Rick & Morty represent late-capitalist pop culture's burgeoning meta-consciousness

Rick & Morty have become something like the irreverent wandering comets of the pop culture multiverse, injecting that same disaffected millennial nihilism anywhere accessible via portal gun. What is only a formal heterogeneity of content - visually sumptuous settings, imaginative sci-fi plots, references to an infinite and infinitely bewildering multiverse - is compensated by a homogeneity in tone - Rick will berate, belittle, and shit on you with that same world-weary millennial "wisdom" no matter what universe he's in, and in fact a lot of the humor comes from Rick's mockery and subversion of the tropes of more conventional worlds. I think this represents not so much a crisis of creativity (the plots are a Frankenstein monster of sci-fi tropes, but one with a surprising amount of gristle), but a leveling of the spectacle into the only "condoned" orientation one is allowed to uphold: the frankly flat nihilism of the vaguely depressed, vaguely anxious millennial. Rick & Morty doesn't throw the doors open on an infinite, unlimited universe, it only subsumes the staggering potential of television's first "sandbox" under the the "privileged" perspective of the know-it-all omniscient spectator whose audience surrogate is Rick. You only need to watch Rick helping himself to Simpsons' kitchen during the crossover couch cag to get what I'm talking about: one era has ended, another has begun. Watching Rick try Duff beer and then top it off with his preferred brand of liquor illustrates this perfectly: the outmoded humor of the 90s is altogether too weak, we need something "stronger", what was only a twinge back then, easily remedied by the solidarity of familial love and bonding, has become a full-on chronic nihilism, a relentless consumption of worlds, an endless fascination with what Baudrillard called our "witnessing our disappearance". Underneath the jaded millennial humor, however, still beats a wounded heart. Can anything save us?

my iq just isn't high enough to understand this


Look at this low IQ fag.

reported for reporting

Rick and Morty represent dumb cartoon nigger watchers

when you troll Holla Forums epic style XD

t. low iq

t. high iq

Is this copied from somewhere? If not thanks for the OC, OP

sage negated



More ricks picks and biggle borties please.

Holla Forums is dead

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Holla Forums. The banter is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of history, philisophy, and theatrical culture most of the wordplay will go over a typical crossboarder's head. There’s also Holla Forums's discordian outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation- their hikikomori lifestyle draws heavily from Diogenes' cynicism, for instance. The fa/tg/uys understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these witicisms, to realize that they’re not just smart- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Holla Forums truly ARE reddipol- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the genius in the line “suck my cock, dude” which itself is a cryptic reference to some of Stirner's more dark and humorous riposté in Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those well-adjusted Holla Forumsyps scratching their heads in confusion as Holla Forums’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

do you have a Holla Forums tattoo in a special place that you only show to ladies?

I have a tattoo on my back of the Grim Reaper with an American flag in one hand, an m16a4 in the other, smoking a joint, and an eagle rising out of the joint smoke with an EAG clutched in it's talons.

That's just Dan Harmon being Dan Harmon. The guy has ridiculous encyclopedic knowledge of US tv shit. I'm surprised Holla Forums hasn't turned him into its patron saint.


stopped reading there. kill yourself.


Stopped reading there. Get back to sucking dicks Holla Forums

One thin'gs for sure, R&M is definitely anti-capitalist kino.

stay cucked, reddit

chill out nerd 😎

make me