Trump given more respect by Saudis than beta cuck Obama

Trump given more respect by Saudis than beta cuck Obama

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But didn't he also not include them on the Muslim country ban list?

First time I hear of this. Fuck the MSM.

Only countries that oppose isreal, were on that list…

This is a moshe leddit tactic. Go search through the lefto sphere and you will see faggots using this constantly.

My respect for Ann would be over the board if she said that Obama could be confused easily with one of the castrated nigger slaves of that Muslim kingdom with 13 centuries long tradition of enslaving of niggers. Trump not so much.

All kike shills use periods and letters when spreading their propaganda. GTFO KIKE SHILL!

>Pointing out the obvious flaw in the muslim ban list not including the number one isreali-US proxy in the middle east [Saudi Arabia] that actually does finance and train terrorists, can only ever be said by jews and reddit users
Right… except jews never like any goy taking that angle and linking it back to isreal
Selling arms to Saudi Arabia only goes to arming the terrorists.
That's Trump's own stated opinion as expressed for over ten years and also during his campaign.

Now it's not Obama's government aiding the terrorists, why are we pretending to forget the hidden jewish control of America is responsible for aiding and arming the terrorists?

Republishits need to stop with this strong guy posturing bullshit. These people really complained when Obama bowed to the nip king or whatever.

Tell me one good reason for why a human shit black negro monkey shouldn't bow to Japanese royalty.

A niggers should be hanged by japs, there's a lot of the things that should be, but when the "person" holding the position of executive power in your country does that for another nation, that's a fucking problem.

No it's not. If you actually believed in hierarchy like you say you do, royalty comes before an "executive" or politician.

Those japs aren't my emperor. They can bow to their own demogogue. We still have fat man and little boy if they don't watch their sideways cunts.

You go girl
#slay #notmyemperor

Has Coulter ever been to a Muslim country (and I don't mean a US base) and done business with them in any shape or form?

No that's not the reason why. It's because he was supposed to sell them weapons worth a 100 billion USD (which he then later on did). When Muslims want something from you, especially Arab and Persian Muslims, they are super respectful and friendly, even submissive.

There's some 42+ muslim countries you fat kike. He only banned the ones where ISIS holds territory. It was an ISIS ban.


Woman detected

Dubs of truth.
What's with this newfag flood lately. No one knows about the Shi'a Sunni differences anymore.
Requesting that picture that showed the different branches of Islam and the terrorist groups that come under each.

who cares about sandniggers besides Assad?

It's only embarrassing to patriotards that literally want a nigger to be equal to royalty.

I remember Trump calling some Saudi Prince a dopey playboy during the campaign. Kek, another country stumped.

First reply, every time.

So you'd prefer your leader to bow down and portray subservience to another country's leader because that other country uses a kingdom system and your country doesn't? Fuck off, shill.

Foreign shitskin royalty is lower than dirt to me you retarded Holla Forums faggot.

Ahh good. All I care about is etiquette and as long as Trump didn’t bow I am perfectly happy for America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia to remain the same is it did before, or better still be strengthened.

Did anybody else see her interview on fox business yesterday where she said Trump filled his cabinet with people against his positions and asked where is the wall and non intervention before she got cut off?

Probably not the right chart, but here's one
tl;dr Sunnis = Wahhabis/Salafis which is the ideology that backs and funds ISIS

No American should be bowing to some raghead cryptokike calling himself a king.

An order of magnitude less valuable than a pet rat.

No but I'm going to go see if I can find it right now.

How about we force all female foreign diplomats to wear belly shirts and daisy dukes, the male foreign diplomats have to wear jeans and a t-shirt


Thanks, based user

Hahaha holy shit I noticed the teeth after 20 seconds of staring.

I say we make the diplomats from any cucked western nations wear lady's clothing.

God damn this board has become a fucking kosher laugh factory.

Are you actually defending and cheering on Trump sucking Saudi dick? What the fuck is this, /r/the_donald?

tbh you're not very smart. But to be fair, when it comes to Trump, pretty much everyone gets everything wrong.

Trump is making friends around the world, and leveraging those friendships into better trade deals and America-friendly policy. Wouldn't it be nice if SA stopped funding ISIS (which they appear to have done, since they now seem to be on the ropes)? Having China on our side with North Korea is pretty damn nice too.

Jesus Christ everything about your comment is
Kosher. As. Fuck.

Hah, I warned folks that this is what would happen. There will always be a narrative from admin shills and 'muh chess' fags - which this is, I do not know, nor care - of Trump not being a cuck.
These faggots will still be trying to justify it when his hand hits the wall and Joe Lieberman becomes head of the FBI.

What, at the shareblue meetings?

Who gives two rat fucks what those sand monkeys think? They are our enemies. Holy fuck, summer hit this place hard.

Seems legit Schlomo.

Tell us more about our great Communist and Muslim allies.

China isn't communist, and the Muslims will become secular in time, but for now they will go the fuck back.

Wonder if I'll get dubs again?

This is not merely Summer, user, I wish it were.
Holla Forums is totally fucked, because we opened the door for allowance of hero worshiping Jewish pawns.
The mods support Trump blindly and its rather obvious how much shilling - from both sides - has been ongoing here. Now we're rife with faggots who will shout 'its a chess move!' about every cucky thing he does, and there's no way to differentiate between the faggots who voted for Mitt Romney and the faggots who were paid by Mitt Romney (and later, Jared Kushner).

Dude, be less kosher, for fucks sake.

Just keep bitching you little happa-loving troglodytes. And what do you think bashing Trump will accomplish? That he'll get impeached and bring about the revival of Hitler?

r/the_donald got shut down.



Learn global politics and international relations you inbred halfwit


Either pay attention or don't talk about things you don't understand.

Someone post the webm with the african blacks killing eachother with that taylor swift song dubbed over it

If you haven't watched this, you should

China isn't commie though. It's hard to tell if deep down they're or not, but what they have right now is a mixed economy. Full state control in some places, and special administration zones like Hong Kong where capitalism rules. The reason they have a mixed system is their system was failing (like the USSR's), and they opted for doing some changes (like the USSR did too late).

Sixty years ago, women in Kabul went to school wearing western clothing. Hair fully exposed.

But children born after 9/11 don't have very long memories, I suppose.

If you would pull that stick out of your ass for 3 seconds and start using your brain during that time you might notice something.

That was fun.

Did China buy a lot of US coal because of Trump or didn't they, user?

That was heavy. The Burzum soundtrack fits perfectly too.


Is that loss?

Of course. Act like a man worthy of respect; be respected. Act like a submissive nigger; be treated like a submissive nigger. Simple.

They only do that because they know he will go to war with Assad, which is what their meeting was all about.

Give it a rest

They know who there masters are…

Every single time.

Nice spacing you cuckchan faggot.

things seem bad friends

user, even hitler tried to make peace with Britain. International politics is pretty much every country paying lip service to eachother while domestically they cook up schemes to try and subvert one another. Only north korea can get away being belligerent towards other nations because they don't matter.
That being said, I really hope he at least tries to stand up to SA. Signing the biggest arms deal in american history isn't a great start, especially considering his talk about destroying ISIS. It's like kicking a dog while paying the owner for the vet bills. Weakening saudi arabia directly affects their sister country, Israel. The sooner both those shit holes become smoking craters, the better

Tomorrow you walk into a room with people you don't get along with, how ever, outside that room are people those people control. are you going to walk in and punch in the face immediately the 3 out of 5 people you don't get along with? or are you going to look 3 or 4 moves ahead to maybe punch the problematic people in the face outside that room.

trump has a 156 iq. he's not an orange buffoon. as someone who works in the derivatives and distressed commercial real estate markets, I will assure you, that turning 1 billion dollars into 5 billion dollars is a casino odd. let alone maybe 10 or 20 million dollars.. this man knows how to work people over, build relations and build real estate. those task's create jobs and build friendships and unity. WORLD PEACE MEANS EVERYONE BECOMES FRIENDS.. AND THOSE FRIENDS ELIMINATE THOSE STILL OUTSIDE THE ROOM.. can you follow yet?

tomorrow if you gave me a billion dollars and then said i have to run for president in 3 years when i'm 35, i'd probably tell you to fuck off. being president is the worst fucking job ever.
trump took that job, having all that shit and freedom already. i bet you wouldn't, you'd ask bernie to run. fucking clown.

It's actually respect that is portrayed not subservience. People that are actually personally offended and embarrassed by someone else bowing are ignorant republitards with sick pathologies about what masculinity is. They're the same guys that cross dress on the weekends and then complain about Obama looking weak or some shit.
Even if two countries use the "kingdom system" executives and basic politicians bow to royalty. Even royalty bows to royalty. It's respect like I said. For some reason people like you feel like your dick is put in a cage when you see a man bowing, why is that?

In highschool I had a nigger coworker who said this exact same shit. He's in prison now.

Arming the Saudis isn't lip service. I had no problem with the Saudi theatrics and glad-handing of other political leaders by the President, but the arms deal and the reaction to it (WOO MUH JOOOOOBS!) is absolutely revolting. The "right wing" American retard has been fully re-energized. Anything Trump does regardless of the outcome is seen as winning by these dopes. I'm holding my breath for the visit to Israel.

This is what plebbitors actually believe.

You have to go back…

I haven't read any of the details of the arms deal but on the surface I don't like giving the Saudis weapons.

general dynamics 6billionish
lockheed 28billionish
raytheon is building a missile defense system not sure on the dollar ballpark.. but they are all estimates based off word i've gotten from those over there.

Get out, you fucking anti-Semite.

So you're implying if Trump doesn't respect the Saudi King (and by your terminology doing so is equivalent of pinching them in the face) it'll radicalize the muslims and its bad for America? What happened to not negotiating with terrorists; terrorists through action, and by your own terminology.
14/88D chess by selling arms to terrorists right, yea I'm sure its all a secret plan to usurp ISIS leadership and put all their American sponsored training to use against Israel. Empty claims as usual, cuckfag.
whew lad. I'm fresh off the plebbit boat : the post.
You really type like one too, huh big guy. Do you feel in charge? You absolutist Trump cocksuckers should know then he made a lot of his money on name brand alone - Trump hotels, Trump vodka, Trump water, and Trump square in Las Vegas from one of the buildings he invested in. Hardly real estate, and completely irrelevant.
>this man knows how to work people over, build relations and build real estate. those task's create jobs and build friendships and unity.
Like the globalist agenda word to word you subhuman, retarded boomer cuck? Get the fuck off my board and back to Facebook you old sack of shit, Holla Forums doesn't want literal jews with a picknick blanket wrapped around their heads as FRIENDS, we don't want anyone but WHITE people as "friends", NOR can you get SHITSKINS to ALLY with you to genocide all those that aren't you FUCKING SPERG. This is why you inferior subhumans bombed all those other places for ZOG, " eliminate those still outside the room " bahahaha, give me a brake, faggot. Capped and straight into my cuck folder.

when you walk into a room, you've never met anybody b4. your looking at outside influence.

The fuck are you conveying, subhuman?
Fuck off back to what ever shithole you craweled from, fucking RETARD.

Nobody's friendlier than your Greatest Ally™. :^)

I really wish king nigger hadn't handed out all those obongo phones.

oh and for the record, your a tiny fucking minority, and you need to build some friends if your gonna get out of that spot. there are way less whites on this planet than browns. especially us with blue eyes you nigger. i work from home and have an office in nj that i connect to via vpn. ya i do feel big. i was born in 85, enjoy highschool. its now filled with niggers taking your girl. green texting to look fancy like a newfag. i aint got time for capitals. dow futures ticking up at 20623. going higher. gotta run kid.


Nice nigger tech.

My tiny minority what? Speak English and I might take you half serious, subhuman.
What spot? You're awfully ominous for such big boy words there champ, and if you're implying king sandcoons are going to help against White genocide, which is Holla Forumss only bad "spot" then you're fucking delusional, but judging from your past claims that isn't a secret.
Adress my points, retard. Because you did so much to stop it, yes. The future belongs to us and all you subhuman "big guys" traitor, absolutist boomer scum are going to the chopping block too. You'll see how right wing death squads deal with you mystery meat subhuman for being outside of our "friendship zone".

tfw you try to take over Trump's mind with your magic orb and Trump overpowers you and takes control of your mind instead.

What's even going on there?

Isis doesn't hold territory in Ethiopia

sure is

No shit, nobody is denying that Chaim. It's brilliant that he managed to turn his name into such a profitable brand through nothing but promotion. Not everyone can conjure money out of nothing like that, it's a skill not an accident.

But a Palantír is a dangerous tool, the lost seeing stones are not all accounted for, we don't know who could be watching!

What the fuck happened to Holla Forums? Like 90% of what you niggers call 'muh 4dchess' is literally politics 101. There should be a requirement to finish middle school before posting here.

Nor lose as much either. Do you know the number of Trump's venues that failed to go anywhere but to Bankruptcy Land? More than 50% of them. Do you know that thehumanoid Cheetoh basically operates on a strawman/frontman basis? Because everyone operating that way can easily conjure lots of money out of nothing like that.

Funny fact of the day: The vast majority of academics and experts in Economy, Finance, Administration and Management consider the Trump a very mediocre businessman at best, and his record proves it. But you dick appraisers already knew this, didn't you?

I hope Donald Trump knows what he's dealing with. Sunni Muslims only use a different aspect of the same pantheon the Jews employ, forces which want to see the unreality of everything and breaking down of all that is whole and good.

2/10 made me reply.


Should we be bowing down to Queen ants you fucking sperg? Kill yourself