Poor Little Europeans

Why are Europeans so terrified of Americans clapping. Are our claps so powerful as to shake them to their core?

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They just can't handle clappingโ€ฆ



I noticed this fine """American""" isn't clappingโ€ฆDebunked.



Now this webm may terrify some of our European friends out there. ๐Ÿ careful

You clap to live performances. To show approval to an actor/singer/musician etc.
Even gooks know this much.

Why are burgers clapping to everything. It's like clapping to your tv.

so wat do Europeans even do when they approve of something??? just sit and quietly nod?


It's called American optimism, you poor sad child.



They're not allowed to express anything, it would be a hate crime to be enthusiastic as a European. Only Muslims are allowed to get enthusiastic in Europe.

In what way? For what purpose?

You are the ones who look poor and sad clapping to an inanimate object.

not act like autistic retards

He isn't clapping. He isn't American.

Imagine my shock.


You would clap for a live performance or at an event. A play, an open mic, karaoke, musical performance, opera, pub quiz, pantomime, speech, lecture, debate etc.

The clap is to show appreciation or agreement. That's why everyone is so weirded out when Americlaps do it to planes, cinema screens and other inanimate objects. There is nobody there to hear you so it doesn't make sense.

I bet you've never even clapped in your life. Clap virgin. One day you might learn to be a clap chad. I clap my hands together and pray.

so new and fresh
it gets damn annoying that the shareblue shills obviously added Holla Forums to their shilling list

kikefy has done a real number on you lads hasn't he?

It's not our fault amerimutts are dumb enough to treat every inanimate object as the altar of jewish worship and feel the urge to clap to their jewish masters.


This is such a comedic hyperbole you don't actually think anyone cares when you post this do you?

So it wasn't D&C when you make fun of Europe? Americlaps thin skin is finally on display. Can dish it out but can't take it.

You do care a lot but the cartoons are funny on their own without any reactions.

What the fuck do we have to be optimistic about, fam? We live in an increasingly Orwellian world, racially besieged on all sides by kikes, nigs, spics and chinks. The farms and villages of old have long since been replaced by the soulless and decadent cities and suburbs. We are the age of the beautiful ones, where replacing masculine figures of hard-working, hard-fighting men with weak soyboys and doughy NEETs, and feminism has given women the excuse they need to become whores on a massive scale, and we can't complain or else we're misogynistic sexists. The only reason the vast majority of Americans don't see this awful reality is because we are buried in another, virtual reality, and we're brainwashed at a young age to ignore it, besides.

It is annoying and unruly like for example eating in the cinema.

That fellow in your pic not clapping, ergo not American. Sorry, try again.

its like you want to get low blood sugar and not be in your peak mental state and possibly misunderstand the subtle undertones of whatever kino youre watching

You don't see what's he doing with his hands down there.

Also, the energy is good for clapping fuel.

Good point, but in AMERICA we believe in innocent until proven guilty.

what did he mean by this?

Avengers Infinity War.

Is gonna be Kino!

The other stuff sounds complicated. Vote and make baby?

REPORTED for no education, It is not a circus
which abolished applause in church has tended to spread to the theatre and the concert-room."

As Ross documents, the movement gathered more steam in this country around the time of the Great Depression, spearheaded by conductor Leopold Stokowski.

Stokowski went so far as to propose audiences stop applauding altogether, lest it intrude on the divinity of the concert experience: โ€œWhen you see a beautiful painting you do not applaud. When you stand before a statue, whether you like it or not, you neither applaud nor hiss.โ€
Fucking animals

Oh it's the indent guy. Tell us about your rig again.

Jesus-Christ these people can't behave.

Indiscriminate applause is widely considered a violation of classical music concert etiquette: Applause is discouraged between movements, reserved instead for the end of the entire work. There have been a number of attempts to further restrict applause in various circumstances, e.g., court theaters in Berlin prohibit applause during the performance and before the curtain call (although elsewhere in Germany this is felt to be beyond public tastes).[1]

By contrast, opera performances have traditionally been interrupted by applause at the end of an aria or certain other set pieces, and many opera scores reflect a break in the music at places where applause would typically occur. Regarding this practice as a distraction, Richard Wagner headed it off by eliminating breaks in the score within each act; the arias in his operas do not end in a "full stop" but flow into the next section of the music, until the end of the act is reached. Even then, in light of the quasi-religious atmosphere of the first act of Parsifal, it is traditional for the audience not to applaud at all at the end of that act, but file out of their seats in silence.

t. gypsy


mutt spotted and reported
Chicago Symphony Orchestra bassoonist William Buchman asserted in 2012 that absolute quiet is as important to a work as the notes themselves: "The silence is as profound as some of the music, and when that silence is not allowed its space, you lose a lot of the emotional impact that the silence can otherwise generate."


gypsy confirmed

Unthinkable? Mid-opera clapping
Last month, during the Proms performance of Die Meistersinger von Nรผrnberg, a few people began to applaud

Last month, during the Proms performance of Die Meistersinger von Nรผrnberg, a few people began to applaud โ€“ which probably appalled others in the audience and would certainly have upset Richard Wagner. The opera is meant to be a comedy, and its second act ends with a riotous crowd, yet convention demands that it is heard in austere silence until the end of each act

What is interesting with this article is that the propagandist suggests that we should abandon classical conventions to accommodate shitskins and barbarians alike

The Audacity of these kikes

The Operaโ„ข reverberated with the sound of my Americlaps throughout the entire performance when I visited. Nobody dared stop me, as Europeans, being the lowborne Eurotrash that they are, are terrified at the sound of Amerikings blessing the music by us clapping our regal presence. Flummoxed Dukes and Lords cowered while Ladies and Duchesses clutched my legs in desperate desire. I, of course, respect no thot, and retired alone to my American flag tent upon the conclusion of The Operaโ„ข.

Richard Spencer spotted


You can vote here.

We're scared our IQ will drop to your level when we hear your autistic claps.

So what is everyone's favorite movies or television shows to clap to?

the one where everyone claps and hollers

What's your favorite holler to holler while you clap? Mine is "Yippee-yo-yippee-ai-yippee-yay! Yeehaw!"

I like to holler "Hot-diggedy-doodle-dog! Praise McDonald"s!" And don't worry yuropoors, that's not taking the Lord in vain, McDonald's Rodriguez is just my wife's son, along with Cleetus, Meetus, Billy Bob, Bobby Jim, Billy Ray, Jilly Ray, Ray Bob, Manta Ray, Bobby Bob, Jimmy Ray, and Freedom.


Eurocucks feel entitled to everything. Thats why they don't clap or tip. Americans know what hard work is and show appreciation.
Stay mad faggots, I clap when the vending machine gets me my food. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

Ameriniggers need their safe space, aww how sweet, the nigger mods from other boards wont ban me here.


It's so obvious he browses the chans and gets perpetually buttsore, I like Varg and some of what he says but he's such a spergy weirdo.


I clap at my reflection in the mirror when I wake up, every morning the debut of a star. Jealous limp-wristed Yuropoors can never know this feel of American optimism.
โ™ซโ™ชmi mi mi mi miโ™ซ
๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โ™ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘and when a movie plays๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โ™ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Get the fuck off the board and bother Holla Forums or Holla Forums
Holla Forums is for movie shit not your shareblue politics shilling, D&C and shitting up discussion
I know that you soros paid shills need to fill your daily quota to get your neetbux but please do it on the designated politics boards

The clapping meme is for Holla Forums as we love to clap most at movies and television.

Finding a pack of discount oreos at Wal-Mart?
PROUD TO BE AMERICLAP ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

I think maybe Europeans don't appreciate clapping because they don't know how to do it properly. Instead of clapping with your fingers pointing the same way, with your hands matching up like you're praying, instead turn your hands so they are perpendicular to each other when they connect. This is a more effective way to clap, and makes a more satisfying and powerful clapping noise.

I was under the impression Europeans couldn't clap because they always had one or more fingers shoved up their asses.

This is the type of retarded post I would expect from a clapping amerimutt.

Why are americans so stupid and clap at everything?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Soros doesn't pay anyone's neetbux, he pays only to the chieftains of antifa discord servers, the rest is doing it for free.



Come on, don't tell me you don't clap every time you see a fresh webm of some recent capeshit.

Try it, clap like I just taught you. It may change your feelings on the matter.

Why do Europeans clap when Muslims rape white girls systematically and then imprison the dads who try to rescue them?

Fed up of this fucking shareblue D&C shilling from yuropoors. Soros probably offered them all freedom from Achmed and his gang.

So what if I clap? I'm a free American, and I can clap whenever I want motherfucker. Yuropoors will never know the excitement of clapping along to a Burger King commercial or the annual thanksgiving Clap-A-Long. That wonderful first moment a girl let's you clap on her hands. Clapping out on the lake when you catch a huge fish. Clapping on the trigger of a shotgun to stand your ground from an aggressive old lady. Watching your baby boy take his first claps. That proud ol' clap when you see those brave boys coming home, back from defending Israel's freedom.

Beautiful, user. Well said. As a European I only dream of having a culture so deep and storied as your own.

We clap to the live performance, not second-hand retelling of it on TV.

Americans: clapping
Europeans: the clap (venereal disease)

Eastern Europeans do it to, it's to show appreciation to the captain that he safety landed the plane, and didn't crash it in some mountains killing all the passengers. It's also to show appreciation to his skill(flying a plane), the same way you show you show your appreciation to an actor's performance, so a clap is acceptable.

Thanks for the information about this STD terminology. At what point in your life did you contract it? Are yoi sterile now?

Clapping is always acceptable no matter the circumstance. Anyone who doesn't understand this is stinky Eurotrash, as evidenced by statistics.

So why don't you do it in taxis, trains, boats, elevators, cable cars etc.?

Because there was a time, when an airplane was the most dangerous mode of transportation, so the pilot had to be really skilled and lucky, not to crash the plane with no survivors. Even now, when it's the safest mode of transportation, a lot of things can go horribly wrong, and kill the passengers, so it remained more of a tradition. For taxis, we usually tip, because we appreciate the service offered, especially if the taxi driver is polite and know how to make pleasant conversation with the passenger, in trains we say hello to the conductor that stamps our ticket, and with cable cars we take a moment of silence to admire the pristine mountains and forests. Western Europeans, have no sense of ethics, probably of symptom of too many rapefugees.

We do, continuously. The government hands out sanitary wipes and protective gloves for long flights to protect from chafing.

I once saw a woman who's hands were red raw and bleeding after a 10 hour cruise. The skin was cracked open and blistering. Naturally we identified her as a communist liberal and tossed her overboard. Everyone knows true red-blooded Americans float due to the buoyancy of our big bones, but she sank like a rock. Looks like Obamacare didn't save her that time.


I've unironically seen people clap for a plane landing twice, and both times were in really bad weather conditions but low fuel meant we had no choice but to land. It took a lot of skill on the pilots' part to land successfully, so people clapped in appreciation.

I hope you clapped as well.

I didn't actually, but that's probably because I was a moody teenager.

When parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765, it had a clause in the fine print which forbade American colonists from clapping. The red coats would routinely round up innocent women and children and amputate their hands to send a message. This is the real reason the American revolution was fought ("that they are endowed by the creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of clapping", later edited to "happiness" by some commie scum who worked on the final draft) . Ever since then clapping has been a sign of reverence for our fore fathers and is regarded as a patriotic act of defiance and freedom.
Goddamn you euroniggers need to learn some basic American history, watch Mel Gibson's "The Patriot" for more information.

You're talking about brits and most muricans are descendants of brits, so it's no surprise.

Wished the Russians would have won.

That's some drastic shit, did they really have to amputate both hands? Do americlaps really have this legendary single-hand clapping technique?

We fucked you red faggots up last time we fought and we will do it again


Americans are the true masters of the one handed clap, it's in their blood.








Stay mad.
Asshurt faggot.

holy shit, my sides.

Stay mad? you redcoat faggots lost the cold war. AMERICA STAND STRONG AND TEABAGS YUROPOORS DAILY

Enjoy mutliculturalism, movies, and niggers
t. America who owns your poorfag asses


< I would have said "I wished we won the war"
Actually the Russians have won the war you just don't know it yet

no, the jews won the war. antisemitism is one of the highest crimes in society today and degeneracy with submission is preached to all who can listen while the jew dangles his dollar for others to suck.


Like I said, America won.

(checked) ๅ
America and Europe STANDS TOGETHER

(((you))) could you be?

Fuck off nazi scum

America is jewish. No country on earth prizes freedom, creativity, and culture like I do. You europooron sit in your dirt floored shacks eating boots and crying about how you can't have lives as good as ours.

lol if it wasn't for Alexander II you faggots would have got crushed by Britain, France and your own bloody men xD

Fuck that noise. We have Moses and Jesus on our side. God literally can't let us fail.

aww, sucks to be you :'^)

Yuropeons are docile and submissive by nature, such and aggressive and outward display terrifies them.


Socialism is the theory that the desire of one man to get something he hasnโ€™t got is more just than the desire of some other man to keep what he has got.


You're dreaming if you think I'm going to watch that shit.

All of these fucking Europeans need to shut up. Not all Americans are crazed clapping hooligans who get evicted over nothing. So what I clap if I watch a movie or at the cashier at checkout. Is it not wrong for a freedom loving Patriot to clap when he sees his pet dog poop?

conservatives are tumblr tier at this point

They always were.

You know, the levels of salt that Finngolian 56% amerimutt meme is producing is absolutely nuclear. If I'd known it would cause this much prolonged butthurt I would have saved the lot when they were dumped on Holla Forums by those faggot Finngolians. Anyone care to dump? It's not like this thread is going places anyway.

I only saved 2 :(

Haha no one bootyblasted no1CUR

You aint going to get shit, yuropoor mutt. No one will post shit for you and you are too poor to afford enough computer


Living in your head rent free since 1776.

What happens when my fellow goblins embrace the 56% meme?
Will you suddenly be angry you're whiter and flood your continent with more muds?

They're already on that, bud. Yuroopoors are forever reacting to Amerikings, nipping at our heels as they follow us. SAD!
*claps while chomping burger


Die for Israel, kill dirt farmers using 60 year old AK's with weaponry that dwarfs their gdp.
So Brave.

If it aint brown, gun it down


television and movies


Their Turkish imports discovered they could use the clapper to trigger their bombs. Best glove those hands and avoid any excitement like meeting their daughters new boyfriend Mumbunto newly refugeed Niger

it's vulgar

hahah yuropoors are fucking pussies. no wonder the shitskins are invading. you are that weak it is hilarious

When you kids grow up, you will learn real american customs like tipping.

I actually enjoyed that video, thanks.

Burger here, 100% serious but my co-workers (about 30 people) will break into clapping at random times during the day.
I can't figure it out and every time I ask why I get a vague answer.



This is every office in America. I have a business and we routinely break out into clapping fits. It's good for the soul and keeps the Eurotrash away who are always trying to enter the country to become liberal late night comedians.

I'm clapping right now


No worries my man.

That isn't an answer, you autistic retard.

I love you ameribros, you are our best allies.


Don't worry franch. At the rate you are going you will catch up to 56% in no time.

the drawin is pretty gud, even rascal spurdo and his greatest ally is too generous for burgerclaps but this one kinda hits the retard on the head

lmao burgers are fawkin retarded they actually believe theyre a first world country

I'm off to get shot now, but I'll be back to smash my goblin palms together in your faces

yuropoors are too meek to talk to not let tryone rape their women let alone clap

Clapping is retarded and shows that you're a normie to everyone else.

"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands."

Way to fall for the MK Ultra, niggers.