The tet from the >>10000000 is an Irminsul. Anons have already connected tet to the djed...

The tet from the is an Irminsul. Anons have already connected tet to the djed, but not yet to the pagan Germanic Irminsul which the Nazis respected. In fact, some of the esoteric Armanenists said that Irmin is the true god of Germany.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tet is the 9th letter of the Jewish alphabet, and the like aimed for the get. The fact that he missed, but still got digits, shows that while Kek is powerful, we can't underestimate the Jew. Their magic is based on torture and suffering, and is immensely powerful.
We need to watch out.

How come you took the time to make a clean looking image but forgot to explain the connection in detail? There is usually not enough time to personally investigate every time someone drop a 3 sentence claim, and since the co-opted kekistan you should be obliged imo to put more effort into it or you are doomed to be associated with 9gag retards.

im ok with this

also i love the way that greentext reads, really soothes my autism


Read somewhere it has to do with the resurrection of Osiris. Isis placed a tet pillar at the place where she hid the bodyparts. Interesting times ahead

tet is the space station in Oblivion after the Earth is laid desolate.
Previous comment confirmed we space race nao.


Ever thought that this might be a technological device? There is a fucking coil on this.

Ant sized/10

The letter comes from the Phoenicians the Kikes DO NOT CRATE ANYTHING they can only steal something, repackage it as something they made, and resell it. Every aspect of (((culture))) they claim is something that they took and Kosherfied OT stories like Adam and Eve, Monotheism, number shit, The Star of David, Israel all stolen from others.

I've always been thankful to Protestantism for preserving the ancient works and keeping the Germanic spirit alive, whether they knew or not. From the initial conflict against the Trinitarianists and onwards there are many works looking back. Starting off with resentment and animosity to the old ways, but this has changed slowly in the years hence as more symbols are rediscovered and all other ways to survival are found wanting.

>>the true god of Germany its leader
Many would say Gaut/Godut/God should take that place but he is only a decider of actions and does not cause, only decides your merit. Then thought dwells to another such as Uuoodanz/Woten/Odin but he is to esoteric and was never meant to lead, only wander and learn.

Your symbol is that of Ukonvasara, the hammer breaks but then the hammer builds.

I thought dubs threads were what we turned shit threads into.

Is this another pizzagate thread?

whacha sliding rabbi


Irmin is not a snake you fucking tard.

Their magic is only good on this plane - they have literally no spiritual power as they mortgaged their future in the pursuit of material gains on their first stop.
This is why my family laughs. For 700 or so years we knew, even as we became more and more extinct, we laughed. This is why I laugh and you should, too. Their only source of power lies in the material world - not many people know it but those that do laugh beyond control as the best bankers and financiers didn't see a debt collection date on the loans they took.
We understand a truth that is… unpleasant, which is why we live as peasants. The material does not matter - when we die, we all go into the same sized hole.
They also understand this unpleasant truth but they are not above destroying the entire world so their debts may never be called in.


Don’t care.

I'm amazed by how stupid the userbase has become.

That's not so far off.
Look up "stave churches", Celts and Skanians worshipped dragons/snakes, even the christian flavor of them did.

Unless I'm wrong.

From your link, you pretentious waste of space.

The hexagram has far older origins in India than it does from Judaism. They are masters of bullshit and making things up on the spot. Like King David and Solomon.

or some faggot just typed some random shit to steal a GET to troll the board. Stop with the autism.

Thats how Kek speak to us

Memetic autism is a powerful force, and this has been proven time and time again.



I made a token to commemorate the 10,000,000 get. if you like it you can get one at but I'll be handing these out to any anons I meet irl also

Tet and Kek condone your work


But user, every female member of the Ogdoad is a snek.

The Tet Pillar is Egyptian in origin, and it seems that some religious (probably not scholarly) thinkers have tied it to the Saxon Irminsul. In OP's image, the top two symbols are more similar to the Tet Pillar, and middle two are the Irminsul.

One of the most interesting things from /x/-tier threads on this board is the real possibility of Aryan peoples in ancient Egypt. Perhaps the Tet is more evidence of assistance from the Egyptian kids. Trump has the spirit of an ancient Pharoah inside of him.

Great work user.

You're wrong. They slew them.

Got some sources that aren't kikes?

Divining signs from random events is an ancient tradition. I believe there's truth in it. Part of the random means it doesn't matter why it happened.

Females are snakes we know that already.

So anyone here capable of building one of these as if it were a stack of tesla coils?

Makes me think of this

It wasn't random though, the posts didn't appear for maybe a minute after the gets.
Anons already had the explanation of what they were and why they were significant, pages of them. You're having your pisser pulled by some rascally jews that enjoy underage vagina among other deviances.

This is why nobody takes you /x/ fuckers seriously.

Who else /awakenedkundalini/ here?

Really makes you think.

Literally hitler mods.

Had my awakening while doing a root to crown clearing exercise. Not sure if kundalini in the sense that it's not ongoing and stable but I felt the raw potential and achieved Vyatireka.

I achieved enlightment taking the biggest dump you've ever seen, it was true nirvanic aneurysm.

Again, /x/ tier discussion helps divert attention so of course such kosher topics are allowed.


The get was got on the Vietnamese new year, which is coincidentally named


Whoah dude! Pic related is mfw
My minds status:
Blown [X]
Not blown [ ]

This video purports That the Great Pyramid is actually a powerplant and capable of wireless power transmission, and that the TET is a local reciever antenna for local distrubution to stuff like lighting and simple machines.

Yeah but nowadays we don't use pyramids. We use "cooling towers." Since they are a lot more efficient.
Reptilians that wrote the past the very day they are writing news and future of tomorrow.
What seems to us as diversity propaganda, warping of reality and past, is seen a factual truth by children.

Either way it's just as easy to speculate that the get was a genuine user making a misspelled shitpost that resulted in revealing that Jewish magic has lost it's sway in the skein of reality. Resulting in tet now drawing meaning and power from Aryan spirituality instead of semitic kikery.

Well, the pyramid did have a golden cap originally, which would be an amazing conductor.


gas yourself. .xyz is an israeli domain.
Varg wrote an excellent writeup on Irminsul.
