Aiiieee wike da worda da wings heeuuurr

aiiieee wike da worda da wings heeuuurr

t. uncultured pleb. lotr is kino and a direct analogy to swarthy mudslime rapefugee invasion

What did he mean by this?


What did he mean by this?

Modern 4chan memes are really dumb.
Don't post them.

At least 4chan still has memes. What memes have come from this board?


Redditors in 4chan must love when the hot new meme hits their screen, no matter how good it is. Won't be surprised if it lasts only a few more months, that "well meme'd friend" pepe meme was ok at first but got shit soon, and normalfag'd hard


wasn't one of their mods porked or was it the mod that was porking a dude?

This is how you spot a newfag.

I'm not wrong fag. Get fucked

Halfchan circulates decade old memes and screencaps along with instagram / facebook tier shit. And the memes from this board stay on this board and don't get filtered through to reddit, which is a good thing.

go cry about it on sudo some more lad



Vroom vrooom webr de gabegino at?

What did he mean by this?

I like Harry Potter

Holla Forums btfo

what memes have we come up with in 2017?
pig meme only lasted like a month



You cam almost hear the screaming of the subconscious of these meme "magicians" and their freudian masters

What did they mean by this?

I know that pic is a joke, but I don't think that there were female orcs.

That blew up immediately, I remember that day

There were but they were never discussed because they (likely) had no purpose outside being breeding stock.
Some retards will say that orcs might have raped elves and the elves then gave birth to orcs but elves literally die of sadness when they're raped.
Other retards will say that they are created with magic or some shit, but then explain how Azog is the father of Bolg, described in both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

That's because the orcs put aside regressive gender roles.

how to spot a butthurt weeb shoehorning and strawmanning his favorite boogie man into every conversation.
God your memes are shit.