American """""""""""""""""""""""'actresses"""""""""""""""""""""""""


Emma is bae



You do realize that Americans real Americans not African/French/Jerry/Potato niggers :') came from Britain right?

t. asshurt brit



Вот почему русская девушки - лучшие девушки!

and you wonder why no one on Holla Forums has a gf…

No one asked for your opinion OP



Dutch and English, faggot

Aren't one of the categories supposed to be obviously superior to the other in these memes?



In America:




literal who and ive seen thousands of films. you are a pleb shitter


Where are there average, unknown girls like this that come a dime a dozen?
I want to move there

shes fucking ugly bra never made an impression is she your mother?

america is full of uggos as the OP states

are you having an episode, or is this a chronic condition?

Exactly I'm an American and can confirm that those talentless overrated sluts are the best America has to offer and America has plenty. Why the fuck do you think Emma Stone is a thing? She isn't pretty and she doesn't even act, bitch plays herself. Fucking embarassing shit, do you think popstars like Miley Cyrus are attractive and good?

you need to get outside more

hot girls
fat mexican ugly selena gomez and jennifer lawrence

You need reading comprehension, the point is Americans by and large like the smell and taste of shit

lol niggress

That nigress is more pretty than Emma Stone, Jlaw, Scarjo, Taylor "overrated" Swift, Selena Gomez and Katy titcow Perry combined. Really joggins the ole noggin'.

I really don't think you know how any of this works user


Nobody is talking about television here you starshitter

So its a chronic condition you have?

Found the trumper american retard


keep posting your nonsensical jealousy, it is entertaining.


you couldn't even get these girls, you post on Holla Forums

Why do you think I would want them, American?

What makes you think I like any of those? Just because I'm ripping on you for bestiality doesn't mean I support the opposing side in the argument either.

Because you don't have anyone at all


What did she mean by this?

i'd take her to the beach for some camping


I am the one laughing

I'm been on nofap for about 4 days now and yet these pics aren't giving me a boner at all. Have I been so desensitived by porn that I'm flatlined? What if this happens when I'm going to lose my virginity?

wtf? I love Jews now!


Keep posting your who lad

You don't have to worry about things that'll never happen.

She doesn't look as good now, CGM tier.



That's right, we are above mere nations

You know you can create your own exclusive board, where you can post only the content you like, right?

So can you.


Nice work user.
Look at all of those buttblasted replies.


fixed it

I like Emma

But I'm not the one spamming threads with maisie. I insist, you people will be happier on your own board. Even a nobody called Ashley J has her own dedicated board. Go create /maisie/ and be happy

Trips for Emma

These halfchan refugees doesn't even check trips . What has the world coming to?

watsonfag is a halfchan refugee
checking your dubs tho



aww did you all get bullied off cuckchan?

Sounds like you know about cuckchan a lot and need to go back there you fucking dipshit

Yeah, this seems like a reasonable and well-researched thread topic. Not subjective or retarded at all…..