Literally remaking the Original Trilogy with this waste of space character who has no charisma


Are they teasing her going to the dark side but she probably won't won't she.

Yup it's going to be a real piece of shit not worth watching let alone discussing. Bump limit here we come!

Why would be she tempt to join the dark side anyway? She has a good heart.

she has a black thing inside her

She is charismatic for nuMales and stronk womyn.

Remember when TFA first came out and everybody agreed how bland it was, but then made threads about it over and over again for two years?

your mom's pussy was bland at 14 and yet here we are

it's Star Wars, of course Holla Forums will complain about it being shit for years because it deserves it for being so shit.

charismatic as hell




What a bunch of sellouts and cucks


Like Luke did 30 fucking years ago?

Hollywood dick to keep getting roles?

The force is actually ashkenazi jewish genes.




Everything is pointing to a remake of Empire Strikes Back. This is the future Disney chose.

why is the blue side considerably fatter looking than the red side?


This is the future Mike Stoklasa chose when he took the bribe

Red = communism. It tends to be associated with mass deaths from starvation.

Because for some reason they decided to slightly angle her face during a picture meant to be split in half. Really though, they're just taking the closest dead on shot they got during promotion material phase and are baiting people with the "Rey might be EVAL" line

Shapeless no-charisma personality voids are the new standard archetype for women in Hollywood. Didn't you know? Anything resembling too much a real woman may be seen as a sexist stereotype, so it's unusable in the current state of social media and critics culture.

Wrong Star Wars just sucks now

No no. They just want you to think she's going to the dark side, but in reality, she's leading Darth Manbaby back to the lightside.

"'"Hollywood""" loves to subvert classic Good vs Evil stories, so we're going to get the rebels doing shady things and the Empire doing good things, then Rey gets triggered by both sides and creates her own snowflake faction.

That's just like in ep 2-6.

1-3 had elements of shady stuff, but 4-6 were pretty much 100% Good vs Evil, with a few temptations from both sides which was just to develop the character.

TFA had "i dindu nuffin" as an excuse for everything the Stormtroopers did. It humanised what is meant to be the evil character, and made it a minority so the idiotic moviegoer can't side against them.
Rogue One had a bunch of morally dubious stuff going on, and The Last Jedi looks set to do the exact same thing.

Remember, there's no such thing as good or evil actions, only actions. There's no superior judgement beyond your own brain. That's the current message being pushed and will continue to be the message until DotR they get us all because Holla Forums and their ilk are too busy LARPing about Antifa.


That's entirely the point, retard. If they got someone with too much personality and emotion then they'd risk offending someone. Plus 2-dimensional characters are significantly easier to translate for Chinese audiences

It's globalist writing 101, get with the times grandpa