Religious "socialists" get rekt

Religious "socialists" get rekt.

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I can't wait until the video where all the tripfags jerk each other off before choking each other to death.

Kill yourselves.


Fuck off muke no one gives a shit

I actually didn't even make this thread, I don't consider this video good enough to spam Holla Forums with otherwise I would of when it was uploaded.

I wont lie it was low key directed at rebel though I would of still made the video either way even if he wasnt somehow more autistic than me with his labelling.

I'm not a tripfag fam.

Does Rebel even call himself a "religious socialist".

I also do not think he is worse than a "libertarian Leninist" which is a contradiction in itself.

He does, yes. At the very least you cant deny he defends the use of the term.

Depends, is it a Tuesday?


"Religious socialist" needn't be seen as an actual label in the way you see it.

It could simply mean a socialist who is religious. I don't think it's meant to be taken as a real meaningful term like Marxist-Leninist, etc.

Those comments gave me cancer.

Well in my video I'm saying that's how it should be, but from what I can tell there are some people who consider it a separate ideology. I mean the fact we have flags for it here imply that. If I'm wrong though, fair enough.

Have you seen all the flags we have?

Black power, transhumanism, etc.

By the way, connections between christianity and socialism are a (minor) theme in the Brothers Karamazov; I feel Dostoevsky really portrays the different stances well (with Ivan, Alyosha, Zosima, Rakitin all having different opinions on the matter).

Though these young men unhappily fail to understand that the sacrifice of life is, in many cases, the easiest of all sacrifices, and that to sacrifice, for instance, five or six years of their seething youth to hard and tedious study, if only to multiply tenfold their powers of serving the truth and the cause they have set before them as their goal such a sacrifice is utterly beyond the strength of many of them. The path Alyosha chose was a path going in the opposite direction, but he chose it with the same thirst for swift achievement. As soon as he reflected seriously he was convinced of the existence of God and immortality, and at once he instinctively said to himself: "I want to live for immortality, and I will accept no compromise." In the same way, if he had decided that God and immortality did not exist, he would at once have become an atheist and a socialist. For socialism is not merely the labour question, it is before all things the atheistic question, the question of the form taken by atheism to-day, the question of the tower of Babel built without God, not to mount to heaven from earth but to set up heaven on earth. Alyosha would have found it strange and impossible to go on living as before. It is written: "Give all that thou hast to the poor and follow Me, if thou wouldst be perfect."


I'm just gonna leave this here


Actually if you want to make Rebel look like a snowflake then you should point out how many times he's labeled himself a Wildean Fabian Anarchist.

Eh, I dont really need to go out of my way to do that it's obvious enough already. The jab at rebel was more of just a nice side thing to this video, it wasnt the main point.

hey Holla Forums

that's my /leftypoo/!


You have to admit, it's funny.

At least the kid has self-criticism and humor.

it's not funny, but the one with the keyboard sex-fiend was.
ad hominem can be fun, strawmen generally are not.

Rev up those gulags!

This is pretty wrong. A lot of Christians write about political and economic systems that are consistent or endorsed in some way by doctrine. You wouldn't know it because you're not well read tbh, but there are several encyclicals from the Catholic Church exactly on the topic of economic justice and within them we find criticisms of capitalism and Marxism.

I think for most people who call themselves "religious socialists" (of any kind) probably recognize that their religious beliefs are more fundamental than political beliefs. It's not just a matter of firstly being socialist and then also you happen to have religion. Someone with this view is someone who doesn't take their faith very seriously.

Simply criticising something dosnt count for economic theory though, you need an alternative. Even if there is some economic system that I'm not aware of grounded in religious principles, I can tell you now that it wouldn't fit with Marxist economics, as it would either be 'share more' or based in other cultural/political tenants of religion, which as I already said are directly opposed to all forms of Socialism.

That's not my point though. It dosnt matter what's more important to them, I'm saying either way they cant be combined into one thing. Keep them independent.

People that identify as (for example) Christian anarchists aren't just simply anarchists that happen to be Christian – which isn't to say those people with that mindset don't also exist. It's saying that the "anarchism" part is informed by and shaped by that person's Christianity. People like Tolstoy or Mark Van Steenwyck it seems to me are anarchists because they see anarchism as an expression of their relationship to God. They are not Christians who are incidentally anarchists, but that thy could have just easily been say a conservative republican… or they aren't anarchists whose faith carries no weight.

I'm not sure in what sense you're using the term "Marxist economics". If you mean communism, then yes there are Christian communists who are communists because they are Christian. If you mean Marxist critiques of capitalism – well I'm not even entirely sure you need to be a Marxist to accept exploitation theory, that capitalism has no tendency towards full employment, that capitalism is prone to crises, alienation, etc.

The reason for being a certain ideology is not included in that ideology either though. Your relationship to god does not effect the actual method of implementation or the workings of the society you wish to achieve, it just gives you a reason to want them.

I would say you do, though I could be wrong. I'm thinking because the exploitation theory is based in the LTV, which though not inherently Marxist I've never heard of someone who accepts the LTV but rejects Marx.

I dont think this is true. Quakers and Mennonites are pretty particular about their method of organization and stress concensus based decision making. Certain doctrines of the church do hold a moral imperative to act a certain way, like the doctrine of Imago Dei – so it would change the implementations and inner workings of a society. We can look at intentional communities for examples of this.

I camy link it now, but one of my professors wrote an essay on the labor theory of value from the viewpoint that human labor has value due to the doctrine of Imago Dei.

But also some Marxists reject the LTV, so that's a weird bar to set for Marxism Econ.

Thinking about it maybe I should of specified religious Marxists. I did mention off-hand that I get not all Socialism is Marxism, but I didnt really expect there to be many more outside outside of Anarchism, which uses Marxist economics anyway.

I don't know if many people identify specifically as Christian Marxists though…

I dont think I've ever met a Socialist who wasnt a Marxist though. Again, Anarchists use Marxist economics just not the politics. I guess Hegelians arnt Marxists and are Socialists but, I'm not gonna talk about them as I dont understand shit about them.



Pic related. No matter how much you want that response, you're not getting it mkay?

Christian marxists exist, but IDK why. Catholic marxists don't (or at least oughtn't) given the Decree Against Communism (which is in fact a decree against materialistic communism)

It's 2016!

i hope muke gets raped by a pack of mudslimes and die in a ditch


Leftism is essentially secular Christianity, so you're all just as religious as those who are openly Christian

You should be better than that, brother/comrade/friend/user

Humanism is, leftism needn't be, foul-demon-friend!

Just saved that as xexizy_gets_outsmarted_again.png

Still a pestilence on rose petals regardless

But why?

When it comes to marxism, I can agree to call it a religion in a Heideggerian sense, but leftism as a whole?

You're debating Satanfag. You should start expecting Tila Tequila level insanity to start coming at any moment now.

Satan-chan has been rip for ages, is this a new satanfag?

Leftism, along with Rightism, is by and large controlled by Jews, who are notorious for using Kabbalistic witchcraft, black magic, and other such things against the helpless Gentile population, either through direct means, or through subliminal ones. Take a look at dialectics, for instance. The basic concept is "synergy", which not coincidentally, is found all throughout the Kabbalah and the Talmud with god as the "all in one". In essence, Hegel and Marx's invention of dialectics is basically a secularization of Kabbalistic rituals, as well as basically a blueprint of how they control people by playing both sides against the middle. It was also a synergy of Judaism with Gentile traditions of Satanism that lead to the creation of Christianity in the first place hundreds of years ago.

Possibly, but by the way this poster is speaking specifically the Leftism is Christianity comment I think that satanfag came back to the board. Also, I guarantee you if you asked this poster if Feudalism is the same as Communism this poster would tell you it is. Also, Satanfag has dissapeared for long periods of time and come back before.

Oh. Okay.

That pic made me feel sad. poor xerox, when will he learn.

I think you checkmated yourself there satannazi.

RIP He-who-shall-not-read

Nazism is beyond left and right. Both terms are meaningless

That's a very postmodernist perspective you've got there SatanNazi. Very Jewish. :^)

It's left and right that are postmodern. Back before the Kali Yuga, we simply were

Posting a DM is a really low man…

Yui honestly told me you wanted to debate. I was confused but I figured I may as well be nice and reach out in some way. I dont get why you would post that and what point you're trying to make with it.

It's really pretty weak, honestly this kind of shit hurts us.
Why post that?


What you're hindu now? What happened to worshiping Satan?

Making a video to (by your own admittance) try and provoke a response is also really low.
I know Yui probably did, because Yui probably knew it would be funny. You should have known it wasn't true.

"I may as well be nice"

Pic related. Don't be inauthentic mkay?

rebel white knights her so hard, he'd probably just sudoku himself for the ritual

Sounds hot…


Ancient Vedic traditions came from the Aryans, who were directly created by Satan. Much of Satanism has origins in the Far East

Hey guys whats going on in this thread?

Is that your waifu? Great taste.

I don't think South Asia is Far East, but that's kinda right if you go by Aryan religions.

Ancestral Persians had that duopoly of good and evil good battling.

Dialectics are present in Western tought since at least Ancient Greece you fucking drooling nut. Or are Socrates and Plato Jews too?

*Guh God, Ahriman and Hormazd.

I never said I wanted a response from you, I just wanted to attack a view that you are well known to hold. In fact like I said that wasnt even that main intent of this video.

Dont act dumb, I know Yui flat out told you he was joking after I messaged you.

There is a difference between casual off hand banter on a fucking image board at that and trying to be respectable when as far as you know someone wants to debate you.

Can you two go make out on twitter or something instead? I'm trying to eat my lunch here.

>B e y o n d
W 3 W - L A D ……
I bet you only heard of Nietzsche twice and though of him as an edgy Nazi philosopher.

My my, what a combo.

the trips reks the trips

Too long, didn't read

nice poster of Stalin, Castro and Mao on your wall, glad to see you're embracing the red fascism :^)


God has blessed you with trips. In honour of your glorious roll, I shall retreat.

Oh, btw, How do I into (actual) satanism? Where do I start?

inb4 angelfire666 links

Hard to get more autistic than "libertarian leninist zizekian trotskyite."

"look guys I know of authors with exotic-sounding names and figures in the russian civil war, never mind the fact that I haven't read any of their work. Aren't I smart?"

Even as a joke, man, it's pretty bad.

I want you to know that you're still in my prayers. Get well soon!

believe it or not you start with Ayn Rand

nooooooooooo. why can't you be a gud christian /cuteboy/ like u used to be?

O-Oh. Okay.


I am a good boy!

Love believes all things, and is never deceived. So love of Satan is therefore christian

Please stop, strange person.

Check this guy out, he is the Muke of Satanism with his special brand of Satanism called Libertarian Satanic Nihilistic Outlawism.

Also watch Green Elephant and only jerk it to e621™

I think it would follow from that that belief that Satan exists could be christian. I'm not sure that love of Satan would follow from that

the man is a literal meme.

Got a problem with satan-chan you piece of shit?





you're a christian if you believe jesus the h christ was the son of god and died for your sins

you're just an abrahamist if you believe in god and satan without additional crap

Thanks! =)

Joke desu~ I'm legitimately interested in learning about it for polemical reasons though, and if my faith is strong then I won't fall into its trap, so there is nothing to fear given that my faith is sorta strong I guess

you don't even need faith to not fall into the "trap" of Satanism, only a working brain and an id that says you're not underage.

thanks! I forgot that christianity involved belief in christ.

I ain't no satanist but if you've already read Rand and NEETzsche then maybe start with LaVey. They're basically just reich-libertarians tho afaik.

LaVey ain't really my thing, I meant literal satanism =(

Well then! Even better.

10/10 tbqh Hearty keks

But rebel, you have neither of those things.

yeah she's fucking cancer, and so are you.

I've read him, Hitler, Evola, and plenty of other Nazi luminaries. If you want a good book to start with, try Nature's Eternal Religion

wow rude


Read Paradise Fall and Christian theology as Lucifer is only interesting in within Christianity and not as seperate religion, cause anarco-capitalism allready exists for that.

B-But you don't understand user, it's part of the BOARD CULTURE ;_;

I'm not in a position to give them, but when I get back to my room I can give the necessary citations. Have patience

I dunno dude I thought he influenced a lot of modern satanism but once again I ain't no satanist so it was kinda a shot in the dark

daily reminder that modern satanists are just edgy anti christians who 9/10 times don't believe in the namesake himself but rather various forms of atheism or agnosticism

Those are LaVeyans, who aren't Satanists in the slightest. Hell, most of their rituals invoke names of YHVH, so they're praising the Jewish god instead of Satan. Real Satanism goes back tens of thousands of years.

As for my source, have some documents from the Jews admitting that Satan created the white race, and subsequently call for our extermination

it's good to have you back, satanposter

Satanchan confirmed pawn of Heaven.

Yeah. Ever hear of Egyptian polytheism? Or Classical mythology? Or Babylon? Shit son, do some fucking research

That's just the host name, for whatever reason. It's hard to get a quality website when you keep getting censored

I'm gonna humour you with some facts, because you have nice tits and I hope I can get you to stop following your bizarre cult.

Amalek does not refer to the white race, it refers to a variety of groups who the Jews viewed as their oppressors. This was traditionally armenians, and around the 15th century the Amalekites were identified as maybe being white.

They're recognized as being a middle eastern Israeli tribe descended from a guy named "Amalek", the name of the people is the Amalekites.. But that's besides the fact, because the quote is completely false. I went ahead and downloaded a copy of the Zohar and didn't find Amalek mentioned in there once. But even if the quote was real, it would be irrelevant as Amalek never meant the white race (at least not till the last few centuries where a few - as in a number in the 10's thought of the Germans as descendants of Amalek).

What Lenin would have done.


You know literally nothing about Kabbalah.

It was a precursor to literary criticism. It has absolutely nothing to do with Hegel and Marx's philosophy.