Burger King Flamin' Hot Mac n' Cheetos - Food Review

Will it be the hottest dish to grace Burger King's menu?

he has a very punchable face


what the fuck? kill yourself you piece of shit there's not a hateable bone in his body

I'm a little bit jealous

I wish reviewbrah was my friend. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to pack into his car and drive twenty miles to go buy some new burger and just bullshitting the entire ride?

I can user ;_;


No, I hate most people. I genuinely like reviewbrah.

It's hard not too. I don't know why. I want to hate reviewbrah to be different, and keep looking for excuses to hate him, but I can't. I… just… can't

The elements are all there. The contrived clothing, the affected speech, the low camera quality

It's all there

But somehow he fails to make you angry.

you could try making yourself believe he's an abusive normalfag playing a character


nigger detected



Maybe he's just genuine?

That's exactly why he's so unhatable.

he walked in on me sucking a guy's dick in a fish joint one evening.

i knew he saw what was going on but he went to the bathroom normally and nonchalantly while trying to pretend he didn't notice. very aloof type of person. i started making louder sucking noises to see if he would break character.

nothing else happened. he then left. that's the whole story.


Leftypol BO spotted and reported for ban evasion.

fuck you nigger

I know that feel

FAS match made in heaven.

I don't care that it's reviewbrah, I wish he'd re-enable the counter for how much he makes a month

he's become a sneaky fucker. the merch rubbed me the wrong way too, since he's always pretending to be a stupid sad sack of shit for sympathy.

loved him in the 'golden era' of 2014, but he changed

It's disappointing. I'd still donate to him knowing he's probably making 5000+ a month just because his youtube gig can't last that long anyway, but there's no excuse for this. It's a complete scumbag thing to do.

Everything's there but the chin.

It's called being genuine, and not using buffyspeak.
YouTubers who resist the urge to do the above are rare. I respect Reviewbrah because I know that buzzfeed would never hire him unless he agreed to ditch the suits and snort an entire bowl of coke.

Listen to his shortwave program. It's like enjoying an hour with a friend.

>Stop making money! it's hurting my feelings!

BK has better nuggets and fries than MCdonalds

found the autistic women haters ironic

I unironically like Reviewbrah and don't hate women.

Thats okay then

Their vegetarian burgers are better too. 👌

is it bad I would be more inclined to donate to someone only getting 500$ a month than I would for someone making $60000?

Never had one I usually get a crispy chicken if I get a sandwich.