You're a white male!

Student asks Linda Sarsour, (Women's March organiser) about wanting to "take away Ayaan Hirsi Ali's and Brigitte Gabriel's vagina"

She responds by saying he's a white male, then receives a thundering applause from her peers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't she become a neocon/was compelled to become the same?

she goes on to imply she never said it by stating he could not have gotten it from her own twitter, theres no way he could have done that, then confirms it by saying people say stupid shit in her 20s? she sounds like a stupid fucking kike, is she a kike?



And then, just to, uh, give some context here, like the thunderous sound of a sandnigger getting whipped a thousand times for blasphemy, heresey, and being a woman, everybody clapped.

damn, it's harder than I thought to find a Saudi flogging gif

The audacity of these people. It really is staggering, I'm not sure how or why it catches me off guard still to this day

This meme is so low energy that I fear it'll freeze the entire universe eventually.

Wow, an ad hominem, surprising.

It's going to be a beautiful day when their throats get slit.

And thrown into a burial pit while still alive so they can witness themselves being buried.I'm Get ReadyI'm ready, are you?

"You're a white male" is a racist and sexist remark. How leftists manage to not rustle their own bigoted pitchfork mob is a true mystery.


It is very problematic that she misgendered xim and failed to notice that xis trans-racism.
Obviously, anyone who was not a transphobic bigot would have immediately noticed that xe was not a "white male" but rather a lesbian-rhinosexual african-armenian jewslim.

I don't think we should interfere with this lady's career arc. I think we should false flag promote her ideals… Her stuff is red pill gold.

What they don't tell you is that you earn Whiteness by contradicting them, and they touch themselves at night thinking about White men raping them.

i will like to drop is, sup, i am a non white user.

my whole life i have never been ashamed of my color, white guys were all chill and bros, we slapped high five but then!

if feminism does not dies, we men will somehow, and so will our brotherhood, fuck these whores.


Because every tenet of the SJW is complete bullshit. They'll screech bloody murder in offense at something, and then turn around and do the exact same thing. It's all about getting leverage and power over others.

so like, does she even care to answer and what are her braindead audience? paid shills to be there and clap clap?
btw she sounds defensive with the various numbers shes throwing around
she also does the typical (image related) jewish "feminist" argumentation tactic of calling doubt to the argument and the character of who asked the question - instead of answering

and beta males allow it
this is why any revolution, any change in society, doesnt even need 50% of active supporters let alone 20% of people (over the entire population) who ever go out and do things in support of such a cultural shift

doesnt matter if she is or isnt
feminists use jewish tactics because its a jewish led, funded, and thinktanked ideology

because youve not fully accepted yourself as opposed to modern society
you are maladjusted to a sick society, you are healthy


the more hardcore the feminist the kinkier domination sex they enjoy being the recipients of

Webm related is called to mind


That shit stinks of the leftie 'no punching down' bullshit.

Feminism is on the fucking ropes.

I always kek at that video. A cuck getting called out by fucking InfoWars and then a white, a chink, and a nigger all laugh at him behind his back.


Fuck off Holla Forums

which of those are mistakes?

hell, even his jewish buddy couldn't help but laugh

If they did wrong, they have to be, or we lose credibility in front of the sheep.
I don't give a fuck if it's right or left, it's not sincere, you know it and the people know it.
Because the SJWs haven't been the downfall of the whole leftard movement

The list isn't separate points but a whole point broken down into parts.
It isn't "don't ever attack anyone that is your fellow". It is "Don't attacl your peers in front of the enemy", "Criticize the dumb or useless things about them to them in less public settings".
Is it so hard to understand?

Beta cuck as fuck

You chastise them, be it in the form of a beating, a back hand whatever. Visual demonstrations of internal dominance not only go to retaining and enforcing heirarchy but also act as a psychological weapon on the enemy.

Do you even art of war?
of course you dont you massive bleeding vagina

can anyone give me a rundown of these people and why I should care about this?
what the fuck is an FGM?

The way she answered the question was an arrogant dismissal, considers the question beneath her and questioned the origins of the tweet in question and its veracity. If that tweet is real she's stupid in addition to arrogant. Seems like a bitch. Though everyone is at fault when people start considering some vagina removal threat (the fuck) proper procedure when communing.


It's only the right that give her a platform. The left hate her. TYT, Majority Report, Kyle Kulinski et al ALWAYS attack her.
A brown woman who is dissatisfied with having her gubbins messed with, and is vocal about it, is antithetical to the narrative.

"And you're a greasy kike. Your point?"



"Racism is having knowledge plus experience to know we're full of shit and having the nerve to point it out."
This kills brand Linda.

It's the mirror of 'no enemies you the left'

That from (((comedy)))


he's essentially implying that the non extreme 1488 side of the "alt-right" movement is diluting our values, and while he's not wrong, they are a stepping stone to re-vitalizing the nat-soc platform.

Female genital mutilation.

#MarchForWimminz #MarchForScientism leader. Top entryist islamist feminist in NYC Sarsour, calls out a genital mutilation victim, by saying she should steal her vagina.
This is slightly above e-celeb level because Sarsour is deep into politics.

back to b friendo

well played