What the fuck

What the fuck



That's Freakazoid's arch nemesis



interstellar ripped off star trek confirmed

What's the problem? He looks like your average Final Fantasy bad guy







Khan knew how to treat bitches

You mean candleja-


not bad for a pajeet.


Wow, Candlejack has gotten so fast, he grabs people before they're done saying his-

Butterflies and moths are pretty chill tbh.
Not like creepy spiders and centipedes.

How old was the dude when this aired? Pecs and triceps are pretty impressive for a 60-something year old. I believe he was even fitter than in the TV episode.

I loved this episode but I still can't get over the fact that Kirk wins the fight against Khan without even exhausting himself fully and beats him unconscious with a fucking piece that looked like plastic.

Also, if the Eugenic Wars were in the 90s, that means that Khan must have been born arround the 60s, the time when this show was filmed. Did they ever explain that?

Spiders aren't creepy, they are my bros. They keep my house clean from other insects and make nifty looking webs.

Holy shit, Ive always thought that bug Gandalf spoke to was fiction.

What's really confusing is that Voyager episode where they travel back in time to the 90's.

Well it's obvious they had to push the date into the future as they always claimed to be our real timeline. I see nothing wrong when TV shows do stuff like that, there is no need for some mental acrobatics to explain inconsistencies caused by the passing of time, like that stupid explanation they made up to explain the differently looking Klingons in TOS.

Reminds me of Bethesda turning an exotic Cyrodiil into a generic European medieval fantasy scenario, and explaining it with utter bullshit like "Talos changed it so people could use agriculture" instead of outright admitting that they've changed their minds.