
how many times was she gassed by Mengele personally?
what font and ink color did they use in her personalized id tattoo? (Germans really cared about identifying people about to be gassed and burned out of existence)

what's your favorite Taylor Swift music video?

Holocaust fiction is honestly creative af. Give me good holocaust porn and I'm a good goy for weeks!


But did she escape the masturbation machines tho?

My great-grandfather was twelve when He learned of “Oskar Soup.” Named for Oskar Groening, the notorious SS guard recently jailed. The Nazis would take some of the excess burning fat bodies from the fires at Auschwitz -there was more than they could need - and heat up the swimming pool with them until it boiled. It was so hot the bubbling would scald flesh. Then they would get twenty barrels, and place a Jewish prisoner in each one. They had a great big ladel that needed two guards to move, and with it they would ladel the hot water onto the men.

My great-grandfather and the other boys would have to sing to mask the sounds of the screams, and the Nazis would use the water to pump into the showers

I feel like Jews get off to writing stuff like this. When I read about masturbation machines and death roller coasters I get this vibe the writer had his dick in his other hand while writing it.

Fuck off, kike

OyVey. Another shoah in the comments.

it happened EXATCLY BECAUSE IT WAS UNBELIEVABLE, retards! the nazi regime was the most evil in the history of the universe, this is a KNOW FACT agreed by all scientists politicians and doctors in the world.

Fucking assholes, don't joke about this. All 5 of my grandmothers were gassed dozens of times at Treblinka before escaping onto a moving train over the alligator moat.

You think your jewish grannies were though? Mine survived the infamous Arschzerstörer machine and asked for more when they stopped.

My grandmother was put in the cage with the bear and eagle. They ate her and sucked the marrow from her bones. She was lucky to survive.

I have you beat, my jewish grandmother was actually turned into a lampshade and survived.

(((Oh G-d, it's just like great grandpa Moishe who survived 6 gorillion rides on the Auschwitz furnace holocoaster because his ejection seat broke every time!)))

shut the fuck up. How many times do the mods have to spell it out for you: the rule on Holla Forums is self moderation. We don't censor on this board. If people want to talk about something funny on twitter and make fun of leftist cunts infighting then that's their prerogative. Fuck off to reddit.

It really is some creative shit.
The roller coaster story alone could be fleshed out into a running joke in a sitcom.


So you are saying this is some sort of random board. Perhaps a leftist one since the majority of users identify as such?

One could even call us /leftyb/

Why would she be living in a refrigerator box? Just live in the basement, and you can hide in the box, if the Nazis come knockin. Jesus.

I don't know why but that name is so funny to me.

call it whatever you want. We're a free speech board. Get over it or complain elsewhere.

It's like the Anne Frank thing. How many people were coming in and out of that house that they'd have to play statue all damn day?


prove it, retard

I took a self survey and 95% agree drumf should be impeached.

My grandfather used to tell me of his days in Auschwitz. He told me once of the story of Swing Jude Thursdays. Every second Thursday they would line up certain Jews that they thought were trouble makers. They'd lay them down on the grass and put golf balls in their mouths. Then they'd take out their rifles and tee off on the Jews. Some would bet beers on how far they could drive, but some of the monsters didn't even try and hit the ball. They'd happily smash at the Jew's face, elbows, and genitalia. The Jew was not allowed to scream, for if the ball fell from his mouth, he'd be put on pick-up duty, which is to go and get the balls. Before this, however, they would hobble his ankles and wrists. Pick-up duty was one of the worst punishments you could get, and so the brave Jews would stifle their screams, even as their jaws, eyesockets, and elbows were pulverized to shards. They once teed off on a young Jew girl so hard that her head went flying three hundred metres. Her father, an aged and gentle man, couldn't bare the sight and let out a whimper which dislodged the ball from his mouth. He was put on pick-up duty for his daughter's head.

I can confirm this story, the daughter was my grandmother, she was only 10 at the time.


based Führer

it's not even winter yet and you summerfags are here

95% of the voices in your schizo head?

This reminds of the story my grandfather would tell me. The Germans were testing atomic bombs at Treblinka and they wanted to know what would be the best shelter against one of these weapons. They would put jews in anything that was lying around and tested the blast on them. Cardboard boxes, old Volkswagens, furniture, even mattresses.
My grandfather was put in a led lined fridge and luckily survived. He told his story to Steven Spielberg after the war


There is no hint of embellishment anywhere here.

Legit jew here, from personal experience it's just funny as fuck because we know it didnt happen
But seriously, whenever I see a "my two faddahs were gassed and fed to eachodda, OY VEY" it literally causes me to scream with laughter, i don't know why ,it's so funny

like did you and your dad talk about it being fake on some cold night?

That was supposed to be a joke.
Though at synogauge as a kid I remember them bringing in a "real" holocaust survivor, i think she's dead now, but she didn't mention any of the masturbation machines or her surviving getting gassed multiple times.
I think the average mid-level lesser jew there is a distinction between your friendly neighborhood jew and the ultrakabal elites by the way, we're practically goys except we can move to israel if we please and usually you have like lower-upperclass relatives is semi-redpilled and knows the SIX GORRILLION number is somewhat falsefied.

Do the jews joke about it at all? I always had the feeling there would be self-hating jews who'd try to out-edge each other and praise Hitler when the rabbi had his back turned.

I haven't talked to many of the tribe for a while now but i remember vaguely making jokes about hitler with friends from the synogauge when our parents werenr listening, but that can be just summed up to childish humour. I've seen a few popular jewish comedians joke about it before, just look at Family Guy.

I'm not a self hating jew nor have I known one so idk. Though memeing about the holocaust is extra funny to me because i can OY VEY at goys for doing it and then do it myself to fuck with tbem

Or just look at the vid you just posted

My grand father was at one of the camps. They had great big ash pits. The first prisoner would be given a rake and told to draw a 20 foot swastika in the ash while singing the German National Anthem Mess up one note, or do it out of order, or draw the swastika crooked, and you'd get shot. They'd let you bleed in the ash pit for a while before sending the next prisoner in. He'd have to do the same, except the swastika had to be done with the bloodstained ash. Meanwhile, the first prisoner was loaded into the ash chamber and his ash would later be added to the pits. If you did it right, you'd get a luxurious new room with a pool and tennis team, but it was a trick! That night you'd be taken the gas chamber for a shoah. My grandfather survived and did it twice before he finally escaped

Surprised they showed this on air

Have you ever met one of those ultra orthodox that just didn't like you lesser jews?

I think I'd have to be a millionaire or a political figure to even see them.


nah just go to brooklyn.

Naw they are everywhere. Cracky is literally a Granddaughter of Baron Rothschild. But last I heard she was living with some fat turk and working at BLAWKBUSTA CRAWLEY ROOD. But that was like what six seven years ago? Her bother Alex was online last I checked, had a facebook and would answer questions. He is living a really posh life as I understand it.

My dad if full jewish and legit thinks the hoax happened.
Most jews who moved to the U.S. during the war were very very very secretive about their past with their children. My grandparents would always be extremely vague about their life before moving to the U.S. even thought they came before a year before ww2 occurred. Many of distant relatives had the same situation going on and just recently I saw an interview with Larry David in which he says the same exact thing about his jewish mother.

I constantly want to punch my father in the face because he is a typical jewservative and constantly does jewy things. The jokes they make about the holocaust are less in line of edgy jokes making fun of the fake suffering of jews and more along the lines of oh vey our people survived thousands of years and this is what we get eh.

That's probably exactly what it was considering these disgusting creatures were behind the filth of the Wiemar Republic.

kys kike

you have to do it for me

plot twist: no she doesn't