Have Tim Heidecker on the show

what was the point of this?

Tim Heidecker is an overrated nobody who ran out of creative gas several years ago?

Apparently he was travelling through Milwaukee and could only stop by for like 10 minutes so they rushed an episode together to give him a cameo.

Has he ever told a joke?

When did Holla Forums become smart?

It's post ironic, you wouldn't get it.

But I bet the Reddit Patreon supporters loved it.

Holla Forums has always been a hotbed of high intellectuals.

ITT mad skimcuks that cant handl skim hid not being nvited 2 tha show

wtf i hate rlm now

Why are you upset

Hey, frogposters, looks like you're still upset I'm on TV and you're not. Guess that's what I get for being a libtard.



should have gotten one of the MDE boys to stand there and repeat "ayy, call me Jimmy VCR!" over his own laughter

I know what you did to that little boy, Tim.

Same reason Patton Oswalt was in Space Cop: to make RLM look "legit"

Link pls?


This happened like 5 years ago lol

Tim? Tim "I'd deck her" Heidecker?

Tim Heidecker, or as I call him, white Ethan Klein.