Why is White nationalism only really taking off in the Anglosphere. France, and Eastern Europe?

From what I can tell the modern white nationalist movement is only strong and capable of actually doing things in the USA(we got Michael Anton in and Chuck Johnson has influence in the white house) and Eastern Europe. While the French have a strong nationalist movement but no real power.

So why is the USA the only white country(baring eastern Europe) where white nationalists have any actual political power? And why is the rest of western Europe just so fucking cucked?

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Because the other countries aren't white.

Other nations abandoned their culture and national roots of Christian identity, leaving a vacuum for other cultures to replace.
In the UK the first line in the song of their national identity, their anthem is "God save our gracious Queen". Bongs now don't believe in God, and hate their Queen. Everything else stems from forgetting who they are/were.

USA, Poland, Hungary - very strong Christian values = no place for Islam to grow.

…because of…

Because of racial inclusiveness that we have in the us. Everything is about race here, its part of the world conspiriacy to pit the races agains each other whilst the jews expand and hide in the shadows. Most WNs buy the bait and in an idealogical sense see eye to eye with the jew that we need our own inclusive society based on racial hatred (we need one based on a folk not "lynch niggerz xd"). A compore and contrast would be muh white genocide with muh holocaust to play the victim.

WN leaders are faggots who scurry around and play jewish tactics instead of rising to meet the challenge of racial strife, and the followers of WN are more comparable to their so called enemy the jews than they realize.

Millions of whites flock to these new ideas which is what you see today as a "racial reawakening." Most here with hopes will grow into something better with all the toxic baggage it has with it.

Because they're the ones most at risk. The UK has basically completely lost London and other cities, France is swarmed with Africans and Arabs, Germany has a tonne of refugees hence the strong rise in AfD. FN got 36% in France, which is way more than any nationalist party in any other country would ever get at the moment.

What nationalism? They're most far gone of all. The USA has no nationalism, only cuckservativism. Just look at all the supposedly nationalists like "based stickman", at absolute best it's "civic nationalism", but in most cases it's not even that. Go to r/the_donald and look at how they praise the US being a diverse country and parade around how diverse they are unlike what those liberals say about them.

Mind you, Anglos getting hit the hardest is a good thing, they spent the last 100+ years destroying the west, they're just getting their dues.

Think you mean the last 500+ years being Jewish puppets that would make any burger blush.

That should be easy to answer. The reason continental Europeans haven't embraced white nationalism is because the vast majority find American/Canadian/Australian/NZ basically Anglosphere white nationalism to be cringe worthy and dumb. You can say spout white nationalism as your creedo because your're not one European ethnic group but many so you have no choice but to be a 'white nationalist' instead if you live in any of the immigration countries established by Britain (USA/AUS/NZ/CAN) but continentals don't think this way. The Slavs flock to white nationalism because they are much weaker than other continental Europeans and need someone stronger to latch onto but hate the idea of that someone being Germany so they go Anglo's instead. And sorry to be blunt but this whole white solidarity thing is never going to work out. Get rid of all outside invaders and see how fast Europeans go back to hating each other. Do you people even think that countries like Britain and Poland even want a nationalist Germany? No, they don't, in fact they take great pleasure that Germany is becoming Germanistan. Europeans can't even put aside their historical differences to repel an outside invasion - what makes you think they can get along without one?

I hate how self hating cuck Americans and blinded-by-hate Europeans on this board blame Americans for everything. Americans on Holla Forums have never supported diversity or any other Jewish trick. And in regards to the American people I think most of them regret the war in the ME. Get us out of that hell hole you fucking kikes

Yes, when my country is being conquered and genocided I worry about something sounding cringe worthy and dumb. Good riddance to genetic dead ends like you faggot.

Because America IS Nationalist. Civi-Nationalist but Nationalist nonetheless

From a very early age children are made to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school, and in video games, movies, music videos.etc they are exposed to America being glorified. History classes are America-centric, every 4th of July they are reminded of where they are and how "special" that makes them. That makes America seem fairly nationalist, especially to foreigners. I do believe Civic-Nationalism COULD lead to Ethno-Nationalism. Its not that hard, you just have to remind people the race that founded this country.

Holla Forums users do not represent the vast majority of people living in their country, dumb dumb

The only people I ever see trying to D/C is Anglos. They still of some kind of superiority complex over other whites even tho they are the most mixed mongrel country in Europe.

I agree, Britain is at the forefront of shitslinging. They are the quintessential friend in the group who can dish it out but can never take it. They hate having their country being pointed out as a muzzie shithole and complete and utter police state.

Yeah but I don't mean Holla Forums users and even if I did, both users here and on cuckchan do argue a lot over their country (America vs Europe arguments which are dumb) I mean nationalists in general which don't make up the majority of a people living in a country (Not in Europe anyway) or we wouldn't be in this mess. Those nationalists are always arguing about history or some event that one nation perpetrated against another 900 years ago. It's ridiculous. And if you've ever had the misfortune to be on cuckchan you would know that infighting is part and parcel of that cancerous site especially between Anglos and Slavs on one side and Germans on the other

This 1000%. They make fun of other countries and play if off as 'bantz' but when someone tries to bantz them back, especially someone from Germany to get all defensive and vindictive. It's ridiculous

I believe a true Nationalist would either let other countries be themselves as long as they leave yours alone, or would try to find solidarity with their fellow race/culture. Most Anglo Nationalism is just Civic-Nationalism unfortunately. There is no Anglo Nationalism

People don't like what's happening to their countries, I know we should really be "in harmony" so to say but the way things are going everybody is stressed. I want to believe half of the shitslinging is just getting stress off their chest but I see it all the time I fear they may not be looking at the bigger picture…

Where in the Anglosphere is any nationalism, taking off?
The Anglosphere only has jewish pretend nationalism, which is technically worse than out and out marxism.

Britain has been systematically colonised since the end of WWII by every corner of the Earth, muslims are just the latest wave of attack sent by jews, muslims are just a small group out of many biological weapons sent to destroy us.

By pretending it's only muslims you'll continue to serve the Tommy -good goy- Robinson route to condemn Britain to certain zionist destruction.

If this is England where are the English?

Just report and filter.

If you weren't a filthy refugee you would know this is common knowledge.

I must be an outlier because all I do is criticize what my country has become, especially when you live in London you face the effects as a white man up close and personal. There's a lot of British people who do not feel this as it's mainly in high population centers the dirty africans and mudslimes reside.

There are many many purely white places in England (Wales, Scotland too) to be fair, even a 40 minute drive outside London has lots of purely white semi-rural areas and maybe the reason Brits often get butthurt is because they actually don't live in the infected metropolis and do not see many muds.

That was the sad part about the brit/pol/ threads all the other brits ran off to their containment board but kept coming to the threads to jerry/harris post just to fuck with the handful of brits that stayed behind.

Sure thing ari.

Christ, that looks like Queens in NY. Fucking hell I remember going to Queens and just being surrounded by all non-whites, and there was so many of them. You instantly feel many eyes upon you because they know you're not like them, it's like having a target painted on your back. I don't any person to feel that way. The kikes pushing diversity need to hang.

Because Germany's soul was obliterated during denazification.

the brits around here would laugh at you and call NA jewish puppets that just do petty crime to make everyone look bad. You must not know your fellow brits much.


I'm not a Brit nor am I buying the kosher koolaid you're selling. I don't judge posters who shit on other countries and I've seen plenty of Americans do that. You harp on about d&c while doing it yourself.

You know what the saddest part of it is. The Germans have no idea what the world wants from them. The allies turned them into the perfect slaves and then inadvertently had the kikes use the same psychological tricks they used on the Germans on themselves. I would say that is ironic but it seems more like poetic justice. The Germans simply can't understand what you people want. You hated them for loving their country too much and now everyone hates them for hating their country to the point that Poles and Brits unironically call for the Morgenthau Plan because 'of those evil Germans who are ruining Europe for 5th time or some bullshit like that' Make up your goddamn minds people!

Well identified.
In England during Brexit, half of the voters for Brexit were indians and blacks who didn't want any Eastern European competition for jobs.
The other half were mixed between whites who hated Poles coming in stealing their plumbing jobs and counter-jihadi LARPers who believed for some reason that they were voting to prevent Germany from trying to take over the UK in a fifth reich led by 'nahtzee' (((Angela Merkel))).
Perhaps 10% of the whites who voted brexit were jew-wise nationalists, who believed the first step to saving the white race is to depend on jews who now run our pretend nationalist groups to help overthrow the jews.

Most self-identified nationalists in the UK I speak with mainly want the Polish and muslims out so that jews will no longer be persecuted by these antisemites.

I'm now looking for an out as I'm sick and tired of the designed-to-fail kosher nationalism that has taken hold of Britain.

In what way is white nationalism taking off in those countries?
Trump isn't a white nationalist and most of the people who supported him were ex-liberal redditors and Canada is still cucked as hell so I'm not even why you'd mention them. I'd hardly call Brexit a white nationalist thing as either, don't forget that non-whites who aren't muslim would be at risk from mass-immigration as well so a lot of Indians and Chinks were probably pro-Brexit.

user, if you are British and live in Britain I won't tell you how to live but in my humble opinion you should stay. Desertion is not the answer, whites can't run forever, we occupy little of this planet as it is and that space continues to shrink daily. Try and carve out your own space and defend it. It's a much more respectable position to hold than abandoning your country in its time of need

It isn't. It naive Brits who treated Brexit as some kind of salvation from 'evil Germany' and recreation of 'muh Empire' and Americans who though Trump was some kind of Andrew Jackson reborn who gloat about their supposed 'nationalist revival' but remain the most kiked countries in the world and enforce upon everyone else. Their hearts are in the right place but their desperation for positive change has misguided their better sense of judgement and capacity to analyse situations critically

Don't know why you're including britain. Every single brit I've ever spoken to has been completely apathetic to the state of their country. As far as I'm aware it's as fucked as france is.

The recent Trump thing has me now convinced that our people are too easily brainwashed and subconsciously devoted to serving the jew to ever save themselves.
It's all too easy to trick the goy with some media engineered false outrage that the majority of the Anglosphere have been swept into, celebrating the latest election as though its a win for us when all it is, is a continuation of the same JWO.
That is the sleep of death for the West.

I've been making exploratory trips to Europe over the last few years in anticipation of this, if I stay much longer in Britain I'll just drown fighting among the braindead ne-wave kosher nationalist flotsam.

'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Religion is not "cultural identity" so don't drag that shit in here.
Religion is a money-grubbing scam run by people who tell you they know who god is, when it's pretty damn obvious they are as much in the dark as anyone.

Culture is the traditions and social makeup of a nation, not its metaphysical beliefs.

Couldn't agree more. There is definitely a resurgence of Christians trying to get people back into the fold. It was their Christcuck beliefs that exacerbated this mess and if they don't believe that then no one should look further than the current 'Pope' in office.

Religion is to culture what a single instrument is to an orchestra.

Religion isn't a rigid thing. It is a social function.
Seen this way:
- being Hitlerian and promoting its aspects is a highly religious effort,
- while being evangelicuck or catholicuck is not; it's a parody, for you're praying a god that you make impotent by your lack of antisemitism

I think you're too blackpilled to reason into staying, so then I'd recommend you find a way to move to the last truly British enclave, the Falklands. 99% British with a tiny group of Chilean and Russian fishermen.

It still has all British culture and values, however it is notoriously difficult to emigrate to, but it has been done if you're really committed to it. Imagine seeing every single person that is your own, hard working, and no degeneracy.

Is how we're in this mess.

I think most Poles are so pissed off at their shitty spic Pope that they're planning on splintering off to their own Popeship.


Southern Europe? Already nationalist, with genuine fascist parties forming.


The issue is that most of these countries have the parties but they're DECADES away from being able to win a seat as head of government.

The other way around, fags.
When nationalist parties surge, it is too late.

FN: 1984, the year SOS Racisme is founded
BNP: late 2000s, during the Blair/Brown era
AfD: 2015, right during the refugee crisis
FPÖ: 1980s, right before entrance in the EU
XA: 2012, right when the Greek government starts letting illegals in, and traitors Syriza surge

Ten years before each of these surges, the establishment parties, though globalist, would have been unable to justify their anti-white policy.

The militants are certainly sincere.
But when you are asking for "less immigration", "law and order", and all sorts of common sense proposals, it means that the pursuit of the national interest has already disappeared from the government.

Most often those parties receive coverage from the enemy media.

That's why I'm genuinely concerned about the rise of One Nation in Australia. I like Malcolm Roberts, but that goofy Pauline Hanson is the best scarecrow Goldman Sachs Prime minister Turnbull (a pro-gay marriage, pro-climate change, republican jew traitor) can get, to push his agenda. Not to mention the nigger-loving Labor waiting for their turn in 2019.
And that's why they called her back from the grave. She was so useful to have multiculturalism enforced around 1996.

Thats like most the white world

If this is a true statement it holds true for all values of "Religion".

This statement has always been true, (where X=Babylon, or Rome for example) and is obviously starting to apply where X = Europe.

USA is not christian, look at your religous demographics. You certanly have a strong opposition. But, you never where fully white to begin with.
Jews can exploit the Nation of immigrants and they have brainwashed americans into thinking that white americans are not a culture and a nation.
America is civic nationalist which is one step away from globalism.

This might sound a little self-centric, but I think at least part of the reason might be because we meme in english. The stuff we've done and the memes we've propagated stemming from Holla Forums and cuckchan and flowing down into reddit and faceberg and twitter definitely had a major effect on Brexit and the US election. But the vast majority of our weaponized autism only works in the anglosphere. Think of all the barriers there are when we try to meme in other languages. We didn't have nearly as good applied memetics trying to prop up Le Pen, for example, because they only look at French-language content.

Must be a misprint on the greenbacks too, I guess.

Exactly why the only part of NY tolerable is Manhattan since it is the only part that is remotely white

I was in Brooklyn a week ago and it was full of crowds of niggers, really just a big reminder of why I don't waste my time in that place. Bushwick is becoming whiter though, now that the Jews have been tearing down all the old nigger homes and building condos. I was walking through the construction zones a few months ago and saw two of the real hasidic looking kind surveying it.

Half true. Religion is the factor that holds national identity ==ONLY== in Eastern Europe. In america would grow a white national identity because right now the whites are blame for everything.

The thing about Le Pen, like almost all politics discussed in the Anglo-American sphere lately is that only Anglo-American speaking world seemed oblivious to Le Pen's jewish/mossad and freemason control being used as a steam vent to prevent any real nationalism, whereas every single French nationalist knew this, absolutely.
Hence why your MeMe-magick was kind of null and void in that instance.

Not everyone outside the Anglo-American speaking world wants the world to burn and enslave themselves for the sole gain of jewry

This. Perhaps the continentals believe that there are better options for the future while Anglo's have been driven to desperate measures and are forced to elect civic candidates or outright 'candidate who is less controlled by Jews than the other but still controlled by Jews'. I hope the continentals have something up there sleeve if that is the case.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. No one is saying Le Pen or Geert or Trump is the next Hitler, but they all were/would have been a step in a better direction, at the very least. The alternative is to let increasingly draconian leftists grab more and more power, who will then stamp us out more and more, to the point where we're all like Germany and getting arrested for clicking the like button on politically incorrect tweets

And regardless, my point still remains. We meme in english. Our influence has less effect outside the anglosphere.

you're self-centric, you said?

a dimwit meme appealing to dimwits, sure

They do, it's called opposing and resisting jewry, you should travel out around Europe more, the nationalists I've met across Europe would never vote for a mossad affiliated jew to save themselves from jews.
That is suicidal and the most uniquely retarded thing anyone who calls themselves "red-pilled" or "jew-wise" could ever do.

Voting for zionist neocon jews is extremely stupid and dangerous.

This is a uniquely new thing that has only really come to fruition in the last few years, it is engineered to be so, and only anons that willingly go along and allow it to happen will see this happen.


So how do you oppose and resist jewry, specifically?

Constitutional guarantees of the right to free speech is pretty much easy mode.

alternative media
alternative schools
alternative economics
wage the infowar, the education war, the financial war

Are you so fucking dense and retarded that you cannot conceive of resisting jewry in any other way than by fawning over jews and championing them as they takeover your movements?
How about resisting jewry wholly, entirely and outright.

You do realise when jews tell you to pick one of their carefully selected jew-tools that you can actually come up with an alternative yourself?

Did you know that you don;t have to do everything the jew tells you to do?

I've been to several countries in Europe the last few years, in every one they had real nationalist sentiment, none of them would ever consider voting for jews, to save themselves from jews.
This is a uniquely new thing in the West that only came along after CIA-kikes like Anglin and TRS came along to reshape and misdirect the movement in the Anglo-American speaking world.

Nationalists that support and celebrate jews running their movements, get exactly what they deserve.

You do not answer my question.

How do you oppose and resist jewry, specifically?

So like what we have been doing?

Imagine Hillary won and how different it'd be. Then look at France.

You are a kike or a dense retard. Either way, kill yourself.

Once again, you do not answer the question.

You just call everyone retard and assume a superior position without adequate answers.

Well, it works, doesn't it?
You cannot hope to restore a country without a strong conservative network.

He answered your question. Just because you say he didn't, only means you're too retarded to recognize an answer when it's given; not that he didn't properly answer.

It's obvious that there is no such thing as an 'adequate' answer to you that doesn't involve someone spoonfeeding you, like a dirty kike expects.

It was, but certainly is not now.
Blame (((SOMEONE)))
And the midwest is a minority.

I just did.
All you need to do is research or travel outside your bedsit and venture the world to find nationalist parties all over the world that do not suck jew dick, like almosty every kosher nationalist group championed on Holla Forums.

You are again another (((user))) who seems completely oblivious to the notion that a nationalist party can ever be formed without freemasons and jews running it entirely.

There are dozens of groups, organisations and political parties across the world that aren't jewish and are openly opposed to every marxist communist plank and zionist plan to destroy our world.

yet you and others like you daily post questions like this every single day, pretending that there is absolutely nothing that can be done without first acquiescing to every demand by jewry.

Either you really are a certifiable retard and if that is the case then for that I apologise or you're just another of many kikes that constantly goad and gaslight anons here.

Please point to me the answer?

Just give one, I'm waiting.

Please point to me all the nationalist parties all over the world that do not suck jew dick?

Sweden has the largest natsoc movement in the world.

Owh shit its another american knows nothing thread.

Are you telling me that as an user on Holla Forums, you are unaware of any one of the nationalists groups out there operating for real right now?
Then you follow up with this slippery kikery

If you're unable to find any as a seasoned pol/ack, then I sure as shit wont be spoonfeeding a retard to come along and decide to fuck up that party with your literal retardation.

So basically, you can't tell a single one?

Thank you, kike. Or are you an autistic Mexican shitskin? Or maybe an Anglo that's dedicated to sucking kosher dick. Either way, you're using your penchant for endless cynicism in order to pretend you're here in good faith.

A smart fish lets the bait wait.

I don't know, Brain.
Do these have something in common?
Were they perhaps once allies in a war that destroyed the immune system of the west and brought the downfall onto it and Europe, including themselves?
Why, yes.

OK, user, next time don't waste everybody's time with your ranting.

People want answers, not insults.

While Germany is once again bringing the downfall of Europe.

Really makes me think.



Oh please, either you must be ignorant of the facts or your just a idiotic Brit or Pole who unironically thinks Germany is actually behind the EU. Isn't this what you wanted? A liberal free democratic faggy Germany that can't challenge you militarily anymore? Maybe your great grandfather should have considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, the denazification tactics (More like de - Germinization) tactics that completely eradicated any traits you didn't like about the Germans (Or rather couldn't be used to your benefit) could be turned around on you huh.

I would call it ironic but really it is poetic justice and if you are from one of the allied countries you deserve nothing less

What do you mean, once again?
The UK is probably the worst warmongering and self destructive nation on earth.
Go ask the Rhodesians, the formerly fiercly loyal to the Queen Rhodesians and ask them about the boycotts from momma UK.

They were boycotted and backstabbed so hard they were the only nation to be sanctioned as hard as Germany.

THAT should make you think.

And, just like with Germany, after the defeat of the rhodesians, the empire crumbled, land was given to niggers like candy.

Really activates the almonds, I'd say.

Considering Germany remains one of the cucked nations in Europe, and Angela Merkel being the public face of the EU, yeah, it seems the dastardly germans are on again.

I want r/thedonald to leave.

I'd say there's a rise in white nationalism within Eastern European countries like Poland and Hungary, and hopefully it spreads to more Slav and Balkan countries. Inb4 someone tells me they aren't white.

Slavs are white. Mongols aren't.

You have a muslim Mayor of London and one of the highest amount of kikes in the nation ever.

The EU is mainly a trade union, and it doen't matter if you leave it or not, if it remains FIAT currency based.

There is that word you need to examine.

Germany never ruined anything in Europe.
Jew serving golems who chose judas over their brethren, however?
Tell me how well that worked out for you.

Why are they cucked you double faced fuck? Could it have anything to do with intensive psychological reprogramming on a starving and weak populace to remove any trait of German national identity the allies couldn't use for their own selfish purposes and the reinforced by American owned media companies and American education programs under an American written Constitution in a political system run by Americans and (((Americans))) perhaps?

Also once again? - cuckchan get the fuck out. We don't blame Germany for the Fall of Rome, the 30 Years War or the WW's like you do faggot. Maybe you should honestly examine your own country's part in destroying Europe because I am betting 100% you are from an allied nation most likely Britain or Poland

aye, I forgot Germany is always the victim, the purrfect nation that never done wrong.

And the EU is wonderful, I guess.

They lost a way the anglosphere instigated.
Can't have that shit.

Die, Hans.
For a glorious empire of…uhh.
Well, the Raj is at home now, I guess. Don't have to go all the way over there anymore.

Now you're getting it.

Another mistake Anglos made I guess.

They hate poles, by the way. Aren't you glad that they see you as nothing but thieving toilet cleaners after valiantly saving your ass from the "evil germans"?

Neither pole or brit, I'm a vietnamese.

Fuck this kind of Germany worship and divide and conquer bullshit.

Europe is in in together, and no blaming anglos and poles ain't going to make your germ cock erected again.

Nice try, don't put words in our mouths. No one claimed the EU was a good thing and at least I didn't claim Germany has been eternally guiltless but you keep trying to imply that Germany is responsible for her own decisions when it is common knowledge here that Germany is a direct puppet state of the US and is the main conduit of US control over the continent with Britain and France as client states right behind. All these organisations NATO, EU are specifically in place to keep Russia out, keep the US in and keep Germany down as one US commander put it. The (((US))) owns Germany and thus owns Europe. You want to get rid of the EU get rid of the (((people))) controlling the US

Some geopolitics and anthropology may offer some help here.
Germans, being squeezed in the Heartland, developed a natural tendency for groupthink, which happens to be highly efficient. The Japanese also developed the same tendency. Both countries also became nationalist/imperialist at the same time.
When those nations are imposed a rule by outsiders, they adapt, and often beat the outsiders at their own game, to the latters' astonishment.
Problems occur when that highly conscious nation tries to impose their rule onto other groups. Their ethnocentrism becomes everyone else's scourge.

Same pattern works with the jews, so, it must be related to ethnic consciousness and necessity.

Except the japs are actually way more nationalist than germans.

Germans weren't united until fucking Bismarck.

Yes, goy, blame everything on the US.

So when will the cucked germans rise up and kill the US handlers?

What the fuck?
Non European opinon = discarded.
Go back in the kitchen and make those springrolls, Minh.

I stated nothing but the truth.
There is no nation that degraded the west and themselves than the UK.
They fucked their own in Africa and all over the world.

I'm still working together with them, but "Germany having ruined Europe again", them be fighting words.

They were the one to see the threat and mobilize against it.
Then they were beaten down by the good goys, who then lost everything, including their savior status in the eyes of the kikes and have been nipple twisted into submission ever since.

Germany lost a war, what is their excuse?


So who gives a shit about your cucked opinion, Hans?

No one, fix your country first before badmouthing others.

I don't think you are a germ anyway, just another self-hating cucked american.

How can they? Those that have broken the spell have no weapons and live in a country where the majority is still heavily influenced by these psychological measures to prevent a resurgence of German identity and nationalism. I don't think you are able to comprehend the level of damage done of the German psych by the allies. There are unironic very vocal Germans who call for the complete destruction of the German people, not just the nation, the people and some of these people are in the German parliament. That's how bad it is. What can a regular German do? He knows the whole world has been conditioned to hate him when he loves his country and his own government and most of his people work against themselves to fix some 'inherent flaw' that apparently only Germans have to make up their 'so called sins'. Until the chains that bind them are broken no German nationalist state will arise

Butthurt zipperheads, apparently.

Again, go back into the kitchen, Nguyen.

Germanic barbarians destroyed western rome
Martin Luther destroyed christian europe

That video makes my blood boil every time. Remove Bismarck and Frederick the Great? Absolutely disgusting. This isn't Denazification, This is Degermanization.

The only one who isn't really of the tribe they claim is (((you))).

Fuck off back to cuckchan

If the germans can't wake up, they deserve their faith.

I don't give a fuck about your opinion though.

a few britpol faggots don't represent anglos at large. also it's a funny coincidence how your post itself is a d&c. kike or useful idiot?

good idea let's not band together against our common enemies because of a hypothetical scenario where after we succeed in preventing our own extermination there is more conflict

There are plenty of Germans left.
But it's always been about tactics.
Fighting openly is retarded, especially against other Europeans.

With every attack on the west Hitler did something less wrong.
Every time, every single time gives Germany more legitimacy.

Germany always wins in the end.

Yep, just like WW1 & WW2.

I'm going to have to learn the difference between Asians now so I don't accidentally shotgun a nip when I'm blasting every other gook ethnicity in the face.

Huh duh, maybe if duh Germans just wake up then it will all be ok again. Because it's so easy to undo almost a century of intensive brainwashing and psychological trauma isn't it. And for that matter why don't you ask the same of the allied countries. They are just as cucked if not more in some regards. What's their excuse? They won didn't they? Do they deserve their faith as well?

Germany wasn't united until Bismark, not because they lacked ethnic consciousness, but because the European powers knew the threat it would mean to their power.

The Japanese of 2017 are more racially-wise than the Germans of 2017, of course.
But that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that the German society has kept remains from the time they thought of themselves as a big family scattered in Mittle Europa: 1) groupthink 2) efficiency in anything collective (from industry to football) 3) imperialism

OK, coward.

The allied countries are waking up though, after all, they vote the most for nationalistic leaders.

Both were won.
First one gave rise to Hitler, the second the total destruction of the black sheep of the family who looked a bit too deep into the dreidel.

It's all gonna be fine in the end.

It's a gook and totally foreign to European history. It has no concept of what Hitler did or what white racial unity means. It sees every white ethnicity as warring separates because it likes the idea of its enemy being divided and always approaches from that angle. As whites, we have racial-social currency that understands the situation better. Gooks and non-whites have no business discussing politics of whites, except to D&C them. Ironically, it has talked about D&C a lot because that's what it knows it's doing.

OK Great. You want to band together against a common enemy then do it. I would be overjoyed if you did. I didn't say not to. But especially in Europe, the nationalism of one country will always come at the expense of another. How long until Europeans fight each other again? Maybe you should think long term to avoid conflicts that could have been averted had you applied yourself to a workable future where every white nation is happy

Could you remind me why the victorious allies even had to elect people like Trump and Farage?

I mean, they won after all, and Hitler was wrong and all that.
So whats the need for those third rate Hitler clones?

Something isn't adding up here.

They aren't Hitler clones, far from it.

And populism was not invented by Hitler.

Really? Civic nationalist Zionist politicians who promises don't seem to be worth the paper they're written on (Or typed on) The rise of civic nationalism and utopian lolbertarianism if desirable I'm sure to you of course

Don't dodge the important bit.

What are they waking up from, pray tell.

From something Germany meddled with?
Germany was defeated and subjugated and cucked after all and the allies won gloriously.

So what are they waking up from, you bumbling faggot?

Sure, Hans.

What important bit?

Did you just assume every populist leader = Hitler?


Germany is still drenched in it.

I'll take those over Angela Merkel, thanks.

Is that what they call it, now?
What about communism, Marxism, etc.

You know, what Hitler warned about?

But maybe now you get an idea what I mean with "Germany always wins in the end."

But probably not, you braindead kike.

Hitler wasn't the only one who warned about communism.

Not sure with that birthrate, m8.

Oh I see, you'd rather be screwed over from the cuckservative right rather than the Marxism left, pathetic. Also, waking from liberalism? Hahahahaah. What a strange sentiment! Go tell a French person or American that liberalism is bad and they'd probably be very offended. Their entire culture is based on 'muh liberty'

The birthrate is fine, but stay mad, loser.

This. Liberalism predates modern leftism
In all fairness it was probably a poor choice of words on his part. He should've specified Neoliberalism

It's a shitskin, that came over with boomers like probably when T_D and 4cuck went down.

A lot more are here now.

Yeah and when he actually tried to walk the walk instead of just walking the walk like the cowards in France and England he was destroyed for it. That's a strange business strategy on the allies part but the allies are the good guys, infallible in any way possible so perhaps I should know better than to question their all wise policy decisions

Nein, liberalism has always been cancer, as well as republicanism.

The only good system is monarchy or dictatorship i.e. the Roman Empire.

Maybe because Hitler attacked Poland first before he attacked the USSR.

Didn't know poland was communist.

This. Not all aspects of liberalism are bad but it's simply been taken too far. A balance must be achieved

Americans aren't down with "liberals" or "liberalism', no.

French, maybe, but they are cucked.

Never been fan of liberalism.

The roman empire > the roman republic.

When I say liberalism I mean in the sense of personal freedoms and liberty not freedom to do whatever I want whenever I please. That's something Americans appreciate I believe

Well naturally of course. But the Roman Empire wasn't perfect and we should do well to remember that

When americans mean that, they mean they respect the Constitution.

Or cucked ass fuck americans, after all, american liberals exist in massive numbers.

Nothing in the world is perfect so that's a moot point.

Well now it is truly confirmed you are not from around here. If you don't know why Hitler attacked Poland, the actual reasons, not some history channel trash than you really have some required reading to do. Cuckchan is more your speed I think

Yes that's what I mean. Sorry, perhaps I didn't express it right, I'm not American but you get the idea surely.

Oh please nigger, inb4 more fake ass evidences where Germany "protected" germans in Poland.


I'm aware. I just meant that we shouldn't aim to copy the Roman Empire 100% rather learn from what went right and what went wrong and go from there.

Fake ass evidence huh? Would you like to provide evidence that the German minority in Poland wasn't been abused by the Polish or that the Poles were not being increasingly stubborn about coming to a fair compromise with Germany?

Why are you being such an adversarial faggot? You claim to have solutions but then you act like some elitist tool and autistically guffaw about "spoonfeeding" instead of sharing information to an attentive audience.

I would like to see the evidences of such things first.
Why didn't Germany just bow down to Poland instead, hmmm?

Attentive? What about that interaction indicated to you that the gook was attentive?

Its pretty simple,the US 1st Am, freedom of speech.Most European countries are completely pozzed with jews in gov/legislature just like the USA but the major difference is the laws against antisemitism allow the rodent to oppress white nationalism in Europe as hate speech/groups etc etc.The kikes have been trying to weasel around the US 1st Am forever but so far it stands and they fucking hate it.

Before I provide the evidence which I will I'll start off by answering your second question. What legitimacy did the Poles have to make any claims on Germany? It was the status of the city of Danzig which was over 90% German that was up for discussion. Poland had no right to keep it from Germany especially considering it wasn't even a part of it's country but free state on its own. Everyone from Britain to France could see plain as day that Hitler's demands were fair and not unevenly loaded to Germany's advantage so why should Germany have to bow down to Poland?



Start off with these.

I completely agree with you on that. If we can make everyone happy, achieve a joint victory and then secure a white/european peace afterwards. Unfortunately I don't have any answers for that. To me a joint identity under "white nationalism" that celebrates our shared genetic and cultural heritage going back to the Romans and Greeks, while banding together against a common enemy seems like a step in the right direction. Maybe we need to have a more honest discourse about our different subgroups and praise the virtues and accomplishments of each other while being honest about each of our failings. Personally as an anglo americlap I can acknowledge a lot of fucked up things that the USA and Britain have done, and I have an inkling of things that other countries and groups have done wrong as well not only to others but to themselves. I also have immense respect for the various accomplishments of all the various European peoples. Although I'm not sure how much we gain by weeding through all of these details especially when kikes, mudslimes, niggers, and even chinks and gooks are all too eager to amplify these pain points as we try to "heal". Also focusing on a self-flaggelation could easily turn into an analogue of "white guilt" which we've seen is a very effective weapon of suppression. So basically if there is an alternative or modification to white nationalism that can accomplish our goals and do so in a better way I'm all ears and I'd hope that smarter and cooler heads prevail.

Yeah I pulled the trigger too fast on that, clearly you have a good nose for disingenuous "hwhite" posters. I think my reaction was because it's an answer that I want to know, regardless of how much of a faggot that other guy was. There are a lot of lurkers who would like to gain learn information and gain an understanding that will push us in the right direction. Saging for my double-post.

How I am not attentive, you dear faggot?

The legitimacy of the winner of WW1, Vae Victis.

You might recheck these sources.

The so-called Bloody Sunday happened AFTER the germany invasion of Poland.

Well I thank you for the explanation. It was very well thought out and yes it does seem like quite the uphill battle. The reason I said the things I said is because I'll be honest here and admit that I do go to cuckchan when this place is a bit slow but I only lurk and there is always eternal infighting among the different peoples especially between Poles and Anglos and Germans (The Germans don't really fight back they just take it) and it is really demoralizing. I want all Europeans to get along but lets be honest. The Polish don't want a nationalist Germany and I've witnessed firsthand German nationalists claiming that they'd never work with Poles because lets be honest what self respecting German would allow the loss of Prussia to go unchecked. It's just really hard and I don't have the exact answer either. But that's why we keep working towards this goal I guess. Keep fighting user, we'll get there yet

Yeah I know that particular incident happened after the war started. Unlike others you might find here I know full the Bromberg Massacre occured after the invasion. But did you read the full page? There's other stuff there too you know.

Anglos and Germans are blood relatives - except Anglos were defeated once and have acted like cuck-bellied dogs since then. German people had never experienced a humiliating defeat like that. Anglos basically were okay with Germans being totally neutered because they, themselves, were neutered once (English Civil War, read Mitchell Heisman's suicide note). They resented Germans.

Anglos and Germans are/were intellectual powerhouses of Europe. Germans were especially industrious because they've only known war, residing between Western Europe and Asia. Europe neutered itself when it neutered Germany, allowing foreign factions easy influence over the rest of the European world.

The 'coolest' of heads tells the uncomfortable truth. Anglos have been a blight on Europe because of their resentment, which they are trying to resolve through a degradation of everyone else, until they don't need to be ashamed of being cucked in the past. And, the more people learn this, the more they act on the resentment. It's the same thing with kikes.

If everyone's been cucked in their history before, if everyone's been broken, then there's no one who can rightly spit in their face. This is also the case if everyone is mixed race and confused about their own identity/ancestry.

Hey gook, I'm only saying this for the benefit of others who may be reading but if you want to learn that's OK too. As far as I know the ultimate reason that Germany attacked Poland was because of a massive ethnic German presence in western Poland which he wanted to reunite with the other German people. Whether the details of how the negotiations went down, attacks went down etc. were done in good faith, there were secondary motives such as territorial expansion (which Hitler explicitly mentions in his book), mistakes were made etc. are mostly tertiary. Because when you have a scenario where there are ethnic divisions within a country occur conflict is inevitable. This is why we ultimately say that, even if you are generous to his detractors and concede some points, Hitler did nothing wrong.

Um… that's not exactly true. Germany has suffered her fair share of defeats. The Thirty Years War comes to mind. Over a third of all Germans on Earth were killed. I think that was a pretty big defeat.

Because europeans got completely "De-nazified" by anglos who sucked jew dicks for a living.

A defeat doesn't mean a humiliation, though. The English were literally all ruled over by Normans and had no representation at all for their stock. They were all serfs to a foreign blooded king, in their own land.

Being defeated and then retreating to a small parcel of land where you maintain some sort of identity, or there's surrender conditions where you still have some national identity that's autonomous, is a different situation.

Being defeated != cucking.

Well if you put it that when I suppose your logic follows through. But I don't think the Norman invasion hundreds of years ago was really a such a psychological burden on a country with the worlds largest empire who already thought that they were superior to every continental European that they would want to ensure everyone felt the same way. Unless you could provide me with a paper or study confirming this theory perhaps?

And ironically it was this same line of thought that allowed white guilt to be institutionalized in all white countries. It really came to bite them back didn't it.

Literally cancer. Europeans made a Jewish icon "European" in Christianity, but it doesn't make it any less of a Jewish desecration of our people that they ultimately worship a Jew-gone-traitor on Jewry.

The primary arguments used at the time were actually religious/Christian, that they were ruled over by a foreign blooded king. Mitchell Heisman's Suicide Note is where I got the information. Not sure of any link to it.

Obviously there are plenty of non-Germans who are going to disagree with parts of the view and rhetoric you've expressed here. And yes the anglos did fuck over the Germans, huge fucking mistake and we've also ended up shooting ourselves in the foot to pay for it. So what now, how do we move forward, and what are the preconditions for that? Do all anglos need to make a collective apology to the Germans first, do you want reparations or some other act of good faith? While we are working to heal butthurt and past sins do Germans make any concessions to the Polish as well, or should they ignored or possibly even trampled under foot? And then what is the actual path forward do we unite, or do you accept nothing less than something like total German domination over the anglos or maybe even the rest of the whites or the world? Play it out for us what is the path to collective or singular victory and what group do you propose deserves that victory?

TL;DR for this thread:

Zionism is taking off in anglosphere, not white nationalism. Europeans aren't interested in Zionists.

Thanks, I'll give it a look


Honestly, I wouldn't ask for an apology. I'm afraid that might make the British act the same way as the Germans. But all Post WW2 treaties should be abolished on principle most of them were Soviet constructs anyway so to hell with them. And Germany really does need it eastern lands back, perhaps in exchange for Poland's eastern land returned as well

Get out of the UK. I went all over Europe last summer and had the exact opposite experience. I was photographing a French Socialist chimpout last June and the Federal Police saved me from getting hit by a bottle and then dragged me behind their formation so the commies wouldn't keep chucking shit at me.

I talked to a lot of the cops (French Federal Police) and they said they feel like the Reckoning™ is right around the corner. Same with the white German cops I talked to. (shitskin cops obviously said "no bro all is good in the multiculti utopia it's just nazis stirring shit up") British ones tactfully avoided the subject when asked but the French and German cops were like "yeah dude, every day it gets crazier and every day we act more like the army just to keep order" I don't know what the British cop's problems were, maybe they only recruit pedo freaks into the UK police, I can't see any other reason the rape gangs could exist so emboldened there.

Moral of the story except for the huge cucks, the majority of the people I asked about the subject felt like the winds of change were in the air. Once we get the army bases out of Germany the shit will really hit the fan. Even scaling the bases down into like jumbo-embassies would probably do it.

Sorry for being a faggot and piggybacking of this thread, but,
Polite sage for off topic

Yes and its annoying as hell. I don't know what's causing it

I could have sworn I intended to write not to get involved in defeatest/fatalist bullshit somewhere in there. I guess not. But, don't do that.

I'm only telling it as I see it, I don't have any suggestions because I'm too ignorant of it might be achieved. It's not that I don't care, it's that I'm careful about giving advice when it could be the wrong one.

How the Anglos are going to resolve their resentfulness, I don't know. Acknowledging it is a first step. What I don't want, is white people tripping up over their history when there's traitors and foreigners in their midst.

The best idea I can see happening is a racial-capitalist society, where there's a non-resentment agreement between white ethnicities that the best will be able to capitalistically go to the top, but there's a white citizenship card that lasts for a 1000+ years, which disallows traitors from declaring non-whites, white, for the purposes of more capitalist political power.

There is only one solution to future brother-wars after retaking our homelands:
We must biologically conquer the world. This time the 'natives'/'savages' should not be subsumed into our cultures and systems but used against one-another, and eventually utterly repelled and eliminated. First start with Africa, inhabitants of which have been a thorn in Evropa's side for millennia.

I thought my computer was shitting itself, thanks, user.

No offence to other Europeans but that kind of society would probably mean that Western Europeans especially Germans and Anglos are permanently at the top. The Slavs might be fine with one of those things but they are certainly not going to be OK with the other

Then, either when all the world belongs to Evropa's people, or they cannot expand by force anymore (say a worthy adversary appears capable of defending their domain), then the next step is the space-race.
Evropa's people will need reasons to remain banded together and cooperating, going for goals which serve to distract them from their minor mutual differences. When Evropa's people are the only remaining humans, then it will no longer be man vs man but man vs nature and man vs entropy.

Yes, that's why I said the non-resentment agreement. Those ethnicities who don't sign on, but are white, can be second class citizens with the not-white-enoughs until they're willing to sign it.

A Star Trek TNG utopia, if at all possible, cannot be inherited by nigger races lest they destroy it all, us, and themselves with it.

I'm not knowledgable enough to understand the full practical implications of running back all those treaties, but at the very least the spirit of what you are suggesting sounds like a great way to heal wounds and decrease inter-ethnic white tensions. The actual implementation would have to be done very carefully since it also has massive potential to re-open wounds and also be subverted by (((outside interests))).

This is a great takeaway. We anglos have embraced Trump and Brexit-style civic nationalism with a mixed bag response of full enthusiasm and a cynical "lesser of evils" response. You frequently see a reaction to any criticism of these approaches as shooting a fledgling pro-white movement in the foot. Even if that is/was the correct approach it's a dangerous fine line to walk since there is great potential for the movement to be fully watered down and subverted by (((our greatest allies))) just like we saw with the ron paul nationalism->libertarian->teaparty->cuckservative transmogrification (if you'll excuse a possibly dated and insular political analogy). Also muddying the waters is that the mods here are clearly against any criticism of Trump and lock threads going down that path. With all that said if Europe can launch successful nationalist movements that are explicitly ethnic and anti-jewish/zionist in form and gain populist momentum, I could easily see them snowballing and leading the way, with or without the anglosphere (hopefully we anglos would follow suit and completely shed our Jewish overlords).

I think you have great insight. We must absolutely tread carefully about these things. After all, the historical antagonism between Germany and Poland was able to be taken advantage of and turned into a brother war even deadlier than the first so this problem is not without historical precedent. That being said it would absolutely open old wounds but unfortunately Europe will have to find a way to deal with it. The problem is that the Anglosphere is the conglomeration of the most powerful of white nations and it is still ruled by Jews. Until this disease is removed from Anglo politics and preferably Anglo countries all together, Europe cannot rise (Unless of course Europe fights as one but that would mean giving in to German leadership as for better or worse they a united Germany is always going to be leader on the continent) and everyone is already too biased against Germany to accept that

Both of those were forces of evil.

Check'd we claim space, tech up, bomb the yids and mudslimes from space, then retake earth or whatevers left of it.
How about we stop fucking playing nice? When I gain power, all pretense of moralism and kindness are going out the window for pure pragmatism. I will be absolutely ruthless, a dictator supreme for all major issues let the people sort out the small shit, I only care for function and securing a future for our volk and I promise to make genocide real for all of our enemies. Right down to the last rape baby, they will all be removed.

Wow, you really bought the memes, didn't you? Neither is in any particular form nationalistic at all. Certainly not towards the white people.

It's fairly simple.

White nationalists as we have them today push a homogenised all white identity.
This is mainly down to the USA where a lot of this originates. It spreads to the other anglosphere nations courtesy of the shared language making access to this very easy for the anglosphere nations.

But in the rest of the white world? The rest of europe?
This idea of a homogenous single white identity isn't very appealing. It's a very american sentiment.
They don't see themselves as white but as German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, Belgian, Norwegian, etc.
Hitler sought to save the German people not the white people.

It's an important distinction and one that Americans fail to understand as in the USA people mostly define themselves by skin colour and not ethnicity.

Martin Luther exposed the Jew

good point. This is why I think generic white nationalism is a fool's errand. We need a unifying idea and culture, that is mostly white and white dominant, but allows for flexibility. I say this as an American. I don't think this flexibility should be there as much in European nations, but that's up to them to decide.

Excellent derail

I just posted them and you spelled religious wrong too.

I would say that White Nationalism has itself been divided on the issue. Some White nationalists, mostly based in America, believe in a singular white identity that encompasses all white cultures from Moscow to Anchorage. Others believe that White nationalism means fighting for one singular white nation in solidarity with other white nations. For instance: the confederate/southern movement believes there is such thing as an ethnic southerner and true southern culture, while the Northwest Imperative seeks to create a white bastion composed of every white culture and nation rolled into a single country.

Personally I would say you're advocating that continued homogenising whiteness. A unifying idea and culture?
As a Briton I spit upon the concept, I refuse to share the culture of the Frenchman or the German.
I am a Briton, they are not. We are different with different priorities and ideas of what constitutes a good life.

You're on par with the EU essentially. Advocating the destruction of multiple cultures that they may be replaced by one single culture compliant to your desires.

You have to understand that mass inmigration has only happened into rich countries, that means only the north has te muslim problem, "Eurabia" is Germany and north + France

I will just drop my two cents. In Europe, antifa is really strong in Germany and Sweden and strong in Denmark. I don't know about England, but think it is on par wit Denmark. Antifa have various "intelligence" organisations, with members often having friends in various MSM outlets.
These organisations (fx. REDOX in Denmark, EXPO in Sweden) gathers intelligence about nationalist, dox them, sometimes via the MSM and if that doesn't work intimate them by smashing their cars, putting posters up in their neighborhood about the ebil nadsee, even attacking their them were they live or assaulting them physically when they are alone, with their children and more. It is not just nationalist, even just cuckservatives can get this treatment.

The US haven't had this strong judeo-bolshevik organisation and people have guns to. My opinion is this have made the it easier for the nationalists in the US. However after 8 years tyranny of an increasingly more globalist agenda under Obama with the MSM follow suit (and the jews financing it) it seems antifa have gotten a foothold in the US, properbly with the help from European antifa organizers.

White Nationalism is stronger in the US because unlike in Europe, we have a white identity which formed centuries ago as a response to having negros and redskins amidst. Sure, whites were divided ethnically until last century, somewhat, but for the most part most European peoples were considered white, and they were all considered better than negros. Europeans never had a white identity and in recent history have had zero need for any form of Ethnic or Racial nationalism. White Americans have been on the run from minorities in their own country for decades. White flight. Couple that with our inherent distrust for government going all the way back to the formation of this Union and the founding fathers, our love for guns, and by nature, given the mindset of most people we grow up around, we're more distrusting and rebellious to authority, and more racially aware given the history of our country and the forced diversification that'd had us on the run from urban areas for decades.

White Nationalism can only work in a place like Australia, United States, Canada, South Africa etc. We're white. We're not divided by our ethnicity, nor would it be possible to divide us by ethnicity. Europe is our ethnic homeland and is divided by history and experience. They can't have White Nationalism. It won't work. We can only have White Nationalism. There is no Ethnic Nationalism for us. It's impossible. We must, by any means, unify as white, or we'll be destroyed. It's the largest unifying factor we have. If we divide ourselves, then we cease to exist and we forfeit any attempt at preservation.

This is only true for the period of time prior to the 2016 election season.

Did you not see hwndu? This place (moreso 4chan) has loads of muds.


A greater White race was not an alien concept in the NSDAP.

I'm not exactly sure why you're pointing that out to me. Did you read what I wrote correctly?

Never said that, you illiterate moron.
I wonder what he meant by this?! You're an idiot…

Well it's implied he means white Americans,. I'm just pointing out that many Americans on here are muds. Then you've got the chinks, the gooks, the muds from Brazil etc. This place is loaded to the brim. Insult the slant-eyes and point out their inferiority and they come out of the woodwork. It's hilarious. There's plenty a kike on here too. They're the ones who most frequently push the all seeing, be-all, end-all, "Jewish dominance knows no end!" bullshit.

You're the idiot nothing you posted would prevent nationalism unless you consider something like the EU a nationalist organization.

French people are so redpilled on masons that elevators don't have the (masonic) g for ground but RC for rez de chausee or Roman Catholic.

Naming and shaming

Are you retarded? Nationalism has zero to do with White Nationalism. Europeans can not adopt White Nationalism because they are not "white." They're divided by ethnicity. "White" is an ethnic mongrel found in "the new world," over here in the US or Canada, or a similar country, where ethnicity has been made irrelevant by generations of European mongrelization. We're "white," and "white Nationalism" can only work for us. Europeans need Ethnic Nationalism. Although Europeans are mostly mutts as well, to some extent, they are still tied to a specific heritage, culture, and ethnic identity. We're not.

You don't get it. We are the ones using Milo and Anglin and Spencer as a Trojan horse. They tried their kosher alt-right and will be shocked when we hijack it at the right moment.

Think about why the hell the kike media is scared to acknowledge Moonman.

Sorry mate but you have a very narrow understanding of English history. Whilst Anglo resentment/humiliation did initially exist, and did in fact lead to a lot of Anglos leaving England and in fact joining the Roman Empire as the renowned Varangian Guard … such humiliation did not last long. William the Bastard took the throne in 1066. Edward I (Longshanks, Hammer of the Scots) ended his reign in 1307. It was Edward I who realigned the political class with English (the people and the language), and Edward III who was crowned mere decades later (1327) who would reintroduce the concept of nationalism and patriotic that had not been seen elsewhere in Europe since the Roman republic. It is at this point that it becomes difficult to separate the Anglo-Saxon from the Norman, and the distinctions would become ever less prominent. The founding of the Empire and its rise to super power would cement the 'unity' of the English people, which now incorporated the normal Anglo-Saxons (Angles, Jutes, Saxons), the pre-Germanic invasion Britons (Romans, 'Celts', etc), as well as Danes and Huguenots. The English no longer differentiate between any of these groups and have not for a long time.

You may argue that this seems very multicultural, and arguably it is; but no other nation in the entire world is not a blend of various peoples from similar locations. The myriad tribes of Germany, France, Scandinavia, Italy, Iberia all united into something similar - yet they had a far greater integration process … Britain is in fact one of the least mixed in the entire world, just like Japan and other island nations. It has had some mixture, and there is great documentation on it… but your theory that it is a cause of humiliation is simply moronic in this day and age - and should it be humiliated by such things, then surely the rest of Europe should be too as each of the nations we know today are a mass of different tribes who were 'unified'/conquered by one more dominant tribe. You do realise that the 'German' people never identified as such until very recently, right? That the French used to divide themselves not into one 'French' people, but into many lessers who were all subservient to the overall King/state?

The fact that Holla Forums now seems to hate anglos is proof of how low this place has fallen. So many of you seem to have swallowed the lies of the jew whole, and despite chanting 'no D&C' you continue to spew it yourselves. Anyway, you're welcome for the history lesson. Stop talking bullshit in the future and work to save all of Christendom; from the Anglo to the German, to the Frenchman and the Swede. Traitors will hang, and any of you who work against any of our people will be known for the human vermin that you are, and dealt with justly.

Please tell me this is a joke post.

Are you? By your logic the US can't be nationalist while Canada is still a sovereign state.

Not doing your homework Ari.

Because White Nationalism doesn't exist, user.
I am a proud Polish Nationalist and not a Nationalist for other White Nations.

Definitions aside, I have literally no idea the burgers dodged that bullet. Western Europe(from now on shall be called Cuckistan) never experienced *real socialism* unlike us, Central and Eastern Europe. Additionally Communists were very fast to accumulate money when the Soviets finally fell apart. And… History was very highly valued(the Soviets literally faked it in several points, like muh Katyn never happened/ was the Germans).
And since History and Politics are or at least should be closed intertwined these are the rational results. Leftists have no chance to rise again in Poland or Hungary(the Czechs are a special case).

Central and Eastern Europe were also the only nations to see the atrocities committed by the Germans and Soviets as well as being literally sold out, resulting in a half-century long fight for our independence.

Oh and we have no gibs, so niggers don't even want to come here.

No, it isn't. The intent was to get mailing lists.

They can't censor email targets lists on DOTR. Like you, kike.

And filtered.


holy fuck the amount of actual jewish shills in this thread is incredible, all this "religion is bad fuckin' blah blah blah" holy fuck you dopes are fucking beyond retarded. Literally every second reply in this thread is a bunch of disgusting jewish kikes calling Christianity a kike worshipping religion when in actual fact the jews in Israel are NOT BIBLICAL ISRAELITES, they are a mixed breed of degenerative filth and OPENLY ADMIT TO BEING DESCENDANTS OF CAIN AND EDOM. HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY ISRAELITES? HOW IS Holla Forums THIS FUCKING COMPROMISED HOLY FUCK! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

we wuz kike n shit

Anglsphere because germanosphere eg austria germany was, and is still occupied territory.

After ww2 every few years there was treaty that burgers will now leave germony, this time for real.
rinse repeat

The indoctrination is strong in the occupied zone. Weapon of choice seems ridiculing, then peer pressure. I think a lot whites had a nazi phase in their childhoods, parents and elderly are okay with it.
member the time we laughed loud together at the KZ scene in schindler list.

kikes ≠ hebrews
kikes = shitskins
The Welsh were hebrew and the Rampart Lion for the Scottish is meant to represent the Lion of Judah because they were part of the original tribe of Judah. The jews literally stole the hebrew language to convince non jews that is was theirs. They have always been liars and thieves that's why every major nation has officially kicked them out throughout history. They are of their father the devil. Fuck me dead the bible even talks about jews being the devil's offspring. God fucking hates jews and the kikes hated jesus because of it.

I always find it completely bizarre how Brexit was paraded around as a victory for the white race when it was the exact opposite. Farage went on record saying he doesn't want those filthy Lithuanians and Poles and explicitly said Britain should import more niggers, Indians and Pakis because they speak English. I understand a "Britain for the British" sentiment, but "Poles out, Pakis in" sentiment baffles the fuck out of me.

Furthermore, how exactly did Brexit help if they broke away from the kikes in Brussels, but at the same time kept kikes in their own government? People like Cameron, May and even Farage are the same breed of zionist slaves as Blair, Brown or Major were. I just cannot comprehend this shit.

Like most of Holla Forums, then.

You mean britbongistan ? In the form of who ? I see some really fucking sad shit happening over there and no reaction ( yet )
Are you fucking shitting me ? Also in the form of who ? And don't give me any civnat crap because you said white nationalism you dip.
You are shitposting right ?
Debatable, in some instances i will agree though that there are some small movements coming into light over there and also they provide good shitposting.
France is almost lost but indeed there is a rise on ethnic nationalism over there and as long as it doesn't go kosher it will make macron shit his pants for all his worth. Except if the French pull a good ol surrender.
Indeed, on eastern and northern europe there has always being this "rise on white nationalism" but here we call it ethnic nationalism because that's what it is. The mostly harsh conditions you see and the discomfort add to that, but it's mostly an inherent mechanic that has developed strongly through family values that still exist to love ones country and ones people.


The occurrence of a nationalist movement is directly proportional to the % of rural populations, Hitler stocked up the SA with rural Germans.
America is one of the few Western nations left with a strong rural culture.
I think that's what it is all about honestly.

Because Saxons are the only true Master Race left on the face of the earth.

And because the Anglosphere, France, and Eastern Europe are the last bastions of anything resembling true Christian sentiment, which is to say, an ethno-centric based observance of Hellenic philosophies and higher spiritual mysteries.

This is actually a very good point. UK or Germany are extremely urbanized, the US not so much. But in the heavily urbanized areas in America (Boston-Washington corridor, coastal California, DFW) white nationalism straight up doesn't exist. Of course you could just say the cities are full of shitskins, but even in overwhelmingly white cities like Portland or Seattle it's nothing but liberals and cucks.

The US is light-years healthier than Western Europe, despite having its own unique dysfunctions.

Germany is just a tragic basket-case. Mike Scheuer is right about the Anglosphere's relationship to Europe - the US should dissolve NATO and pull out of Western Europe, leaving the suicidal Germans and French to their own fate. They're irredeemable.

Nope, it doesn't. Those lands are almost entirely Polish at this point. Why would you want them to be turned over to Germany and become a reservation of hipsters and Turks?

Leave it to Holla Forums to advocate the ethnic cleansing of Poles and cheer for Merkelistan

You could have made that fair point without exaggerating one kautposter's opinion as all of Holla Forums and coming across like a whiney victim

Your reading comprehension is so abysmally poor that if I were invested in this conversation and not in between work in my garage, I'd be annoyed.

eastern euros are considerably less infected by jews as most jews flock toward more affluent whites with global strength hence the opposition to immigrants without the jew rodent being as prevalent as you see most western euro nations are completely fucking brainwashed because of their kike concentrations hence MOAR shitskins to replace their white competitor while pretending to be white and instilling values that are completely anti white like you have no culture because you are not jewish so embraces hoards of shitskins to dilute your power lever and IQ so us jews can rule over you and your stupid race mixed kids for eternity.Works better and more efficient without a constitution like the US has as you see now you eurofags are being flooded by non whites under the guise of refugees to destroy you.Liberals and antifa/commies are a mechanism of their cancer yet make no mistake in fighting a symptom the core problem is and always has been the rat fucking jew trying to usurp white superiority over them and their low pop rag tag band of religious head bobbers.Sooner you realize they are the problem you can heal until then suffer.

Just gonna leave webm related here.
Now to drop my 2 cents:
I think we need a unified sort of Pan-European banner to fight under. But it needs to be nothing more than a simple "everyone whiter than this" qualifier and have little to do with culture or anything. He who tries to replace native European cultures with a unified one is no better than the EUSSR.
I think the reason for nationalism only taking off in the Anglosphere, France and Eastern Europa is because we meme in English mostly, France wasn't quite cucked enough to accept the muslims and Eastern Europa has seen the work of the Jew.
I think anyone who argues that voting for Le Pen and her like is voting for the Jew is bullshitting. Yes, they are kiked. Would you rather we accept the candidates which are kiked even worse? I know that I wouldn't. We should take what nationalism we can get and use it as a stepping stone towards our eventual Hitlers and Aleksandr II's and Piłsudski's.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The USA is extremely urbanized. As shown in your graph, it's dark blue for >80% urban. Those empty spaces? They're all empty because they're fucking unlivable. Hell, California is only fertile and livable because of massive interventions to the water supply. We have a dramatic mountain ranges, farmland where no person can live because we gotta grow corn and wheat and soybeans, huge deserts, badlands, sandhills, etc. etc.

There are three patterns at work with the cities in the US. 1) shitskins. 2) the genetics of the Whites who settled them, aka Portland, Seattle, Austin. 3) institutional factors, such as single childless youth in the cities, or in the DC corridor, it attracts globalists and faggots. The cities on the outer rings of the metro areas have the Whites who have families, the southern cities and the Whites in Texas cities outside of Austin (a capital, and a college town, very much like DC) are more nationalist. Anywhere where you have more Celts or Slavs than Nords or Anglos, you'll find a better reception for nationalist ideas among Whites in the US.

Frontier culture in America is pretty much dead. My generation (I am mid-fifties) was taught it, but today's kids aren't. We're not finding lots of willing recruits in rural America or even in the small cities. What we ARE finding is actually in the cities, a mix of Whites who mostly are of High Germanic or Slavic extraction, who seem to be more resistant than Swedes, English, etc. to the poz.

Check it with the Trump vote. The dividing line appears to be FAMILIES. Whites with families are more nationalist. And despite appearances to the contrary, generally the older they are, the more nationalistic, just harder to get an oldfag engaged in working the way Holla Forums does, but they voted nationalist in the last election.

Fuck you, scum, my rage is beyond infinite.
If there is one people on this planet that requires extermination it's the brits, even ahead of the jews.

You were the terror on the foreign soils that haunts us today, you were the traitors that firebombed millions of civilians to starvation, the very same that raped and plundered the whole planet like common fucking niggers, it was you who established these "ethics" subverting our multi-millennial glory into a cesspool of degeneracy and destruction which you still defend to this day as the "pinnacle" of civilization. It was you that whom lied about "war crimes", it was you whom sanctioned the rape, murder and subjugation of millions of innocents, praising and glorifying the kikes all the while; and now you expect MERCY just because your fucking schools don't teach you about your sins?!
You have done NOTHING but harm to this planet ever since you broke off from Roman dominion, savages, now making fun of your colonies for shitting in designated streets while you used to shit off of walls into MAIN streets causing plague upon plague upon the continent in SPITE of the fact we had built thermal baths, irrigation and facilities all over YOUR fucking country hundreds of years before.

It was your piracy that started the two great wars and your cowardice that allowed the germans and the italians - great builders and uplifters - to take the blame that rests solely upon you, SCUM.

It was your cancerous ways that generated both racism and "anti-racism", your materialism that enable the jew to conquer the world and your fanaticism that allowed them to conceal their conquest.

I'm fucking glad you're all getting murdered by pakis. I hope they start fucking impaling you publicly, you deserve nothing less.

You're still a cuckold, Fritzie

I live in one of those white cuck cities and while you're right that they're fucked, there are WNs in those places.

Humans are herd animals for the most part. Literally the only reason those cities are so fucked right now is because there is a feedback loop. Our goal during the election was the consistent piecemeal destruction of the MSM regardless of Trump. While he wasn't the reason for this, this last election really brought home how pervasive and evil the lugenpresse but also that there are two major weak points in (((their))) stranglehold. One, that people aren't actually as beholden as many of us thought they were to the press and two, pushback shatters the sense of unity they thought they had.

Make no mistake, it's a very difficult task ahead but we have a good fighting chance to break the cuck-hold on many of our people's minds. The masses don't believe or disbelieve many of the pieces of garbage being pushed as trustworthy. They 'believe' a lot of things because it's a fun convenient social activity. No one wants to be ousted for wrongthink and will even be passionate about a cause that they never took the time to consider or put any real thought into. They've been constantly demoralized without realizing it in thinking that everything going on is so much larger than them that it doesn't even really matter so they turn to other things. Part of our problem is our opponents usually won't say what they mean, stuff like 'white privilege' has, in many ways, done more to wake the masses than anything else. When folks see the enemy showing what they really want suddenly self-preservation begins overriding herd instinct. Keep hammering away and forcing them to reveal their hands, it's truly the most important piece to secure our future.

TL;DR: Break the media and we begin to free the cities.

east europoor here:

you know, i really used to.. not think of the eastern europe much, but that was before
i started realizing a few things
eastern europe, while curse for all eternity, is about to become the greatest blessing in my lifetime
you see, just like harsh alpine climate during the ice age made europeans into europeans, with much harsher climate and higher evolutionary pressure, need to develop better shelters, better clothing, better tools, seasonal thinking, etc…
harshness of eastern europe never stopped, both physical and intellectual struggle, it just never stopped and it all led to one near infinite payoff, that is going to happen in the near future
simply because leftist tricks can not fundamentally change reality, they work if they have a supply to waste, a previous culture to degenerate, they must have a host to leech off of
but eastern europe never had it good, therefore:
how can we have disgusting feminist women, and weak pathetic cowardly men, when we have a major war going on every 20 years? people are eugenics oriented because reality is too real for jewish tricks to set in, and you cant lie eastern european people because when the next war happens, being feminist for women or pacifist for men wont stop bullets
for the first time in human recorded history, arctic ocean is going to melt enough to be sailable
therefore all the trade from asia will go trough the arctic instead of asia-africa-atlantic route
and slavs (russians) are the only ones to have operational military bases there, meaning WE will be doing the sanctions on others for the first time in history, we will have an advantage
all science fiction around here, cant guilt trip us to feel bad because slavs did more time in slavery than anyone else, but we do not bitch about it, we do not mention it, we do not have complainer morality, we extracted a lesson out of it, a lesson that might is right, a lesson that will serve us well
feminists and faggotry produce no children, therefore we do not care for it, we do not subsidize such degeneracy because we need children, because we have wars..
from mendeleev's periodic table, to modern electricity, to space stuff, slavs show that they can do science
yeah slavs have that too, some of humanity's best novels are made by slavs
our most fresh scar, we survived that one too, it's like a sickness our immune system now has itself trained for
we have a rich history of dealing with it, therefore know its true nature, therefore we are taqqiya immune as well
slavs have the most uranium
and the most nukes
and are territorially the most successful tribe in europe and asia

therefore i conclude that the future belongs to us
we simply learned too much
hell, even our organized crime (lowest of the low) goes into chemistry and engineering universities to better themselves at what they do (usually abroad, because non-slav police is a fucking joke in comparison)
and what do western kekolds do? scrap their nasa to fund welfare studies and decay into oblivion
and what do islam shitters do? allahu akbar, meaning they will never figure out even medieval tier science and forever remain in oblivion
and what do african shitters do? nothing, they dont have to do anything but be aggressive to leave offspring, if you want food or women you can just beat up everyone in your way, before white man damned you with modern medicine, now their undeveloped brain has to deal with overcrowding and diseases that brings, ensuring he never leaves the oblivion

only the slav can escape the oblivion
mongols, nazis, napoleon, ottomans, nato, prussians, jews… all of them made sure there is not a drop of mercy left in the slav

I don't want this to sound like D&C but to the long list you made, they are also the reason Turks still exist.

No, liberalism is bad. Classical liberalism, real liberalism all of it is just the blueprint of communism. Once you accept the underpinning a priori argument of liberalism, that all men are equal then inevitably you are set on the damning path to communism. This is why we are reactionaries, the Anti-Liberal, who believe in hierarchy, authority and loyalty, against the soulless March of individuality and liberalism. The enlightenment was a mistake, and we are the cure.

(We should take what nationalism we can get and use it) YES!!!!!! and train your children and family around you EDUCATE THEM and show them example after example to break down the indoctrination of the less than pretend to be white vermin. Way I see it is why become a minority in our own countries to realize as a cohesive unit we gain more and smash all in our way the jew has tricked whites out of thinking as a whole and only for individual gratification yet they work as a unit against us hence their success.This is not rocket science to figure out and eintstein was a coat tail gripping jew on white prosperity.(had to throw that in there).

slavs did most of the suffering, and reality beat most of the delusions out of us, and now we are left with the most rigid mentality to deal with the future

Or rather why isn't it taking off in Germany? Because the Jews have clamped down harder on the Kraut than anyone else with their propaganda programming. The German's awakening is what the kike fears the most because he knows Hans will shove him headfirst into the oven if he ever comes to his senses. They've conditioned Germans from birth to hate their own race, their own culture, and to serve the Jew and made sure there is no real free speech or democracy so that no one can vote their way out of the Jewish program. Still theres resistance in Germany and a small but growing movement (Pediga, Generation Identity, isolated pockets of hardline National Socialists).

Germany is likely going to have to be liberated with outside help, but we should support German Nationalists as much as possible so that when the time comes to hang Merkel we'll have a much easier time tearing down her power base.

What's to comprehend? Some how the US and Canada could coexist in North America and it would be white nationalism but no 2 nations can do the same in Europe.

Honestly Germany's birthrate is so meagre, I'm not sure there's any hope for native ethnics. Something like 70% of children under age 6 in West German cities are of a "migrationshintergrund". That's insane. Now a good chuck of those are probably slavic, but still, ethnic germans are fast on their way out.

With Trump pulling out of TPP and Paris we might just become the next Germany. Just remember that most white Americans are racially Germans and we never had our best warriors genes killed off in wars. The Jew fears the American now more than anything.

The resistance to Globalism is by far the strongest in the USA, I mean for fucks sake our mainstream conservatives regularly talk about the deep state.

Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming etc are unlivable? That's news to me.

What do you mean by the deep state, user? Is this another term for the jew world order?

The point is that in the American right the idea of shadowy conspiratorial groups is just accepted fact now. It's not that big a leap from accepted the deep state to accepting ZOG.

But the rest of the west doesn't even have that.

England you are a nation of self righteous cunts who look down on the rest of europe and has created almost all of the cultural movements that destroyed this civilzation. You deserve to die and you will.

I doubt the veracity of those numbers. True theres a lot of shitskin children but (((many))) would have us believe its hopeless so we give up before we even try.

I wish, I fucking wish, but our problem is that theres too many civic nationalist who don't understand the importance of race. I think the best we can hope for is to break the power of the Jewish dominated national government, put power back in the hands of the states and start to unpozz ourselves from there, inch by bloody inch.

american mystery meats look nothing like germans to the actual germans tho
its kinda extremely hard to explain ethnicity to people who do not have their own specific ethnic trait, their own language, their own culture, their own customs etc
but you just dont have it

american "heritage" is the biggest meme on the internet because there isnt such a thing as 1/x this, 1/x that etc, when you mix y and z both y AND z lose their specific to y and specific to z thing, and all you are left with is…. nothing, well I mean nothing like what was, you get something new devoid of all the old traits

cant explain this shit to melting pot immigration nations, but its just like chinks and japs can spot the differences between themselves and we cant
europeans too can spot the differences between them, and americans cant, americans dont see them cos they dont have them

Yeah but is Western Europe even CivCuck nationalist is seen as evil Nazism.

We literally have 46 million Germans compared to Germany's 60 million.

This. I can tell a Pole from a Hiberno easily. Whereas you have Americans who are all more or less the same, there are no differences from one part of America to another part of America.

The US will never have a succesful nationalist movement without the US dissolving

And what do you think "rising to meet the challenge of racial strife" means?

In your mind, should we be screaming "Heil Hitler" at people and talking about ethnically cleansing New York?

How about instead

And yet we're still farther along in unfucking ourselves than all of western Europe.

german american =/= german german tho

i know you see all europeans just as "white"
i mean i see all asians as "asian"
but no "whites" ever called themselves "whites" just like no asians call themselves asians, it's just what raceless mystery meat americans invented, an extreme simplification that isnt even accurate, because they dont see the difference between actual "whites" in europe

One of the reasons that Europe is so backwards lately is due to the declining health and vigor of the whites that occupy it. It's unfortunate but can be fixed very quickly with knowledge and the will to act.

Fuck you, toilet scrubber, this is exactly why you deserve no honor nor pride.

Go beg an englishman for mercy and gibs and FUCK OFF from political discussions in which clearly you have no place.

Our German blood is stronger than Germans living in Germany.

German Americans alpha genes were never culled.

No I mean instead of feeding into the very thing that the jews want which is eternal strife among the races and peoples; playing into the very stereotype that Hitler wanted to ethnically cleanse everyone and preaching that image is the very thing that these Jewish tricks are designed to do. I don't mean racial strife as a race war I mean it as against the posterity that whites have some destiny to purge by some of the larpers and WN's. We have a destiny to exist and be successful not lose more of us because of some vague moral or superior high ground based on Jewish principle.

you elected a literal fucking nigger
and you have to press 2 for inglesias
pick one

also, who the fuck emigrates? what kind of a total rootless fuck up leaves the country of his ancestors, his culture, his history, his everything?
no european aristocrat would leave his blood and soil for brazil 2.0

american latitude and climate is also closer to niggers than europeans

Wasnt an attack but a genuine critique. And no you are not farther along Trump is generic American conservatisim if you are not a young fag you would know shit he says was always common in the US. Its just the left has gained so much strength since king nigger that typical american politics is considered far right.

All of that is true.

And we're still far less cucked than Western Europe.

brave people

But that user isn't wrong. "46 million Germans" means there are 46 million people who wrote "German" in the ancestry box on the census long form. I know my family wrote "German" even though we aren't 100% German but also have Scottish and Croatian ancestry.

You are a failure and a disappointment to your ancestors.

I don't. Germany's been documented to have a below replacement birthrate for over a decade now. That's a lot of german babies not being born, and a very aging population that's easily replaced by slavs and assorted muds.

not our regional heritage. Granted nowhere in the US has near the cultural idenitification levels of places in Europe, but in western europe that's dying faster than anything. the younger generations go to school with muds, listen to mud music, eat at mcdonalds…they're basically American lol

true, but europe ain't far behind. In the Netherlands some Moroccan fuck representing the Green party made the biggest gains of anyone in the last election.

Fine then.

My point is that alpha American whites haven't been killed off en mass in 2 world wars.

I doubt ancient Germans originated from present-day Germany. People and populations move over time. Keep up with the leaders or fade into obscurity. This is the way I see it.

But no user, national boundaries have never ever changed! they're 100% immutable and the ancestors of the people within them just sprouted up out of the ground!

Assuming you're European, your ancestors definitely migrated at some point of history. Whether it was the ancient Indo-European migration, the Teutonic migration south from the Scandinavian peninsula, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes migrating from the continent to the British isles, or the Slavs spreading out from the Pripet marshes to the rest of Eastern Europe, your ancestors definitely migrated. So shut the fuck up with your condescending bullshit about dishonorable ancestors.

The common threat we face from the Globalists unites us all. Happy to stand with everyone else right now.

In the west we also thought this sort of thing could never happen, then we were dragged into two world wars. Our hubris allowed jews to quietly consolidate power in our countries.

Never assume you're immune. Always be vigilant. I'm rooting for Slavs as much as I'm rooting for all other types of white people, Nordic, Baltic, or Mediterranean. It's easy to forget that we thought the same things you do now.

nah, its only the poor and miserable, second sons, people without land, criminals, people escaping debt, the downtrodden
kinda like pornstars, pretty girls dont do porn, they dont have to
same with emigrants
second class citizens of the old country
american ethnicity, just like its citizenship, is a fucking meme
kinda like swedish one today

again, chinks and japs see differences among themselves
nigs and arabs also spot tribal differences just with a half a second look
we dont see any of this shit tho, all look the same
europeans too see differences among themselves, but none see americans as parts of the tribe

We migrated in the past, yes. The difference is that emigrating inevitably results in leaving one's own roots behind, whereas when the Slavs spread out from the Pripet marshes they hadn't left what defined them as a people behind. When the Angles, Saxons and Jutes migrated to Britain they took it over for themselves, they didn't leave their roots behind them.

friendly reminder that

american heritage is the worst meme on this site
if you cut your dick just because dr. goldsteinberg told you so
and if your race is "white"
what the fuck are we even talking about here????????????????

if you raceless mongrels ever achieve civic nationalism, start clapping
you do not have not even a language of your own, let alone ethnicity, or culture, or history, or ANYTHING that is required for higher goals European empires of old tried to build, something no american (or other shitskin) will ever understand

I hope you're not retarded enough to imply the 6th century Anglo-Saxons or Slavs are culturally identical to their modern descendants.

you realize this is before recorded history, right?
you realize we were never melting pots, right?
you realize that whole tribes moved, and never did anything but killing with outsiders, right??

this is why we gotta stop using english, the (((global language))) on this board, and just discuss our problems in our native languages
so fucking americans and other shitskins of (((the globe))) cant participate

True, but each race has its origins. Although it might take a few more centuries to completely settle (since some people don't mix), America could form its own derivative ethnicities. One could argue they'd be inferior to "true"-German, "true"-Anglo-Saxon, etc., however it would have an identity. I.e., each empire has a beginning, thus, after a sufficient amount of time America's present will be its beginning, and therefore have an identity. The only question is if America will survive long enough to see that happen, and if subsequent empires which take the place of America (soil/people-wise) retain American ideals, i.e. America's torch is passed on, it does not go out.

Why do you hate Americans so fucking much?

Almost the entire modern white nationalist movement comes from America and is led by American anons.

Usually the reason they're poor and miserable is because basically everyone else in that country is poor and miserable as well. So they migrate, as millions of Europeans did coming to America, because our economy in the 19th century was much more dynamic than in most countries in Europe. Do you have some kind of weird delusion where you think the reason your ancestors didn't migrate is that you're somehow of aristocratic descent or something?
Does your country not take census data? Because if they don't, it's because they want to disguise how many muds are swamping you.
lol where do you get this from? I can always tell a long-limbed scandinavian from a roundhead Anglo.

I hope you're not retarded enough to misunderstand me that much.

I remember there was a thread about possibly learning Latin and using it on here, or making our own language.

historical illiterate detected. Tribes interbred all the time in Europe, and if we're talking about Germanic ones, loyalties switched constantly in a very fluid fashion.

That's not relevant.

Depends on how you define a melting pot. Europeans didn't mix with niggers and shitskins simply because they weren't any in Europe, but they did mix with other Europeans.

So you're saying the Anglo-Saxons never mixed with the native Celts and later with the invading Normans? And this happened all over Europe. Canute III the king of Denmark for example had Danish, Anglo-Saxon, Frankish, Celtic, Polish and Bohemian ancestry.

Literal D&C shilling. Medieval Europeans used Latin as a lingua franca to communicate with other Europeans, why would it bother you so much?

Boy, there sure are a lot of 1's shitting on Americans in this thread

it's the same people who say Slavs aren't white, Italians aren't white etc. D&C shills

And you think that will win over the masses to our cause? I think not. That is not effective propaganda. In fact, it only proves every single thing that our enemies say about us. We might as well tattoo our heads with Swastikas and start drooling.

While I agree with you, I think you misunderstand me. I was responding to the implication that the Mantra is not an effective propaganda tactic. It is extremely effective and the fruit of our efforts is visible everywhere. Our main problem is that some anons refuse to lift their fingers to disseminate effective propaganda.

A lot of faggot Europeans tend to blame Americans for their problems instead of taking responsibility for their own situation.

Especially Germans.

Remember to always report and hide shill posts. The "America is a raceless mongrel nation" doesn't really work when most people migrated here from Europe just a few generations ago and mixed with other Europeans. Miscegenation was illegal intill the 1960s

Take a DNA test, you retard. Most Europeans are just as ethnically mixed as white Americans. To even propose anything else is absurd. You have no idea what heritage is. You're merely talking about ethnic identity, not actual ethnicity or heritage. Your heritage belongs to you by virtue of your ancestry, not your ethnicity. The only difference between Europeans and us is ethnic identity. Europeans are a bunch of ethnic mutts as well. How fucking dumb are you? Do you know anything about European history?


This faggot is actually changing his IP after every post.

accurate picture.

Oh I get it now. I probably wouldn't make a good propagandist though I've never tried my hand.

Well when it comes to the Greek, I'd say that's open to debate. Those Turks did a number on their genetics. Same with Sicilians I'd say. There's certainly pure bloods left, but a large portion of the population is bound to have non-European ancestry. Unless you're assuming those people aren't actually Greek or Sicilian, and just squatting on their land. Throughout history it appears our people, and people very genetically similar to us expanded and spread great knowledge and and grew grand empires, but over the course of the last few thousand years the muds have been closing in more and more, shrinking our land and killing off our people, as well as other similar groups, like the Persians. Through invasion and mongrelization. I'd say the Greek and Sicilians qualify, to an extent. They haven't been eradicated like the Persians, but they're certainly not what they were thousands, or even hundreds of years ago.

It's true in a sense. I would love to see what the most pure/original ancestors of us looked like. Especially if such thing as an "original masterrace" was a thing (going off of the blue-eyed statues everywhere).

Actually, it is a purely northamerican phenomenon, OP. The US and Canada are the cultural vanguard of WN in the XXIst century, and it has lots to do with a reaction to declining US power fucking up the white middle classes and both growing black nationalism and postmodernism.
In Europe its mainly an anti-islamic phenomenon, thats why you can have what they call an "altright" in the US but in France its civic nationalism.

Britain is doomed. White nationalism there is irrelevant, the highest point of it was the BNP era, which was shitty by itself. The people who govern the UK have a too tight grip on their power, so much that change will only come from outside. You cant own a knife without a license or talk the wrong opinions, let alone adquire the right books and attend the right meetings. It will take too much time to establish something there, and when the time comes it will be too far.

Australia will have to deal with the fact that China will be this century's Soviet Union, and that chink immigration is no coincidence. I have it on good authority China sends spies and agents with the migrants. Australia is entirely corrupt by both foreign interests and China's imperial power. And China wants to outright colonize them. Will a bunch of pissed aussies beat the world second strongest power AND their own goverment+internal opposition? Time will tell.

The US is the vanguard, OP.

Krauts must be extra fucking brainwashed to keep pushing this "clay for clay" meme. Over my dead body you subhuman arab cucks.

I hope your right Slav bro. Godspeed

There are mummies in the Tarim Basin in NW China that are perfectly preserved by the high quantities of salt in the region. Those mummies are from the original Proto Indo European migrators, who came out of the Caucasus with their own invention of charriots to conquer Europe, Iran (which means land of the aryans) and northern India. They had tattoos that looked similar to early celtic engravings, wore pants, were tall and had yellow/orangish hair

They are similar to those egiptian mummies they unveiled last year that proved that at some point the egiptian elite was tall, fair skinned, and red haired. Apparently migrants from the Caucasus expanded to all the reaches of the known world thanks to superior warrior culture, huge size, and their new transport the charriot which could be sped by several horses at the same time.

France? lol.

I argue that it's important to include those of the mediterraneans and southern europeans who have suffered some degree of mongrelization as long as they continue to identify as white and fight ardently for our shared cause. These peoples formed the buffer that fought hard and bravely against the hordes over the course of millennia and so were bound to suffer a degree genetic collateral damage. Throwing them under the bus now would be disgraceful especially when considering the western tradition that we hold so dearly is founded directly upon those greek and roman foundations.

What we need now is not individuality. And by that I mean, what we need now is not 1000 anons making 1000 different poster designs. Instead, what we need is 1000 anons making only around 10 designs and postering them everywhere. With propaganda, consistence is more important than substance. Allow me to explain using examples.
We all have heard the Jewish lie "diversity is our strength" Even more insultingly, we have probably heard this idiotic lie regurgitated by Gentiles more often than by Jews. Why is this? Why do otherwise intelligent people use this idiotic meme as an argument? Jews have NEVER given any reasons why this meme is true. So why do lemmings just repeat it as if it were a fact?
The answer is simply because they have heard it and seen it over and over again. Each time they saw it, their mind normalized it, little by little until that stupid lie became a "fact" in their mind. And it is so stupid that you or I can deconstruct it within minutes, even with a devout believer in it just by asking "how?"

How to counter this? Simply by effective, SIMPLE, repeatable propaganda. Simply disseminate posters pointing out the obvious. Point out that "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White. This is a simple, clear, and repeatable message. Thus it is very effective propaganda. Infact, it is more effective than the Jewish narrative because
1. It is the truth. The truth, if given equal footing with a lie is stronger.
2. Deep down, every White man knows that this is true. He knows that when the TV demands "more diversity" they really are saying "there are too many White people here"
He knows that when an SJW shrieks "RACIST!" he is screaming at a White person.
He knows that White people and only White people are targeted by these hate slurs.
His problem is that no one is telling him the truth. Thus, he goes about his day not thinking about it. Our job is to prod him into thinking about it. Disseminate these posters in your general area.

What you say is true to an extent, but the Greeks identify strongly as Europeans. In fact, the Greeks are more racially healthy than Anglos, Germans, or Swedes. The Greeks have formed the most effective pro-White organization to date (obviously I'm talking post WW2).
Throwing the Greeks under the bus is probably the most selfish and indeed, ridiculous thing we could possibly do. I'd be more than proud to stand with my Greek kinsmen and exterminate the cancer that threatens our racial existence. Hail the Golden Dawn.

Here are some more posters. Print them out using a laser printer (NOT INK!) and to post them, mix Tackey glue with water, paint over the area you wish to affix the poster to, then paint over the poster with the paste. This paste is three times more effective than wheat paste and water proof. It is very, and I mean very difficult to remove. One poster I placed near a university has been up for over half a year now and still going string despite all the attempts to remove it. Also, post high up if you can. The higher the better (within reason obviously).


We must go off and conquer the stars.

kinda like pornstars,

Somebody's been reading his Jewish history books. All bullshit. You're wrong about the people who founded America, which is why you got your ass badly kicked in war after war.

You are right, it's probably D&C shilling. Or else genuinely brainwashed Brits and Germans who think they're superior royalty and not actually descended from plebs and peasants.

Because the USA is filling with LARPing white faggots who sit on Jim/pol/ and literally suck Jewish Cock by supporting their kike puppet President Trump instead of marching into DC and lynching everyone. This nation is lost.

Italians aren't white you faggot



(Heil Hitler)
Whiter than Californians and Texans, that's for sure.


You better mean demographically or I'll fuckin shank ya you gibbering ratfaced mongoloid.


Because they need to have solid national identity. No identity mean no purpose in their life.

Christian identity is what started the Crusades that drove the Moors out of Europe and broke 700 years of Muslim slave raids, retard.

You are talking about the jews.

So is every single form of poz, gay tranny nigger aids social justice

Fucking well said. Daily reminder that quote related is what the great anglo liberators listened to as they marched into defeated Germany.

Anglos are truly kikeroaches

It's all in the past so stop d/cing.

Wrong attitude. It is too much in the present you mean. Our racial history goes further back than just some time a couple resentful Anglos used Christianity as a tool to stir up revolution.

Non-agnlos are pure subhuman shit. Why are so man non-anglos living in the anglosphere? Out of the anglosphere ASAP. Enough. All this anglo hate comes from Rhineland vermin that no doubt don't live in that squalor but have instead infested the USA.

the thing with ethnicity (or "race" as americans call it) is that it takes ~10.000 years to form, and just less than 100 to destroy
so race is extremely precious because of how hard it is to build, all that selective breeding, for all those years, and it also requires specific events such as ice age and so on
united states is essentially brazil: waaaay too many mutts, and any pure blooded european that grew up in europe, or european european for immigration based countries, can tell you that
there are ofcourse pure blooded europeans in america, but they are an extreme minority over there
you cant just pick a random mutt in the streets anywhere in the usa and call that person ethnic european because
when it comes to race
think of those extremely pale koreans and japs
hell some of them are even paler than euros
but that doesnt make them "white", does it? it's their
that define what race they are, not just skin color

mystery meat mutts should require extreme vetting if they wanted to be a non-multiculti "white" citizens (aka proper, normal citizens)
which is very difficult and it's simply easier to disregard all places where immigration is a normal thing, and just focus on the source
clean up the source
do what poland did: give out monetary incentives to reproduce ONLY to the natives, and dont give out free citizenships to outsiders
countries built from outsiders have nothing to do with original ethnic nations tho, mixing = diluting, people here should already know this..

But Germans made America great. Before the German immigration wave in the 1830s and 1840s, America was an irrelevant post-colonial backwater, after German immigration it became an empire. If it wasn't for Germans, the US would be just Canada 2.0

NO. Those come from FRANKFURT, Germany you ignorant shit. Ever heard of the Frankfurt School? And all we have been through is a systematic application of the degeneracy and decadence socialist jews implemented in Weimar Germany before Hitler kicked them out and they latched on to American universities.

Couldn't be more wrong. Every wave of non-Anglo immigration was pure shit and destroyed the country more and more. The idea that Anglo-America would be like Canada 2.0 is preposterous, as the constitution, free speech, gun rights, small government are all Anglo-American ideas. Everything that defines 'America' is Anglo in origin. The products of German and other non-Anglo European immigration to America were progressivism, The New Deal, FDR and a permanent end to isolationist policy.

Right, because Britain, a country with a total gun ban where you can't buy fucking utensils if you're under 18, where you can be jailed for racist tweets and where socialism is rampant is the pinnacle of gun rights, free speech, and small government. Not even mentioning the constitution since Britain outright doesn't have one.

What are you going on about, you illiterate Anglo baboon? FDR despite having an old Dutch name, had an overwhelmingly Anglo ancestry.

Pure German names, right? Faggot.
The only lasting Anglo heritage in America are two things, the eternal shilling for the kikes, which began with the Puritans. Look it up. When German Lutherans were reading Luther's "On Jews and their lies", the fucking Puritans were busy being the first Christian Zionists in recorded history, pushing for the establishment of Israel, in 18th fucking century. And the second legacy is all the niggers the Anglos imported over from Africa and bred like cattle until they were everywhere.

The Anglos that went to America are not British. They descend from a subset of Anglos that were fleeing Britain. They were specifically anti-Britain.

I'm going on about the political views and voting practices of Non-anglo white Americans. The actual ancestry of FDR is not important here. The Democrat party in 2017 for example, is clearly the non-white party, even if they shell out a white candidate.

The Anglos living in Britain are still Anglos and they're responsible for Britain being the multicultural cesspit that it is. Germany literally had to be beaten in two consecutive wars in order for the kikes to fully take over, Russia underwent a bloody civil war in which the kikes straight up exterminated their aristocracy and their intelligentsia. Meanwhile the Anglos ceded control over Britain to kikes without firing a single bullet, made the kike Disraeli their prime minister, made the FUCKING ROTHSCHILD into a baron, sided with the Turks and declared war on christian Russians when they wanted to liberate Constantinople, created Israel through the Balfour declaration, declared war on Germany in order to protect Poland which was full of jews, and finally bombed German civilian targets to ashes which they celebrate to this day. Look up British Israelism. It was an ideology created by Anglos, promoting the theory that Anglos actually ARE jews.

Who were the first American feminists? Elizabeth Stanton and Paulina Wright Davis, both Anglos.
Who was FDR? An Anglo.
Who were FDR's top advisors? Louis Howe and Harry Hopkins, both Anglos.
Where was the main FDR base of support? In Appalachia and the South, all dominated by Anglos. Look at pic related, election results of 1944. The German-dominated states of Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas all voted AGAINST FDR. Meanwhile the Anglo South, Mass and New York all went FDR. You uneducated Anglo fucking retard.

Oh and forgot about this

Hillary Clinton - 100% Anglo

Donald Trump - 50% German, 50% Scottish

Nah, not really. They're way more right wing than Germans. The Scotts are a massive left wing voting bloc.

Blacks and ethnic whites.


What do we gain from this? This is exactly what the jews goaded us in to war.

It's like you live in a bizarro alternate reality. The only German-plurality states that didn't vote Republican last year were Illinois thanks to all the niggers in Chicago, and Minnesota because fuck knows why. Democrats completely dominated the Anglo northeast from Maine all the way to Maryland and even managed to win Virginia somehow.

Doesn't exist. It's Irish catholic.

Also, these "German" states were largely settled by people from Puritan New England before the ethnics invaded the North East. Them being German ethno-states is of course a meme. Americans don't know their heritage.


"the social increase of the Irish and German populations in America has far outstripped their natural increase"

Speaking in the present tense, sure. They've been developing their own culture for hundreds of years.

Also correct, but the subset was cultural and not ethnic or racial.

Damnable lies and slander. Even after the Revolutionary War virtually everyone identified culturally and ancestrally with Great Britain and America billed itself as an Anglo nation well into the early 20 century, when the waves of Germans and Italians and Slavs and other continental fucking shits that had swamped the US after the Civil War finally broke the Anglo cultural hegemony.

You have some fucking nerve calling America left wing when you live in a noguns overtaxed liberal real estate bubble shithole where video games get banned for being too violent, where you can be fined by the government for speaking against muslims and where tranny surgeries get covered by public healthcare.

I've lived in America, I don't see it as left wing. I merely see the same patters in Australia as I see in USA. Australia is an Anglo-Celtic country. The left has always been dominated by the Irish catholics, the right by the Anglos. With the importation of non-whites, the left won the culture war.

"Jerusalem" is better than "God Save the Queen."

Really needs to be changed, tbf.

Except when it comes to America you weren't talking about non-whites, you were talking about Germans. The rural midwest where all the Germans live is traditionally conservative and you got proven completely wrong on your nonsensical assertions about FDR.
Furthermore, in Britain itself the "Conservative" party promotes faggot marriage and other forms of degenerate policies so they're right wing in name only.

The Rural midwest is also full of Anglo-Americans. Just like the one-drop rule regarding blacks, there's a "one drop" rule going on in the USA where anybody with one drop of non-Anglo ancestry makes then identify with their ethnic white background.

See image for Harvard picks for President. WASPs became a minority at Harvard sometime around the 1950s. The WASP elite was against FDR every time.

And compared to Germany? Cameron resigned after being BTFO on Brexit. Almost the entirety of England supported Brexit, except the areas full of non-English people.

And that was a good thing. Germans made America better, you ingrate. We actually have a real life example of what an Anglo America would look like - it's called Canada. A socialist country full of neutered beta cuckolds where you can get jailed for misgendering trannies, led by an islamophilic hippie shit.

It should also be noted that the only part of Canada that isn't being blacked or riced at speeds that put the JewSA to shame is the province full of French people.

I'm originally from the midwest and I can assure you that once you get further west than northeast Ohio, there's very little amount of Anglos around. The Anglos in Wisconsin for example constitute just around 6% of the white population.

Still Germans actually, just with anglicized names. Schmiedt became Smith, Fuchs became Fox, Braun became Brown, Müller became Miller, and so on.

Except for the fact that FDR was himself a WASP.

You know this how? Just because you're from there? My point was that data indicates that's not the case, and that people ignore Anglo ancestry.

Maybe they tried anglicizing their politics, too, huh?

Still against him.

Yes? People tend to know other people from their place of residence, you know.

This is on par with "most rapes are not reported". Literal made up horseshit that cannot be falsified.

If you mean the self-reported "American" ethnicity that's actually Anglo, that's not really a midwestern thing. It's a southern thing.

So non-socialist WASPs going against a socialist WASP, big deal. And you ignore the reality that most Anglos in America were never WASPs - the W in WASP actually stood for "Wealthy", not "White" which would be completely redundant since Anglo-Saxons can by definition be only white. Some poor Anglo crackers from buttfuck Mississippi surely are no WASPs.

Census data shows an unnatural increase in the population of "Germans".
I mean the self-reported "German" and also "Irish" ethnicities.

Yeah, it is. Any institution that was WASP was anti-socialist.

I've just finished reading the entire study (downloaded from JSTOR) and ignoring the fact that it was written by two Berkleyites at least one of which is a kike named Goldstein, the premise that some groups are inflated is laughable when you look at history.

Why would a pure Anglo identify as fully or partly Irish when the Irish have been discriminated against since about forever? Why would a pure Anglo identify as fully or partly German when Germans immigrated only very recently (comparatively speaking) to the US and thus tend to be more aware of their origins and where discriminated against due to the World Wars? For brownie points as implied by the blogger? Absurd.

Furthermore, why would say an actual English-Irish mix identify as fully Irish when the Census lists full and partial ancestries separately and he can therefore choose both, contributing to both the English and Irish count?

Lastly, given how many Irish and (especially) Germans anglicized their last names (a fact denied by nobody but curiously omitted from the study) in very large part due to the reasons I mentioned above, if anything people understate German and Irish ancestry.

Why? Oppression Olympics has always been popular.

No it hasn't and not for these groups.

The increase is actually perfectly natural, because the literal opposite of your claim is true, German ancestry was underreported during WW1 and WW2 due to anti-German sentiment. This is also when all the anglicization of names happened.

Irish, maybe. German, no.

Nonsense, the socialist movement was crawling with WASPs. Frederick Vanderbilt Field was the WASP to end all WASPs (descendant of Cornelius Vanderbilt and a Harvard graduate) and he was just short of being a complete communist, and got targeted because of this by senator McCarthy who by the way was Irish and German. James Phelps Stokes is another good example, FDR was actually pretty tame compared to some of these people.

Absolutely has for the Irish.

The German is more about religion and the fact that people just don't identify as British-America. If somebody is Old Stock British-American they identify as "American", non-hyphenated, so any mix will lead to identifying with the non-British side.

And like I showed, Harvard was anti-socialist. Individual WASPs were in all movements. It was a country full of WASPs.


"Nationally, 47% of the people questioned preferred security to opportunity. As the percentage of manual workers in each denomination increased, the proportion favoring security rose. Status, education and income were inversely related to the choice of security. As one proceeded from Congregationalists to Presbyterians to Episcopalians to Methodists to Lutherans to Baptists and finally to Catholics, the preference for security steadily increased from 26% to 58%."

Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Methodists (i.e., British) all favored opportunity over security.

Lutherans, (i.e., Germans) favored opportunity less than these groups, but more than Baptists (rural southerners + blacks) and Catholics (Irish).

"Only 31.4% of the Congregationalists, 39.9% of the Presbyterians and 44.6% of the Episcopalians backed Franklin Delano Roosevelt"

"Catholics who were 72.8% in his [FDR] favor."

"Jews…were 92.1% for Roosevelt."

The Intercollegiate Socialist Society actually started out in Ivy League schools, which includes Harvard. Plenty of members were full on WASPs.

WASPs were only the elite, the term is not a synonym for Anglo. And good job ignoring all the other points I made.

golden dawn in greece

So almost half of the quintessential WASP denomination.

Yeah, individual members. The body on the aggregate didn't become socialist until WASPs were replaced.

But Less than the Lutherans.

"Only 31.4% of the Congregationalists, 39.9% of the Presbyterians and 44.6% of the Episcopalians backed Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The more working-class denominations, however, voted heavily for him, particularly the Catholics who were 72.8% in his favor"

The more working-class denominations, i.e., Lutheran and Baptist.

You claimed that WASPs as a whole didn't support FDR and your own statistics prove that almost half of them did. And Presbyterians were traditionally Scottish, not English.

No, it proved that one sect almost did, but still didn't, like the Lutherans did.

And at this point, Presbyterians and Congregationalists were wealthier than Episcopalians, so likely more WASPy.

Here's another interesting tidbit from the full study which the blogger of course "forgot" to mention.

Number of immigrants recorded since 1820:
British 5 millions
Irish 4.5 millions
Germans 7 millions

Amount of people with said ancestries (either full or partial) in 1991:
British 61 millions
Irish 40 millions
Germans 49 millions

Now let's only take the increase from post 1820 immigrants to the total population in 1991, since it's hard to know exactly how many people of whichever ethnicity lived in the US prior to that date.

So in matter of 171 years…

The people of full of partial British ancestry went from 5 millions to 61 millions = a 12.2 fold increase = "perfectly normal".
The people of full or partial Irish ancestry went from 4.5 millions to 40 millions = an 8.88 fold increase = "inflated".
The people of full or partial German ancestry went from 7 millions to 49 millions = a 7 fold increase = "inflated".

No it hasn't. Why do you make stuff up? The Irish are not and never were a priviledged and protected class in America like kikes or niggers are. You never scored brownie points by claiming real or imagined Irish ancestry.

What are you even babbling about?

Blanket statement and identifying as such is also a recent and somewhat uncommon phenomenon:


Lutherans were distributed among all social classes, it's not strictly a "working class" denomination the way Baptists were. Also not all Lutherans were Germans, a significant number of them were Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Latvians or Finns.

More like W and P without the A and S. Scots aren't Anglo-Saxons.

Not a good look for the Lutherans then. Voting FDR when they weren't even poor.


That's not even remotely a WN party, they're just regional secessionists and extremely pro-Israel.

The shit you posted doesn't mention what percentage of Lutherans voted for FDR, just that they favored "security" which frankly I see no problem with. I already showed you election results that showed FDR had the smallest support base in Lutheran states.

so "voted heavily for him" isn't good enough?

You seem to be implying that this statement doesn't reference Lutherans

"The more working-class denominations, however, voted heavily for him, particularly the Catholics who were 72.8% in his favor."

But it does, as it follows on form this one:

"47% of the people questioned preferred security to opportunity. As the percentage of manual workers in each denomination increased, the proportion favoring security rose. Status, education and income were inversely related to the choice of security. As one proceeded from Congregationalists to Presbyterians to Episcopalians to Methodists to Lutherans to Baptists and finally to Catholics, the preference for security steadily increased from 26% to 58%."

Lutherans, Baptists and Catholics had the highest percentage of manual workers, that is why they were called "the more working class denominations".

Absolutely a greed, my fellow white. The only path forward is to exterminate all Anglos so that the Germans can freely swell up and defeat the Jews.

Completely agreed my fellow white. Anglos and Germans are completely different beasts, without their meddling us Anglos would have never fallen for the dirty Jew's tricks.

You implying I started this shit? One Anglo against 50 Germans and I'm the D&C Jew?

But fine, I'm out of the conversation now. That's it.

A lot of people (especially shills or people who didn't grow up here) like to generalize American genetics at the national level, where they see us as euro-mutts at best or some kind of euro-indo-negroid mutant admixture at worst. Those who are more clued in then often tend to generalize our regions' demographics, and that can be a useful tool in limited applications, but you really have to examine sub-regional demographics to get a better understanding. Even then maps like this don't paint a full picture of the ratio or levels of influence within counties, or the level of integration and cooperation between the different ethnic subgroups.

Who "started shit" is a narrow-minded viewpoint that will leave you crawling through the weeds. I'm Anglo too so of course I share the pride that you must feel for our unique achievements. What I don't understand is the utility of turning what makes us unique into a wedge between us, especially when reality is certainly more nuanced than our understanding permits, especially when an amplified rhetoric serves to divide us and as happy coincidence serves our shared enemy's ends. If in CY+2 you don't stand in mutual awe of the Germans achievements (and the Italians, French, Spanish, etc.) then maybe you should spend more time learning their languages, immersing yourself in their literary, artistic, philosophical, scientific, and military histories. Or maybe you should focus on accomplishing something for yourself, put yourself out there and risk failure, get in the ring and tempt the forces of humility, examine our own history with an eye for introspection to balance the greatness of Anglo accomplishments. My point is that when you say things like "Rheinland vermin" and "subhuman shit" to on the whole a great people, I can't help but question your motives, whether you are an outsider attempting to divide us or someone who someone focusing on and magnifying the faults of others in order to mask your own individual shortcomings.

It was hostile, yes, but Anglo hate on this board is largely acceptable. It's not called "D&C" like attacking any other white ethnicity, and thus I did overreact.

Everybody in this thread is a D&C jew. People need to start helping other white nationalities, not call them cucks and try to proclaim superiority over them.

We aren't all nihilistic drug addicts like you, user.

With any luck threads like this will at least harden our immune response to (((their))) incredibly effective D&C attack vector that turns our natural and healthy prides against one another. The stakes are nothing less than whether or not we manifest another world war among European brothers.

You know I just had a thought, could you imagine anything that would scare the kikes more than an anglo-german alliance against them? Peoples with a broadly common genetic and linguistic background, united, who at this stage in history hold some of the most immense wealth and power, and just so happen to also be the biggest rat nest of semitic vermin in the west?

As pathetic as it is, our people need to wake up to the value we have, rather than simple preservationist sentiments.

Why were the Rotherham rapists able to get away with it for so long? Because the government doesn't value abused white girls but loves their rapists.

Why wasn't there more outcry after the fact? Because we don't value ourselves at all.

Simple as that. Highlighting the depravity and abuse of those in power then rightly showing who it is that perpetrates and enables it is our most potent weapon right now. Sadly, it's just not enough to just point out what is going on, that only galvanizes the people that are already sympathetic. Show why it's bad. We can't take for granted the logical assumption those posters make, which is that less whites=bad.

The narrative right now is that the west is Theseus' ship making the declaration that despite white displacement, everything won't fundamentally change. Show that our values are not independent of the people that hold them, that the west is not a coincidence. Avoid hubris in these statements, they are facts, facts need not be prideful. Normies are turned off by pride, pride is the step after awakening to the current situation.

Are you triggered yet?
Germans invaded Polish soil when Poland was partitioned. It was done very slowly, same with the Russians. Literally murdered for doing anything Polish.

It is what you get, and in retrospective, the Germans have deserved it… They deserve even more actually. Wouldn't the current migrant crisis affect my country too, I would tell Germany to just go for it, go kill yourselves by niggers.

The main difference that the left conveniently forgot is that if a Norman and an Angle had the same haircut and wore the same clothes, you would not be able to tell which was which. Unlike the Danes 200 years prior to Norman conquest, the invaders were also Christian as well. Language and culture were the two points of real separation, not race. The Normans looked like the Saxons and had the same faith along with a commitment to blend in (seriously, the Normans were very willing to take on the culture and language of their subjects).

An Eritrean can dress the same, speak the same language as an Englishmen and even adopt the same passive nihilism as the Anglo as their faith but will never pass as a native.


That is a theoretically correct statement. But it is not relevant to practical politics. You are correct that Whites need to acknowledge that we are great and deserve to exist because we are great. But that is simply not what motivates most people. At least not currently. As you said, pride turns off normies. This is because pride in one's people is a thought crime. Our task is to deconstruct the Jews' most potent weapons against us; their hate slurs, the state of demoralization among our people, and our lack of our ability to think collectively, to recognize that We exist, We have a right to exist, and We have a right to exist in our own communities.

How do we accomplish this? By the same method that successful political revolutions occur. I am not talking about voting politics. No, that is a kabuki theater. I am talking about practical politics aimed directly at the zeitgeist. He who controls the zeitgeist has ultimate power, no matter the political structure in which he exists. How do we take control of the zeitgeist? By taking control of the conversation. He who controls the conversation controls the narrative. He who controls the narrative controls the zeitgeist.
And how do we accomplish this task? By controlling words.

We do not own the word "racist." Our enemies do. We do not own the phrase, "Diversity is our strength." Our enemies do.
These words and phrases are powerful because they are short and repeatable. They are thus assimilated into the collective minds of the masses by way of osmosis. Our counter is to disseminate truthful propaganda that points out the obvious;
"Racist" is merely an ethnic slur against US
"Diversity" always means "less White people"
and ONLY White countries will become non-White because of the policies our elites are forcing upon us.

We must devote our efforts to disseminating this truth. A simple, repeatable message is powerful propaganda. When that message is also the truth, it becomes very, very powerful.

Our only mitigating weakness is that many people refuse to take action, refuse to get active. Video related.

That phrasing implies that somehow, in the end, justice finally got served, albeit belatedly.


Not one (!) person has been convicted on rape charges, and police and media are threatening and silencing victims and their parents to this very day. Rotterham is still going on at this very moment.

what other parts of the world are white? even some of the ones you counted cant be considered that

South America's southern cone, of course (Chile, large parts of Argentina, southern Brasil and Uruguay). As any traveller can confirm, much whiter than Cali, Arizona, Texas and Florida.

You seem to forget our cause. Besides that the masses don't need to know who is behind. Who said that this purge must go out in a blaze of glory. Silence and stealth are the way to go. Christ i thought you would put your mind to work.

You sound like one of the white rabbit folks. Let me start out by saying that I really respect what you folks are doing.

I would make a counter-proposal. Based on what you said, why not combine the two? Surely taking ownership of greater methods of conveying the message would be a boon instead of putting all the eggs in one basket. Victimization is a key component in creating solidarity. The Rotherham case is unique because it stirs a feeling of protectiveness without fear of reprisal. No one wants to get beaten down but even our despicable enemies know they can't touch something like Rotherham, which is why they try to ignore it as much as possible. Any time there is a big event like that, they have a weaponized implication of 'do something whitey' just begging for someone to strike out so they can clamp down more. I'm saying in addition to the current talking points have something leading to another step or having that simple tidbit that is a response to their criticism. The counter-signalling memes are great because they defang the standard responses. Have something like
(checked the check)
lead to
or vice versa, MAYBE with another step but no more than three. Have crumbs that people can follow but make it not necessary to understand the point so they all work in a self-contained way but with additional ammunition to prevent a dismissive response.

You've gotten sloppy Holla Forums, we all know by now what the problems we face are and that they exist in the future, not in the past. You can't keep crying and bitching at people of a certain country just because their (((government))) did something before even your parents were born. It gets us nowhere and does exactly what (((they))) want.

What happened to the unity during the US election and Brexit referendum? You were unstoppable. Now all you do is piss and whine, falling for the oldest trick in the talmud.

to be fair, you did create a lot of this rot.

but your probably saved because ofyour amendments relating to guns and free speech.

Not if you were an Anglo. Your cultural hegemony - in a nation founded by your ancestors for the benefit of their progeny - was being destroyed by foreigners with no connection to the land or history who overran and outbred you after being imported by your government as a result of the economics of a sizable chunk of your young men dying in the bloodiest war in your history.

In the same way that Muslims are making Germany better.

Turks specifically.



Wrong. It was the Dutch admixture that made being british subjects unpalatable to Americans, That's why they followed the Dutch example of abjuration and rebellion,

'The Act was remarkable for its extensive Preamble, which took the form of an ideological justification, phrased as an indictment (a detailed list of grievances) of King Philip. This form, to which the American Declaration of Independence bears striking resemblance, has given rise to speculations that Thomas Jefferson, when he was writing the latter, was at least partly inspired by the Act of Abjuration.[3][4]

The Preamble was based on Vindiciae contra tyrannos by Philippe de Mornay, and other works of monarchomachs may have been sources of inspiration also.[5] The rebels, in their appeal to public opinion, may have thought it more important to quote "authoritative" sources and refer to "ancient rights" they wished to defend. By deposing a ruler for having violated the Social Contract with his subjects, they were the first to apply these theoretical ideas.'

Actual yes the German immigrants in late 19th and early 20th century didn't care about ID politics like the rest of the country did.

oh, don't even get me started on anglo bible-thumpers. Pics related. They are the root of nearly every pozzed thing in America when it comes to race. Not saying it's necessarily a genetic thing, but it's definitely cultural.

Oh, and this pic really sums it up. President of Vanderbilt. Early 1950's. America has been cucked looooooooooonng before most anons realize.


Not true.

'The Germans worked hard to maintain and cultivate their language, especially through newspapers and classes in elementary and high schools. German Americans in many cities, such as Milwaukee, brought their strong support of education, establishing German-language schools and teacher training seminaries (Töchter-Institut) to prepare students and teachers in German language training. By the late 19th century, the Germania Publishing Company was established in Milwaukee, a publisher of books, magazines, and newspapers in German.[105]

"Germania" was the common term for German American neighborhoods and their organizations.[106] Deutschtum was the term for transplanted German nationalism, both culturally and politically. Between 1875 and 1915, the German American population in the United States doubled, and many of its members insisted on maintaining their culture. German was used in local schools and churches, while numerous Vereine, associations dedicated to literature, humor, gymnastics, and singing, sprang up in German American communities. German Americans tended to support the German government's actions, and, even after the United States entered World War I, they often voted for antidraft and antiwar candidates. 'Deutschtum' in the United States disintegrated after 1918.[107]'

I pray for Sweden everyday. I really hope they uncuck themselves before Jewish caused extinction. :/

The only opposition party in parliament jailed under trumped up charges, overwhelming majority votes for mock communist party run by the (((plutocrats))) for the gibs. Gibs never happened - Those dammed Nazis dragging the brother down. Ah, I forgot, in addition: “Refugee welcome!”

Greece's defence minister threatens to send migrants including jihadists to Western Europe
09 Mar 2015

He means ,it were the Germans who forced upon them the nigger and pakis rapping their daughters which in secret he likes and wanks to the thought of it

I suggest you visit a Ariana Grande concert

You mean that allied countries nationalist leader who let a jew fuck his daughter?
You mean that allied countries nationalist leader who is a jew?
You mean that allied countries nationalist leader who thinks sharia is a good idea?
You mean that allied countries nationalist leader who prays in a mosque?

It weren't the Poles, the Anglos and French did it. They armed the Poles and told them to attack the Germans, like they ever did and still do – remember 1989?

Poland need no land, they are all in England anyway. Did you ever considered how much land the Poles grabbed after WWI and how few people they are and how they ruined the land they stole from the Germans? Now they cry for gibs and their right to emigrate to England because Poland is obviously not big enough.

Poles are the nigger of Europe and the Anglos are the nigger handler on behalf their Kike overlords.

Why don't you fuck off? Your comical “threats of leaving” are getting stale, maybe someone should send you a box of chicken bones.

Sure thing you kike.
Where is the Turkish “Boeing” in Germany?

Beside of mystery meat kebab, as money laundering operation for drug money, what do Turks and Muslims in general do contribute to Germany? Rapes? Welfare recipients?

Let me guess, next you're going to tell me they killed 6 million jews.

I believe (yeah I'm from the US) that given what we are facing unless we all stand together as one race we are basically fucked, if we let what arrangement of the Latin alphabet we use and what country owned what piece of land from 1000 years ago tear us apart then (((the)))'ve already won

Any white countries that get pozzed / ZOG'd up eventually have to be coup'd or invaded and liberated, but not out of "X flavor of white vs Y flavor" but out of things like "X white country has been hijacked by Jews and they are massing on the border for an invasion and we have to stop it"

I really feel a sort of natural connection to other
as long as they aren't from cities (at least the ones in the US)
They are always varying levels of based, easy to talk to, I feel a natural sort of friendliness towards them and they nearly always reciprocate it, I feel like it would be the same for any white guy whether its Richard or Hans or Nikolai or whoever

Anglo-Saxon England was founded on the old Germanic idea of governance by consent, something that the Romanized and effetely "civilized" people on the continent lost when they were beaten into submission by eastern styled autocracies. Liberty is OUR culture. Liberty is OUR value. Liberty is US. No other people can ever fully understand or appreciate what it means. The Germans tried to free themselves in the 30's but were betrayed by their own kinsmen from overseas. NEVER AGAIN!

Yes. And Western prime ministers will accept them. Everyone here already knows that our politicians are traitors. Just because our politicians are disgusting traitors doesn't mean that we're not White.

Why is White nationalism only really taking off in the Anglosphere. France, and Eastern Europe?
It hasn;t taken off anywhere in the Anglosphere or France, only Eastern Europe where the whites are still the vast majority. The Anglosphere and France are utterly dominated by jewish control.

As has been routinely pointed out 6,000,000 times to date.

Stop praying and do something instead. Doing something has been proven to be 6,000,000 times more effective than praying for something.

Thankyou. I am pleased to see someone else who knows what that is. Too many people here spend too much time on too few pro-White sites. Hell, I regularly meet people here who barely even know who WLP is. WTF??

You're right and I do not suggest we do that. However you must admit that here, every user wants to post up his own custom poster designs and his own custom message. This is an ineffective method of propaganda dissemination. Consistency and repeatability (along with simplicity) are the key features of effective propaganda.
But I agree with you that it in Britain, talking about Rotherham is a good illustration of everything wrong with the System and an example of White Genocide. Mass non-White immigration who rape and murder Whites in our own homeland covered up by a corrupt System and an evil media all controlled by the Jews. If I lived in the UK, I'd add that information to my posters. However I don't think many Americans or Australians know much about Rotherham. So I cannot use it in my propaganda.

I also agree with your conclusion. People do need crumbs to follow. But I must make one final point; Our task is not just to come up with responses to Jewish hate slurs. It is to seed our language into the public consciousness. He who controls the language, controls the conversation, controls the narrative, controls the direction of political action. (for those reading who misunderstand me, "political action" includes a hell of a lot more than voting)

To take control of the conversation, we must impose our language upon the public. And to do this, we need to consistently get Whites (hell even non-Whites) seeing our words and phrases everywhere. The more often someone sees that "anti-racist" = "Anti-White" the more it will plant itself in their subconsciousness and be assimilated in their mind. And because of the truth of our message, it will defeat the lies the Jews have told them like "diversity is our strength."

Our cause is securing the existence of our race. What are YOU fighting for if not that?

Just look here at one case of traitors ruining everything for example:

and this is based on what exactly? a feeling?

get out of here kike.

Fucking ridiculous Pierce's National Alliance was probably the best example of an effective and unified WN to date, wish it were easier to disseminate his work but I guess we can't just rebuild that now.

Totally agree, it's why AW and the Vanguard people probably have good intentions but ultimately are just falling for classic D&C. Holla Forums is amazing just by the sheer intellectual resources commonly on display here and we should always keep our anonymity, but I wish there was some sort of productive sticky relating specifically to propaganda streamlining.
We should aim for:
spreading the knowledge of white genocide
A link on all propaganda heading to the same place, reinforcing the main point but with additional information of the how and why.
'politicians didn't like how people were voting so they elected to replace them' is always a good one as it touches on the race issue without sounding any cuck alarm bells for most people, getting past the programming is #1 priority. Deeper in, it begins naming the jew?
Rotherham or the Cologne attacks can be added as a small blurb to reinforce the points along with a very quick piece relating to the 'how'

This is mostly ideas for physical propaganda, a quick mix of simple truths with reinforcing examples. Any extraneous complications would be region specific to once again back up the main point. As important and helpful as the white geNOcide project is, the appeal is mostly to folks that are already somewhat redpilled, with respect. Keeping the reinforcement emotional with the point staying clear but avoiding the cuck shut off switch is priority #1 for people like my family members. Using the strategy of forcing the point by making disagreement morally wrong is an excellent way to win debates, how could anyone see something showing the horrors of Rotherham as bad? Having that stark reality with a hint to the main point is what has helped me bring others into the fight, even if they do stay in the periphery.

I would like to be able to canvas my city soon but do not want to be ineffective. Hell, the only real reason I'm working to earn a fair bit of money is to help save my race. Sorry for the blogpost, some of this defeatism on display really gets me mad.

civnat cuck piece of shit get out of here

Christian identity is what tolerated them and the kikes to infiltrate Europe in the first place, all while genociding their pagan brothers and sisters.
Christian nationalism is a joke.

Checked. Ridiculously underrated post.