Proof of leftypol's degeneracy

For a past couple of weeks there's some certain leftists around that are trying to infest this great board of peace. However they didn't count on a certain other board to expose them. The people of Holla Forums are degenerate pedophile furry traps. This is their logs and may their lives be ruined.


Other urls found in this thread:!po=62.6437 whites SD&source=bl&ots=MRN75j2KMg&sig=r6oy5FuT0Tjre0O_c3NKBn-A5ag&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjY2KCBkafPAhVm5oMKHe3RBVkQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=wais-iv whites SD&f=fals

Jesus christ.

Why haven't they gassed themselves yet?

You already made a thread on this.
No one gives a fuck since we all know leftypol is populated by a couple hundred at most, trannies, numales and shitskins.

Requesting that mods delete these leftypol drama bait threads.

Holy fuck this is great.

Holla Forums detected!

What a fucking lying shill.

from what it looks like, leftypol is trying its hardest to groom 16 year olds.

this much

You tried this before. Its quite clear what you're doing.

Its the same "go to Holla Forums and accuse everyone of being /r/the_donald" bullshit. Go be a worthless faggot somewhere else. }

Requesting that mods delete this leftypol bait raid threads.

Scared Holla Forums?



If its being shilled this hard already it must be juicy.


Sage and reported.

It is never not time to laugh at leftycucks.

Check IDs retard.

fuck off kike

Was there a first one?

OP, you cumdumpster, why the fuck did you make two threads?

Just off yourself faggot. If the suicide rate for trannies is so high, why haven't you just become another statistic?
Fuck off Holla Forums


You shouldn't have poked the bear

it gets worse.



The only thing missing are self induced chastity cages.


I'll post some epic le gems ;^) from the lot since nobody should have to dig through 110 caps of degeneracy

My favorite is
This is especially hilarious to me since I used to sit in on classes with subs and use the names of lesser-known 3rd Reich figures and claim it was my name. I'd go to Spanish classes and claim to be "Reinhard Heydrich" or something. I even got away with "Erwin Rommel".

Every time someone says this, I can't help but imagine a look of desperation and worry on their faces. Like, as they look around the room, they're trying to affirm a position through consensus.

Even if "we all know" this, the point of imageboard culture is to keep information in circulation. That's why we churn out memes like nothing else- repetition is in our fucking blood. Every time someone tries to use the "consensus bias" argument, they out themselves as not being from here.

Go the fuck back to SomethingAwful, you pinko faggot. While you're at it, check these digits.

B-b-b-but if we keep repeating the information then how will Holla Forums be able to make us forget how pathetic all commie scum are?!

They're all underage b& and literally mentally ill

Kindly an hero

That was on one hand hilarious but on the other disturbing as hell. And that's coming from a Holla Forumsack who doesn't even bat an eye at gore and footage of people being sadistically tortured to death. The worst part was the teenage dipshit I have to assume they convinced into posting that shit of himself. That is gonna bite him in the ass years down the line when it turns up.

I know how these things work at this point, it's a pack of jailbait kids with a few older freaks posing as one of them encouraging it and running the cult. All they had to do was appeal to teenage attention needs and make them feel special to get all the free trap pics they wanted.

Hahahahahahahaha, oh /leftypol.

Natyasha from Holla Forums, they're from France and their powername is Steve Schiklgruber

Wait were the trap pics CP? Will Holla Forums be getting deleted for CP distribution?

Oh wow.

Of course they're degenerates.

I often ask why does leftypol even exist? Leftards have the rest of the internet, why the fuck do they need another cockroach nest on 8ch

They're jews


Sympathy = Deleted

With how high quality the camera was I'm fairly positive the kid was a teen so yeah thats CP. Give it a little longer it'll turn into an actual distrubtion point for CP so if you wanted to say, give a friendly and worried tip to the FBI they'd kinda have to take it seriously since they're convincing minors to do shit like that and then upload it everywhere.

Not only doing Holla Forums a favor but likely saving them from being pulled into child trafficking rings eventually.

Welcome to indoctrination in action. They're becoming insulated into the discord group by the ring masters. Give it enough time they'll run away to a "friend's" place for supposed safety only to never be heard from again.

I'll wait until they have an open trap thread then archive it and send it to the FBI. They'll have the logs anyways since Jim is selling us out but at least he'll have an excuse to delete Holla Forums.

Holla Forums faggots have been infesting /k/ too
a19926 is a Holla Forums shill who samefags and has been promoting Marxism in multiple threads

This is a bait thread. Most ITT are from a discord group and their plan is to use these obviously exaggerated pathetically degenerate screen caps [if they're legitimate, still not a surprise] to post here to try and get our attention, for some reason. then accuse everyone in here of being """"Holla Forums"""

It's the same as when we got raided when Trump bombed Syria and they were accusing everyone of being from /r/the_donald

Report this thread.

Fuck off cuck.

Filled with Anime avatars, why the fuck am i not even surprised.



You'd have more weight if they actually were here. Go lurk their shit board sometime you can learn their syntax in no time and I'm not seeing it here. Seriously it's hard to miss their ingrained pendantics and tone of condescension along with a compulsive need to spout party lines while looking down on you. They literally can't hide their power levels.

When will they realize /k/ are essentially proto-technopriests who's allegiance is to whatever nation is currently manufacturing the best firearms and providing the most aesthetic war zones? It's why they're a horrifying amalgamation of SS uniforms and slavshit surplus. The ultimate "function over form" ideology. Also they all hate Marxists for trying to take their guns since they're all actually working class. They have nothing to gain from Marxism, which why it's like 50/50 politically neutral and fascist/crypto-fascist lolbergs there. Uncle Joe memes will never be anything more than memes to them since the Siren's Call of the MG42 has them permanently enticed.

Jesus Christ, this is fucking priceless.

I got more from some other dox some months ago. These are the people who represent left-wing ideologies and they think they have a chance against us


hora hora

Can I get spoonfed, please? My Imgur account is tied to a dead email so I can't download the album. Anyone have it up on Mega?
Should be there anyways for archival.

Reposting from other thread.

Judging by the screencaps they want to see if they can withstand our cockfucking.
Pro-Tip: Nobody can withstand our cockfucking
It really does seem like they just are trying to provoke us to fulfill their fantasies of getting raped by jacked fascists, what the fuck Holla Forums, what the fuck.
Seriously what the fuck. Just go to >>>/cuteboys/ if you're that desperate to get fucked you degenerates.

At this point I legitimately believe that Holla Forums masturbated to the thought of getting raped by evil Nazis.

They like Marxism or atleast Kurdish Marxism because several Holla Forums members went and joined the Kurds right before the Election and Exodus and have been spamming their bullshit on /k/ ever since, the anti-gun angle isn't as effective since they're basically promoting going and fighting in proxy conflicts
The main problem is that this plays right into the hands of the Jew and they are openly promoting it and buying into the Assad is a ebil babykiller propaganda

By they i mean the Holla Forums faggots, not most /k/ users


sounds more like Holla Forums

Yes, but these are the faggots who claim their shit doesn't stink, so it's funny seeing their true nature.

It's exactly how women act when they want to get fucked. They are uncomfortable and act out and pull all sorts of shenanigans, but once you give her a solid fuck she's right as rain.

Butthurt leftists on the move



Fucking faggots.

Oh no
Don't tell my mommy X~D

these guys are needing of the gassing

Top kek

post some more as it comes, OP

Not a bad idea actually. The two are more alike then Holla Forums is to either.

Lmao these fuckers are attacking each other

also hi nikole or gatita

Man you sure saved a whole lot of pictures of that one tranny, like an excessive amount. Sure you didn't catch the gay while you were lurking there?

Anyway thanks user got some good laughs.

Hi faggot

I used to think catch the gay was a joke, but in this day and age I'm not so sure anymore. The question is can it can be cured. by something other than fire or lead

Here's more

You're not mad huh? :^)

Also R.I.P #self-post. I can probably get some Anarch posts too~

Post updates ==also== Anarch post your Nudes here. Your BF likes being "e-cucked" so imagine how much he'd like it if you gave your nudes to Nazis.

I think I know who you are.

10,000 volts

Why be mad at what's shared through the grapevine? This was honestly boring :v\

It's just bullshit in the diet. I used to be a faggy leftist until I cut the soy and xeno-estrogens out of my diet. Total physiological turnaround. Lifting and dietary restructuring can affect a political ideology of a man more than any William Pierce radio broadcast. Your brain just becomes more receptive to Third Position though the more you work out, get in shape, and enjoy your extended genetic family's presence.

Are you guys gay or? I can't tell if you actually like these picture

Should I gorepost a little to keep the lefties out of the thread so we can laugh at them in peace? Or should I hold off until I'm sure they're ITT?

Don't gore post. Just laugh at them. I want their salt

the worst part about these screens is theyre in white theme

Who cares?

Also, didn't they say they were moving to another website a while back? Why are they still here?

More shit

The fact they respond this fast to doxes, it is evident they regularly visit 8/pol/.

Why would I be gay? It's not like I'm SUICIDAL.
"Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were significantly more likely to attempt suicide in the previous 12 months, compared with heterosexuals (21.5% vs 4.2%). Among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, the risk of attempting suicide was 20% greater in unsupportive environments compared to supportive environments."

OP, since one them knows who you may be, might as well post the irl pics (but only if they know who you are).

Same to be quite honest, family

What did he mean by this?

It's a happy ending for all involved.

There's the thing they don't know who I am

The projection.


To be fair OP did save a lot of pictures of that tranny. Holla Forums might not be jerking it to that tranny, but I have a feeling OP is.

OP just photoshops

That is *quite* a lot of images he had to save in order to ´´make a point´´ so to speak… I think OP is an infected projecting faggot.


Well I did get them from a list like schindler's

user that tranny was ugly as shit. Couldn't even pass as a trap

Hey Lilly, do you play WoW? Because I heard a Tranny calling himself Lilly in a WoW discord server.

Anyone got anarch nudes? Is she a real grill or a tranny?


Yeah there was no need to have 10+ pictures of that one tranny, one would've gotten the point across. But honestly not surprised, only a degenerate could survive lurking in such a shit hole.

Oh I agree, but seeing as OP felt the need to save 10+ images of him and post them all I'm guessing he has a thing for that guy.

What do you think?

cuteboy =/= tranny

Also if you guys wanted to jack off to our pics you could have just asked bby

The degeneracy!

Nope, they sponsor commie events and advertise their board.

88 and sieg heil volksgenossen.

I am also spying on the these cuck filled chats, and I figured out who OP is. Let me tell you, this faggot is just as bad as them.

the board owner wanted to but we (the users) thought it was funnier to stay here and continue to upset you guys

wow ur smart

Wrong guy faggot

Who cares? They both commit suicide at high amounts and when adjusted for environmental factors, trannies still kill themselves 3.03x more. Face it, you guys are mentally ill.

Im guessing using their monthly allowance their parents gave them

Commiecat x porky's usually enough :^), and you're right cuteboy just = boy.
I have a thing for fucked up tumblr chicks tbh so I've fugged a couple commies and one had anarcho-primitivist leanings and she ultimatly got me into Holla Forums-tier shit through ISAIF

Bread @s you and you say that it isn't you

You really are fucking stupid, aren't you?

Yall do realize those are screencaps anyone can have them.

Link you never were the smart one in the server

Well played OP.

Fam… Link's name is highlihted, which means it was him taking the screen.

Guess again anyone can have the screencaps


your discord is getting reported for cp.

Why must i live in world where i can not legally execute this degenerate furry faggot?

You are like little children. Why do you even care about Holla Forums that much? You behave like a Kindergardener. Also, this Discord is hardly repsesentative of the entire Holla Forums. Grow up.

Nigger what? I don't even use discord. But I do hope you report those commie scum.

anyone can have a screencap but a screencap of something as boring as this?


Croatians did nothing wrong. Hell, remove kebab might even be a bad thing if there's this many commie faggots because at least kebabs hate faggots.

Because Holla Forums is a pack of retards that thinks everyboard needs to accept their shit

whats wrong with you? all leverage is good leverage


one of the pics in the album frendo.

This is literally our down time while waiting for more news to happen. Also, it's fun to laugh at life's clowns.
Yeah, no, it's highly representative. Get fucked.

Just let Holla Forums alone then. This Discord is theirs, they are not bothering anyone. Everything else is indeed childish behaviour.


youll have to do better tbh

I wasn't dumb enough to share any nudes unlike some


were bored, stupid.

Holla Forums needs to be purged from existence and bullied from every corner on the open internet until they are no longer visible and have no influence

when Holla Forums stops raiding boards we'll stop raiding their discords

i cant wait for your friends to die :)

Hey Holla Forums, how'd finals go? High school is tough but I'm sure you'll make it through :)

I hope you've been saving that allowance money your parents give you. You can finally afford to buy that super nice edition of Capital you wanted


Here's more thanks Anarch for the caps

All their bots were bothering me tbh, even Jim's wife's son knows about it you sperg.

4chan was AIDS anyway tbh, you can have it. Hiro fucks trannys just like you, kindred spirits 'n shieet



this meme might be good–if it were actually representative of reality
but it's shit, because Holla Forums has an issue with purity sprials and intraboard feuds, not getting kicked off chans

Pretty sure this covers Leftypol Accurately.

You failed.
I couldn't give a fuck about Discord anyways. Just pointing out that you are like children.

Very creative. Good job.

And how exactly, even if it succeeds, will this stop leftism in the real world? Stop ptetending that imageboards are somehow relevant.

I thought everyone knew this already.

KEK, can commies do anything right? I wonder how many of their comrades they threw under the bus trying to find OP.

We only banned the fashies that were sad enough to hang around

Good job OP, though you might be a faggot.

More like spread out of one board and now a part of the userbase of every imageboard/social media platform, Holla Forumss influence is only growing, not decreasing
This election should have proved that already

That discord isn't Holla Forums. It's nothing but nonsense and they allowed anyone in, so this isn't surprising.

This meme is retarded. Anyone who goes the Holla Forums knows we don't raid. If anyone suggest it, we laugh at them. The only thing that could be considered a "raid" was when some were posting lefty generals on 4/pol/. That was funny, but hardly a raid. Some were genuinely wanting to reach out to fellow leftists who wanted to rationally post about politics, since you can't on any Holla Forumss.

Going to a Holla Forums Discord to search for "faggorty" is a little bit austistic, just saying.

hows it goin, ivan?

its like dealing with tweens i swear

Let's just post redpills and see if anything sticks.

kill yourself Schmuley

yeah you guys nailed it


Nigger do you even read the news?
>Talk show hosts name drop Holla Forums michael savage who has 24,000,000 listeners namedropped Holla Forums, Limbaugh did as well

Not even American, but nice try.

Not important, any propaganda that can be used against Holla Forums is good, whether true or not
The commies already use misinformation, don't let them use it as a advantage

Where did imply in my post that I didn't think they were?

lmoa me the triggered slav

Ok, capped for the next time I see these bullshit claims around.

t. /leftypol


worth looking into, thank you for posting this.
its still funny tho, because even if you believe that- having Trump in office still makes you cry at night

Yeah, I am… Did you think I was trying to hide it? Lmao.


yeah I wanted hillary to get to bomb syria instead. who gives a fuck either way?


I don't agree with everything Trump does but hes a far better choice than either Hillary or Sanders by a wide fucking margin, the largest issue i have with Trump is his anti-Assad stance and Hillary was much more anti-Assad.

You're right, they're not relevant. Keep losing. Losing is really winning in leftist ideology. Lose harder until you win.


We have much more, but would get banned for going against the grain here.

Thanks for the one about marriage/sex partners. Can u post more so I can redpill on this? Non religious people usually don't understand the benefits of traditional cultures and values.

i do, it pushed the civil war back and bought me more time to prepare. if the cards get played right there might even be a demographic balancing and stabilizing effect tho i almost hope it doesn't, because civil war will provide the only chance for whites to secure a positive long term future

no, but I've seen you guys do raids, so I know you're just bullshitting


At least we have toilet paper to wipe it off with.

turner diaries is a fanfic not a battle plan.

Wow, that really makes me think… Considering that it is coming from someone who is likely following an ideology that died in the middle of the 20th century.

But yes, leftism is not relevant. If you just close your eyes, the bad things go away after all. ;^)

lol fuck off nigger, i see those concerns posted here all the time. most of them and most can be refuted.
there are some that are actually concerning, tho the track record gives me faith

No, we don't. We also know when someone's not from Holla Forums if they try that shit on our board, too.

I named my Rottie Rommel. I still miss that dog. One of the best most loyal dogs I've ever owned.



Holla Forums is now *ironically* uploading degenerate furry porn in the arrivals channel of discord

Everything in the Turner diaries is turning true and maybe the truest book about the future.

It's almost like he blew a few potholes into tarmac just to prove he's serious while meeting with the Chink King before stirring shit in Korea to get paid from SKunts. But stay shill, /leftynigger/

You do realize that not everyone on the internet is from your retarded country or believes your stupid grooming meme, right? You Amerifats are the reason white birth rates are down.

No shit, dissent isn't allowed on /heftypol/ :^)

Why would we need to when you're around?

I see you are very well-read in leftist theory. Good job.

never read it
but american self segregation along political lines, along with degeneration of sex conservative values will eventually bring about instability. empires don't last forever, and when people start going hungry and lead starts flying the groups that will form will overwhelming follow racial lines

This. 18/21 AoC is pure feminist kikery. My state has 17 and the state I used to live in had 15. Whitest states in the country, verify.

This is coming from a torture chamber?

you're not even talking in real words anymore. fucking hell man.

Trump has done nothing but be Bush 2.0, real success for white nationalism

Didn't ask you to join me, user. Just said there's more. You should want to know more than less. Let's see if I get banned.
One random informational one regarding racism, while I'm at it.



Oh, I forgot. Senpai didn't notice you. What a shame.

Just made you a pastebin:


So you admit it doesn't happen?

Men are not for worship.
We would like to reform the current establishment to secure a future for whites.

Leftism and especially communist leftism is dying and indeed becoming less relevant

top kek, more like communal cumdumpsters





Please re-evaluate your life.

Maybe if you presented an argument, we could've argued with you.

But You are grooming? Most responces to gender dysphoria is to get put on HRT cause no one wants to actually fix mental illness it seems. Even then you're grouping yourseves together and telling youselves its okay to be a degenerate and have more than one or two partners. Its okay to sell out your asshole so you can profit off of it. and its okay to go against all the hopes and dreams your parents had for your potential future for some semi-lucid chance at the illusion of happiness. But you send a message to impressionable youth that its okay to fuck y our body up with chemicals that dont belong there and spike the suicide rate up too. Most people that have this type of medical care are first world countries where most whites reside.

they dont know when to stop
they're literally incapable of not replying

Yet you have not been banned for being a pinko she-man. Youre welcome to stay, but facts posted may be triggering to your worldview.



wow something no one knew
You can have anime anytime you want, you don't have to be so tsun about it

Damn, user… That's pretty ironic to post, right? This thread and Holla Forums in general speaks in one liners, mostly.

You can only recruit literal children. That's how retarded your ideology is.

Not much of a shame really, he's been fairly overt about his views the whole time. Just a better candidate than Hillary or Bernie.

yeah if I want to have an argument, this is the forum I go to.

well it's my one post to five replies, really makes you think

Holla Forums I know you're lurking and I have to know something. Why are you like this? Normal adult men don't fantasize about being women, being "cute" in women's clothes, fucking and/or being fucked in the ass with other dudes, feeling purposeless and just in general being confused and disgusting.

So why are you like this?

You don't even have to tell me. Just ask yourself, "why am I like this?" and be honest about it. How do you think you became the way you are? Reflect upon this.

Mental illness tbh, they need to do some fucking manual labor.


They're diseased and retarded


This, even "lefty" is in their name

Boy its like they're new or retarded. Walking straight into that.


What you describe is only currently true for the First World. In many other parts of this planet, communist movements are very prevalent.
You will be able to observe how the state of leftism in the First World changes very quickly once capitalism hits its next crisis. You can already see signs of it.

The fuck are you talking about? You didn't even read my post, you nigger-tier faggot. Except for their ringleaders, leftists are largely morons, but from your lack of reading comprehension it appears that the right has a serious problem with stupidity as well. Or maybe it's just an Amerilard problem.

nobody outside this board cares about the distinction, insofar as one exists (if anything fascists are more literate)


If the idea behind transitioning is for an individual with Gender Dysphoria to overcome anxiety and or depression, I would like to point out that transformation has ambigous effects and "[It should therefore come as no surprise that studies have found high rates of depression,[9] and low quality of life[16], [25] also after sex reassignment]:!po=62.6437

41% of Transgender'd people have attempted suicide in their life, 3x higher than the population's mean:

Suicide attempts among trans men. (46%) and trans women (42%):

To put it into prospective, according to, 15% of those clinically depressed commit suicide; according the the Center for Disease Control, adults between 18-25 years old have the highest rate of attempted suicide at 7.4% and according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) the age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.26 per 100k.

So, to adjust these, transgender people are 2.73x more likely to attempt suicide than the depressed are to commit suicide; they are 5.54x more likely to attempt suicide than the highest category of attempties and they are 3.09x more likely to attempt suicide than those who commit suicide.

Now, one may claim this is due to factors of environment towards trans, but according to studies, 54.3% of transsexuals have little to no experience in family rejection. 31.3% reported moderate rejection and 14.3% reported high rejection.

So for the sake of the argument, we will combine moderate and high rejection together, coming to a rejection percentage of 45.6%. When taking out 41, the percentage is moved to 18.696% of transsexuals attempting suicide due to nonenvironmental reasons involving family.

To further demonstrate the case of environmental factors, we will use "[One of the biggest studies on the experiences of transgender people was the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS). It found that in the U.S., 41 percent of transgender and gender non-conforming people had attempted suicide, compared to a national average of just 4.6 percent……A brand new study from Canada confirms this effect. There, the suicide attempt rate for transgender people was similar to what other studies have found: about 18 times higher than the general population. But the study found that some factors greatly reduced the attempt rate. For example, when transgender people had affirming parents, the rate dropped by 57 percent. Access to legal documentation consistent with their gender identity dropped rates by 44 percent. Trans people who experienced low levels of anti-trans hate were 66 percent less likely to attempt suicide.]"

For this we will focus on "Trans people who experienced low levels of anti-trans hate were 66 percent less likely to attempt suicide" since it can be used as an umbrella factor for negative environmental impacts and has the greatest impact generally overall.

66% of 41% comes out to 13.94% of transsexuals committing or attempting suicide due non-environmental factors, which is 3.03 times the national average's rate of 4.6.

Now, would you not say that if your solution to a problem resulted in a significant proportion of your patients attempting suicide, than that method is a failure and you're fucking insane?


this is true. we're already seeing it with a rebirth of facism


Zap to us

Its less about the length, (and that sort of length is used here mostly when either meming, shitposting, b8ing or trolling where its efficient), and more about the snarkiness/passive-aggressiveness. Nobody likes people like that.
Though posting one-liners is also a common tactic of the shill; its quite simple to respond with a one-liner denouncing the shill and going about your business. Spending an inordinate time on a waste of space makes you look autistic, like my reply with this post.

He's mad that you aren't fucking him right this minute

How does it feel to hit this insane level of autism? Maybe you should try to find a different special interest. One autistic guy learned the Finnish language in a few weeks. You should try that instead.

Holla Forums here and I'm an actual woman.
Some guys want to be women. That's fine with me, because it doesn't affect me or my daily life, whatsoever. That's the main diff between lefties and rightists. Being more open minded. Not saying that to be rude, either. I actually used to unironically watch Glenn Beck and was a libertarian for about 5 minutes. But the more I learned, the more left I became.
We both recognize the elite and bankers, etc, are scum. You call them jews, we call them bourgeoisie. I'd say our take is more accurate, since not all elite or 1% are jews, no?

fuck off

In your wet dreams.

The flames are a great touch

I can agree with you there. That would perfectly describe liberals or redditors. Both of which we have a common interest in wanting to stop.

Leftypol BTFO'd HAHA XD

Tits or GTFO
Make your choice

Here's more

I only fuck women. Not freaks

no, in real life. seriously, pendulum is swingin and im lovin it.

Well thats cause you're a fucking retarded woman at that. You should be more focused on the family unit and small community where actual social ideals are usefull instead of trying to change the world into something it will never be

As you have probably guessed by now, I am from Holla Forums. To answer your question, I don't give a fuck about this. There are very few things I care less about.

How does it feel, Holla Forums? Knowing you can never post or shill again without being the curtain of what you truly are revealed. "Tranny", "Hideous", "Communist", "Subhuman", It's no different than calling a circle a sphere or shape without ends, it's all broad terminology that scrapes but fails to truly define the heart of it. A mentally ill freak of nature needing to be put down.

Truly and eternally~

if you must know I'm a top baby :^)

do you want me to fill your bp?

You cared enough to reply ;^)

But not 100%, right? I most of us at Holla Forums also hate Israeli imperialism, btw.


How can /lefty/cucks even compare?

Not an argument, you fucking pussy.

incel doesnt make you straight

They want the Holla Forums D

The rest are largely full-blown psychopaths who rape, torture, murder and cannibalize children. Trump is the exception to that rule, and we're going to Make America Great Again no matter what you fags say or think.


how indeed


The aut-right can barely produce literature let alone consume it.
They will when the aut-right comes crashing down

show me your dick


They do and it's fucking hilarious.

oops wrong nazi ball

Understatement of the year. Its fucking amazing how many "right wingers" are attracted to a group that uses the same exact tactics of commie subversives up to and including struggle sessions.

pretending to be a woman online doesn't make you a woman.

your right it makes them desperate

how's your poz doin faggot?

TRSodomites are just degenerates trying on a different coat of paint.


honestly starting with 'i'm a womean' just invalidated everything you said in my eyes. everyone here is anonymous, if you have a fucking point make it and let it stand
the thing about traps is it DOES affect daily life. you have mentally ill people, who are walking repositories for disease, drugs, and general values that breakdown society, and they won't stop. slippery slope has proven itself at this point, everything that was said "wouldn't happen" thirty or so years ago has already arrived.
and the majority of that 1% are jews, so im not sure what youre trying to prove with that

I have failed the Emperor!

No grounds to call me retarded, user. I'm actually rather traditional. I also value the community very much, which is why I'm socialist. Why shouldn't you be able to defend yourself against "owners" to not be exploited? You can thank socialists for the 8 hr work day, not allowing child labor, many societal progressions.

Yes, because "lulz commies r into tranniez xDDDD" is so much better.

Not once in my life have I ever wanted to dress up as a woman and prance about in underwear for other dudes. It's not normal. There's plenty of gay shit on the right too, and that has to be called out as well.

I'm the one you replied to and I'm wondering, If it's about being open minded then what's wrong with pic related? Why did everybody tell him to stop?

Has only one Choice

Stop sucking cock and we'll stop making fun of you for it.

2024 is going to be a dark year for you user

do please show us this miracle

I don't know, how's your meth habit?


Wrong person, idiot.

ive never had a day of work shorter than that in my life.


As proving by the pictures, you commies sure do love some trannies.

Answer me this, commie:

Giving that the environmental differences between Africans and Africans in the U.S. only produces a 5 point increase - that is going from Africa to the U.S. - how plausible is it that the environmental difference in the U.S. between Blacks and Whites would produce a 15 point gap? Is the difference between U.S. Africans and U.S. Europeans really so huge that they have the same effect as environmental factors compared to Africa?

Average IQ for
Whites: 103.4
Blacks: 87.7
Hispanics: 91.1
WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, and ACS: Advanced Clinical Interpretation: whites SD&source=bl&ots=MRN75j2KMg&sig=r6oy5FuT0Tjre0O_c3NKBn-A5ag&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjY2KCBkafPAhVm5oMKHe3RBVkQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=wais-iv whites SD&f=fals

"Our estimate of average IQ converges with the finding that national IQs of sub-Saharan African countries as predicted from several international studies of student achievement are around 82."

Delete this faggot.

When your ideology is so powerful half the world unites against you and has to Create a new technological era in order to defeat you



fuckin disgusting



He's a faggot but I'm too lazy to edit him and the other trash out

You faggots need to repent.

No, because that was completely related to that user's question. I don't mention it often and I never post on Holla Forums. except for when the wikileaks shit went down
You don't have to fuck them, user. ;^) So no worries there. How are they breaking down society, though? Most lefties view it as a bourgeois indulgence as well. There are many diff types of lefties around.
Even user who posted some stat a little bit ago had it around 40 something percent. As I said though, I'm anti-Israel/zionism. Quite a lot of lefties are. I'm not racist against Jews, though. Just against anyone with power who exploits or bombs others. Plenty of 1%ers aren't Jewish as well.

Holla Forums respects Israel's ideals though.

Pedos/hebes can be a touchy subject for many on both sides. Obviously they didn't want to see a child hurt.
Kind of related, but didn't Britain pass some law recently that banned loli? I see that as retarded. No children being hurt, so it should be allowed.

Israel is full of parasites


Is your next meme going to be that because we have kikes on this board we are all secret self hating kikes? Or how about when there some degenerate half mixed filth posting here who has a severe identity crisis that they represent us and thus we are all supposedly race mixed playing make believe?

You leftist really need to learn to fucking meme. The implication that the alt-kikes who adopted our board culture have any fucking connection to us is insulting enough, it's bad enough i have to tolerate their internet culture. I guess when we say the day of the rope or RWDS it's just a magical never going to happen day right? If i see Marxists in the street, their teeth are coming out one way or the other. I long for the day these fucking laws change and Marxists are declared enemy of the State.

Go read a human genetics textbook. Every fucked up disease and mental disorder was almost invariably described first in jews. Schizophrenia and mental disorders are spread throughout the race down to the individual. They have to be gassed for the safety of all actual humans on the planet.

Israel has no ideal except "be a bunch of parasitic jews as long as possible" which is antithetical to Holla Forums.


leftists can't meme. They have poor understanding of it.

look into the pamphlet Fate of Empires - Sir John Glubb, and book Sex and Culture - JD Unwin for a primer on society, sex, and degeneracy since you actually seem to want to learn something even if you are a snarky commie bitch

I don't give a damn fuck. And even if what you are saying is true, it would not make any difference. Since English is not my native language, I will leave the explaination to someone more eloquent than myself:

Drawings are offensive to jews, goons and other mentally ill individuals because they can not separate imagination from reality.

Fuck off pond nigger, we're full.

Yes, before our forefathers fought for it, people were working 12-16 hour days. So had they not fought, we'd be worked much harder. We can still do better. Especially in the US. In Europe, they have leave for all sorts of things and much more leisure time. We need to f

ight for more*

I am more European than you will ever be, Burger.


Holy shit /lefypol/ you guys are the biggest niggers I've ever seen!



We neither respect or recognize Israel or any of its ideals, the Jews only operate through treachery and lies that are unacceptable for the white race

I knew some Kurd who's idea of a vacation involved going to his Uncles house and shooting sandniggers near the Turkish border. I didn't really understand his religion. I think it had something to do with the sun.

Fucking hell, they ruin all the fun.


fucking sissies

You just described life for salary employees across the USA. Go actually work somewhere and you'll see the reality. That or people working 2-3 part time jobs to make ends meet. The regulations mean nothing when jews are in charge.

maybe one of them is a leftypol plant?

Now tell us something we don't know.


Sandra Susan Smith, Department of Socialogy, University of California, Berkeley, California:
"Conclusion: Race is most important determination of trust. This review of the literature is an effort to explicate why. Although the research includes qualitative and quantitative research on Blacks, Whites, Lations, and Asians, the bulk of the review focus on Blacks and Whites, the trust gap is starkest, and the black-white trust gap cannot be easily accounted for such factors as class. Instead, a careful review of literature highlights the roles of historical contemporary discrimination, neighborhood context, and enthnoracial socialization to explain enthnoracial differences in generalized trust, and the differences in the extent of embeddedness in structures of trust worthiness help us to understand ethnoracial difference in strategic trust."

Trusting neighbors and strangers in a racially diverse society: Insights from survey data in South Africa, Dorrit Posel and Tim Hinks - University of KwaZulu-Natal and University of the West England, is a study of trust in South Africa and trust among strangers vs neighbors. When asked 'who do you trust more to return a lost wallet, a neighbor or stranger?' both Blacks and Whites report the same number of trust within their neighbors when adjusted for socioeconomic status, but, in conclusion "[If a stranger is assumed to be Black, then our results suggest that Black South Africans are more trusting than Whites of other Blacks, a finding that would be consistent with in-group bias.]"

"A study has found [in the U.K.] that an increase in “diversity” makes existing residents of a area feel unhappier and more socially isolated, while those leaving for more homogenous areas populated by their own ethic group often get happier."

4c8601's salty tears are amazing they just keep coming!

your entire ideology got destroyed by a single country doing 90% of the work who's only tactic was to throw endless waves of untrained soldiers at the enemy

Just watch the goddamn video instead of copy-pasting your racial masturbation.

This, if I was hosting the Olympics I'd be tripping out too.

And wasted lives just to preserve a dying system.

I've worked my entire life, user. I started when $5.25/hr was minimum age, I'm 30 years old As I said, we can do better. Take your statement an replace jews with bourgeoisie and I 100% agree. We have a lot of the same interests. Fighting for the working class should be extremely important to most people.



Which is why the Federal Reserve should be set aflame, the power of the purse returned to the treasury, and every jew on the planet shot on sight.
The difference between you and me is that my dreams are coming true while you are wondering where your dreams went.
Hitler did nothing wrong.

I can't believe how Holla Forumsyps actually believe this nonsense.

More like going to the Turkish border to smuggle drugs into Europe, Kurds are one of the primary sources for Heroine and other degenerate shit into Europe

Most likely you are either shilling to make the Kurds look better or he was a Larper that wanted to be a pagan/Yazidi, the vast majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslims which are the same sect as the Saudis and ISIS

I will later and I'll make a thread on Holla Forums later with my review, okay? Sound good? Keep your eye out tomorrow for it.

"[N]on-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.”

and I can't believe how Holla Forums is revealed as degenerates

Very good, I'll be looking forward to it.

you keep ignoring the fact that they're grooming kids that are 15-16 year olds.

If you want a society that follows national socialism values it would be a good idea to respect the value of a child's life. This is how fucked leftist faggots are. If you are willing to shrug away whats happening before you then don't cry when some sicko grooms your kids to suck on cock.

Eh, we all have to learn some time. I cringe at what I used to believe, sometimes.

there's a reason Holla Forums doesn't have a discord server.
because it's asking for these exact leaks that are happening to these lefty retards.

let me put it in clear words.


don't fall for discord.
use alternatives like Mumble with a connected vpn.

I fight the disease, not the symptoms, user.

why would you want a system, that because of its inherent shortcomings, has to resort to terrorizing and destroying its own population in order to defeat an external threat?

working class doesnt like you. working class just wants to be left alone. i would rather live sparse but by my own means than drag others down to pick me up.
and socialism has proven time and time again thats what happens, because a system like that ALWAYS gets stuck by the lowest common denominator which is pretty fucking low

That's why most of Holla Forums doesn't even use Discord in the first place.

it's better to delete Holla Forums off of Holla Forums after all they are a bunch of bot loving furfaggots

PISA scores by race:

White Americans:
519 in Reading
528 in Science
506 in Math

Black Americans:
443 in Reading
449 in Science
421 in Math

Hispanic Americans:
478 in Reading
462 in Science
455 in Math

Racial ranking in PISA as compared to the world:

White Americans at:
Reading: 6th in the world, on par with Estonia
Science: 7th in the world, on par with Canada
Math: 15th in world, on par with Germany.

Black Americans at:
Reading: 47th in the world, on par with Cyprus
Science: 47th in the world, in between Chile and Greece.
Math: 53rd in the world, in between Chile and Turkey.

Hispanic Americans at:
Reading: 39th in the world, on par with Israel
Science: 44th in the world, in between Slovak Republic and Malta
Math: 45th in the world, on par with Greece

The botting for IDs is fucking hilarious. They couldn't be more pathetic if they tried.

the disease tries to rip children away from their parents with a false good, you have to fight it harder.

Shrug off this blackpill bullshit and give a damn again.

Have some Zizek, guys

Go to any country in Europe or any other country besides the US and Japan(US occupied territory that used to have an even lower AoC) and even most states in the US you sperg. Effectively anywhere with a white majority or that is otherwise homogeneous doesn't adhere to 18/21 AoC like US does.
16-17 has historically been prime childbearing age, I guess you want autistic christcuck children like yourself.

that dying system lasted 5x longer than your's though?

Well I say they need to go back to 4chan.

By kikery alone, so thank you.

IIRC mumble lets a server host dox people.


Your time preference is shit.


Kikes should let it die but they are a bunch of fucking vampire acting peices of shit.



your third world shithole is not fucking relevant, grow up you fucking savage. remember your brain stops growing at age 21, read some books and stop using the state like some arbitrary handbook.

Paying attention to some of its requirements is why it lead us to this. The kikes keep changing the game and you keep sucking on the definition of law because it helps you.

Wait what's this? Did I miss this shit?


I can't understand the cunt at all - the fuck is wrong with his accent?

Go check >>>/sudo/, there might be a thread. Ron brought up Holla Forums last for board recovery because they were botting for ID counts. They're still asshurt about it.


You're a community punching bag. You genetic dead ends have a hard enough time not killing yourselves in first world nations; I would pay to see you struggle until you're killed off in one of your communist utopias. Yeah, embrace you weakness twinks, see how much good it does you.

Don't have one, any screenshots?

Bullshit, go diddle kids because Sweden says its okay to do it at an early age

t. boot licking classcuck

Wouldn't you guys to go to bootlicking artists or some 'cultural' authority? Whatis the difference between your bootlicking and 'his'?

Omg im LITERALLY shaking in my boots X3
How can i prevent myself from an heroan?

The working class has a proud socialist heritage. Ever seen "Hazard County, USA"? We used to fight against the coal companies and hated scabs(workers who fought for the corporations interest). Working class people, such as myself, have been fed propaganda for decades, enough to fight against their won self interests. It's not selfish to demand your rights, better treatment, better pay.
YES. That's the right attitude to have. Who wants the government to come in their own house and tell them what to do? I'm from a redneck family and we never took kindly to it. Just want them to leave us alone.
This is a misconception/myth. Socialism is about fighting for your rights. Working together with fellow workers and the community to be self sufficient. All of the technical accomplishments we've made would not simply disappear if a worker's revolution happened tomorrow. I argue that capitalism hold us back in this regard, because medical and other sciences are held back due to certain breakthroughs not being "profitable" enough. If more had access to education, healthcare, we'd obviously have more scientists, engineers, etc.

don't be a tranny anymore

Atleast he aint a pedo furry twink you useless piece of shit go back to >>Holla Forums ,

idpol is a cancer, so no. sounds like you're thinking of liberalism rather than leftism though.

Meanwhile, Amerikike infrastructure is collapsing.

wow thx
ur so smart
i should've gone to see you anonfriend instead of a doctor

your retort will be that communism has never been tried you retarded socialist.

I don't understand how artists or 'cultural' authorities are idpol. Mind explaing how an influential person is idpol?

He's Slovenian and has nervous tics when he talks. Once you can get past it, his talks are incredible. It took me a little while to get past it.


"leftypol restored last" search terms brings up their bitching on some goonchan. I've seen the caps multiple times though. The salt is real.

I haven't seen either of those. Endocrinology, rather. Silly boy.

Post yfw you aren't Holla Forums

either way stop being a tranny heh



Okay, I'll watch it. But you get to watch:


my apologies, I misinterpreted what you meant with "cultural authority".


you will kill yourself HEH

When you hit the wall and it becomes more apparrent that you're a 30 year old something dressing in drag.
will your final thoughts be regret that all of this could have been prevented if you actually fixed your mental illness than listen to Dr. Shekelburg

don't answer that.
hopefully the buckshot will hit just as hard as the wall that'll come.



Sure. I've probably got plenty more, but these are from a dump thread that I haven't properly sorted yet. I remember one about lesbian mothers that was pretty dramatic.


I always wanted to avoid an accidental death





Off yourself. You'll be doing nationalism a favor.



Dindu piece of shit. You bother everyone.


This is better than the leak.



Nice image


nah fuck yourself. go date a 21 year old you fucking faggot.

I'm going to vomit

your future.

Mate use a fucking spoiler, goddamn.


I love cats bro

Who knew polyps were so clairvoyant

We ascend towards destiny.

do you love being suicidal too?


While you may be nauseous, imagine having participated in raising this mutant. One of its parents has a drinking or a drug problem to cover up the shame.


Only normies can't be content on the edge of self destruction ;')

Products of neglect and/or abuse, more often than not.


Not even a kebab but shit like this is honestly convincing me that honor killing should be legal in the west.

Kinda gay you have so many pics of this man saved

lowest common denominator. when you have a system where a lazy worker gets treated the same as a hard worker, theres no incentive to work hard. hell, working hard in that system is like self punishment.
people aren't equal, and shouldn't be treated like they are.

spoiler this shit nigger

Why does Holla Forums raid every other board? Why does Holla Forums want to subvert 4chan into communism? Why does Holla Forums think that chans are some kind of personal propaganda army for you to use if only you could convince them of your shit ideology. Why do you resort to tactics of subversion? Can your ideology not with stand even the slightest of scrutiny?
You are everything we have always been against.


Wow I didn't know mister pence knew the chidori

No one would want the lazy worker to be there. Socialism is basically direct democracy, so you'd vote them out. People should be given basic human rights. What they do with those rights, determines how hard their life will be.

Autistisches kreischen*

Take a yellow bar and paste it under text in screencaps. Implicate everyone and make them eat themselves alive.


Supposedly Holla Forums's memes are weak but thus far I'm unimpressed by this set of replies.

Have a good night anyway.

They don't have a any culture, unable to have healthy relationships, even unable to know what is unhealthy, the leftist cannot remove himself from the table and it shows in his politics.

I'd say let them burn themselves out but they must always come for the white because white people are the only people that can generate what the leftist wants and that thing destroys all. That is why I fight the left so the left will finally leave me alone.

see and
We don't raid boards. Some anons wanted to have a lefty thread on 4/pol/ and tbh they should have that right.
What I found funny though, is during that 4/pol/ lefty general stuff, we had a lot of outside people coming to Holla Forums trying to incite raids. When they got butthurt, they tried to cap their false flag attempt and post it to /qa/ to claim it as legitimate. I found the post on /qa/and posted proof they were only shit stirrers. It was funny because many outside posters are doing this while claiming we are. If we were so subversive, you'd think they'd not have to literally false it, lmao.
I've been posting in this thread for about an hour so far and outright said I was Holla Forums. We don't need to lie and that helps no one. Simply having a dialogue is what is constructive. Anyone who lies for their agenda rightfully shouldn't be trusted.





Oh wow
'Happy merchant' meme No. 30.405.687.938.837

Yet Holla Forums posters blatantly samefag on /k/


That could be true, there are some autistic stragglers on every board. "Green" from the Holla Forums discord a while back, tried to start a /desu/ and /monster/ shitfest/raid. When he was laughed at after proposing it, he went all on his own. Turned out to be pretty funny in the end, but that was all just one lone autist. Pic related.

A webm of people mocking chimpouts. Good job.

The other problem is Holla Forums faggots playing retarded and acting as if regime change in Syria will not end in a failed state just as it has everywhere else the US has tried, even with a Kurd/SDF leadership(if that was even possible)

You can't be this stupid. Are you pretending or just ignorant?

Watched your video. Will start writing the review tomorrow. It will take me a long time as I do not have access to a computer, so I'll write it all by phone.



Really? If any lefty says that, they're legitimately retarded. Probably a liberal which we lefties hate as well, for this exact type of shit. Especially the corporate liberals, who undermine leftism at every turn.

Seriously, even Saddam was holding that region together regarding terrorism. To think that regime change in Syria would not end the same, is incredibly stupid. That's another common interest I had with Trump voters - they recognized more shitting in the middle east would solve nothing.

Speaking of which, goddamn I hate Hillary. Seems her and her cronies found a way to continue their nonsense in the middle east, even though she lost. That cunt needs to die already. I have an unhealthy hatred for her. We at least had a lot of good anti-Hillary memes born out of the election. CTR was insane as well, during that time.

Hahaha leftists are so retarded. They're full on for faggotry and the entire LGBTQ+ circus. They double down on retarded theories on race spouted from idiotic democratic figureheads. They're like liberals on steroids, holy shit they are a retarded bunch.

Oh wait. I frogot wehre I'm.

Can you prove that genetic clusters - not even race - does not exist?

What's that? You seem wise. Why don't you tell me why I care?

A lefty woman. Great! I'll take care of dumb cunts like you while my husband mops up what the leftys consider men.

So, no rebuttals to what I'd said. Got it.
But bring it, bitch ;^) I've been fighting my entire life. Lefties not being fighters is a shit meme, btw

Ethnic groups - again not races - have very real biological differences and when these differences are applied, they can lead to different outcomes. Why you should care is best knowing your ethnic group allows you to work better with what tools you have.

We'll do basic difference for now.

Ashkenazis have a high factor of Factor 11 Deficiency which 1 out of every 8 of their population while the normal population has upwards of only 1 in 1m.

This can lead to different medical practices, care and treatment compared to the normal population.

Yes, this is very basic differences, but it nonetheless a different that will lead to very different outcomes in needed resources of health services.

Why you should care is that you want a healthy population and not a dysgenic one.


There are a ton of Kurds in Tennessee. He wasn't a larper. He shared a few pics. The yazidi sounds familiar I'll have to look it up

What ethnic group do I belong to?


I don't know since I don't personally know you. But, I personally am European or White American - whichever you wish to call it.

I don't know what that is. I told you I was ignorant in these matters.

For starters: Owning my own labor. If I own anything in this life I own the results from my own efforts.

what an embarrassment. the picture has shit talking communist red text all over it, and you claim its /desu/
just gas yourself.

It's here if anyone needs it

Untied Nation's criteria for an ethnic group: "some of the criteria by which ethnic groups are identified are ethnic nationality (i.e., country or area of origin, as distinct from citizenship or country of legal nationality), race, colour, language, religion, customs of dress or eating, tribe or various combinations of these characteristics."

Or another way, which is the more scientific way, is to measure alleles by average population.

What that means is that no ethnic has one (1) gene that is specifically their own
an ethnic group does have a specific odd to what allele they will express.

For example, the allele for blue eyes have a chance of being expressed in the Swedish population at an 85% chance.

The Greek population has a chance of 35% of the blue eye allele being expressed. We can tell these are these are too seperate ethnicities by their likelyhood of what allele they will express.


How can you see your own eye color?

user, I probably saved it under the wrong file name. It was definitely /monster/ though. Maybe Green was trying to autistically raid /desu/ at the same time and that's why I remembered it. That's all really not important, though. What's important is that it's lone autists from any board doing this and not Holla Forums.

J-jorden Smith, i-is that you?…

Self awareness in reflection.
Look, are you really interested in having a conversation or not?
I know I'm the enemy side, but come on, man, no need to be mean and waste my time.

You were warned at the outset of my raw brain. Is there something in particular that's on your mind perhaps?

Hmm. What is your opinion on socioeconomic status and IQ (we're just talking generals here, nothing on ethnicities)?

As we know from twin studies, IQ seems to be vary inheritable, as with personality and even political views.

Do you think it is socioeconomic status that creates the IQ or the IQ that creates the SES?

Keep in mind, they're have been programs that have tried to boost IQ in infancy and childhood, but the effects wear off as genes are more expressed later in adulthood.

Just fucking my grammar all up tonight


These retarded trannies think we are amateurs, that we don't notice them shilling the shit out of other boards, subvertion campaigns using porn actresses like sasha grey, false-flagging Holla Forums on other boards, etc etc. You are fucking done, kids.

I don't seem to have an IQ. May I borrow yours? How can I inherit your IQ?

Indeed, i wonder why. I hope you undrstand why people keep mocking you.

Alright. Why don't you pick a subject.

Object is my favorite subject. But they don't seem to like me very much.


Yes. Don't you like the object?

Like Africa?
As sure it suits Africans fine but not Europeans

Depends on the object we are talking about, leftyanon.

It's the one. You couldn't forget it.

And forget I will not. I must sleep. Take it easy.


Zizek is to philosophy what Nickleback is to music.

All objects belong to classes. All classes are objects.
Which one came first, the object or the class?


Where did this money come from?

Not in a million years, degenerate, communist, 3dpd scum.

What in the cointelpro is going on here? i Hop over to leftfugg & they have threads about pol, is this some subversion shitpostin battle.

Nah, it's one of those hissy fits where Holla Forums and Holla Forums can't give good arguments because all the wise/educated users are either asleep or have left the board entirely, so it's been resorted to name calling and claiming who's the toughest around here.

Fucking lol

Do you think the reason they have so many female and feminine voices is because of the amount of trannies on Holla Forums?

Holla Forums here
that's actually a pretty interesting idea and i never considered it

hey at least you can admit it

Pretty nasty. Did you watch my video?

No one cares, nigger.

The leftypol song?
I watch it regularly.

You guys both realize I'm from Holla Forums, right? Here's some of my post from earlier:

lol didn't read

This is it: the height of Holla Forums's intelligence.

i'm not the smartest lefty XD

Notice how every single commie in this thread types like an absolute teenager. Says a lot about their maturity.

This is legit worse than the "sucking on my gf's penis :)" forum post.

I mostly just come here for news ever since datamining was confirmed for good. Some of the bunkers we went to during the hack are picking up. You know what happens when you link an imageboard, but if you care about moving you'll probably find them.

What's up with all the fucked up fonts? You don't want any way they could identify you. If you're on Linux stop being retarded and install some fonts.

Makes my eyes hurt and I haven't even gone down 1 page out of 100.
