South Park Goes Full Anti-White

Fans sticking by South Park for being about commentary and satire are insisting this episode wasn't about either. Since when has that happened?

Entire season in a nutshell:
Note: Matt and Trey boasted how they were not going to make Trump jokes before the season started implying it would be a comedy trap. And yet by the second episode it revolved around Trump
And this episode:

The biggest irony about this is that the internal logic of the show no longer applies as South Park the town was always used as a caricature of redneck demographics and culture, and yet they're anti-Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:

Man it's disappointing to see South Park be this way. I used to enjoy this show because it mocked everyone.

I'm starting to think that Matt and Trey are becoming of what they used to make fun of. Liberals.

Let me try to offer you a new perspective on one episode.
I see as that people are freaking out over simple tweets made by Trump. Remember how that Traffic Safety kid died because some fucktard driver was too distracted on the tweets?
They did make fun of Randy for being a dick by trying to take down the statue.

It is, albeit not the only source.

Those are the only episodes where I see something else in those. The rest of the episodes which are Trump related, are as you say, idiotic. They should learn to give him a chance.

With that said there were some alright episodes like
Classic South Park style episode
Wasn't that creative but at least they made a halloween episode for once after some years
It was good to see Jimmy, Timmy, Nathan and Mimsy. But the plot, once again, is not creative as the special kids were not used in the second half of the episode.

Honestly, Matt and Trey are growing old. And old people are stubborn to change mindsets. That's why I think South Park's not going to be good politically. They should just stick to pure storyline episodes.

Gee a jew and an oil driller hate whites.


Either way

And yet the episode's message was that it's the president's fault for tweeting and being a distraction, not people reacting to it.

After reinforcing constantly about muh native americans

Are we talking about the episode or where you think "fake news" comes from? According to South Park it was facebook/zuckerkike's fault.

Ironically their Hummel's episode is on track to be their second lowest rated episode of the season. Whatever fans they have left want their terrible commentary on Trump. They want them to be another show akin to Colbert, Kimmel, and Oliver.

webm related

all the episodes are written by committee now afaik, so even if they wanted to write an episode like they did 20 years ago, I doubt they could.

Their claim to fame about episodes being written one-by-one per week seems less and less likely true and if true only adds to how sloppily they're written these days.

No, Trey Parker writes the whole show.

I think it's safe to say that Matt is his handler. Matt Stone's personality is like a lifeless mannequin in the room. He's always quiet, always seems on edge, and when he does say something it's never a joke.

You are right.
Did he ever make a joke? I don't remember any.

With that webm, you've proven your point.
They did have good music. Just the Trump theme is dumb.
I actually forgot how that episode was like. I gotta watch again.

I meant that Facebook isn't the only source of fake news. There's Twitter, MSM, etc.

Ah shit, really? Well, I'm happy with the storyline episodes. But who am I kidding? Matt and Trey are going to think that the whole "we need more Trump" criticism by their fans on r/southpark would change their mindset to produce more left-wing biased episodes.

It was fun watching the old South Park.

So, like any jew, he sits quietly behind the scenes and pulls strings? Makes sense. I wonder how their relationship got to be that way.

Remember, pro-white is pro-cuck


/pol here, reporting you for antisemitism, The Don said the jewish people are BASED

Absolute fucking moron. Your stupid yiddish mind can't comprehend that your language constantly betrays you.

leftypol/ here. Is Bane a big guy?

Make sure to point the muzzle into the roof of your mouth, to assure death.


He was just giving you some good advice. He doesn't want you to end up a vegetable.

they work for viacom….

Why are you looking for a bull?

I'm looking for someone to suck off, idiot.

What's funny is this is the exact kind of shit original SP was making fun of. Their poltical commentary used to be half joking and half serious but the message was never this blatant or retarded. The message used to be like calling out two party structure dumb, or calling the war in iraq dumb, or pointing out how fucked up the feeding Africa charities are scams. These all being tied up in ultimately fun innocuous episodes. Now the messaging is so surface level and self important, all tied up in boring pointless narrative, scored as if it's a movie and everything. That's something that really bothers me every time i see clips from new south park. The movie and some of the old episodes had some orchestra scoring in it but it was for comedic effect. Now it's just there for some reason adding nothing but this weird atmosphere onto this stupid story and these stupid characters


and this is why you should never make fun of old people, you will be one too one day.

Exactly. Matt and Trey are not funny young guys anymore. They're annoying gen-x faggots with wives and kids.

I miss them doing episodes like Awesome-O, Casa Bonita and Scott Tenorman Must Die. Why can't they do more of those?

because those are funny and creative, much easier to just do what every late night hack does and make fun of the president

Or in Trey's case, someone else's wife and someone else's kid.

well that explains a lot


Like a sore thumb, schlomo

BASED ZeroSugar crushing communism with his collosal capitalist cock.

If you're going to do a social commentary episode, don't make it be so on-the-nose that you reference BY NAME the thing you're referencing.
"This is like Stranger Things and IT!"
Also if you're going to reference real life, having what happens be so wildly different from what actually happens hurts comedy because there's no truth to it. It's not funny to have the president raping congressmen or prowling the woods because of his low approval rating or blowing up Canada. Nothing close to that has ever happened in any way. This is just a ghoulish caricature L.A. lefties have invented to justify their hysteria, just like when conservatives thought Obama was a secret Muslim plotting to enact martial law. In reality, Trump's approval ratings are steady & decent, a lot of nonwhites voted for him and he's simply a figurehead in the corrupt money-laundering institution we call government.

The best part of this episode is the implication that Justin Cuckdea would go to war with America, or that Canadians are loyal.

A problem with South Park is their world. Cartoon worlds should be a funhouse mirror of the real world that cultivates its own laws and culture with time. South Park and Simpsons both started like this, but instead of getting weirder and more insular, they get more mundane and just directly rip headlines from the news to talk about. It shows a lack of love for their own creation. They're just milking these shows for money and these scripts might as well come off a factory production line with unpaid "major in creative writing" interns scribbling out twitter-level gags as they're whipped by fat jews reclining on casting couches getting blown..

how can anyone pass up ABUSING the best court jester in history?

well,maybe you could be elected

This is in track to being their worst season.

Despite the shitstorm of last season, this one is worse by about a 30% average drop in ratings. Last season averaged 1.72 million viewers (rounded up) per episode. This season is sitting at 1.17 million viewers per episode, with barely any wiggle room to come close to last season's numbers. This means that no matter what result the final tally of the ratings are, this season is an immense decline in ratings.

South Park written by old men who are out of touch. South Park never had a edge like they did in the 90s and 2000s. South Park just a try hard to be shocking and relevant now.

but…Obama WAS a secret muslim plotting to enact martial law

Why do every character is SP face the viewer, yet talk to someone to their side? It really grinds my gears tbh

You people still watch Southpark??

Also. Why is Randy covered in shit.

also, muh huwhites

Also. Why are people in Southpark always covered in shit.


Didn't any of you guys get the hint when South Park started outright shilling for the Iraq war by portraying Sadam in various ways and centering several episodes there?
Or wasn't the jewish fixation on bodily fluids even more obvious?


This entire season has been

pic related.

listen, bigot, being vulgar and stupid is hilarious it's like you never even watched rick and morty you dumb asshole

You're assuming any of the writers would have any knowledge of Canada at all. I mean i'm pretty sure the original joke with Ike and Canada in general is that we know fucking nothing about them and don't care

I haven't followed SP for like 5 seasons tbh

But the Irag war was stupid and what they were doing was making fun of it. They did the same shit with Vietnam. But of course Sadam was muh evil dictator, they were not that woke. They were dumb stoners who didn't like the war because muh violence and imperialism.

*can't tell if (((joking)))*


Horseshoe Theory is real.

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them? nmnm

hurr hurr hurr

/pol is down the hall and to the left


They're just low T, low IQ and are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's embarrassing more than anything.

Commies not welcome here.

They explicitly said they weren't going to focus so much on lame Trump jokes and that the episodes weren't going to be contiguous like a soap opera. Except that's exactly what they did, the season sucked, and South Park isn't funny at all anymore. It's so far up it's own ass that the story lines are barely coherent and seem like a mess of nonsensical filler to get to the next shot at Trump or white people.

They realise the only ones being cucked enough to watch South Park in current year is libtards.

I think it’s cool how Matt and Trey are so quick witted after all these years to able to comment on current events but still keep it fresh and consistently funny.


Can you stop shilling this crap? Besides you know that Holla Forums is just shitposting at this point right? The fact that you take anything in this website seriously shows that you do not belong here.

the mods of Holla Forums take themselves VERY seriously though


Seeing Canada get nuked in the last episode was really funny

Do you have any proof?

The thing that bothered me the most is how they depicted Turdeau as not a massive cuck. How wrong can you get.

Remember that episode where they made fun of spielberg and lucas for ruining their shit?
Good thing that would never happen to SP.

I thought they said they weren't going to cover Trump anymore because it was too obvious? How autistic are the faggots that make this show?

Or in other words, they were shilling for the war and giving the government credibility.

They've been like this since 2003.

Sadam wasn't a good guy. I'm sorry, I'm not a retarded poltard who thinks every dictator in the Middle East who isn't Jewish is based.

he was right you retard

More like since Season 20.

Is it true they actually sided with Kathy Griffin?

No. They made fun of her.

No you're a retarded leftard with a lack of any reading comprehension.
Portraying some random middle eastern dictator as a villain while a major governmental propaganda campaign is under way against the same said dictator for giving casus belli for a war is picking sides.
And he first appeared in 1998 in South Park, 7 years after the first Gulf War. 6 years before the invasion. He was a steady main villain in the series. Even had an episode where he's building WMD's in heaven.

Can you explain what made him good? I want to know.

I'm not trying to convince you whether he's good or bad despite your shitty strawmans.
I'm trying to bring up arguments that South Park IS just another propaganda tool.
Now remove yourself.

Where are there stats about this? All the approval rating websites say otherwise.

wew Nice samefag btw

Who gives a fuck if he was, "good"? To this day we don't have a proper excuse for overthrowing him, even now that the whole WMD is officially considered bullshit, they didn't even try to make a justification. Hint: the real reason is Kikes.

Meh, South Park without the politics is better imo.


They're still not looking pretty good and they're declining.

I got around to watching the first episode of the new series and I didn't find a single thing funny. This used to be one of my favorite shows too.

42% is not bad. Keep in mind that Obama's were at about 50% for most of his Presidency and that's with all the positive media coverage money can buy.

The first episode was hot garbage and probably the worst of the season. There are a few decent episodes like the one about drugs and the nursing home though; in fact it was probably the best of the season by far. Overall it was pretty bad. I doubt that I'll bother to watch any of next season unless I hear really good things (which I don't expect). At least I'll always have those awesome old episodes like the LOTR one, Casa Bonita, Scott Tenorman Must Die, etc.


My guess is that the (((committee))) or just (((Matt Stone))) told them that trump jokes was good for ratings since they went up last year. But the increase is not only gone but they sunk to a new low just this past season.

Holy shit Season 21 went that low?
I guess they're realizing that their fans hate political BS now.


That's pretty much the worst example you could've given, you know.

Not that part, more about how the boys are involved in good vs evil and stuff. Besides it was nice to see Butters save everyone in the end. And have Kyle suck Cartman's balls.

u might b homo

I believe the creators gradually became poz'd from their environment and jumping onto the interracial marriage bandwagon.

Was honestly a great episode. Its not anti white just spergy people on Holla Forums take stupid tv shows way too seriously.

They're worse than Liberals. They're "principled" Libertarians who worship Ron Paul.

Everyone thinks Matt Parker and Trey Stone have turned into leftist democrats. Here's the thing, they've always been left wing idiots. They're both "principled" Libertarians like Penn Gillette who worship Ron Paul. They've never been Right-Wing, or even right-leaning. Just center left idiots who think they're smarter than everyone else because they've read some Ayn Rand.

Could have told you ray and tray eat shit and suck dick years ago but no one listened. Shit went down when they started to push faggotry as the next cool thing to do, right kids?

What do you exactly mean by "principled" Libertarians?

I did like the Put It Down song in the second episode, to be honest. Was Cartman supposed to be Chester Bennington?

Literally never happened. They specifically mocked people that Jews hate, Muslims, vegans, white people, etc.


Man oh man I knew the ratings had to be dropping but I had no ideia it was this bad.

Reminds me of this.

In fact it was the one funny joke this episode

satan does not lie. all hail satan.

wew lad

It was the best indeed.


You're right, we should have waited for Hitler.

Yeah I can see the resemblance

Dude really? That Hummel episode is what South Park did best, Satire. Having the old folks home act like a prison where it's a prison in some places was like the old episodes. The recent Trump stuff really has been bad.

Top cuck.

Top goon.

We should have overthrown Iran instead honestly.

You're a cuck. That meme lune implies that you would prefer Hitler but instead you are willing to settle for a jewish stooge who married all of his children off into jewry. You have become the cuck.


By elimination, you support Hillary for president. Kill yourself, goon. Also Hitler was a fag and we kicked Germany's ass in World War II.

She isn't running anymore kike-kun, it's time to ask your handlers for a new script.


This is your mind on kosher nationalism. He's a kike, sure, but this is still a common opinion among trumpcucks.

Stormfags don't talk like this, you fucking autist.

I type however I like kike-kun. Get over it. Or don't, it always gives me a kick when I see a kike kvetching.

Shilling against Trump outside of Holla Forums is obvious evidence you are a leftist. Go eat shit.

Shamefurr dispray kike-kun. Go back to kvetching, at least that is mildly amusing.

You were doing this in Holla Forums directly after the election too, no one is fooled.

I have been fully vindicated too, only brainlets and patriotards still think Donny Drumpfet is anything but a shabbos goy. Feels good to be proven right man.


Holla Forums is full of trumpcucks and literal retards. I never claimed to be from there.



Are you even trying kike-kun? You should be improving your shill game now that his kikery is obvious to all but the most retarded people but you are still using lines from the election period. Step up your game.

>>>Holla Forums

Were you when you let a lefitst meme slip out of your fat goon fingers?


I'd take a white leftist over a "based" right wing jew any day.

t. triggered alt-right SJW

Jews are fucking based, have you even heard of Milo?

now he's samefagging

There he is. There he goes again.
Look everyone he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?? Oh my god.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your
room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little "anti WN" thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even
fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Holla Forums pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all
know the picture, the epic Nazi van isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto
the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother!
You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every
day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Holla Forums posting about a dumb anti-white meme. Just imagine this, she had you and then she
thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic anti-white fag NEET. She
probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk
You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in
the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

Conflict avoidance is for faggots , plz stop. Just because certain people are not deracinated and conflict avoidant consumerists who do *nothing else* but watch TV and play Vidya doesn't mean they are all neurotic and irrational.

you mad darling ;)

Idiot, Nazis are literal SJWs. Hitler was a liberal arts socialist who got triggered by a certain race being more successful than him. (Remind you of anyone?)

I didn't know selling opium to millions of Chinese people and murdering Russian Christian's was success. Ted Bundy was a very succesful man by your criterion, but of course anyone kind of actual criticism of Jews is a conspiracy theory

Lolbertarians need to leave

imagine being this mad that you got caught shilling because you referenced something Colbert said

I suppose if they are good enough for daddy Drumpfet then they are good enough for me. I love jews now.

Sorry darling but you seem to think that just because a handful of Jews did bad things that it means there is some sort of magic jewish conspiracy or something. Hmmm it's almost like Black Lives Matter and SJWs say the same thing about white people! :)

8 more years :)

*The majority of them

man, goon, you must be so mad right now

t. right-wing SJW

I know it's hard to not blame jews for everything when they've worked harder than you and gotten a better foothold in society because of it, but you don't need to project this hard sweetie. You guys are literally just SJWs that hate Jews. :)

Who is shilling here? You are defending ZOG and using a bread and circus entertainers alleged "anger" about Donny getting special treatment. It's not difficult for them to craft a narrative and distribute it to the public and "the left" disliking Drumpfet is part of this particular narrative. Can you even into reverse psychology?

About what?


outing yourself completely as a leftist by repeating a meme from Colbert about mocking Trump's German heritage, you may as well have called Trump a problematic shitlord or something, no one is this stupid, we know you faggots trying to play both sides to create conflict

shills gotta stock up I guess

I just really like Milo, he tells it like it is. :P

At least I don't have a folder with at least 52 milo images in numbered order for the express purpose of shilling, shill.

I'm to consider that an anti-dialectical buzzwords from no on.

To exploit people who aren't Jewish and make constant excuses for their own behavior. Paul Singer and Israel dindu nuffin though huh? Neither did the communist and neither did the anarchist Jews, the Jewish mafia is a conspiracy theory, Jewish banking and business interests are never at the expense of others.

Right. Jews don't work hard, they exploit people. Anyone who says they are anything but scapegoats is then branded a nazi like you've branded me.


Oh sweet little Drumpflet. There are plenty of jews with German names too, Donny Drumpfstein probably thinks they are great guys.

Milo is a degenerate jewish faggot who loves "daddy" Drumpfet, you guys really keep good company don't you?

They definitely are a scapegoat judging from how public they have been but scapegoat or not they have willingly embraced their role.

Jews don't exploit people. The worst thing almost all Jews have done is usury, but that's because there religion allows them to do so unlike Christians. As for Israel it's literally a perfect example of what western civilization should stand for. And yes, the Jewish mafia are fake and blaming all your problems on it is literally SJW-tier blameshifting. As for the Communist Jews, wouldn't you want to destroy the empire that persecuted and called for violent actions against you during Pogroms? I hate communists because I don't feel like starving to death but I can at least see how Jews would be convinced to join them. You should really learn more about Jews instead of listening to what that bitch liberal arts dropout Hitler propagandized.

Nobody insults Daddy Milo. I've gone ahead and reported your Nazi buttbuddies channel, you are the reason the right wing can't unite, because you won't shut up about gays and jews which have literally never impacted you negatively ever. Kill yourself.

Reported that one too. At this point you guys are reaching Black Lives Matter tier, but instead of saying "All cops routinely murder innocent black people" you say "All jews routinely murder innocent white people"

it gives him something masturbate to when he's not pretending to be a Stephen Colbert quoting stormfag, you're not a real Nazi unless you obsessively collect images of a handsome homosexual

Rampant pedophilia, matriarchy, insane apocalyptic delusions, and religious NEETdom?

Shut up, retard. Israel is on the frontlines fighting against radical Muslim extremism and all you have done is sat on your fat ass worshiping a photo of Shitler and just applying random negative adjectives and nouns to insult jews, with no basis whatsoever. Israel is 100% based. Think about it; they have a secured border, they reject multiculturalism, they have a strong religious emphasis, and have the most badass fighting style ever invented. (Krav Maga)



CHUT UP go back to china bitch

Stay triggered. I can't help that daddy Drumpfet and based homosexual jews like Milo are helping to wage a war to protect Israel.

holy shit




Stop imitating me. There is only room for one based milo poster.

Yet when the United States Army wears high heels it's okay? Stop being a hypocrite SJW.

mean to respond to

>stealing trips from the REAL Based Milo poster, me
Sad, darling!

Learningcode is back. And this time he's gayer than he's ever been before. I pray that miloposter dies of ass cancer.

In order to stop stupid imposter CTR shills like

I am now operating under the name "TheRealBasedMiloPoster" Along with my tripcode. And for you stupid assholes saying i had like 250 milo photos I only have 55.

Holy shit this thread really got derailed. I mean for fuck's sake we were talking about a TV show. If you want to argue about Holla Forums vs Holla Forums, how about you people fuck off and make a thread?

It was political from day one hun. Get over it you racist lil creep.

Racists don't like it when you flip the script on them tbchwyfamalamadingdongdoo.


Pic VERY related hun.

