Best Movies Where the Nazis Are the Bad Guys?

Holla Forums, what are the best movies where the Nazis are the bad guys? I don't think there are any movies where the Nazis are the good guys, because let's be honest, the Nazis were assholes everyone is glad are dead except for a few edgy LARPers who are closeted homosexuals.

All of the indiana jones movies.

check the Fiction section


how's your BOs throat?

Jack Benny To Be or Not To Be is pretty good, and was made during the war so it’s interesting the direction they go in. The Mel Brooks one is okay, but it’s a bit too overwrought and my mom got scared and said “you’re moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.”

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said “Fresh” and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cav was rare but I though “Nah forget it, yo holmes to Bel-Air!”

I pulled up to a house around 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie “Yo holmes, smell ya lata!” Looked at my Kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne ias the Prince of Bel-Air.”

Someone needs to break into your house and murder you. Shut the fuck up you autistic retarded faggot.

The first and last Indiana Jones movies are fantastic and feature Nazi villains.

The Nazis gassed my grandmother six times. Then they shot her in the skull and cremated her and made her into a bar of soap that Himmler used to wash his asshole. She was the only person in her family who survived.

What do you mean by """"nazis""""?

Inglorious Bastards. There's a secret message near the end of the film.

The nazis were some pretty cool guys


Hitler was a golem.

Nah, you call everyone who disagree with you """nazi""", if you mean national socialist then say so.

The movie you're looking for is The Greatest Story Never Told. It shows just how much evil the bad guys in WWII were capable of committing.

Really makes you think, almost like the far left is a controlled group of mental midgets being used by the jews to do their dirty work.

Just the far left? The liberals and cuckservatives are the same.

Liberals arn't the far left though, that's commies, anarchists and the other flavors of antifa faggots, same way the far right isn't the conservatives.
Used to be that most people could be classified as either con or lib in america, but with the downfall of society they've been experiencing the last decades it's only natural that the extremes become more popular alternatives.

I meant that they are the same as in they are all tools of the judaic elite.

Indianna Jones.

You may like Inglorious Basterds, its a jew propaganda but nazis are the bad guys, so you may like it

I was going to suggest that one as the Nazis are the good guys

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull. Apparently Soviets are Nazis too…

Temple of Doom portrays Nazi atrocities at Bergen Belsen the most accurately. My grandfather had his heart ripped out and was pushed into lava. He always teared up thinking of the ones who didn’t make it.

There are only three Indiana Jones movies, friend.

Reminder that Hitler said that Indians aka Mexicans are aryans.
