New Ben Garrison Cartoon

Looks like an edited version of Zyklon Ben's latest masterpiece has been released

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This aint bad to be honest.

Why is Ben Garrison making cartoons about chopping off a Jew's head?
Isn't that a bit anti-semitic?

It's not, but he really needs to stop labeling everything.

Are you on drugs?

This is an ancient political comic meme, it will never go away no matter what.


Looks like Ben outdid himself again.

Bro, that's a trope of political cartoons that's been going on for centuries.

Comic fag here.

Helps put context to the picture for plebs. Also how long will this comic be relevant for? In the future without some name on the character in question the context will be lost to time.

He's not trying to tell a story he's illustrating a single event. A meme.

The classic "tammany ring" was very stinging commentary at the time but without being a student of history much of the context is lost. Who are the figures pointing at one another? Without googling it or being a student of history I doubt you'll be able to label them.

Instead of having text outside the comic just put it on whatever is relevant for the reader to understand what is going on.

To disect it- The person (kathy griffen) has handed herself her own bleeding head having recently cut it off with a still dripping knife. A look of dismay on her face in realizing what she's done followed by a simple omission "ooops…"

That's all you need right there. He has his own commentary on his website regarding the piece but it's entirely ancillary to the work.


Even newer one for pants of shit. Anyone have the original?

Go away, crooked Hillary!

—"Zyklon" Ben Garrison

GWAR Pissed at KATHY GRIFFIN: We Decapitated DONALD TRUMP First

I really really like this. Mind if I save it?

The real one is about the Jewess Barbara Boxer, Zyklon Ben would never waste time going after such a soft target as Hillary.

Just a pause to say it's nice having more people who know about political cartoons.

t. politics nerd



Nigga, don't get me started on art history. We'll get into some Baroque shit.

pic related, it's where Hillary and Schultz are going to end up along with all those other assorted neredowells in the DNC

The worst part about Hell is that their punishment is delayed until after they die and who knows if it exists except the damned who are dead, the other planes of existence might be entirely different.
Justice must be met on Earth, not just in the Afterlife.

Judeo-christian philosophy makes it easy: god is the source off all good things, and hell is permanent separation from God.

Oh and you get to eternally enjoy the pain of however you died.

neocon pls get out

She must be jewish. She looks like a man. Her eyes are dead. Her jaw is squarer than mine…



Doesnt the original have a david star instead of a pentagram?

His older pictures weren't so heavily noted.


Oy vey, anti-Semitic cartoon. You dirty misogynist goyim showing a beheaded Jewess.

Excellent, as always.

New Branco

Kind of shocked he didn't get the knife right or was that an edit?

I thought exactly the same. It really cheapens the art.

I absolute love the screeching coming from the left on that.




She needs more wrinkles and (((Amanda Bloom))) needs to be rubbing her money clutchers in the background

Clearly an edit. There is no smug pepe peeing in the neck hole.