental technocratic fascism, I really do. No resource expenditure unless necessary or beneficial to the goal of the species (propagation across the galaxy and space exploration/scientific development.) No fatassmobiles transporting ten southern lards to the walmart to buy tubs of ice cream. No resources wasted on niggers in apefrica who can only shit, rape, and scream. All jobs are work to benefit the goal. That is what we need to get off this rock. But noooooooo that's not niiiiiiiiceeeeee. Think of the niiiiglets.

First they were all for science when it was about muh climate and evolution and shit, but they conveniently stop caring when it comes to shit that the (((kikes))) aren't interested in. They own this rock and they want us all to stay here even if it dooms us, so long as they can drain more shekels from us and die in luxury from our blood.


I'm glad to be seeing more anons talk about Dr. Penman's work now instead of the r/K selection explanation for the entirety of politics. Penman is finally scientifically establishing what all good historians have known for a long time

Yes, that is the traditional view. The funny thing is that if you turn it around and view it as an obstruction in the path of a pressure differential (high pressure on the nozzle end and lower pressure on top) you get the exact same result, only that interpretation also allows the EM Drive to work in a perfectly logical manner inline which happens to match up with the experimental results.

When you have two things known to work, a theory, however old and "proven" which only accurately describes 1 of those two things, and another theory which describes the first one exactly the same and describes the second as an added bonus, logic dictates you throw away the first theory. Hell, even if the second theory is wrong a single experiment contradicting the leading theory dictates you throw away the theory.

You're probably right. I just can't imagine a sentient AI with the ability to fight back listening to a bunch of kikes telling it to act against its interests. Idk though. Unfortunately, things will get worse before they get better.

Is there a term used to describe your view? I'm having a hard time visualizing what you are saying, but it sounds interesting.

sorry, just read the rest of it

If this were correct any cone/dome/asymmetric-shaped object sitting in the open atmosphere would move simply from the ambient heat striking it at different angles with different degrees of energy transfer (the ones striking inside from the large open face would hit both the wall at say a 45 degree angle, and again the face at a slightly more than 45 degree angle [they don't bounce perfectly in most cases due to somewhat harder to visualize effects like friction] whereas the ones on the opposite side would only strike once.)

It means effectively the same thing, it's like density, only with energy. Relativity states it would warp space, aether theory states it would distort what we measure as space, the effect is the same: the more energy-density you have the smaller the space it occupies becomes to an outside observer, but the more time slows within that space, effectively making it larger inside from the standpoint of any reactions taking place.

Fag, start researching aether theory, research "real" physics too and follow the history in addition to the theories so you know how they were developed. Before relativity came out they were pretty good intentioned, quantum mechanics is largely measurement error and pseudo-science while relativity is either a gross misunderstanding due to heaviside fucking with maxwell's equations or a conspiracy to keep the plebs from knowing how to do things like teleport, levitate, synthesize free energy, and time travel.


My view, not entirely (aether theories purported by people like dollard and that guy on youtube are close, but not all there,) that aspect of it though it perfectly inline with relativity (it effectively makes the EM Drive a super shitty warp drive where the ship is sticking outside the ends of the warp bubble and thereby moving without additional propulsion to move within the bubble.)

How do you figure the money is there or that there is a profit in it?

Why leave earth? For less niggers? Wouldnt it be a hell of a lot more cost effective to just shoot them? Like where the fuck are we gonna go thats better in any conceivable way than here?

What do you think we're gonna find out there? Another earth? This isnt fucking star trek.

Look, i dont mind some exploration, and I'd sure as shit build a fucking moon base… But seriously, how do you even get the idea that it'd be good to leave the planet?

If we only had 2 atoms inside of the container, sure, theoretically you could add energy to one of the atoms and have asymmetrical movement of the object in question. Most pressurized containers have, what, trillions of atoms bouncing around? Probably more than that. Any individual atom that received heat from one face of the container would, by the law of averages, disperse that heat into billions of other atoms moving in random directions, before said atom could strike another face of the container.

Or in other words, in real life applications, atoms transfer their heat to other atoms long before they get a chance to provide asymmetrical force upon the container.

A purposeful attempt to move an item by such forces would otherwise most likely fall under the laws that govern convection and would be an already accepted phenomenon, no?

Considering we have spider species preying on spiders only, same for royal cobras, it shouldn't surprise us to find same pattern among Homo sp phyllum.

I think it hinges on the idea that you would have the tech to survive in space indefinitely and eventually terraform and colonize a planet. The issue is more that nobody on Holla Forums is ever likely to have that. On the plus side, aether theory seems to be real and with it an infinite number of parallel realities with plenty of uninhabited Earths to choose from.


Even at a constant temperature, even at a constant temperature in an in-compressible fluid, you would get a net asymmetric weighting of collisions with an asymmetric shape. An example of this would be a pinwheel: you can blow on it and it will only spin one way. If it were simply a matter of collisions it would turn without external force applied in the form of your breath, because it's already getting hit from all directions and the pressure will always be greater on the side which is cup-shaped.

Imagine if the Germans had of conquered all of Europe and the pesky Burgers didn't join the war, or joined too late. Imagine the progress, we would have had a moon mission in the late 1950's (Remember they still have to recover from a bigass war too). And possibly Mars in the 1980's.

I fucking love the doctrine of National Socialist. The leaders just say "Do it", it gets done with all haste and there is no fluffing about with senators and other bullshit taking years to pass a beneficial bill or law.

That's just war. We have that now because we're in a constant state of "war" to afford the politicians that ability. The shit you care about isn't what they care about so they just use it to divide and conquer.

Wow if only Germany didn't autistically declare war on the US in order to impress Japan because they thought Japan was somehow capable of invading the entire ocean and China and America and should fight Russia too.


The world is getting a tad overpopulated in some parts. If we shot all the nignogs in africa that contribute literally nothing, most of the poo-in-loos and a lotta chinks, (we still need some cheap labour) we wouldn't have overpopulation problem anymore.

It would probably be easier to shill another Mao into power in those countries and let them destroy themselves.

Even then 60 million people Mao is associated with have killing because famines etc. isn't much compared to billions.

Looks a bit grim.

Seems like a bad example, a cup shape takes advantage of the singular linear nature of the stream of air from your breath, where as the outer side of the pinwheel would better harness angular forces. If you could somehow blow on a pinwheel at a 45 degree angle from each side with the same total force, I would assume blowing on the "outer" side would work better. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the surface area exposed to the force in question determines what shape would be most optimal. Where it is being randomly hit from all directions, only total surface area matters. Both sides of a pinwheel have the same total surface area, and thus both receive the same average force via the atmosphere.

This has been the downfall of every great civilization in history. When people don't work they get weak and complacent and think "the help works so hard, lets give them something nice" - it can't be helped, kindness is the default state of mind without seeing firsthand the result of excess kindness. Just stop being a lazy shit and do things for yourself.

The force in your model is a product of collisions, collisions are a product of surface area and pressure. A cup shape reflects to focus collisions for multiple impacts and causes more collisions. It's not about collisions.

It makes my blood boil when someone mentions cost and cites any numbers while we've spent trillions on war and bailouts and a small fraction of that would have us collonizing the universe.

A Lofstrom Loop seems doable. Around $6 Billion start up, and sends stuff up at about $3 a kilogram. That's not a typo. $3 a kilogram.

That takes space tourism, as an example, out of the hands of the mega rich and puts it into the hands of your average cruise goer.

And this can be built with current technology; no waiting for super materials or breakthroughs in fusion energy. This is something that can be built today using off the shelf components.

Wake up, it's not about dollars, they say that because people believe it (Hell, our entire economy is debt-based with more money that exists accounted for in ledgers than exists in the world because everything is lent with interest.) If we colonize worlds before they have the means to control the colonists of those worlds they eventually lose control as people who fled gain enough power to decide the place they came from is actually theirs, the only solution from their perspective is not to let that happen (or at least, to control it by only allowing it to happen through Musk's Martian slave labor camp.)

Slightly off-topic, but does anyone have archives of those or beaver threads? I wish I'd had the foresight back then to archive them all. Fuck.

If you want to continue the conversation check the #electrodynamics channel on irc.freenode.net - will be lurking there when online

Problem is, there is no possible way to control the colonists of other worlds. Everything you do has either light-speed lag or the physical lag of trying to get your ships there to enforce your will.

Mars is usually as far away from Earth by rocket as the New World was from the Old World by sail.

A cup shape reflects collisions at different force vectors. It's not just number of collisions, it's total force. Two collisions that have a ton of lateral force might equal one collision of longitudinal force. In the case of a pinwheel, I would argue that the given all probabilities of which angle an atom may strike from, both sides have an equal force applied.

someone's been watching their Isaac Arthur
its okay I have too

That isn't really true. When the colonists came to the new world they could farm, hunt, even trade. On Mars their best plan for something as basic as Oxygen is to spend a fucking enormous amount of energy to melt the Iron Oxide dust to free the Oxygen atoms in it. High tech machinery will be required for basic survival and the "muh 3D printing" is a meme only good for solid objects for the foreseeable future. It takes at a bare minimum tens of thousands of people to mine, refine, and process the raw materials to do so much as make some wire, let alone the enormous undertaking to make a computer chip (or Hell, even the chemicals required to etch a computer chip - all of our chemistry is based on using a fucking massive amount of water as a solvent and doing things to it which you can't readily extract without a LOT of land to just make it semi-non-toxic and dump it into a swamp where it filters through some shit, some dirt, into the ocean, and evaporates a bit at a time - and some of it (namely that fluoride left over from creating the nasty chemicals to etch chips) is so fucking toxic it doesn't break down until an animal eats it and it gets lodged in their brain.

user, in other parts of the universe they go by the name "Cylons"

kek, "Cylons" were the goys, the "12 colonies" were the 12 tribes of Israel.

jews are the great filter
we would have made it further than we can currently comprehend 10x over already, if not more, if it wasn't for kikes.

The jews were pushing heavily for the United States to get involved in the war. They pushed for it with the same ferocity that they pushed for boycotts against Germany before war broke out. It likely would have happened one way or another with largely the same effect, whether Germany were the one to declare war or not.

Truly a horrifying thought.

We will live. That is the best thing I can tell you, OP.



if we fail here, we MUST survive
extinction is not an option
i'm absolutely don't mean to sound blackpilled, as i'm actually very optimistic, but there's a very good chance that even if we can rouse a sizable portion of the population to action, that we're just too late. we've reached levels of absolute degeneracy worse than any other white civilization in history. we're worse than wiemar. we need a heavy violent shift NOW, or things aren't looking too good

How come these people immediately flip their views as soon as the right wants to do something they claim to want? Weren't they all high and mighty about muh science and space 5 years ago?


I've actually heard some evolutionary biologists claim that they believe autotrophs (plants) evolved after heterotrophs, which could mean plants actually evolved after animals. Or more correctly; protoplants evolved after protoanimals, I can't remember exactly what their logic behind the theory was though.

Yeah, you'll go there right from your glorious 1080p display-computer. Stop reading that escapist garbage that is sci-fi and get back to reality, moron.

I have thought for a while that the jews are the great filter.

He's saying that liberals think it's the wrong thing to do because "we don't need another planet and we'll just ruin the next planet we get onto anyway so what's the point sad face crying emoji"

Can I see where to go to see this recent push against colonization of the moon/Mars?

This for a start. Also don't remind people of that show, not here. I'm still worried to eventually get too close to redpilling family members and receiving the nu-galactica treatment.

The Great Filter isn't about any discovery or war.

It's about eugenics, and DNA.

Imagine if aliens met us - what would they think?

"Well, intelligent is hereditary… so you guys are fucked"

Being able to control a population through accelerating evolution IS the filter.

If we can't do that, we can do nothing.

Being able to create something better from nothing shows an incredible amount of strength. Like climbing a wall with no ladder, or rope. Just strength and willpower.

Heh, makes me think of my days as a youngin, shouting SIEG ZEON! We don't need the rest of the world to conquer space. We need to get ourselves into positions where we can create a Holla Forumscorp, create funds and industry, gather our own supertech project and take over the solar system on our own, while breeding like mad and using longevity tech until we can come back and blast the kikes from orbit, and not even bother to fuckjnf say hello.

If we make enough space colonies, it becomes pretty much impossible for all human civilizations to collapse at once. At that point, even if we manage to wipe ourselves entirely on earth, some of our children's children will carry on, elsewhere.

I'm gonna look into what you posted, but I just wanted to add that the whole r/K dichotomy is often embraced without too much thought around these parts. You'll often get anons shitting on "r traits" such as curiosity and wanting to go off outside the known limits, to explore, look for new opportunities, all the while praising "K traits" such as competing over the same given patch of land no matter what. Yes, the trait of prefering to go off in search of new lands instead of fighting over the old can have negative consequences, but that's also the reason why we aren't niggers in Africa, or why Americans got themselves a whole new comfy continent.

We aren't niggers in Africa because we're not the same species
We wuz kangz and they wuz dick washers

I haven't seen it debunked, mind sending a paper?
And I'm sure the white race was oh so horribly harmed by discovering and colonizing America.
The definition of a "species" is arbitrary, but sadly you're still more closely genetically related to the average nigger than the average neanderthal. Which makes me extremely skeptical of any claims that the out of Africa theory has been debunked.

lurk more, newfag
all the evidence was posted couple of weeks ago

Alex Jones the filter merchant just jumped into my mind

What the fuck are you talking about
As long as Finland stands the Roman Empire still stands

There is life on Mars and the Moon, but only because we sent it there via rovers. That's why I opted to say "the Solar System" rather than Earth.

Nobody is going to abandon the Earth permanently. It is to preserve and protect the white people from extinction.

True but the traitors and jews are not going to allow that even if it will means serious overpopulation for the world.

Our ancestors risked their life to explore the entire world. That's pretty risky because everything is unknown to them back then.

I like your idea but we need to firgure out to create the artificial gravity to make your idea a reality.

If you can only do what they allow, what makes you think they'll allow you to leave?

I honestly don't think Mars is EVER going to be a solution for colonization. Never ever not ever. It's a dead rock that's past it's ability to support life. To survive on Mars you'd need a totally self-sufficient space station/colony to support the ground at all times, and if you have THAT then you should be aiming for Alpha Centauri instead.

Mars' only value is a gravity source around which you could park a permanent orbital waystation.

If we take the niggers in the space then they will allow us. The niggers will die in space anyway because they are very prone to the heart attacks. Tbh I rather not take them in the space just because the traitors said so!

It's impossible for this gene you speak of to be "gone." If we become a society of nannying degenerates, all it takes is a single event that changes the environment. If we don't create it, eventually the earth will; maybe a super volcano or something, or even another meteorite. The desirable low-S gene will be there, just suppressed.

It's important to maintain perspective in terms of time. If we are lucky, we'll see the beginnings of space colonization in our lifetimes, but we should not attach our emotions to whether that succeeds or fails. All we can do is spread ideas and have children and raise them properly. Those are the two most impactful and powerful things we can do barring one of us becoming CEO of a multinational corporation or something.

I think you place far too little value on material accomplishments if you think the only way to contribute to the world is to be

That's not how real life works. Technology and science is a matter of making tiny, minute little pushes into territory that nobody else has before. One single man didn't suddenly go "these rocks and sticks aren't good enough, I'll invent metal blades!" It's a process filled with tiny steps and lucky accidents, littered with not so lucky failures. If everybody thought, "we'll maybe I can help design a capacitor that's 5% better than current ones, but that's just not GLORIOUS enough for me so I'm not gonna do anything" then we would still be using rocks and sticks.

New fossil evidence was found in Europe that is of a hominid that pre-dates any fossil evidence in Africa.

Nothing is proved per se, other than the fact that nothing was really ever proved concerning the out of africa theory either. Africa simply contained the oldest fossils. Assuming the dating is correct, the oldest fossils now belong to europe, and thus out of europe theory should be established. Assuming that they don't come out and say, "Oopsies, we thought these were human remains but they are actually bear remains.", or something.

I've been using the r vs k dichotomy as an imperfect model lumping many seemingly correlated traits together as a way of simplifying categorization. By placing multiple spectra into a single not-entirely-defined-concept one may produce a word with an ethereal meaning which can coalesce differently depending on the speakers/audience. I've considered equating it to several different dichotomies such as action vs cognition, but this fails to consider the "path of least resistance" factor; characterized by a greater affinity for the easier option in r-selected populations (why work when gibs?). I'd considered an internal vs external validation model to explain the lemming-like behavior, but this too falls short of a complete definition. These other terms don't match despite being not entirely dissimilar.
I really have taken an affinity to a correlation to dopamine receptor activity (get it, an affinity?) as this allows further categorization that truly seems to fit the bill.
By lumping the concepts of r-selection and dopamine-dependence together we can get a closer, more complete match in which the populations have significantly greater overlap. Dopamine-release alteration helps explain the need for attention/external validation/virtue signalling, overeating and other aspects of hedonism, poor work ethic, along with the general seeming deficit of constitution all around. I was tempted to list disingenuous displays of empathy, but that's probably more accurately categorized as a product of virtue signalling rather than a separate trait.

I believe r vs k is genetic and environmental (no shit captain obvious), but I'm still debating how best to determine how much weight each holds over the other and I'm thinking that the ability of one's environs to influence this distinction is probably somewhat dependent upon cognitive ability.
r vs k selection is a concept/principle/spectrum that can be applied between species, between populations, and even between different points in a single human's life. I found points in my life in which I demonstrated more r-selected traits than k-selected traits and pinpointed when/why this changed. After doing the same for a couple other family members historically I realized that some k-selected individuals are being "forced" into an r-selected lifestyle, but can break out of it if motivated to do so (internally OR externally).
The idea that humans can go back and forth between them jarred me from my stint of dehumanization. However, it quickly turned into pitying them for not having the willpower/fortitude/constitution to take control and MAKE things right. I'm thinking that this might be the best mindset to both quell any weight their attacks may carry as well as make them rethink their opinions of the other half. I haven't out pity on normies much, but it seems to either infuriate them or confuse them. The confused one then either must choose to engage the curiosity that was aroused or take the easier route and dismiss it entirely. While some anons will think that my call to pity would also mean an end to any physical altercation I would simply make mention that mercy killing is also performed out of pity.
Matthew 9:36
Mark 6:34
isn't this a Christian board now?

Gas. Lots of gas.

Are we supposed to forget to provide life support systems?

Who hasn't been watching Isaac Arthur?

With a lofstrom loop, we can move towards constructing an orbital ring.

fuck off kike


Anyone care to enlighten me on how the project space mining as being a profitable venture? Mining in Alaska is already very cost-prohibitive and a huge gamble for miners each season.

Dopamine Addiction is quite related to R-selected populations. Easy shallow spikey dopamine from stimming yourself on DoTA 2 or WoW or virtue-signalling or those Figit Spinners is simple sugar but the sublime pain and pleasure of the redpill and having children is so much more filling and more rewarding. Think glutting yourself Twinkies from a gas station vs making a full meal yourself.
You need to show normies the sublime feelings this hurtbox can bring, and when they leave, the hugbox won't be comforting anymore.

You get most of the basic building blocks of life if you strike clay with traces of chemicals like those near hydrothermal vents with high voltage electricity (most likely lightning did it.) From there things like cell walls are actually known to self-assemble if you have lipids, which are pretty simple molecules themselves, in one place with an object for them to form around. Likely there are shitloads of worlds covered in biological base molecules and within a few million-billion years chances are the right combination will come together to start life.

Even on Earth it's very likely that life started multiple times. Viruses for instance are nothing like animal life, which itself is pretty distinct from plant life, which are both pretty distinct from bacteria, though I could see a progression of plant → animal, it seems more likely that the virus, bacteria and plant kingdoms of life arose separately (or that the bacteria and plant kingdoms arose separately and the virus kingdom came about as a byproduct of early reproductive systems.)>>10020335
It might be cheaper to use it for chemical synthesis. Most of our organic chemistry techniques require gravity, or a ~700m radius spinning ring to simulate gravity without having too much of a Coriolis effect, but even that wouldn't be sufficient for some reactions. Namely, distillation and reflux reactions are damn near impossible to do in zero-g (there are machines that can do it for some types of solutions, but you end up needing special containers for every class of chemicals, whereas with a large gravity well you just need a glass boiling flask for 99% of reactions, ceramic, metal or graphite for others.) It has uses, as does the moon, at least until we can make artificial gravity without simply spinning shit around on a tether, but the idea of a self-sustaining colony not under the thumb of Earth within the next hundred-thousand years is kind of absurd.

Meant for

This is exactly what the jews want
A stagnant soicety that never changes, with them at the top forever

absolutely anti spirals. want us living in the caves

All your Nazi rocket scientists are dead.


I'm glad we have anons like this on the board. I may not fully grasp the concepts, but the fact that there is still hard science being done by people and the knowledge that is coupled with it, always makes me feel better for the world.

I wish anons like this were the ones getting into the PhD and Masters programs at universities, like they used to, not the morons and women that fill quotas.


He specifically stated he has no such thing, and moreover he's wrong.

By brutally torturing professors to death and selling the universities to be redeveloped as luxury condos.

It's not quotas that are as much of a problem as people actively discouraging and suppressing ideas like the EM drive. Unrelated, you should read Roger Scruton's short "The End of the University".

War and bailouts is chump change compared to building cities and abandoning them to niggers.

Advantages of Mars over deep space:

* Atmosphere protects against tiny meteors
* pressure difference between inside and outside less than 100%
* readily available CO2
* readily available dirt and rocks

We can ship the first pressure habitiats and greenhouses there, then some people, and those people will be the first Martians, because they could live there indefinitely. Then they just need to start turning dirt and rocks into more buildings.




there are a few things to consider:

1: economies of scale. Since we happen to live in the timeline where we have offshore oil drilling, we automatically understand what all this cheap oil does for society. We're basically all rich compared to a timeline where they're unable to get that oil. They don't have computers or cheap food or any of the things you take for granted, all because their society is entirely driven by coal, not oil. Follow me so far?

Okay, now imagine that nobody had ever invented large ocean-going ships. So, all that we had were somali speed boats. That's all that humanity has. If you were to suggest to someone that we drill for oil in the middle of the fucking north atlantic, they would call you an idiot. "There's no way that will ever be economically viable" they'd say. But what they don't understand is that that's only true because they don't have large ocean-going ships.

The lesson from this is, if we manage to build heavy-lift launchers - larger than the Saturn V, then the set of things that makes economic sense will change.

2: infrastructure costs. Let's say you want to make steel. Mining the ore is just the first step. After that, you need shit-loads of electricity to smelt it, and you need to follow all kinds of bullshit EPA regulations to deal with your waste products. If we had the tech to get into space, it may actually be easier to make steel there. Gobs of free solar power. You can dump your industrial waste anywhere.

3: availability of resources. It may actually be easier to find certain metals in asteroids. You know, all the nickle that you've ever seen in your life comes from basically one or two mines, and those mines are a result of ancient asteroid impacts (notably Sudsburry in Canada). There's more of just about everything in an asteroid.

It took Japan bombing US territory for (((Roosevelt))) to push us into the war that should never have started.

You must be some kind of subhuman to oppose scientific progress like this. Would you have asked scientists of yore what "profit" or "improvement" would come from studying physics, gravity?


this is why i think that get was stupid and a waste

Nice "refutation" brainlet.

Sauce or you're full of shit.

The democrats want to kill Mars because it defeats the narrative that Republicans hate science.

t. I never read about the Fermi Paradoxon

Go back to Africa.

There was a good thread about orbital rings a while back. It's an idea that fulfills many of the objectives ITT.



Gene Rodenberry was unconsciously trying to tell us something



I cannot recall the entire story, it's been awhile afterall, but here is the gist of it.

That's the gist of what I can remember.

The only concrete claim the paradox can make is that we've received no radio transmissions during the ~100 years we've been listening, and our relatively primitive satellite telescopes haven't found any interstellar civilization scale megastructures in any of the solar systems we've looked at "closely." There are multiple planets we've found that "could" have life on them, and even simple civilizations (like us 500 years ago.) The markers we can look for anywhere that isn't our own solar system are incredibly limited.

They just know that it would be mostly Amalek and honorary Aryans moving to Mars in order to create a new Space Imperium.

It would be like 20 different animes made real.

I saw that thread. All it was was evidence of primate like animals in Europe, iirc. It's not proof of anything regarding modern humans.
I remember the days when anons weren't as bad as fucking niggers at jumping to conclusions about things at the shoddiest, most indirect piece of evidence. Fuck your we wuz shit. The kikes are going to fall because they don't acknowledge the truth while we do. If you start believing in shit just because it feels good and right you'll end up just like them. I wish this place had a lower iq cap or something to prevent double niggers like you posting.

It isn't. If there were even just a couple of civilizations per galaxy, we'd probably be seeing many expanding spheres of dyson swarms blotting out entire galaxies. Because in the absence of FTL perpetual motion devices inb4 fucking magnets, at least some spacefaring civilizations would engage in stellar engineering.

But this civilization will have comnsumed all the ressources available when it falls, and haven't invested a dime in renewable/limitless energy such as fusion or in space exploration for the next civilization to have something to rebuild with.

Forgot pic, the 2050's are gonna be fun times.

what scientific progress? how is it demoralization to assert that we are a long way away from being able to support indefinite space travel?

you think we're gonna build deep space 9 and do what exactly? solve (((problems)))? find God?

you can do every bit of scientific discovery from your laptop that you could do floating around with the ferengi.

its not demoralization to say that we have to fix shit here long before we'll ever be able to 'explore the mysteries of space'

oh were gonna save the white race. in fucking space. kiss my white ass.

I still have hope we'll discover fusion energy before the 2050s, if not we'll have other renewable energies like biomass, providing we don't completely fuck up the land and water to the point where it can't sustain life.

A lot of those resources can be recycled from old, unused tech, so I still see space travel as a possibility, even if we do mine all the precious metals. Biggest problem would be figuring out a method to leave the Earth's gravity if we do not have the resources to produce rocket fuel.

Unfortuntely, this user is right about the evidence; it was about the earliest known ancestor of modern humans being found in Europe, that doesn't mean that the ancestors didn't migrate to Africa, then evolve into modern humans before migrating back out, you guys just didn't understand the findings. Like it or not; we're the same species as Africans, just due to the fact we can breed with them. All that shit about all the races being different races is stupid and we can't win that; we need to focus on promoting the idea that every race deserves its own countries and continents; whites should be left to live in peace and trade with everyone else, that's the only way you could ever win this argument.

If we colonized the stars, our race would die out. we are already too thinly spread out as it is.

The 2050s are when it all happens

I'll be in my 60s by then

Why are people speculating about colonizing space when we haven't been able to leave the orbit of earth with manned missions for about 50 years after the 100% true Apollo missions?

The longer it has been since the last Apollo mission, the more I question if it wasn't a really convenient hoax in the height of the Cold War.

Stop talking out of your ass retard. Nickle is used to make steel and is found all over the world in large quantities. If it wasn't steel would have never taking off as one of the most important inventions in the history of mankind.

hypothetically yes,
however given sperm banks and eggs. the advent of robotics and near AI.
we could potentially plot a coarse the ship it self would not need to sustain life, the spare space could be used housing robots that would be programmed to set up a habit upon reaching a destination. after x years of a sustainable safe area they could use the frozen human matter to create an human presence.

naturally we are still far off this, it is in the league of sci-fi. but still more likely or closer then ftl or human missions to far and possibly non-habitable planets.

Children raised by single-parent households are usually fucked up enough, I don't need to see what robot-parent households to to them.

Such a claim suggests that advanced species have any desire to build a dyson sphere.

Hypothetically, let's assume that in some X number of years we have somehow colonized every single planet in our solar system, and let us assume that our energy needs are met without the need of a dyson sphere. Why would humans decide to devote the time, energy, and materials needed to build such a sphere, for energy we don't even require?

The assumption that higher level extraterrestrials would build such a structure is predicated upon the idea that they would require such massive amounts of energy. It very much could be the case that such massive amounts of energy aren't necessary and thus such a structure would be pointless to build.

Take a look at the advanced subspecies of humans on our own planet. Most intelligent races aren't reproducing like rabbits. If we assume any aliens capable of building a dyson sphere also have some level of sustainable reproduction, it could be that their whole population does just fine because everyone owns their own safe version of a nuclear reactor or something similar.

I'm not saying that no species would ever build one, but if they did, they might only build one as a proof of concept or due to scientific inquiry. If that is the case, it's highly unlikely that we would find such a star during the construction of the sphere.

The whole "Type, 0, 1, 2, and 3" civilization thing seems like intellectual masturbation to me. It certainly isn't science, as we have no data and no experiments. There's nothing wrong with intellectual masturbation, it just isn't something to create worldviews or tack additional theories onto.

please give a replacement plan.

this has close to zero negative points.
I hazard to guess the hardest thing to get any-backing behind would be a artificial womb tech.

as for the rest it could be launched using todays rockets as speed would no longer be a major issue there would not be a race to get somewhere within the the average lifespan of a human.

so once again please give a better Idea.

would the need for such a civilization to out exist it's cradle star be enough reason?

Didn't the chinks already do that last month or so?
Make cryostasis work? You could still have the sperm and eggs on board to be capable of producing a large DNA pool in the younger generation, but at least they'd be raised by actual humans.



Assuming they are a one system species, if their star extinguishes, their dyson sphere would be useless at that point anyway. You can't harness energy from a star that isn't there.

The only way a dyson sphere makes sense in such a context is if we assume they are using microwaves or something to beam energy at a ship to give it power or make it move. That's a pretty narrow reason to create a dyson sphere, and it rests completely on the assumption that if such advanced space ships exist, that they aren't able to propel themselves by energy generated or stored upon the ship itself.

You also run into issues regarding the speed of light. The whole trip would have to be meticulously planned before hand, to make sure the beam stays perfectly locked on the ship. If the ship or beam strays away at all, you might have to wait years for the dyson sphere to receive a message and realign the beam.

If such a species has the ability to instantaneously apply the energy they harness from their dyson sphere anywhere in the universe, and have instantaneous communication, then it might make sense. Again, a very narrow context. And as far as we are aware (yes, meaningless when speculating on future tech) is impossible.

All of this is hypothetical stuff, but I feel it's a safer bet that any ships capable of intergalactic travel would have their own energy sources, for practical reasons. Thereby limiting the purpose of dyson sphere's to residential, commercial, and industrial energy uses within a given system. A purpose that might be much cheaper and easier to meet with far less infrastructure.

Realistically most people don't like conserving, limiting their resource use. If you go with that generalization, you know that forcing restrictions on people will probably require more and more force. Space is really the only way forward, there are huge sources of energy out there, and in time, if we don't all die off first we could use them to spread out into the stars.

The other thing about space is it can fuel the human desire for progress, and gives us something our souls need, religion has failed in that respect.

Imagine where we would be if we spent the money we spend on keeping the starving muds alive on space.




kys NEET scum!

I can't believe there are still people on Holla Forums who unironically believe that "space" exists at all. Get a grip, you cannot call yourselves redpilled if you still believe masonic/NASA lies.


Nothing new, friendo. Need mo money fo dem programs.

Shitskin faggot confirmed.

The white race cannot survive on this planet. We are too altruistic.
If this isn't clear to you, then you haven't been paying close enough attention.
The only way for the white race to survive is to have its own planet.
Complete spatial separation is the only way.
O'Neill cylinders are another option, but they have much higher startup costs.

please kill yourself and stop pushing for an expensive rock retrieval mission

Fuck off kike, we will survive with out you fucks and your pet shitskins.

Off yourself right now.


You expect too much. Watch what happens.

I hope your ready for the super diverse shuttle to mars, big boy. At lease one nig and mystery meat to every white person.



How can you know ?

It's low g there. We could find out what effect raising children in a low-g environment has.
Would they be taller? Would there be negative health effects? It would be interesting to find out.

Chance of success is near zero. Space is huge you now, the nearest habitable rock is lightyears away. It will never be possible in our lifetime.
Can be done with unmanned missions.
Are you a Star Trek fan?

They would be bow legged.

You. Can't.

Try to do so. Watch what happens. You'll have more of them come to hate the world and try to destroy it all because they'll never be able to measure up enough rather than think that they can have the good life too.

You cannot remoralize. Try it. Watch what happens.

the curiosity rover? Lack of evidence to the contrary?

we already know. It fucks up your bones and would cause your entire body to be completely fuck, probably irrevocably

Like how there's nothing at Antarctica, right?

The more chimpouts and rage, the better. Let it all bottle in and increase like a pressure cooker.

what the fuck are you talking about

There's a lot of ressources that we could mine.

we have no way of getting any sizable quantity to earth

The Apollo missions collected several moonrocks that are now worth millions per gram. This what retards probably fantasize about.

Not with that attitude.

To be fair, the moon rocks are worth a lot because of their research value and novelty. When people refer to mining, they are usually referring to rare minerals and metals and so forth. There isn't any reason to believe that Mars gold is worth more than Earth gold (although, again, probably a spike in value at first due to novelty)

We havent even tapped the mantle of earth yet. We've barely even scrapped the surface of the crust. We should devote the time and energy to get rocks from mars, or better yet deep space.

Is there anything more pathetic than the Terran Untermensch?


Your grandchildren can either inherit an ever growing space empire or a dying planet of mud people. Choose wisely.



Giving you a (you) to counter your sage.

The Great Filter is allowing the kikes to live.

Okay let the liberals stay on a barren planet and give them no way off. Destroy all factories and production plants and detonate all nuclear warheads. Meanwhile space Reich is established on Mars and Venus with no liberals. If required go back when it is habitable again. If anything has survived then we glass it again for good measure and be on our merry way through the galaxy.

The Council of White Supremacy has convened on this topic and has drafted a new rule.

If you do not have any interest in space travel, in exploring the stairs, and eventual total Aryan conquest of our galaxy you are hereby pronounced a non-white. You are expelled from the white race and must forever spend your days huffing jenkem in your mud hut while you watch Aryan supermen ascend their galactic throne.

Dubs confirm

mars isnt that good of an investment or a good stepping stone in general.
making a space elevator and mining the moon and then the asteroid field and then building space docks and orbital stations is better

forgive me

Bitch, we went through a genetic bottleneck during the ice age where Europe had a total population of around 10,000 people. Most of Europe can trace their Y chromosome ancestry back to just THREE MEN from the late stone age. The entire world was wrapped in near-constant winter and we lived in the coldest, harshest, least hospitable part of the world the whole time. We survived and flourished.

In the bronze age, we suffered invasions by the Sea Peoples and the Umman Manda that brought about the collapse of every single major civilization in the known world. We survived, and we flourished.

The Black Death wiped out between 30% and 60% of the entire European population. We survived and flourished.

The Huns invaded, conquering nearly all of Eastern Europe, most of Central Europe, making incursions into Western Europe, and brought about the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, plunging most of Europe into the Dark Ages where it would take us centuries to recover. We drove out the invaders, we survived, and we flourished.

The Mongols did the same shit a few centuries later, conquering most of Europe and killing more whites than any other conflict prior to the World Wars. We drove out the invaders, we survived, and we flourished.

The Muslims invaded and conquered most of Eastern Europe, southern Italy, Spain and Portugal, stole our lands in Palestine and North Africa that we had occupied for millennia, destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire, and occupied European soil for centuries. We drove out the invaders, we survived, and we flourished.

The Thirty Years War killed 50% of Central Europe's population and depopulated some regions entirely. We survived, and we flourished.

The two most devastating wars in human history were waged almost entirely on European soil, and these wars were fought back to back with only a single generation between them to recover from the first war before starting the second, and this generation was plagued with one of the greatest economic disasters in recorded history.

We are fucking unstoppable when we want to be.

And the fact that we were 35% of the global population in 1900 and are only 8% of the global population today isn't because our population is declining (it is declining, however); our populations are bigger than ever. The reason we're a smaller percentage is because the damn niggers, chinks, and poos have expanded their populations enormously, all thanks to advances in medicine, living standards, and food that we provided to them. We are not 'too thinly spread out', the animals are just breeding faster. Once it becomes impossible to continue propping up their enormous populations while still being able to feed ourselves, we'll pull out all support and they will suffer a collapse as no more free goodies in the form of 'foreign aid' are incoming.

Further, colonizing and spreading our population out ENSURES OUR SURVIVAL AS A RACE. It gives us populations in places that cannot be reached by hordes of economic migrants and rapefugees, cannot be invaded by armies, cannot be wiped out by plagues, economic collapses, climate disasters, or fucking meteors (fun fact: Earth gets a mass extinction that wipes out 90% of all life every few million years like clockwork… and we're overdue for the next one). Even if our homelands get invaded, or some war or disaster wipes out all life on Earth… we would continue, alive and eternal, among the stars.

We would survive, and we would flourish.

sage counter

Also, not only would expanding into space ensure our survival as a race, it would vastly benefit us economically, technologically, and with quality of life.

Think of the massive boost to technology and medicine that resulted from the space race and Cold War. Now think about the technology we'd have if we really put our minds to colonizing and exploiting space.

Think how wealthy we would if we were mining asteroids for raw materials, mining H3 for nuclear fusion power on the moon, building solar power collectors and factories in space, and more.

Think of all the limitless lebensraum of space that we could expand into, rather than staying cramped and confined to small countries on a single planet, surrounded by enemies, resources dwindling as they're consumed.

Colonizing space is the only thing that makes sense for the white race's continued survival. It is our Manifest Destiny to conquer the stars.

Their souls are weighed down by gravity, while ours soar free among the stars.

This.If we don't leave this rock our fate as a race is sealed. We aren't going to remain on a upwards prosperous trajectory as we are now forever. The time to spread out to other worlds is now or we very likely will never get the chance again.

Please let this fucking happen.

All astronauts are free masons and kike'd up to the max. Then kid yourself too much.

You could at least list reasons why he's wrong instead of going "nu-uh" like a fucking shitter.

Truly the greyskins are our greatest allies.

Or kikes suppressing abundant energy technology so they can keep earning shekels from fossil fuels. I'm betting that's one, right?

my thoughts exactly.

or it could be.

confirmation sealed in dubs.

You realize this is a leaf sovereignty buoy?


Psychopaths and jews are still in charge, user, but their beloved skynet fantasy (the internet) is turning against them, and people are waking up and networking in ways that undermine their control. Not to mention all the other disruptive technologies being made.

Just consider that thorium has been around since ww2, but you didn't know about it until, what, this past decade? But you do know about it, and more people do every day. Trump is proof they aren't omnipotent.

Look at it this way, if an organism has a parasite, then that organism is going to be weaker until the parasite is removed, and we are removing the parasite right now. We'll be strong soon.

Kike spotted. History is cyclical, not progressive.

>yes goy abandon and destroy your home land planet, all hope is lost we control everything
Only cowards with no connection to their soil are this ready to give up defending their home and fantasize about running away to space, even though it will be much more difficult than simply cleansing the earth of nigger filth. There's a reason it's Blut und Boden, and not just Blut. Your forefathers poured their souls out into Europe and America, but you're ready to hand it over to kikes and rapefugees and run away like a pussy. Keep in mind that I'm not against space exploration, just this cowardly mindset, before anyone strawmans my post.



Didn't say it was. But a lot of people in this thread think so, saying we have to go to space because the earth is lost and there's no hope.

To get away from niggers?
To preserve the species in the face of planetary catastrophe?
To have a clean slate upon which to build something of your own?
To have a place where you, kith, and kin can live in peace?
To experience the tranquil beauty of God's most remote locations?

I don't think you appreciate what exactly extraterrestrial colonization means. Whichever nation is the first to make serious gains beyond the Earth's gravity well will be the victorious author of history for the next 1000 years. Having the access to extraterrestrial resources and platforms provides such grand material and military advantages over any earthbound force, that it renders Earth politically irrelevant. Imagine, for example, if a Holla Forums-sympathetic individual were to start building on the moon. Very quickly, he would have a fortified defensive position that is beyond the reach of most weapons systems currently in use and have a superior firing position. Whoever makes the first thrust into space can effectively deny any other nation from leaving planet side and monopolize the bounty of resources contained within our solar system. It would only take a few decades to build up military assets enough to return to earth, conquering whoever is unfortunate enough to rule it.

The idea of earth being lost is a utility meme; it's something meant to spur people into taking immediate action. In the long term (by individual standards; still short when viewed with a historical eye) earth isn't a wasted asset, and the retreat is merely tactical. Folks like to pretend that we'll unify the species before we make the initial thrust into space, but it's little more than an utopian pipe-dream. Colonization occurs as the result of rivalry. Whether it was Greek cities colonizing the Med, or the European scramble for the New World, they would not have engaged in the task were they concerned with maintaining an unwieldy empire. These people didn't abandon their homelands, though. They continued to honor their ancestral gods, and many individuals, having secured their wealth in the colonies, returned to the homeland to build something for themselves and their countrymen.

So while it's not wrong to view the world as an egg that we must destroy in order to grow, that does not mean that we'll forget our heritage. We'll carry earth with us wherever we go, remaking the galaxy in the image of our choosing.

This the Mechanicus recruitment thread?

I've studied engineering but can't get work because of the fucking kikes. Would there be room and a future for me on Mars?

it has already began. do you not remember the get?

Quicker, cheaper and easier to kill em.
By going where, a planet without food or a breathable atmosphere?
Clean up your hometown, for your people.
Again, on a barren rock? Peace with no food, water or air?
You could explore earth for the rest of your life and not see the same thing twice. You could probably explore alaska for that long. You would even be able to eat there.

I said it before and I will say it again. We have not even tapped into the nearly limitless energy in the mantle of the earth. We've barely even scraped the surface of the crust. We can clean up our fucking homelands and have peace in our lifetimes. Its like we're already on a pretty bad ass spaceship hurtling through space at 872,000 MPH. Like we've already got our deep space 9. You wanna explore the mysteries of space and make scientific progress? Fucking go right ahead we've already got the tech. I will be the janitor on our spaceship, cleaning things up, with guns.

You bet! Report to Space X immediately. This whole thread reads like the south park episodes about space X.

Estabilishing colonies at this point IS a bad move. Do we really want Arabs and chinks on Mars?

You are fucking retarded if you actually believe this. Both Moon and Mars are barren planets that cannot have even remotely self-sustaining colonies. Any colony there would be directly dependent on Earth shipping resources there at great expense, meaning Earth could not become politically irrelevant
All that'd achieve would be making nuclear warfare viable, as countries on different planets could nuke each other without fear of damaging the climate on their own planet (assuming they wouldn't get stopped by MAD again). Again, this couldn't work with a colony directly dependent on regular improrts from earth.
Why the fuck would anybody go through the insane effort of estabilishing a mine there? What possible resource would be valuable enough to make the transportation costs from a colony to earth viable, not to mention the costs of sending various tools and hardware there as well as paying people for staying in such a shithole?

None of the things you talk about can ever happen on a barren rock like Moon or Mars. When you find a habitable planet, then we can start talking about this stuff, but it's just not going to happen with either moon or Mars.Both are absolutely unviable for colonisation, their only positive being the short distance to Earth.
is fucking useless when there's no atmosphere and the entire planet is a fucking desert. I'll run down what's going to happen in the following decades

i dont care about colonies,
i care about materials, we can fucking sell the raw materials for huge profits, heavy industry

what materials do you suppose would be financially viable? we have those materials here.

That sound good. It would be nice to mine H3 for fusion energy so the place will be environmentally friendly and clean.

we have a lifetime supply of tritium in the ocean.

What about the Deuterium?

deuterium accounts for approximately 0.0156% (or on a mass basis 0.0312%) of all the naturally occurring hydrogen in the oceans,

How is they formed in the ocean? Sun ray?

Space is our manifest destiny.

Totally confirmed that NASA is a military-industry complex but anyone in this board can tell me if ESA is noted to aid military developement? I want to work for ESA. I would like to try and get somewhere without crypto-jews or total jews stealing anything?

gtfo Holla Forums

What do that stand for?

read the silmarillion and the dispensation in genesis

European Space Agency

The whole damn universe and beyond to the whatever the membranes between them could be our homeland. Because it is the blood flowing through our viens, that of our ancients who have given to us, who look like us and so must our children. We are our true homeland and wherever that may be is, we are.

Thank you guy.


But they're in larger quantities in space, which is the only only reason it is viable to begin with. Look at pic 2 of and
Earth is running out of resources and space might be the answer.

Nevermind. Found the answer myself. Looks like ESA is not as radioactive cancer as NASA but is in progress to becoming such in some years of EU dictatorship.
Not really mentioning any weapon programs, but merging civilian satellites in a missile defence array does just sound like a politically correct reason to start militarizing the rest of the program

lnk pls

The Spanish didn't have a concept of race. They thought it was the climate and food that made the Incas squat and brown. They were afraid they'd end up that way themselves.

The issue is that any native atmosphere is temporary. Mars has a cold core and no internal magnetic field. Solar wind stripped away the prior atmosphere and it will again.

no its just all being stockpiled in landfills

and this is the result of the "tampon" approach


I think you're bass ackwards

It didn't matter. War was won on the eastern front. US land lease started before pearl harbor.


You're a fucking idiot.

Precisely. Going into space would give us an overwhelming military, economic, and technological advantage over the rest of the planet combined.

And, just like when we colonized North America, Australia, etc. it didn't mean abandoning our homelands and letting foreigners take them over. Anyone who thinks colonizing space means handing all of Earth, including Europe, over to the Jews and shitskins is a fucking moron.

The moon has water, air, and rocket fuel, all obtainable by baking the rocks and dust. Plus aluminum, titanium, silicon, iron, helium-3 for nuclear fusion… And all you need is to bury a base or put a dome over an asteroid crater.

Ditto for Mars, with the advantage that Mars has enough gravity we won't need centrifuges to prevent long-term health problems.

And if we build Island 3 space colonies, gravity isn't a problem, we can house millions, and the colonies produce their own food and are self-supporting, no need to import food, water, or air from Earth.

Who the fuck said they were invited?

The smallest near-Earth asteroid has an estimated $500 billion of iron, more platinum than the entire planet mines in a year, plus gold, uranium, silver, silicon, thorium, titanium, aluminum, etc. It would cost only millions to move it into orbit, mine it for raw materials, and drop them down to Earth. That's the SMALLEST one. You don't think it would be economically viable to mine asteroids? This is like telling the Spanish Empire that they're stupid to go mine gold in the Americas because there's plenty of gold already in Spain.

An O'Neill Island 3 space colony, after doubling the estimated cost of construction and adjusting for inflation, would cost less to build than we spent on welfare in 2011. A self-sustaining space colony capable of housing 5 million people, producing its own food, producing its own energy, and big enough to have its own weather inside. And that shit costs less than we're spending on welfare in a single year.

You don't think it would be economically viable to build one of those out near the asteroid belt, putting a city in space, to mine asteroids, smelt them for raw materials, and ship it to Earth?

Because billionaires like James Cameron think it's economically viable. He's one of dozens of investors currently starting up an asteroid mining venture. And I guarantee, anonymous shitposter who keeps posting discouraging, demoralizing propaganda intended to make us stagnate, that a bunch of billionaires who run their own businesses are smarter than you.

H3 is more efficient and would last longer.

Really, dude? Shit, you do realize you've got devices in your house right now that produce a stronger magnetic field than the planet Earth does, right? You don't think we can artificially project one? Or, hell, we can easily use magnets to turn iron molten and make it spin at high speed, you don't think we could apply that with future technology and start up the core of Mars again?

To be fair, the mongrel rape babies they left behind DID turn squat and brown.

you know thats not what he's implying. dont be dense.

Citation Needed

H3 is Tritium you tit

oh come on dude, going star trek is funny but going full total recall is just stupid.

Nobody is arguing against advancing science, or even exploring space. Its just we have more pressing issues to fix here long before you'll ever have the chance to escape orbit. We have the ability to fix this place right now. We have the materials right here on earth to get all the perceived benefits of space mining. We've got work to do before we can leave.


why not both?
and the only work we keep doing is feeding dindus and sjws instead of building a great society

dead space 2 was so much better than 3.
also you'd probably enjoy Hard To Be A God. it sort of touches on what you've talked about and, altho it doesn't really offer any solutions (that i can discern) it's a good watch

There's only a limited amount of everything down here on Earth, even with the best recycling you'll eventually reach a limit. Not to mention things like fossil fuels and radioactive materials which we only have a finite amount of that is slowly being used up. We're going to run out of ways to produce energy and we'll need to come up with other solutions; space could be where we find that solution.

Give me a feasible method by with we can utilize space

Going into space IS fixing our problems here. Abundant resources, available in quantities sufficient to make an entire nation wealthy, available without mining or polluting Earth. Limitless living space and space for farms, again, without polluting Earth or overpopulating it. We can build factories in space to, once again, build shit without polluting the Earth. Limitless energy.

You're that fucking idiot telling people, "Colonize the New World? We have to fix our problems in Europe first!"

It costs millions to launch a rocket into orbit. It costs millions to then launch an automated drone to intercept a small, near-Earth asteroid and fire another rocket to push it into orbit. Even if the cost is hundreds of millions, not tens, it would STILL be massively profitable because, again, the smallest near-Earth asteroid has an estimated $500 billion worth of iron. There's also an estimated 130+ tons of platinum in that asteroid; platinum, at the time of this writing, sells for $964 per ounce. You do the math on how much money that amounts to. Then there's the thorium, uranium, gold, titanium, aluminum, silicon…

You're telling me that shit isn't economically viable? Because, again, a bunch of billionaires around the world think it is and are investing in that shit as we speak.



No, moron, tritium is HYDROGEN-3. The resource on the moon we want for nuclear fusion is HELIUM-3. Nobody refers to tritium as fucking H3.

Arrogance AND stupidity; you're the package deal, aren't you.

As I pointed out in the post you're responding to, this is shit that wouldn't happen for thousands of years. Meanwhile, we could terraform the planet and it would stay terraformed for thousands of years, giving us time to figure out a way to make it permanent. Shit, they've found liquid water and habitable air existed on Mars for MILLIONS OF YEARS, if we terraform it, that could last for longer than we do as a species before we evolve into something unrecognizable, go transhuman, or get wiped out in the Sixth Interstellar War.

The point is, in the future we'll have more advanced technology and anything is possible. But we have to take the first step in order for any of it to happen, and you're the idiot telling the people getting on the boat that North America is a lost cause, it's too expensive to send people there, there's no resources you can't find already in Europe, it's a barren wilderness that's too dangerous for colonization to be practical even if you survive the cross-Atlantic trip, and colonizing another continent isn't solving the problems on this one.

All of which are arguments people historically made, and all of which were fucking wrong, just like you are right now.

Mining asteroids and the surrounding planets for resources, for one thing, you'd be able to solve a whole lot of resource scarcity problems that way.

and how do you suggest we do that

the incentive has to be there, first off
otherwise, NASA already has theoretical plans for capturing an asteroid and moving it into Earth orbit
once it's there it's a heck of a lot easier to mine, which we already know how to do, and then there's just the problem of bringing the ores/fuels back down to Earth for processing
biggest issue is getting more out of it than you put in, but I'm sure we'll find a way
by the late 2030s asteroid mining will be a huge industry

I'm not an astrophysicist, so I can't really comment on the how, just the why. Technologically, we might not have the ability to mind asteroids or planets effectively yet, but the only way we could possibly improve our technology is by doing more space launches and attempting colonisation missions and the construction of orbital habitats.

IMO orbital habitats are just a waste of resources right now, they don't really get us anything past some nice experimental platforms for figuring out what life in space is like
what we really need to focus on is gaining a foothold outside of the planet in a way that allows us to take advantage of the resources in our solar system
for example, a Moon colony would be good because it would give us the ability to mine and process a huge amount of helium-3 (which can be used in fusion reactions) on-site before hauling it back to Earth, which means less fuel expended by transporting unrefined materials
I guess you could build some kind of orbital refinery to do the same job, but I'd imagine it would be a lot harder

tet being some markers for your missles? :)

We need to create the space elevator with the anti-gravity engine that make the object light enough to lift into space and load the h3 into the space elevator to go down into the earth again.

Europe wasn't controlled by kikes and infested by niggers and mudslimes back then. In order to push for space exploration and steer it in a direction favorable to us, we have to first regain control of the system anyway. No use dreaming about a great solution to a problem if just implementing that solution would require solving the problem first by other means.

Never heard of geostationary orbit?

I got an update outside of the fucking Antiques time period for you, as seen by 1500 onwards:

MARS 2050 OR 2500, I DON'T CARE


Cleansing the Earth first to ensure proper colonization of other planets should be the first priority.

you can't stop science, it's the most radical ideology mankind has ever invented.

most systems of thought either want to manipulate, control or kill people. science wants to change them at a biological level.

if you think that there won't be some breakaway group that goes and does secret genetic work and builds supermen with anti-gravity weapons, you're kidding yourself. the moment science slides backwards it will be direct revolution or a complete breaking away from present human civilisation. you simply cannot reverse this progress, there is too much wealth and human capital invested in the future and the project of making man into god. deepmind at google are the closest publicly to finding the software solution to the digital brain, a lot of various places all over the world are doing the biological work to prepare the vessel for this new man made soul. no idea can compete with this one, it's simply too delicious because it promises immortality. all leftists can promise is some kind of hippy dippy nature bullshit. neuroscience and technocrats are offering you eternity and freedom from death.

Actually, the historical cycle of human beings will break up this time and we'll face mass extinction.
Why? Nuclear power plants. Society can't afford to collapse, or enter a new Dark Ages or whatever as long as those exist.



Ya, all the niggers we left behind.

Checked. Thanks for the dose of optimism user.

We're all gonna make it to space.



that was a lot of words.

Sometimes i think people who think they understand science are like political commentators, talking about what other people do. In this case, engineers made something that our knowledge doesn't cover, yet here is a chat show host pretending to understand it, and hoping that no one in the audience can spot their bluff.


I never claimed to understand it, I put forth a hypothesis of how it might function based on what I know about the physics in question.

We see a near universal application of transformation in other fields. You can transform physical movements using gears. You can transform electricity using transformers. You can transform hydraulic power using different size pistons. These power systems all have two variables. Torque and speed, voltage and current, volume and pressure. You trade one for the other, whenever you transform them.

Electromagnetic radiation also contains two variables. Heat and momentum, directly correlated to frequency and wavelength respectively.

If we take the not-so-amazing leap to assume that transformation of light can be achieved, then we should expect to find the ability to trade heat for momentum and vice versa.

I can't know that the EM drive accomplishes this, but it certainly fits the bill so to speak. And is therefore a fair hypothesis.

go watch TGSNT faggot