Wonder Woman: Lebanon calls for ban of film over Israeli lead Gal Gadot

Wonder Woman: Lebanon calls for ban of film over Israeli lead Gal Gadot



All of this on top of the women only screening in Texas and the movie isn't even out yet.

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Polite sage, because this is beneath Holla Forums. This new Wonder Woman is such a regression from the original. I thought the new one looked way too masculine, so finding out that she's an Israeli Jewess was a welcomed surprise.

Original wonder woman is best wonder woman.

That ugly kike has no business portraying WW.

Did you know Natalie Portman is also a dual israeli citizen? Fucking kikes, man.


Do people really find Gal Gadot attractive? All I see is a Jewess trying too hard

I'm with the Lebs on this one. Why should they have a giant jewess, a symbol of the scum who have invaded, destroyed their nation, and turned it into trash in their land?

More I see of Lebs, ego the Leb christians, more I like them. Every video I see and their churches are always full, thy having a LIVING faith, no likes there to "deconstruct" everything about he catholic faith while never touching their own,

If I didn't have blue eyes–actual–some of the girls I see, I tihink goddam the blue eyes, it's a recessive, maybe can find one with a recessive. And it's not just looks. They have a sense if nationhood forged by ~15 years of brutal civil war. They understand the immortal world "the most previous rift you have is your blood."

Look at this girl. She just fucking radiates…pride, self-confidence, the sort of glow Solzhenitsyn talks about that people who are SURE that their life's purpose was a just one.

You can type properly even with a phone, you fucking degenerate.

A kike portraying a kike character created by a kike; what’s wrong with that?

no KIKES there. And think about how they've had ti hive with a kiera tax for fuck 1100 year. And now, ZOG and Israel funded ISIS are brining j

The only reason it worked was because the character was supposed to be hot aka a non-jew.
This guy gadolt looks like a tranny as well as a jewish troll/goblin. I would have cast it instead as the pop corn lady from the inevitable Troll 2 reboot.

You just make assumptions when you don't know a thing. I can concentrate on my typing writing when I look like it, buy you'll always be a fucking brainless scumbag who sucks nigger cock. And a Jew to boot!

Some of you guys are legit faggots and try too hard.

Do you even understand what that means?

The irony. The movement also incorporates eugenics for cases like you.

Not even sure what you're trying to say but if you are implying that we are only pretending that Gal Gadot is an ugly kike then you're both blind and retarded.

She is unattractive. Enjoy your ban for defending kikes.

It's more like Gal Gadot is about 4 inches too short and 30lb. underweight to be WW. Wondy is a literal Amazon; she should be ~6' in stocking feet and ~155lb, built like an Olympian. Find some tall-ish female athletes that won the genetic lottery and that's what WW is supposed to look like.

Why is this a thread? Who the fuck cares?


>>hey guys I hate kikes so much that I think that world renowned super model is ugly. I'm so based
Calling yourself a homosexual is trying too hard.

Nah. I prefer Cro Magnon women. Faggot.

yep, found the average looking kike.

Push the boycott from other angles, call it yet more Jewish cultural appropriation on one end, then push for 'Israeli Feminists For Wonder Woman' from the other and call her a role model for Jewish women. Be aware of all the Diana/Moon goddess/potential pizzagate symbolism sure to be in this thing. Maybe buy a gas mask if you don't have one already since that imagery is being pushed heavily.

Just entente propaganda anyways

Isn't Diana the moon goddess that Arabs worshiped before Islam came around? Obviously she wasn't called "Diana", but isn't the it same goddess?

The film was deliberately set during WW1 so the media can bash Germans for that war as well.

The jewish racism never ends.

Texas doing some marketing stunts, reporting on irrevelant shithole banning a stupid movie. This is all done to promote the product. To make people remember it's title, to make them remember it's actually coming out, to make them buy the ticket when they are considering what movie to watch in their free time. It's all jewish tricks to cover their butts when it probably bombs in China.

I wonder if people will find ways to trigger Lebanese in other countries with this film? Maybe hang up posters in their neighborhood? Hold a women only screening near a mosque?


Goddess Ala (Igbo mythology)
Goddess Gleti (Dahomean mythology)
Goddess Mawu (Dahomean mythology)
God Iah (Egyptian mythology)
God Khonsu (Egyptian mythology)
God Osiris (Egyptian mythology)[5]
God Thoth (Egyptian mythology)
Goddess Neith (Egyptian Mythology)
Goddess Isis (Egyptian Mythology)
Goddess Nephthys (Egyptian Mythology)
God Arebati (Mbuti mythology)
Goddess Arawa (Pokot mythology)
God Kalfu (Vodun mythology)
Goddess Yemaya (Yoruba mythology)
Goddess Jezanna ("Zimbabwean" mythology)

Isis or Thoth probs

The original wonder woman can mongle my cock any day


Hymie, you show your true intentions by doing al you can to derail the post. So one may assume you're trying t derail from what the toad like little Hebrew Ariel "Butcher of Beirut" did to the Palestinians at Sabra and Shatila? [N.B. I don't consider myself a supporter of either side of the war Between Arab and Jew, though clearly Pals have the moral high ground. but I strenuously object to being forced, against my will, to fund arms and for the immoral side at that, which makes me an intl target overseas]

Well, let's tell the story. Other you like Arabs or despise them, the important post is the typically Jewish way way the killings were done, just like in the forests of Katyn,in Vinnytsia, etc..

Here's how it worked: The Jews would go around bearing a piece of paper allegedly to have been approved by US President Regan that the Palestinian fighting age men could leave their women, children, and elderly and that REAGAN was guaranteeing their safely. Noe once again we see the Jewish principle , as warned about by AH, of the Jewish "Big Lie.;" since no normal person could even imagine conceiving of a lie so monstrous it came with a forged photocopy signature, no Palestinian could ever imagine such a lie: "All this was inspired by the principle — which is quite true in itself — that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

If you're not catching it, will refer you to the entire quote from "Mein Kampf." What Hitler explains is that the common man who himself might be dishonest in small things can never conceive of living near a creature *the jüden) capable of construction such monstrous falsehoods. Thus even if you explore him to the truth numerous times, he will NEVER believe you that his "'neighbor" is capable of such monstrous effronteries against the truth as is the Jew."

I love their bologna.

Does anyone think there will be a shooter at the Women's only screening?

]On AH, Jews, and they're truly remarkable ability yo tell mistruths in "Mein Kampf:"
In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote:

But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall [of Germany in WWI] precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle — which is quite true in itself — that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies." Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.
Clearly, Hitler is not advocating the use of the "Big Lie," and, far from creating it, he in fact is ascribing the "Big Lie" technique to the Jews and Marxists. The "Big Lie" technique is Hitler's in the same fashion that Halley's Comet is Halley's — not because either man was the inventor, but rather because he was the discoverer.

Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf. James Murphy, translator. London, New York, Melbourne: Hurst and Blackett Ltd; April 1942; page 134.


Page 231 of the Mannheim translation, London: Hutchinson; 1969.

Page 232 of the Houghton-Mifflin edition."

Is that why she wears the skirt? So you can't see her camel toe?

5:49 Guy doing the salute.
Fuck man, I want a Lebanese wife to hate the invaders with.

I used to believe that too Lynda Carter (70's wonder woman) is of Scots-Irish and mexican descent (her mother is a beaner). she's a huge supporter of israel along with her crooked jew husband (((Robert A. Altman ))) Chairman and CEO of ZeniMax Media, parent company of publisher Bethesda Softworks, who she also lied for and his evidence during an investigation into his illegal finance practices. she's an anti-white liberal. (came to the front during the election) she and her family have ruined many lives (mostly in the gaming industry). she's a disgrace.

If you lads want to boycott these kikes let's start with boycotting the ones who moderate this image board.

yeah because all the other kike-made entertainment is totally more acceptable…

fuck off shill (stop trying to derail the thread with bs)

Holy shit, that was an uncomfortable pill to swallow, but thanks for the intel, I'll erase her from my mind. As to her being a beaner, that must be pure Spaniard blood. In any case, she's an unforgivable traitor.

That's the reason she has a voice role on every Bethesda game since Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. Nepotism at its finest.

To call it "Africa" using today's term rather what the Greco-Romans meant by Africa is slighting misleading mate. I'm not saying you're doing it purposely mare, but a much better term would be Just "Egypt and the Magreb," which is what the Romans considered "Africa." And no, there was no great negro culture in Zim. If was a waypoint, a trading station for negro slaves and other goods around whih a settlement grew up.

I tend to be highly, highly skeptical of these suddenly claims I hear everywhere "The richest mad in the history of the world was a negro." The why can they– after making $150 million dollars after a 10 ear contract in basketball keep from going bankrupt with 15 kids by 17 different woman?

And, granted I don't hear it here or like would be gassed for post, but I'd like to do an experiment with such people where we sat them down and put a nigger buck in the airline pilot seat of their flight and see how they react. We all know a nip can fly, even a fucking turk or arab, but put a nigger in there and entire place would begin sweating.

We're talking about boycotting kikes so how is what I'm saying irrelevant to the current thread topic?

I just copied and pasted it fella from wickedpedos don't hate on me.

DR. Pierce on Jenin: "And finally, there is the growing revulsion around the world at Israel's behavior in Palestine. Television viewers in the United States don't hear much except that the poor, innocent Israelis are trying to defend themselves from Palestinian suicide bombers, who are regularly referred to by everyone in the Bush government and by every media spokesman as "terrorists." But in Europe, where the news media are in not quite so tight a stranglehold as in the United States, the word is getting out about what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians. I'll read to you excerpts from a few British news reports about what the Jews did in the Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin. For more than a week after committing a massacre of Palestinian men, women, and children in Jenin, the Jews wouldn't permit ambulances, relief supplies, or journalists in, while they tried to hide the evidence of what they had done. Earlier this week, a few British journalists managed to evade Israeli tanks and snipers around the camp and get in. All the excerpts that I'll read now came from British newspapers published on April 16.
This first report is from The Times of London and was filed by reporter Janine Giovanni:
…we had to run through olive groves, dodging from tree to tree because of an Israeli sniper. I have seen demolished houses before. I have seen wells stuffed with bodies. I have seen civilians terrorised and living under siege. But what remains of Jenin camp is a wasteland of death that once housed 13,000 people.
Then Miss Giovanni describes the destruction and the horror, and she quotes a 30-year-old Palestinian who lived through the massacre:
I saw some children who were wounded take four days to die, bleeding to death because there was no one here to tend them.
Reporter David Blair wrote for the Telegraph:
All the paraphernalia of normal life littered the ground: toilet paper, shoe boxes, sanitary towels, buckets, crockery, chairs, and clothes. Hanging over everything was the sickly smell of rotting corpses, an unknown number of which lay under the rubble…. Dazed people gathered around what remained of their homes. Riad Hussain, 30, saw a house receive a direct hit from a rocket fired by an Apache attack helicopter. The woman and baby inside were killed. Sixteen-year-old Fahdi Jamir, who lives on the edge of the worst devastation, said he saw seven arms and legs among the rubble. Kamal Anis said he saw an Israeli bulldozer scooping up 30 bodies and dumping them beside a ruined house. It knocked down the building, covering the corpses with rubble. It then drove over the pile, leveling it into a crude mass grave. Standing at the point where Mr. Anis said this had occurred, the stench of death was overpowering.

Note- I adhere strictly to Pierce's guidelines on Palestine. On purely emotional and moral grounds, I wish the pals the best in the quest to drive the Jews into the the sea and reclaim their land. Having said that, I don't my th US or Europe arming either of the parties–ESPECIALLY JEWS. And I DEEPLY resent the fact that my taxes force me to pay for the weapons Jews use to murder those whose land they stole & their children

Reporter Phil Reeves wrote for London's The Independent:
A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight has finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of the Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of people are still living amid the ruins…. The sweet and ghastly smell of rotting human corpses is everywhere, evidence that it is a human tomb. The people who spent days hiding in basements crowded into single rooms as the rockets pounded in say there are hundreds of corpses entombed beneath the dust, under a field of debris, criss- crossed with tank and bulldozer treadmarks…. A quiet, sad-looking young man … led us across the wasteland, littered now with the detritus of what were once households, foam rubber, torn clothes, shoes, tin cans, children's toys. He suddenly stopped. This was a mass grave, he said, pointing…. We could not see the bodies, but we could smell them…. Until two weeks ago there were several hundred tightly packed homes in this neighbourhood…. They no longer exist. Around the central ruins there are many hundreds of half-wrecked homes. Much of the camp – once home to 15,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war – is falling down. Every wall is speckled and torn with bullet holes and shrapnel, testimony of the awesome, random firepower of Cobra and Apache helicopters that hovered over the camp. Building after building has been torn apart, their contents … spewed out into the road. Every other building bears the giant, charred impact mark of a helicopter missile. Last night there were still many families and weeping children living amid the ruins, cut off from humanitarian aid. Ominously, we found no
wounded…. Israel was still trying to, conceal these scenes yesterday. It had refused entry to Red Cross ambulances for nearly a week, in violation of the Geneva Convention. Yesterday it continued to try to keep us out…. Hidden, whispering people directed us through narrow alleys they thought were clear. When there were soldiers about, a finger would raise in warning, or a hand waved us back. We were welcomed by people desperate to tell what had happened. They spoke of executions and bulldozers wrecking homes with people inside…. Rajib Ahmed, from the Palestinian Energy Authority, came to try to repair the power lines. He was trembling with fury and shock. "This is mass murder…." All had the same message: tell the world.
Yes, tell the world. That's easier to do when the Jews don't control every medium of mass communication, as they do in America. I've been sampling the news on CNN and Fox TV all week. All I learned about the Jewish assault on Jenin was that 13 Israeli soldiers were killed when a boobytrapped building collapsed on them. And of course, I heard over and over again about every suicide bombing, now officially known as "homicide bombing." But I have still to see any information about the mass murder of Palestinian civilians in Jenin or any of the other refugee camps invaded by the Jews during the past few weeks.
One other piece of information that was in the European media, but was not in the news over here, was the way in which the Jews were targeting their victims. I'll quote now from a story in the Guardian four days ago:
"The soldiers had a map with them of the houses they wanted bulldozed and outlined them with a blue marker," said Aisha Salah, whose house overlooks the field of destruction. "you could see the houses. You could see the trees. It was a very detailed map. I could even find my own home." Ms. Salah's home was occupied by Israeli soldiers who entered her living room by punching a hole through the neighbour's wall. Rumors abound that the homes marked for destruction were the homes of professionals: of doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers. The men who were rounded up and executed or marched away by the Israelis were not just Palestinian fighters: they were intellectuals, writers, political activists: anyone who might provide leadership to the Palestinians.

That sounds an awful lot like what the Jews did in the Baltic countries and in Poland in the early days of the Second World War. In Poland, for example, they rounded up 25,000 of Poland's leading citizens – army officers, professors, writers – and murdered them. When the Germans found some of the mass graves of these murdered Poles in Russia and called in the Red Cross and representatives from neutral countries to see what the communists had done, the newspapers over here ignored the evidence and blamed the murders on the Germans. Years after the war, these mass murders of the Polish elite still were being blamed on the Germans by the media here.
Anyway, in Europe the news about what the Jews are doing in Palestine is leaking out, and Europeans aren't buying the George Bush and Ariel Sharon explanation that the Jews are just defending themselves by going after terrorists in the refugee camps. The Jews are complaining that the news from Palestine, along with the other things that I mentioned, is leading many Europeans not to like them. One of the most worrisome aspects about the current rise in anti- Jewish feeling, according to the Jewish poll takers, is that it isn't just anti-Israeli or anti-Zionist feeling. It is a real hatred of Jews as Jews, not just as Israelis or Zionists. They cite mobs attacking Jews in the streets of Ukrainian and Russian cities and shouting, "Kill the Jews!"

refer to attacks on synagogues in France and in Germany. They complain that all of the old anti- Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews wanting to dominate the world are being resurrected.
Now, what's really happening is this: the Israelis are irritated by Palestinian suicide bombers. They decided to punish the Palestinians by simply slaughtering a bunch of them and destroying the homes of a few thousand Palestinian families. It would be like the government over here becoming irritated by the high Black crime rate and deciding to teach Blacks to behave themselves by wiping out a few Black neighborhoods and shooting a few thousand Blacks at random. The media, of course, would immediately go ballistic and begin shrieking, "Genocide!" But when the Jews do something equivalent, the media in this country can be counted on to not say much about it and to keep the lemmings preoccupied with ball games or the pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church. And the Jews figured that they would simply ride out the criticism in Europe, as they always have in the past, counting on their bought politicians to cover for them.
As they have done so often in the past, however, the Jews overreached themselves. Their arrogance led them to miscalculate. They are whining now that the world hates them just for trying to defend themselves. And of course, a growing number of thinking people do hate them – at least, in those places where thinking people are well informed. One of our responsibilities here in America is to compensate as much as we can for the lack of independent media. Our responsibility is to inform thinking people here, at least to the extent that they are informed in Europe, and then let their natural decency and sense of responsibility do the rest. Perhaps we can help make this the beginning of the end for the Jews."

Please don't negroize your language, at least not on this board. Whatever "hating on you" means, taking minor exception to how "Africa" is given credit for cultures that arise in Egypt and a bit South (which was probably considered Africa as far most Romans were concerned( is stupid.

Also, notice how the Jews are trying you like a monkey with even using it to use negro expressions like "hate on me…" Soon,, within the next 20 yrs, there will be a HATE SPEECH law in the US for "HATING ON X." When the day comes, recall that you played along and helped brig it about & were warned.

Well said.

You dun be a hatin on heem sheeeet.

Here's a question, what is the solution to the jew control of governments and media in America and Europe, and how can the invasion be stopped.
Surely there should be some instructions that each Holla Forums could follow to result in improvement and success.

Another video of this girl celebrating the Christian.Muslim victory over the Jews (yes, Christians played a minor role but she is a Christian). Compare what we have for popular pop singers" to her. She's so much…something she seems to almost glow, you can tell she genuinely takes pride in her nation.

esp like the part where they show the Jews crying on screen and then all cheer and laugh. Glad I will never be faced with the choice of mating with this girl and risking giving up my blue eyes forever….I actually envy the Lebo Christians. They are greatly outgunned by the soulless ZOG, yes, but they have an identity, a purpose, the have their faith, their race (though some Christian and some Shia, both are fighting Sunni animals)

Palestein should have killed every single last jew when they started arriving in the 1900s.
So should have America.

It was a deliberate, planned zionist invasion.
The world is being destroyed because of it.

Interesting fact- in the last 2 years of his life, Dr. Pierce's written translations had a large following in Iran, among Hezbollah, in Syria, even among the Saudi scum they ran several of his broadcasts in Al-Watan, the biggest paper in the Kingdom.

But supposedly his biggest following by far was among Hezbollah.

Here you are correct, but you have to imagine the situation at the time. Turkey had been cucked for a long time. In wasn't until the First Zionist Conference in 1897 that the demonic Jew Hertzel laid out his plan. Theres a very telling quote from that conference that goes something like: "The Question of the Orient is noe before us, and the Great European War Must come. When it does, we shall be prepared to have our seat at the conference table. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible hour…"

Many suggest the the vermin actually set the wheels inanition to bring about WW 1. After Wilson (along the most evil men of the 20th centuryY) ran in the re-election campaign "he kept us out of war," as soon as the election was won, the Jews helped engineer "The Balfour Declaration by the UK in Exchange for all the vermin around Wilson butting pressure on him to enter the war. Germanys had already smashed 3 fronts, it wouldn't have taken much more for them to shake the Brits and French.

However, between news the US was entering the war, the Reds causing problems at home with strikes and the early stirrings if communism, the Germans surrendered and signed a humiliating, unprecedented peace deal which o=put FULL BAME and all economic cost for the war on Germany. Natural, she collapsed economically.

So now, you had the likes who had gotten their Balfour Declaration and were bitching to the Brits the wanted the land NOW. You ma know, Jews are not noted for their native and they formed the Irgun to begin terrorizing the Brits in Palestine with bombings, assassinations, etc… then those se, exact poor fucking Brits had to go and kill their Germanic brothers for wanting to rid the planet of this fucking vermin, which the Brits even by the mid to late 90s had grown to know very well. The story of Churchill would be worth 5 pages all by itself. Churchill was a coward, a blistering idiot much of time, a spendthrift, a whore monger, but he was Jewish. Here we see him, in 1919, frame for us what would really turn into the primary issue of the 20th century among our Jew overlords: Zionism vs. Bolshevism (fpp.co.uk/bookchapters/WSC/WSCwrote1920.html).
This, we might wonder, how did Churchill go from being (rightly so) very skeptical toward Jews and their intentions to a man ready to destroy much of her population and that of her neighobring countries with bombs filled with smaller anthrax pellets. Some more naive may answer that Mr. Churchill was simply aghast at watching London bombed each might. This is again nonsense, as we now know he had it set yo do that he winked leave ever afternoon before dark and dash out into the country,

Thus we are left with one explanation: lucre. As it happened, a group

of very wealthy Jews. Churchill had developed a bit of a problem: he absolutely adored spending money and for the finer things in life, but he'd yt yo grow very adept at making it. Thus, on only an MP's salary, Churchill had to keep an estate about on par with what the modern reader would equate with that odious television program ''Downton Abbey." MY personal distaste not withstanding, all the maids, butlers, cooks, nannies, etc.. ad nauseam. By all indications, that much at least was a large part pf owning such a house and dedicating oneself to is upkeep would require large investments in time and money, not of wh=

It is somewhat true that Europe is aware of Israel’s wretched behavior; it is still condemnable by law in much of Europe to be to condemning about the fact. The tide is turning however. The suppression is getting more obvious by the day and people aren’t happy.


I read and found your posts interesting, lad.

Wonder Woman is supposed to be attractive though. Not some bleh b-cup.


Dont know about her, what fucked me up was that rat face disney star wars jewess

Ssh, let them make their thread after thread of thinly disguised promotion this summers (like they do every summer here). They don't yet know that nobody cares.

B cup? Try no tits fridge.
They made wonder slut into tranny captain israel + anti-German /pro-marxist propaganda ever one should want to see this thing go down in flames.


fucking kikes, I swear to God…

No wonder. Damn. Sad news about LC too.

They are allowed to watch movies in Lebanon? I thought entertainment was haram.

Didn't read lol

Pure cohencidence.

It is not hard to hate Bethesda but now I have yet another reason.


I'm not being over-the-top or provocative her user– why do you think the Jews picked the fucking orcs on Europe? When you yourself are getting raped, murdered, etc..,, it gives the Jews carte blanche to do what they want. The picture I'm going to include in this post, I used to use half sarcastically– no longer:

Fighters loyal to the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) have apologized for launching an attack on Israeli forces last year in the disputed Golan Heights region, according to Israel's former defense minister.

Moshe Yaalon, who served as head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense from 2013 until his resignation in 2016, made the remark Saturday while speaking with a correspondent of Israel's Channel 10 media outlet in the northern city of Afula. The ex-defense minister, who also served as chief of staff for the Israeli military, was apparently referencing an attack last November by the ISIS-affiliated Khalid ibn al-Walid Army on Israeli units in the Syrian Golan Heights. Israeli responded by launching airstrikes on the militants' position, killing four, and Ya'alon said ISIS has since said sorry for the incident."


Israel need to be sanctioned by the whole world.

would it surprise you to find out that this Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter is married to one of (((them)))? She wanted to marry one of (((them))) but in reality the spouse is a Khazar, only she doesn't know it… yet. Should we inform her of this??

Pol᛭Approved shilling when
looks good tho

There's a lot of the jews and jewesses in Hollywood.

They both look like trannies. Well done trannies with top of the line surgical and cosmetic enhancements, but you can still see the man underneath.

Whoa. Girlfriend actually looks like her somewhat. Forgot what she looked like.

Sage for off topic.

Will we ever see a white, European woman as a lead in a Jewywood movie ever again?
The chosen ones like ScarJo and this underdeveloped kikeess are revolting to me.

YES Goy! We have just made a wonderful movie for you starring Kate Winslet. It's a romance-disaster movie featuring this lovely couple who get stuck on a mountain! I think you'll love it!!! Sincerely yours, Chaim.


Ah yes, the nigger for hire. From his breakthrough role as a norse God to Roland of Gilead, he sure made a career for himself.

He means in the face which is true. Too masculine face, too frail body.