How do we save him, Holla Forums?

How do we save him, Holla Forums?

What does he even mean?

he cant be saved OP

…let him go


Why would you want to save him?

Kill yourself, disgusting fat fuck.

In fact, we should probably help him by making sure her kicks the bucket faster.

You shouldn't have downed that XXL milkshake in one chug, boogie.

You don't.

What happened?

The two most probable scenarios:
1. the cuck insults have finally broken him
2. his health has gone completely, and he's suffered a heart attack like Sean Fausz did

It's the consequences of being a manipulative piece of shit ("I'm just a poor obese guy who is against bullying, gibs money pls").
His wife wants to divorce, she asked him to not talk about it online but he lost his shit during a livestream on Twitch.

So fucking what? I had a heart attack last month. I am not begging for gibs. I know it was my fault for smoking and not exercising.

Why should this fucking parasite get jack shit? Render him down into clean burning lamp oil and be done with it.

Boogie is a beloved (borderline nation treasure) YT personality, you fatshaming asshole!

This guy has over four million subscribers. He gets around 50k from yt every month. If he wanted to lose weight he could do it in no time. Just throw some money at doctors, trainers and nutritionists.

Why do people watch him and how does he get that many subs and money? He is a fat retard….oh, wait, this is America.

Do you guys have a link to his stream where he lost his mind? I've heard that he deleted the VOD.

Why is he such a fat fuck?
Jesus just stop fucking eating and you wont be fat anymore. Why fat retards cant understand this?

I haven't heard about this one. The last thing of his I saw was that clip where his wife divorces him on stream.


Boogie can fucking die in his own dorito mountain dew vomit for all I care.

What the fuck is this fat jew talking about? Do people actually watch this?

Apparently there are people who watch him unbox Funko Pop shit, Magic and Pokemon packs of cards on Twitch.

He's a big guy.

What was he saying before that made his wife mad?

Cow farming in America