Dustin Hoffman Spars With John Oliver Over Harassment Claims: “You’ve Put Me On Display Here”


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Kike vs Kike is always entertaining.

John always seemed like a cunt

I'm pretty sure the kike did it, but this isn't how evidence works.

Kikes are guilty as per default.


This is the world we live in now.

Is Oliver a kike or does he just merely look like one?

I thought Dustin Hoffman died.







I like Dustin Hoffman a hell of a lot more then I like Jon Oliver. So I believe him. Guy seems to natural to be a perv in a bad way nyways. If I was Dustin I wouldve walked out. Ticketpayers be damned.

The presumption of innocence may be a foreign concept to John, but it's an important one in case someone accuses him of sexual harassment someday.

I think we need to investigate this SAvile Olvier coinnection

What kind of logic is this? I hate people like you, you are nothing more than a SJW at heart.

It’s “an” SJW and the only one virtue signaling here is you.

It doesn't work that way, retard. STAY in Holla Forums.
Never come here or anywhere else again.

yet you perpetuate it. You are the one who acts like an SJW from Holla Forums, that's why you tell me to go back. Lefties often project their own insecurities onto others.

Eat a dick, mgtow.

I dislike fags, like you. Which strawman will you launch against me next?



he's a brit
so almost

it depends on if you spell it "social justice warrior" or "es jay dubya"

Thanks user. OP is a faggot.

Oliver is such a self-righteous cunt. I hope he’s next. I would love to see him get spitroasted.

by men of different pigmentation?

Didn't he get fuck by the IRS recently?


It's ok when the argument is used to prove that god exists.

this is whats wrong with modern society

Current year seems to think that if he keeps saying "i wasn't there, I don't know anything about what happened" that gives him a free pass to then follow on with "but this is what I feel, and what I feel is most important!"

Fucking hell. You can hear the frustration in Hoffman's voice. Something that has been normal human interaction for as long as humans have been humans is now, retroactively 40 years later, apparently horrible behavior indicative of rapist tendencies. All based on one woman saying it is so, which she doesn't have to prove, but Hoffman has to disprove somehow.
It's like all societal norms and rules have been thrown out the window. Feelings trump logic. You are guilty until proven innocent. Accusations don't require evidence. Touching a woman on her knee is rape.
What the fuck happens to someone as they are growing up to make them believe this shit is correct? Every day I feel like I get more and more baffled by the people around me acting completely retarded.

Oliver sounds like he desperately needs to build some cred, I wonder what he did.


What’s interesting is Oliver’s comments:

Oliver is current year society incarnate: stupid and unreasonable, unforgiving and eager to damn. He doesn’t listen because he doesn’t care. He doesn’t even consider anything Dustin Hoffman says to be valid. He just wants to judge him.

Jews have weird families.

A Hollywood shitlib eating another Hollywood shitlib, what's not to like? We should all want to see more of this type of thing.

Did he? I know he used a tax loophole created by Trump to get his mansion.

John Oliver is a self-righteous hypocrite. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had unfounded sexual assault allegations thrown at him and he starts reciting Hoffman as his own interview style is used against him.

wtf is wrong with these sheep, it's like no one is able to think for themselves anymore, and constatly needs to jump on these retarded leftist bandwagons

I grew up in an extremely jewish area, and was friends with lots of secular liberal jews as a kid, can confirm. They're extremely open about sex to a disgusting degree, one of my friends moms used to have a massive dildo collection that she used to leave in the open in her room even though she know we would go in there to watch DBZ tapes because they had a big screen tv in their bedroom. One time when were 10 years old we found his dads porn stash and popped in one of the tapes for shits and giggles and his dad caught us and just said "boys will be boys" and let us watch them, this was shocking to me coming from a catholic family as my dad would never keep shit like that in the house and if he ever caught me with it he would've slapped the shit out of me and told me not to be a fucking degenerate. They would also constantly joke about sex and masturbation around the dinner table and shit, it weirded me the fuck out as a kid.

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

Oliver is going all out before the year is over. Why does he fear 2018? Is the New Year going to get him?


Why didn't you tell us you were fucked up, too?

And a tip of the fedora to you good sir.

John is a cunt

The Jew is an extremely neurotic and narcissistic creature.

So John Oliver was right then, using the same argument of "you’ve given no evidence to show that it didn’t happen"? Or are you a hypocrite?

Give me one reason god exists

Except attention, money, sympathy, attention, money…


That's not a reason LMAO
That's right you have not one (1) solid shred of evidence as to why you should think god exists. You have a fucking book written by man, who were cucks to jews. Man is inherently, flawed. God doesn't exist and you are a retard who has bad taste in films.




>hence that cause can be called God
Likewise we are made of information and information can only come from an intelligent source. Deny this against all experience if you want but at least realize you do so out of faith.

He doesn't strike me as an abuser or harasser.

those are some nice trips friend


Isn't John Oliver supposed to be a comedian? Why hasn't he been funny in years? Did he forget how to be funny?

Ballsy enuff to ask tuff questions

To dust off an old chestnut: Prove there isn't a teapot revolving around the sun between Earth and Mars.


Looks like Oliver went in on Hoffman because he was ahead of the story, he knew that other accusers were coming forward.

So she often took photos with him and every time she noticed too late

and she kept taking photos

what a moron

Shut up you misogynistic bigot!! how can expect a women to have mental capacity to be able to know when to and when not to do things that could harm them!?

God DRupmfkucks are SO stupid…

There’s a whole generation of actresses pissed off that they rode cut dick and then got cast aside anyway. She mentions a one-woman show. Pretty clear she wants to resurrect that shit and that’s why she did this.

what was his rebuttal?

He said "Suck it up sweetheart", then he slapped her on the ass


That's not how that works you limey faggot.

You're talking to a literal child, man.
