Which sentence will get you in more trouble if you post it on social media like Facebook...

Which sentence will get you in more trouble if you post it on social media like Facebook, or say it in a public setting like a university, or any other institution; work setting, etc:

"Death to the Jews!"


"Death to the Bourgeoisie!"


really stimulates the brainmatter

Public opinion is not a good measure of how much power something has. Radical feminism is often ridiculed in the mainstream, though they've been present at the UN…

My point is, kill yourself.

real 'hmm' material, hmm…

Not as politically incorrect as pol, but still.

Antisemitism and racism gets censored for the sake of decency, just like you don't shit in a table or spit at old woman.

Your classmates will think you're really cool if you show them your sword collection.

Why is there no 'bourgeoisphobia'? Surely Radical Revolutionary Communist youtubers for speaking out against our capitalist slave masters would have their entire lives chased down? They'd have their youtube channels constantly flagged and doxed by angry reactionaries, said doxing of their revolutionary activity leading them to being hounded out of all public life including work?

Both are "politically incorrect", but one is for the wrong reasons. It's like pointing out that if a professor of physics at Cambridge was a believer in flat earth conspiracies, he would loose his job and therefore he is right.

Which post will get you in more trouble if you post it on social media like Facebook, or in a public setting like a university, or any other institution; work setting, etc:
"Death to the Jews!"


Posting a bunch of gore and porn

Clearly, by this experiment which is totally not based on pure contrarianism, blood orgies are the only way.

Yes they did. It was called Mcarthyism and Red Scare propaganda. Or the CIA initiating COINTEL to break down the Black Panthers. The CPUSA is full of shills for the establishment and only has 2000 members, the left isn't a threat to the establishment. Not because of ideology, but because they lack numbers.

But Marx is preached in every single university you go to. There are tons of Marxist/socialist rallies. Labour Days are massive. In the West leftists outnumber nationalists by many tens of thousands, yet (white) nationalists get ebil neo nazi movies churned out about how bad they are, primary schools discipline white children about the evils of racism and how nazis are the worst of the worst. The only anti-communist rhetoric you see exerted in Western life is anti-Stalinism, but that is contrasted to viewing Trotskyism as a rosy beautiful utopia.


Yeah because Marx is one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century. He pretty much invented the field of sociology, viewing society as governed by material scientific laws rather than the "great man hypothesis". I'm sorry that right wing philosophy is so intellectually bankrupt that you aren't popular among intellectuals. If there were actually revolutionary potential in the United States like in the 30's, I guarantee you would see a similar prosecution of leftist ideas. But since there isn't, intellectuals are free to gravitate and teach what they naturally gravitate towards. If you somehow think that because your opinions are offensive, they are therefore correct please refer to and . I challenge you to find me one senator who identifies as a communist (no, B████ doesn't count).

Labour day, is also mostly due to the riot in Chicago which was anarchist not Marxist.


So you acknowledge that your board doesn't hold a candle to Holla Forums, /furry/, /pone/, the danknet or Vanilla Ice, and that all of those are inherantly superior to it in every way? Cool. :^)

Lots of universities in capitalist European countries like the UK are subsidized by the state. Marxist "SJWs" are the statist quo ideological majority.

Socialist entryists are very common in Europe, America tried B████ but he done goofed.

If Marxism was a genuine threat to the capitalists, they would shut down the ideologues in society like they used to. They'd silence the college intellectuals. They don't. Marxism has been made impotent through neo-liberal absorption and syncretism.

End your life.


how about….
for a moment….
you think over it..

Why cant you say DEATH TO THE IRISH ON FACEBOOK!?!?!?!?

The god damn hiberians are at it again!




Don't exist, you are a Marxist or an SJW. Marxism is not the status quo.

Bernie was not a socialist, and he was never going to be a socialist. He was a social democrat.

Because true Marxism is dead. I don't know what you're trying to say, but it sounds like you're agreeing with me. All you've pointed out is that egalitarianism is a current of the post-modern mind and that true Marxism has been perverted.

Stop avoiding the question: if I am a college professor and I post child porn on my Facebook I will be fired. Does this mean that child porn is the obscured moral epitome, cast into isolation by the evil Ess Jay Dubau's? Or that it's intellectual insipid and gross?

That's a laugh. They introduce Marx, talk about a couple of his ideas, and then quickly segue into intersectionality, postcolonialism, and other forms of pomo "liberation."

Libertarians are more politically incorrect

Morality is a spook

McCarthyism is a myth, no-one lost their jobb over it and the press covered for communists in the senate, This despite McCarthy being right, according to the Venona report

Racial politics are not child porn. Unless class politics are child porn. Switch the word 'Jew' with 'Bourgeois', they are interchangeable in the political narratives of both Not Socialism and Marxism - NS goes spookier with it.

spooky as fugg fam

Wait a minute… Are you playing oppression olympics?

Nah, I remember in Sociology going at length into the theory of Marx and dialectics - the lecturer and all her staff friends being self-avowed Socialists of one kind or another.

Neo-liberals have imported masses of third world non-white labour into Western countries. The white working class is particularly opposed to this issue, 'the white racist redneck' trope. Neo-liberal porkies naturally want the majority of their wage cattle to be placid and not cause trouble, racist sentiment has a potential if it gets big enough to disrupt labour.

No you don't you lying fuck.

keep posting it until it's funny