I wish I was braindead enough to delude myself into believing people are losing interest in Star Wars...

I wish I was braindead enough to delude myself into believing people are losing interest in Star Wars. I wish I was braindead enough to think the slight influence we had over the culture war is still there and not becoming a cringey embarrassing mess 2 years gone now. They've adapted to us so now instead of being seen as assholes hating liberal values is seen as insecure, cringey losers. It's over, it's all downhill now. It's been like this for nearly a year now and you don't see it. Wake the fuck up.

For a fanbase that ripped the prequels apart piece by piece, you now get viciously attacked for saying anything critical about nu-wars in any of the forums and movie sites. Normies have taken over this franchise, and critics have fallen in line. We don't matter to Disney anymore.

Who gives a heck? It's not my money and time wasted.

it's not about these things existing in a vacuum, it's the lack of any good films to see instead. John Carter is the last good blockbuster I've seen and that was nearly 6 years ago.

He's right you know
All you faggots had to do was vote for Jeb, and this all could've been avoided. We tried to warn you.


…to start a whole new star wars thread when this pointless discussion could easily have taken place in one of the fifty other ones?

Sad. Just stick around for the ride.


You're not one of us, and you cetainly haven't adapted. You shallow cunts are floundering.

God damn I want to fuck her.
How tall is she; and how bad is her pussy, I know she's got something wrong with it.

I'll tell you one thing, I sure have. Was a massive prequel/EU fan and really loved the first 2 Iron Man movies, but I'm pretty fucking unimpressed by what's being shat out by Disney now. Don't enjoy what Hollywood shits out in general anymore. I just watch this shit because there's nothing else to look forward to. It's a reason to meet up with friends. I couldn't give less of a shit of Rey turns to the dark side or the nigger 1v1s Captain Phasma. It's not my Star Wars, and I have the unfortunate feeling that I've either finally outgrown it or have been overexposed to the point I'm almost completely apathetic.

Her pussy is top of the line, the best the current medical science can carve in.

take my dick into your jaws.

I just watch The Prequels from time to time to enjoy the aestethics, truly beautiful movies.

very poor 5-10 second long cgi reels, strung together wow so nice.

stop masturbating

How's things, Kike Cucklasa? How many times will you watch TLJ upon release and act like a total corporate whore """"ironically""""?

Me too tbh

Why should he risk patreon money just to make a sexist review? Silly goy.

stop with the antisemitism right now, The Don said jews are based.

Look at this shit

False, disney killed whatever was left of Star Wars none of their movies are remotely watchable.
The cgi clip-show that is the PT is incredibly noticeable if you actually watch the pos you are shit posting about.

That's horrible. Almost like the green screen I can't see what's happening around me bad.
The real question is how did this get by editing….. my guess anyone with a problem against the Mary Sue not showing any other emotion other than look constipated got fired by Kathleen Kennedy.
Someone Photoshop the Activa ( pop yogurt pic related) in place of the light-saber.