Pedo hypnotizing kids on YT

Can anyone provide me with insights into these videos?

I am almost certain this is some form of hypnotization.

Can someone redpill me about these techniques work? Like the colors / swirling background etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not politics

Just some shitty art project

not this shit again

i remember when Holla Forums was talking about heykids

Official cartoon channels are biggest pedos.

I'm looking at vid related, but moreover have a scroll through the comments. I think it's bullshit that this actually got 14 million views, and those comments (with a few exceptions) don't look real.

I submit that both the video itself and the comments were auto-generated, and I want to know by who and why.

There is some seriously fucked up shit on youtube, but I think heykids was just some autistic art thing.

To anyone who doesn't believe Hypnosis or these MK Ultra Triggers dont work.

Watch this video:

Specifically - 1:29 - Demi Moore instantly snaps out when the trigger "Somewhere over the Rainbow" is played.

If you listen to what he's saying - he is asking the kids to email him pictures of themselves.

There's Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Gamergate references in this shit. Of course it is. They're probably even spamming ITT.

The genuinely creepy chomo programming shit is on TV already.


I figure kikes did this

This is the real thing. The OP is a kike trying to misrepresent and dilute the actual shit going on like this.

Psyop bullshit, just like the flat earth garbage.


theres all sorts of degenerates on yidtube making LGBTBBQXYZ for kids

one is called



Jesus this is horrible. OP is a distraction. This is the real shit. Farting videos, feet videos, and this is the worst of it. Conditioning children to become materialist zombies conditioned and fresh for mind control and/or abuse.

The children of the 80's and 90's, a time of collapsing social cohesion and ever lowering cultural standards are now parents. I wouldn't be surprised if mothers see this unholy programming and think it's funny because of the scatological "humor" it's wrapped in.


The way I see it is there are so many restrictions on what you can get away with on normal tv especially for kids. No subliminal ads, manipulative messages etc but youtube lets you have free reign to do whatever mkultra/propagandist manipulation you want. So no wonder they are targeting kids that's when the human mind is most vulnerable. Not much we can do about it except raise awareness of it to normies. Still shitty single parents are gonna shove an ipad into their kids face and leave it on auto play until the kid knocks itself out. So who gives a fuck at this point if their kid grows up to be a demisexual common core pedo with massive credit card debt.

this is quite possibly the most repulsive thing I've ever seen.


looks a bit worse than it is. Demi is 19 in this video, and actually only 4 years older than that kid. That's about the equivalent of a high school senior dating a freshman. A little off, but really not uncommon or overly strange. They are both children. While the rest of these videos very much disturb me, I sincerely doubt this has anything to do with mk ultra

I think its a bunch of indian, middle eastern or chinese people who continue to spam these kinds of videos and chainviews them just to generate revenue. If you added up all the view ad revenue that came through these vids they would gain stupid amounts. All they have done is make copy pasted songs and then make a shitty video. Hell we could all easily do this.


also worth noting she's very intoxicated



didnt know lightning mcqueen was in gta 5

this shit is fucking spooky

It's just so shit-tier looking too. It's like when I looked up The Snow Queen (Russian 1957 or 53 I believe) and it looked beautiful, thus I was lead to try and find other cartoons as good looking. I couldn't really, and upon looking at the more recent stuff, it all looks like shitty flash and like the stuff posted ITT.

Have you been living in an amish household for the past 30 years?
And that's just the surface.

Also, to anons posting examples, for fuck's sake webm them. These faggots don't need the views and ad shekels, and nobody here needs view history tracked.

To anyone spending too much time sifting through videos that are likely for brainwashing, here are some simple tips to keep the vids from fucking with your head, and for making it easier to discern if they are in fact meant for brainwashing.
#1 Isolate the input. That is, do not at first watch the video with the audio. Example, turn off sound when you watch if the first time and just analyze the video. Likewise, do not watch the video when first listening to the audio.
#2 If you suspect they are using visual cues, cover one eye as you watch.
#3 If you suspect they are using audio signals, put one headphone on and play something like heavy metal at low volume as you watch/listen.
More often than not, the methods they use are designed to throw off your ability to organically process the information that's presented, as to bypass your logic sensors. They use audio tones in a repetitive manner, oscillating frequency and pitch in a way that distracts your conscious mind right before you form a thought in response to what's being presented. I know this because I learned how to do if, and I'd wager I'm pretty fucking good at it. I've turned away police before and had them thank me as they leave, when they were intending to search my vehicle, and many more things. This is then used to direct you and emphasize specific scenes in the video, usually placing images that trigger instinctual or emotional reactions, timed right at the thought-break. Most people are pretty shitty at this because they use guidebooks rather than actually learning how this works, but as a result they use very long vids or just tons of them, knowing that the easiest part to break is your perception of time and they can then rely on repetition to achieve their desired results.
Any questions? and yes, I'm the user that talks about infiltrating cults just to mooch off of them in my younger days. I work better with questions.

probably just scamming ad bucks.

daily reminder that you can make money online by running youtube videos so assholes like this get rich from their monetized youtube channels.

Who would come up with such a trigger? It's retarded no matter how you look at it. It would be some almost nonsensical phrase, not something that can be heard by mistake.

MKUltra is a mind control fetish turned into conspiracy theory.

It's a very well known song, user. From the famous Wizard of Oz film to that super obese hawaiian or something guy that played it on the ukelele and had temporary eceleb status in the mid 2000s. Don't forget the "would you, could you, on a train" before that one woman connected to some bank or something was pushed onto the tracks.

That's precisely the problem.

Tell me your secrets; I swear I am the FBI.

On a more related note though, user… Do you have any more numerically organized notes on how to pick-up on various techniques of distorting someones perception via sound, visualization, light patterns, etc, and any other information about brainwashing 'in the moment,' instead of over a long period.

Those were LARP videos created by some bored as fuck Pajeets to fuck with children m8.

We've had this thread six gorillion times - it's some pajeet who got caught using an AI to shit out procedurally generated content and viewbotting it so he turned it into a le spoopy ARG about his shitty NN going 'rogue'

Any book recommendations onto the topic of subliminal mind control? Most stuff is likely pseudoscience bullshit written to sell copies, but you may know better where we can read more into the subject.

Well, I haven't tested this, but if you have software that can show you the harmonics forgive my lack of proper jargon, I'm not a sound guy there should be a noticeable repetitive frequency. It will likely be on a six to nine second interval. I normally use these techniques in person, one on one or on small groups, and the "break" I hit out at tends to be every 7th second in my speech. This disrupts what I had been saying from being processed into short term memory, so that I can then direct the person and keep them in a bit of confusion. Think of when you're onto something and have a sudden "mind fart" and completely forget a word or name, and it comes back to you around seven minutes later. It comes back because your line of thought finally processed over into long term memory and you can access it again. In conversation though, this trick allows you to direct a person's responses or completely temporarily anyhow negate having said the wrong thing. What's actually being said can be entirely irrelevant, but you can emphasize various words so that those words then have impact, even though the conversation is directed elsewhere or nowhere at all.
Does this make sense?

reminder not to let seele farm your essence

Shit, it's been a good decade or more since I studied this studd, but I could try and dig some up. I'm curious how different I'd understand them now. Does anyone remember the book L Ron Hubbard was using? I won't lie, I learned more from hermetic philosophy and from studying conmen I met in person than I ever gained from books, though the conmen never once actually had an understanding of what they were doing, just that it worked for them. The methods I actually use I fine tuned myself, rather than having been taught, though I need to learn to properly explain them to truly master them, so I will do my best. Also, I want to teach these techniques to my fellow Holla Forumsack, they will be very useful in our struggle.

I understand what you mean. I'll ask you to consider taken insights that you consider of particular importance, wrapping them in an image that an outsider wouldn't spread (e.g., one instance of anti-semitism or a swastika in the corner is enough), and let meme magic take its course. Anons will save it when you post them.


This thread was anchored if you haven't noticed. Fucking Imkikefy

Check'd, anchor's ahoy! BANTZ THREAD IS GO!

I'll see what I can do. /tok/ would be a good board for this discussion. I've mentioned this topic there befofe. I intend to teach this technique to anons that show up at the gathering if all works out.

myself I feel weird after watching these bear thing videos.
so that's what the Ukrainians or something use to make human traffic easier or something?

/32/ has a lovely library, perhaps some of them might spark your memory.
Plus you might find some new stuff you find interesting.

How'd you learn to time the thought break?

Damn I never noticed that board.
Practice and observation. I honestly picked up the technique on accident at the basic level due to… sales… and spending too much time around unsavory types as well as piecing together varied interests which made the cause and effect apparent. Then I pretty much just started experimenting on random people outside the bars for shits and giggles, and as they say, practice makes perfect. Speaking of bars, drugs change the cycle!!!! Amphetamines shorten it down to fucking three seconds on average, and booze is just fucking weird. Booze, instead of directly adjusting the cycle (does tend to slow it down on average, but not a hard rule) it extends the length of the window I have to insert the "break". The drunker they are, the longer the window, so drunks are great practice when beginning! Also, not dirextly pertaining to the question, the more focused they are on you, the easier it is. Once you have someone'a full attention, you can really start to experiment and really direct their thoughts rather than just fuck with their attention span and ability to get out of the conversation. speaking of… the police in the town I practiced this in usually flee from conversation with me now… I made a game of keeping them locked in conversation. My record was an hour and twenty minutes roughly. I'll warn you now though, if you learn this, you'll finally fucking understand how poetry is supposed to be done, and hate the kike more than ever before. I suspect this was one of the mysteries taught by the troubadours of old.

Maybe… Really though, poverty is the weapon of human traffickers, poverty, corruption, and degeneracy. That, and the universities brainwash kids through "critique" methods to convince them to ignore their own fucking instincts and thoughts, in exchange for peer approval and appeals to authority. The other is more important to their own thoughts than themselves, and they have literally turned these children into thralls or zombies. There will be no fucking mercy for the ones who have done this, none at all, if I ever have my way. they will beg for death, but have no words. Ok going to chill the fuck out now.

Please expand on the poetry angle user, what is poetry supposed to be?

Do you have any books you can recommend on this subject?

Thanks for this advice. I agree.

People trust it, and like it.

Look up Aquino's writings on psyops. Or read cointel manuals.

Apologies for the lack of replies. I've been off my game today. I'll get a thread going on this topic over at /tok/ when I've recovered my mental capacities.

video was removed for violating guidelines

the parents were indoctrinated too, not on this level but hard enough so that this would be accepted

sound advice user, id even go so far as to say play something you are familiar with in the background as you are watching or listening. helps me maintain my grounding in reality