CNN Admits Comey Memo was 'Deep State' Revenge


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Isn't Trump about to make a speech or some shit?

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Related article:
CNN Brazenly Suggests the 'Deep State' is Responsible for Memogate Revenge Against the President


President Trump Holds a Joint Press Conference with President Santos

Starting now

Wew. Make a thread I'm at work.

When are we going to start hanging these traitors? I'm getting kinda tired of this shit.

On live television, these people tell their viewers that spooks are actively trying to sabotage and blackmail the President of the United States and present it as a good thing.

I don't think he's sleeping well. Take our energy, Trump. How else will you lead us in the Purge?

Well CNN is CIA, so they're bragging.

Jesus tapdancing Christ

What the fuck.

She really doesn't look human, I'm going to go play some xcom for a while.

schumer said the same months ago

If you've been to Atlanta you'll know CNN has Langley-tier security. Gee, wonder why.

Cool, when we have the televised trial like they did with Eichmann we can play these clips.

just a ploy to convince people they aren't on the same team. trump is and always was their guy. it's all a bad act. how people go from believing elections are preplanned and voting doesnt matter to thinking their vote caused an upset just because msm told them it did is beyond me. this has all been planned for years

Remember when the concept of the "deep state" was a fringe conspiracy theory?

It's really activating something, isn't it?

How's that quote go "Once the American people are telling the lies as truth and the truth as lies, then we have won".


Yeah. Funny stuff, that.

All I have learned from this is the people who make up the deep state have the competency and emotional intelligence of an h.r. manager.


Believe it or not, sometimes jews fight jews. Our opposition are not a unified front.

This along with Chucky Boy Schumer basically threatening Trump on Dyke Maddow's show is one of the ways I was able to convince some people that the intelligence community is full of shit. That and the WMD from years ago. These idiots can't help but toot their own horn.

When someone answers that question with "Today" and fucking does something about it.

Reminder: Killing randoms does nothing. Rally troops or you'll never have a chance.

Hold on a minute, he sent a letter to Comey politely asking him, NOT FORCING, polite asking to put the Flynn thing down and that somehow makes him some evil tyrant that wants to silence everyone?

Time magazine truly has become a joke.

There wasn't even a letter stupid. The bullshit rumor is that Comey wrote a memo as "insurance" in case he got fired. Too bad he's going to federal prison for not reporting it if he actually tries to move froward with that.

Trump said in a dinner "Flynn is a good man, treat him fairly".

CNN is desperately cutting the feed of everyone on air who slightly don't go into the democrat narrative. I even saw some alphabet-soup bootlicker getting kicked because he said it would do harm to an investigation if congress got involved with polticizing it… Not even a blink from the presenters as they cut him live on air…

They don't even put pro-Trump panellists anymore, just entirely fake propaganda and hysteria building. The entire thing is so "Orwellian" it's way past scary, to the point that even their pannelists can't keep this up for long unless they are heavily into being blackmailed… Fun thing is, polls release today showed Trump's approval rating growing, although they were in an all-time low, 43%, in the one before it…

Got a link to that happened? Doesn't surprise me, I just like to keep tabs on all the times that this has happened. Shit's crazy.
Also, I have to wonder what CNN's ratings are like these days. Are they growing, similar to how Colbert is getting popular just by going up and yelling DRUMPF every night for an hour? Or is their fake news autistic screeching getting so hysterical that even normies are tuning out en masse?

The NYT doesn't even know that much, they are reporting on a selected part of a memo read by a Comey aid over the phone.

Also to add in the Comey testimony on May 3 he explicitly stated that no one tried to interfere with ongoing investigations for political reasons.

I must have missed it but what exactly was the most recent thing that Coalburner did, other than dictating to his audience that they should be upset about Comey?

The average U.S.American voter couldn't recognise the actual Kremlin. This cathedral is an icon and gets the point across.


looks like im gonna be diverting some more of my prayer/spiritual/placebo energy towards trump. he has to be getting sick of the shit. i cant imagine him not changing into something more deadly towards our enemies. they just keep pushing him

I just meant in general. Colbert's ratings have been sky-high since Trump took office, because he's suddenly relevant again and gets to have a bunch of "resistance" libcucks watch him religiously for their daily fix of "DRUMPF BTFO HOW WILL HE EVER RECOVER"

And they still decided to show a picture that's a 1:1 depiction of the kremlin… except the crosses. They were purposefully photoshopped out. doesn't that seem even the slightest bit strange to you?

So CNN just acknowledged that there is a "Deep State" organization. Any ideas on who there people are? What gives them the right to control the US? Can they be doxed? Where are they located? 7th Floor? Throw me a bone.

user, I…
"the deep state" is literally just the kosher term for ZOG

CNN always had low ratings, their biggest show got half the viewers than FOX…

There is no link to it, only an article by alphabet-soup outlet "NYT" about hearsay from a supposed Comey memo that shows nothing illegal. It's pure smear and to add "momentum". Must be said that if there was any attempts of "obstruction of justice" and Comey didn't report it immediately, he commited a criminal act, punished by some years in jail. Again, this is pure bullshit…

This, well said. The "deep state" is not some organisation or agency. Its the (((elite network))) itself.

Anyone who voted Trump knows exactly whats going on. All the MSM have done is proven us and to the liberals that we were right.

We accepted the fact that Trump wasn't perfect (skilled bullshiter) before we voted for him but pounding us with fake news isn't going to change our 2020 vote.


How long must we wait until all the traitors are swinging from lampposts?

It's a specific arm of Zog that isn't the media, entertainment, medical industry, court system, etc. It specifically refers to the intelligence community working behinds the scenes of the executive branch to exert executive level control over the nation. Yes, it is a part of Zog, but to say "it's just another word for Zog" is false, it has a specific meaning.

Strange? It screams KIKE all over the magazine.

Pretty sure they already got cleared out of there early on.

Hitler was right. From a lost user who was redpilled and has lurked for at least a year.