Movies that exposed capitalism for being oppressive bullshit!

Movies that exposed capitalism for being oppressive bullshit!

Based Walmart selling commie teeshirts and sticking it to the man!

preaching the choir there, OP

yeah We all voted for Hillary and protest Drumphf

Fuck capitalism

unironically this movie, pics related


Only retards think capitalism has worked out well.

It's cute the way you neo-Nazis try to pretend that corporatism is somehow Marxist or left-wing.

If we are having a mature political discussion, the employment of the terms "left and right" is not even to be entertained in first place.
And in an informal way, corporatism can certainly be ascribed to many popular left-wing views, so much so, most of self-identified left wingers this day and age follow corporate culture as their own and seek validation in huge corporations and its products (like, celebrities).

wtf I like you now

It's not corporations that are leftist, it's nu-leftism that's corporate. American progressives think and say whatever the big international corps want them to. Join the revolution on your iPhone and retweet all the LITest tweets while you relax at Starbucks or eating a Subway after a hard day at work pushing papers. ☭ After that you can spam some cuck porn on one of the few remaining places where people can talk freely in hopes of shutting down discussion.✊ No borders, no nations!

XDDD very funny meme comrade! Le ear rape is da best!! 😂😂



Liberals aren't leftists drumpfkin. Hell people that voted for trump are actual liberals unlike us. Enjoy being a slave of Israel.

Capitalism has worked out pretty well for me.

What's the difference between you and a liberal? Be honest. And I wasn't talking about liberals, they're corporate to the max and don't pretend otherwise. At most you guys are Soros sponsored larpers.

Like a fucking clock.

When will Holla Forums accept that even if the "liberals" aren't by their definition left-wing, they are a direct byproduct of left-wing ideology being applied to college campuses, and by exploiting the corporate world vulnerabilities, trying to stirr a communist revolution? They are the herd of sheep being led by very obvious left-wing intellectuals and scholars.



Capitalism is economic Judaism. But Communism is cultural Judaism. That's why I subscribe to Nationalist Socialism (No, not National Socialism - that was a Corporatist farce with unsustainable economic practices) because it addresses every aspect of the Eternal Jew. Seize the Means of Production AND build strong borders to protect your Blood and Soil.

Also, fuck those Communist yokels that cry about "M-muh Spooks". It's a question of Motivation you Kikelets - if Porky can use "Reactionary"/"idpol" sentiments to get the Working Class to protect a system that is objectively bad for themselves, then we *could* do the same to motivate people to deconstruct Capitalism and establish a system that is objectively good for everyone - but only if you "M-muh Spooks" niggers shut the fuck up and desist your attacks against the things many people hold in highest regard.

how do you plan to solve the problem of economic calculation?

We compose a Council of Elders to decide our goals, and use computers to determine logistics.

Otherwise, I'm fond of the idea of decentralization and expansion of many industries - particularly agriculture.

in other words, you plan to just pretend there is no problem

sounds great

Stop being a brainlet. Your implication is fucking stupid. Please stop mixing up your words, they have definitions, you know.

Well my dude, Capitalist firms use Central Planning all the time. It's just an information problem - because all you're doing is allocating resources to provide everyone a ration. The damn Incan Empire did it with strings.

m8 Holla Forums is always calling nazis sjws and liberals fascists. They don't get to be butthurt when people call them globalist capitalists.

central planning for one firm, not the entire economy

Then why not decentralize the Central Planning? Do it in regional authorities and whatnot.

why not decentralize it all the way and let individuals make decisions for themselves based on their preferences?

I am a hardcore ancap but that actually sounds like it would work okay-ish, a king knows what his subjects need not even a lick, but a mayor has a little understanding and a village elder moreso
given the option I would rather it be this

You were just crying about Socialist inefficiency. Now you propose Capitalism which is itself deplorably inefficient.

Ye. I just want a fundamental rework of our economic dynamic. I want the engine of economy to serve the People - not the other way around.

Anything in BLACKED


Shit dude, there's plenty of examples.

I'm reading right now so it might be a while before I reply. I recommend you read up on the inefficiencies of Capitalism yourself.

Expecting a council of elders to micro-manage a society is fucking dumb. You could at least attach yourself to some other pipe dream like a communist country with money for self organization, but without private ownership of the means of production, or a society run by pajeets playing an MMO managing everything.

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I don't watch films with Ben Muslim lover rapist Affleck.

I didn't say that, yokel. He brought up Socialist inefficiency, so I brought up Capitalist inefficiency, and not once did I say it was bad because of said wastefulness. Capitalism is bad for a whole myriad of other reasons, including wastefulness.

I'm just spitballing ideas about a system that doesn't even exist yet.

what the fuck is the difference between wastefulness and inefficiency?

not achieving maximum productivity; wasting or failing to make the best use of time or resources.
"an old, inefficient factory"

he's using the modern lefts definition of inefficient, where capitalism is bad because he and his friends have to work and aren't promoted just by showing up

Please cry more about le ebil jewish communism, right-wingers, I'm sure if you keep it up you'll finally get a GF and leave your mother's basement.

Corporate marxists are a thing though.

That's Strasserism.

Hit the nail on the head.

Sounds good to me.

"Corporate Marxism" just sounds like "not real capitalism."

It's not my job to educate you, Holla Forumsyp. Go read some Marx ot Zizek you lazy brainlet.

No, your job is supposedly to revolt against capitalism. What have you accomplished so far?

inb4 not real /trannypol/

You commie mental midgets really are the cancer that kills all intelligent discussion.


Daily reminder you can't be off topic if you're trannypol.


You wish.

This board has become a complete and utter joke, the BO just doesn't exist and the mods are all a bunch of Holla Forums faggots, we can only hope that Holla Forums currently collapsing in on itself will make these faggots actually get their shit together.




Max Hardcore got a race change?

Daily reminder you don't get banned for being off topic while also being trannypol.

Holy shit it all makes sense now

Class is a description of social relations to the means of productions, fucking tumblr