Is this guy ever going to stop? He literally has to advertise mobile shit in the review to make money now...

Is this guy ever going to stop? He literally has to advertise mobile shit in the review to make money now. The episode itself is shit too.

These keep getting more Doug Walker-ish

Half of the fun of AVGN was hearing the guy get genuinely pissed off at a game he played when he was a kid. It's just not the same when he does videos on stuff that came out when he was in his 20s.

That's the reason I don't watch much any more. He's long since run out of things he played as a kid and is now doing stuff he has no real investment in. It's just not the same as the games that he had a deep personal hatred for.
I saw a video some years back where James played Shadow the Hedgehog and he didn't have anything to say about it, he pretty much just said "it's okay". James hasn't really played games since the early 90s so he has no context upon which to base an opinion of anything more recent. AVGN episodes based on such games are therefore nothing but bullshit made up because he has to say something.

He is pulling a decent amount of views though the number is low compared to his sub count of 2 millions.
Ratio of like:dislike is outstanding 17k vs 640.
Yes he is making affiliate marketing but doesn't resort to crowdfunding so he must not have been this impacted by the adpocalypse.
So he is not going anywhere Mike cucksela

asassination is the only choice

asassination is the only choice


I'm just impressed he's still doing the same shit after over a decade. Even fucking celebrity talk show hosts get tired of doing the same shit this long. Imagine if you're entire life and legacy amounts to some shitty internet show about playing bad games


I don't think YouTube is his only job. I thought I saw somebody say he owns a wedding photography company. Either its an off season or its doing so well it runs itself. Mike has also admitted that aside from AVGN episodes, he pretty much runs the YouTube channel.

James seems pretty well off, and I highly doubt it's from him doing one show a month.

13 years and 153 episodes will do that. And besides, games can only be bad to a certain degree, after a while every joke can pertain to a million other problems

yeah james is super on point when it comes to games from his era but he really embarrasses himself everytime he tries to talk about more recent games, he doesn't understand anything about game design past the late 80's early 90's

I'd like to see more of that cool friend of his in the videos. He's really funny and knowledgeable about video games. I hear he does a lot of the artwork too. It seems like he's the real brains of the operation, but doesn't get the recognition from the fanbase or James. It's a shame that talent like that goes unnoticed - but things can change…

he has to pay his wife's lovers somehow


Sure you would 'James' Friend'.


Good because TGWTG is kino

Bad Luck Brian?

The nerd may not be as good as he used to be, but he's FAR more tolerable than Doug Walker nowadays. Have you seen his latest video?!

I bet they're watching a video about Elsa Frozen raping Spiderman with a cactus

just how fucked is this board when the edgy faggots resort to this to fill their void?

the fact he hasn't resorted to patreon yet puts him miles above 90% of the ecelebs posted here. Ironically he got shit from everyone for crowdfunding his movie, which compared to patreonfags today is nothing. The time for criticising ebegging faggots is over, the criticisms of ecelebs today are retarded shit like

it's just the resident permabutthurt redditledditmemia autist

go away, James

He should have stopped after the Castlevania retrospective tbh. The video quality has been on a downward spiral ever since then.


The only recent AVGN that was good was the Gameboy accessories one. The others were overblown director wankery like Polybius or mediocre like this recent one. If you check one of the recent commentary tracks, he even says that he did those episodes just to do them for AVGN.

I don't think he lacks passion, just more ideas since he's done it for so long. He did branch out somewhat but it's a mixed bag. Remember Playlist Junkies? Well that seems to be dead. How about those weekly movie reviews? Looks like they are turning into meme movie trivia for the autistic. He had a window where he could have broken free from AVGN but lost it when he made the AVGN movie. Now he's stuck doing AVGN for life.

He won't stop ever. It's too late now.

You mean Polybius was the only decent one he's done recently.

He has a wife and 2 kids to support. It's obvious he stopped enjoying making content a long time ago.

Even if Youtube demonitized his entire back catalog he could still make money off a Patreon.

This could have been worse. He could have bitched about the girls outfits being impractical like he did in his review of V.I.P. for PlayStation.

last good one was the one where he plays the game about a talking fish that says fucked up shit

I wonder what it is like being stuck in jewtube hell. You can feel your youth leave you but you can't stop feeding the machine, because it's all you've got and if you stopped you'd be in another hell. Which each passing your the bonds which chain you to this endless ride grow stronger and you enjoy it less and less but the consequences of stopping also get worse.

This pic looks very exploitable

I think it has something to do with the app ad, NC adversed some shitty reaction app in the recent and most unfunny review Channel Awesome ever made.
And was about the worst animation ever made for fucking christmas, he overreacted at apeshit levels to much less before



His classic reviews of TMNT, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout were kino. A lot of his writing and diarrhea jokes were honestly funny and didn't feel forced.

Top Ten Worst AVGN episodes:
1. Sega Accessories
2. Toxic Crusaders
3. Sonic 06 Part 1
4. Charlie's Angels
5. Paperboy
6. Sonic 06 Part 2
7. Robocop
8. Planet of the Apes
9. Odyssey
10. Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu

How fucking dare you
