There's no one for me to relate to! What will little white boys play with!

Meanwhile minorities have no problem relating to the literal thousands of white characters (Neo, Frodo, Jon Snow, Jack Shephard, Luke Skywalker, Batman). Couldn't hurt to relate to someone different than you for once.


If they have no problem relating to them, why do they keep bitching how badly they are underrepresented?

Checkmate, communists.


It's sad that these movies are made to make easy money while at the same time to destroy the previous SW universe and lore. If the rumors are true (like the force tree and the force ghosts can be killed) then it's literally a live version of the Legend of Korra.

Why would I want to relate to someone genetically inferior to me?

Because Marxx told you you need to hate your own race for the greater good.


Big if true.

It couldnt be that they are bad actors playing bad characters who are destroying Star Wars.

It's the great replacement theory applied to movie franchises.
It's not enough that MuhReySue is stronger and more powerful than any other character, she also has to use the lightsaber that was made by Luke's father.

Yeah, whitey, why do you expect a series created by a white man from a country founded by white men in a language created by white men using technology invented by white men to make a film trilogy which starred two white men to have any white men as the main characters?


Now accept being culturally dispossessed and demonized.

This tbh. Just because Hollywood isn't as white as cum anymore doesn't mean it's "white genocide" or whatever you spergs believe in.

Back to your containment board.


I'm actually a lean-conservative, but whatever. Just screech more about da joos, I'm sure it will make people support your cause.


Yeah fuckoff, I'm sure you have a bunch of gifs of commie monuments getting destroyed too.

forgot to sage


You are lukewarm and I spit you out.

Anakin Skywalker is still a better character than all three of those jokers and kylo ren combined

Damn…for all the shit he got…thats actually true.

So anyways guys.

Who the hell is that Asian Girl on the right and why does her hair look like Cindy Lou Who?

ftfy son

You literally created this thread on 4chan Holla Forums too. Fuck off back there.

Why couldn't africans invent the wheel or arithmetic?


Will this bravado filmmaking ever be topped? Honestly gives me goosebumps.

Took me a moment to remember who this was, Who even remembers Lost? All talk and acclaim pretty much ended the instant the finale ended. And who would view that crybaby bitch as a relatable role model?

There a white boy in the middle

My god, every time I see his fucking face I can not get over how offensively ugly this nigger is. They had all the niggers in hollywood and they decided to go with one of the more hideous ones?
On the other side, this is one of the only images I've seen that manages to make mouth of sauron look like a normal person and actually attractive.

I get so sick of these sarcastic OPs.

The lackluster response hasn't been because of their race, it's because they hired ugly actors and gave them boring, uninteresting personalities. And it's like with anything. If there's a market and 99% of it's customers are a single demographic, attacking that demographic, insulting them and tearing them down because you assume they'll just take your abuse and keep giving you money is incredibly idiotic. You're not going to make the other demographics that never cared about the product start caring because you've injected ideology into it, all you've done is inject poison into your series.

Besides, this trilogy is decidedly a failure. Two of the characters people watched the first one for are now dead, either because the character is or the actor is. I guarantee much smaller returns for this next one. All of the characters have been poorly received. The toys and video games are all selling like complete shit. Daisy Ridley's already said in several interviews she's done after the trilogy, so either she knows her character's dying in the third one, or she wants out of the horrible series and knows it's going somewhere worse. She probably loathes that she's become an international meme for ugliness and she'll be remembered as having killed Star Wars.

Hahaha, wrong image.

But they don't, and I thought the point of adding diversity was so that 'minorities' could have someone to relate to?

Nah, that's assuming that she thinks rationally like a man and has concepts like shame and pride. It's just a paycheck to her, she doesn't give a shit.

but she is a man, albeit a mentally ill one

researchers already proved white children who play with white toys grow up to be white supremacists, white toys should be considered nazi propaganda & banished.

Considering Anna Gun (Skyler White, from Breaking Bad) went into a mental breakdown from being considered a massive cunt due to her role I wouldn't be surprised.
This poor girl might be terrified she will forever be known as Rayce Mixer, the figurehead for a franchise that's being milked for every last shekel the kikes think they can get out of it.

Nah its because of their race and many people increasingly becoming extremely right wing and tribal and the jews keep fanning the flame because they think they are blowing it out and don't understand the concept that more wind = more flames.

the fire rises

Thinking about it that way, it almost makes me feel sad thinking that some innocent girl who just wanted to act (but couldn't) was chosen by some kikes to be their tool for killing a series.

Never feel sorry for someone who's taking home millions upon millions of dollars to read lines and kill a beloved franchise.

Most in Hollywood are quite fragile. I'm kind of surprised there aren't more celebrity suicides.

There's no reason shitty nonessential jobs like actors should ever get paid more than chefs or engineers, that shit makes me mad.


To jews, yes. To objective society functioning, no.

Eh, it's the market. It doesn't bother me too much even if the product is shit because people are willing to pay it. It stands to reason they'd make more money than an engineer because what they're doing has a much higher rate of return. Nothing an engineer can do is going to make a group of people billions of dollars, but a movie can.

The problem is because these actors aren't working very hard and yet are making a ton of money they have no concept of hard work and this makes them feel "the system is broken".

I still say the solution is very simple, voluntary progressivism. Just enact a law that if you publicly identify as a leftist, progressive, democrat, communist or socialist you will be taxed accordingly. Imagine, every celebrity in Hollywood having to choose between denouncing leftism or being taxed 100% and having their mansions given to poor people.

It's not about money, it's about the real tangible value that is provided to society. Medical industry, food industry, engineering industry are all things that give real value to people and allow you to live your life every day. Hollywood provides made up fake value that kikes say it's worth and that's only because it's a nonessential function that can be turned into propaganda. If kikes could have used electricians and plumbers to spread propaganda, they wouldn't need the entertainment industry, which is their propaganda machine.

Fuck off.


How does this tie into seizing the means of production again?

Nobody actually cares about 'relating' to anyone you fucking dolt, we aren't women
We just don't want to see niggers on our goddamn TV sets

I can relate to this.

And niggers. Remember Chris Rock went on a self-righteous rant because he and some other nigger entertainers lived in a neighborhood with a Dentist who was white. And he was “just” a Dentist to him.

I relate as well, but I don’t care

Excuse me Sir/Madam/user


Provides an invaluable service to the community. It may not be easy to measure. But matters of emotion soul and spirit are usually not. Unfortunately. NuStarwhores aint Kino.

9 out 10 chances it was a jew who was shekel farming at the expense of the "schwartzes".

hush only corporate marxists now

That pisses me off. A dentist is worth 1000 wastes of oxygen working in the entertainment industry.

Holy shit Holla Forums are you retarded?

Not sure if you're projecting or just stupid.

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

Are you?

What do you mean white communists pretend they are not white all the time as if their belief in their false god of equality will save them from the niggers and third world scum they protect.

Then they should make their own movie trilogy and stop shoehorning into already established ones.

Isnt that how at least half of Holla Forums threads start now doe. With unironic irony?


lmfao at the second one

dubs of truth.

voluntary progressivism would kill the left in the west hehe

I like that, let the leftists all pay for the tax hikes they say they want so much, and have it be opt in, so normal people aren't paying for their bullshit like welfare and social security.

Is that why they never stop bitching about it lmao

Guys I only responded the first time.

Who doesn't, all communism and its (((progenitors))) need to be wiped off the face of the earth, pic related

Every time you post a picture like this, Holla Forums collectively sheds a tear.

sad 😏

They shed a tear every time mommy runs out of chocolate milk. I think it's all the estrogen.

I forgot you guys liked him

What did the transsexual mean by this?

In their mind Hillary Clinton won the US presidency as well… They are mentally unbalanced.

I'm with her.

I was surprised that was the best slogan they could muster, I always thought that sounds really infantile like those "I'm with stupid shirts".

"I believe that she will win" was terrible, too. And "Pokemon GO to the polls". All of their memes were just bad.

They where so smug, so self assured, and then we got to see it all come tumbling down.

and now you see the truth of Holla Forums

follow the white rabbit Neo

The day after the election was like Christmas morning for trolling.


hillary won the moral victory.

Remember the current year of our lord 2015?

They though they rum evvverything


looking back on it. dark times, but good times, great time to be

lots of nostalgia thinking back on that year

Isn't that exactly what cuckservatives say everytime they're voted out for some lesbian mulatto?

Do you mean like the honorable Danica Roem from the 13th District of the state house of Virginia?

Perhaps, if cuckservatives actually did poorly in recent years, but the democrats have been so big on bashing everything white and focussing all their attention on shitskins and trannies that the elephant now controls every federal governing body and a lot of governorships in blue states.
The only thing they've had to do is basically not look completely insane like their dem counterparts.

The left grew too complacent. They were untouchable for so long they started to atrophy. They don't even try and fight back. Just yell "racist" and "sexist" and throw tantrums because that's what they're used to doing to get their way.

That's terrifying. Looks like They Might Be Giants in drag.

black people are constantly complaining that they need black police officers to police them and black teachers to teach them, but it's whites that shouldn't be allowed to have these preferences. fuck off idiot

In some ways they became too good at propaganda, calling someone racist used to be the greatest insult the media could hurl at you, now noone bats an eye.
Obama winning was like the a milestone for them, "if we can get a black man elected, what could ever stop us?", so much so that they started drinking their own kool-aid, where at first you had savvy democrats calling people racist purely for political gain while actually having a platform outsdide of it, they actually started to believe it and made it their mantra, turning themselves into a massive joke.
If it wan't for america's racial guilt and war weariness, Obongo wouldn't have been elected to begin with.

Why do commies even want collective ownership so much?


To be fair a lot of those guy worked 60 hours a week or more for shitty pay back in the day. So. Screw piggy amirite?


Why should someone get rich? Most people get rich by value transference aka stealing.

I think it's a white-person thing of being uncomfortable with what they see as injustice and unfairness. The problem is these commie kids are brainwashed since birth into seeing evil whitey behind everything. These commies take their college courses and all the white people they see are like them: purple-haired anti-racist activists with Bad Religion stickers on their fixies. "Surely it's not me who is oppressing all these minorities and poor people," the commie thinks. "It must be porky exploiting their labor. After all, what else could possibly explain all these criminal blacks raping each other?"
It's just another way to feel good about hating daddy.

keep oinking for porky reddipol!

oink oink!


they don't, what they really want is the same kind of power that the bolsheviks had in the Soviet Union. What they don't get is that founders never survive the first purge.

Stop being antisemitic.
also you probably shouldn't bring up "oinking" since your BO's sextape dropped.

Your lack of real world experience and knowledge of history is just so gosh darn adorable.


*snouts for truffles behind you


Completely disregarding the argument and pretending to be a pig, very fitting for your kind.

She sure sounds like she's a real actor. Very discerning. Totally not just after easy $$$.

You actually believe Hollywood and their lies?
Is this why all studios are being bought off by the Chinese?
Star Wars lost massively based on toy sales alone.
And then there's the business of changing directors for the second movie.

the only reason the Chinese even eat this shit is because Mao though that things such as Religion, Culture, and Fun were bad and murdered them out of China. The moment the Chinese start reclaiming their actual culture pre-communist is the moment that this leftist bullshit starts to fall to pieces as the Chinese suddenly won't start eating the same shit as before. Of course it'd be faster to simply wait for the heat death of the universe than for the Chinese to get their culture back.

Is George Soros a porky by Holla Forums standards?
You love your porky meme, but I never see commies drop actual names.

Actually George has a non white wife so don't start kvetching about how he is "le ourguy" you racist little cuck. George despises the white race and so do I.the fact of the matter is if you are a straight white male in a homogeneous relationship then you are not supposed to enjoy star wars. End of discussion.

Who says they didn't? I findit funny that nu/pol/ has this philosophy where any piece of historical evidence that goes against their narrative can be discarded like an aborted foetus being thrown in the trash but they lap shit like ancient ayyryans up without any proof because it validates their beliefs. It is so retarded and you really aren't any better than "da lefties" the cognitive dissonance is palpable on both sides.

Wrong. I am a enlightened left wing race realist. That's right…I went there.

Stay butthurt laddio

Might as well rename it Diversity War.

So do you agree that gypsies are subhuman trash that only beg and steal?

the fake Negress is actually surprise surprise a jew!

(citation needed)



Don't forget how envious they are at Christopher Columbus either.

Harry Potter was kino

Little white boys should be entertaining themselves with decent white films, not those filled with inferiors and propaganda.

gypsies aren't a race, gypsies are a profession, like beggers

The board isn’t the BO of Holla Forums‘s dick, friend.

They are trash but jews are worse. It's like William Pierce said about how gypsies are bad but at least they aren't manipulative shits that get you to do their dirty work for them. The gypsies are a trashy scummy race but they are way more manageable than jews.


The merchandising for the new star wars movies is a disaster from what I heard.

But Porgmania is runnin wild brother.

When she found out the jews wanted to giver her to the nigger as part of her contract, she fucked off.


God fucking help us. I hope they stop making this garbage before then…

Does this mean if I want to buy my son a toy if I get him Star Wars shit it has to have a female character?

How is this shit fair?

Literally a billion times worse than the prequels

Due to dropping standards this is entirely correct, in fact it will get far worse until a replacement for (((hollywood))) is made.

Capitalism, communism or any other jewish merchant spawned political ideology, doesn't matter, it's all the same shit.

If all races are equally relatable to all others, why did they force so many non-whites into these crappy movies?

I guess blacks, asians, and spics can't relate to characters unless they are black, asian, or a spic?

Stay BTFO OP, you massive, massive fag.