What the fuck is her problem?

Is living in a junkyard making her retarded? Lots of lead laying around or something?

Other urls found in this thread:



It's supposed to resemble a cargo cult. Again TWD writers think they are smarter than they are.

The only good thing in that episode was the camera work during the Eugene-Negan exchange, that was actually kino, but the show is still crap. You know a show fails to deliver when you constantly want the bad guys to win because the protagonists are such obnoxious cunts.

People literally only watch for Negan now

What is retarded is Rick letting him be caught again, and also him wanting their help after their betrayal.
I would have stormed the camp capture the bowlcut cunt and made her my sex slave.

Negan is a fuck, and he's a stupid fuck at that, but at least he seems to have his shit together. If he could keep his people in line instead of just letting them run around killing people for shits and giggles, then he would outright be protagonist material.

This show is so fucking awful.

Why the fuck do you people keep watching it?
I quit halfway through season 2 and never looked back.

I like to be the right amount of pissed off so I can write reviews about how series are bad.

fuck off, faggot
sick of this stupid shit.


Will continue reminding you that you have shit taste.

Are they supposed to be the anarchist, hippie, artsy types who survived? I don't really understand what is the idea there.

Weebcucks generally don't.

He tried to create a way too far in the past tribal structure, taking multiple wives from other men, etc… That only works with societies that have not experienced personal freedom and are built of submissive sub-humans. Trying that in merica would require a lot more brutality to keep people in line, more than ISIS and islamists.

seems the few people left on this board these days are all retarded

I quit episode 1. The reason people keep watching it and bitching on image boards is they like it, they just don't like certain parts and don't want to get bullied on Holla Forums for admitting they have retarded taste.

*upvotes to feel as part of the in-group*

she is quite hot.

Would definitely make her a sex slave see my scenario here


From her neck to her knees, maybe.

What happened to the blonde gal with barcode on her neck?

She seems to be a bigger Milla Jovovich. Quite a few weird fucked up roles too.


I only watched that one movie were she is a cannibal jungle woman

Sounds good ♥

Good night sweet prince…


An inevitable fate for something that's supposed to run for 10 seasons with 20 episodes per season. No series has such an endurance. Seven seasons should be maximum unless you have actual books to tell the story, like The Expanse or GoT right until the overtook Martin, and not a fucking comic.

The thing is AMC is such a shit tier channel that those ratings are still high enough to consider it successful.
