What's his secret

what's his secret
how does he predict the future so accurately

Satanic rituals
He doesnt have a "666" in his name without a reason you know

he stopped being a satanist a while back. Now he's just an atheist ancap faggot

Most Satanists are atheist.
Check out LaVey and his Church of Satan

Yeah, I know, I'm just saying that he doesn't identify as a satanist now. He admits that he was an edgy fag satanist in his past.

Satanists are basically atheists, even official site of Church of Satan faq tells you this

Correction, all satanists are faggots.

And all atheists are faggots
I think we found a common ground

I can predict the future.

Tomorrow, there will be threads about RLM, anime, cartoons, capeshit, Starshit all created. Screencap this post.

People just don't remember the many things he constantly gets wrong, and he reinforces the ones he gets right.

how dare you

I don't understand all the shilling this guy was getting on Holla Forums a year ago. He's a massive faggot and a self proclaimed liberal. He rambles on about basic bitch facts and as a satanist he is probably a narcissist. To them, their birthday is the most important day of the year because they celebrate their own life above all else. Seems gay

Why does this guy look so fucking deformed?



Are those fake? hot if real.

I predict the future all the time AMA

when are you going to get a job, NEET?

Whenever I feel like it

when are you going to realise your life isn't better than his? when are you going to realise you'll never have real friends and any woman you could fuck is not even worth it?

Because Black Magic works until you are forced pay the price.

just a lookalike trap

He's not ancap since he believes in a government.

I wouldn't call him an atheist. He believes in greater powers or entities but not that they have to do with any Abrahamic religion. In one of his older videos he mentions having a contract with a "demon". He seems to know a lot more than he lets on.


This thread is cursed.


This. He's no more right or wrong than the next person, he's just a little more accurate when he's right.


Which is it?

In all honesty, I'd hit that.

He's a wizard!

Nope. He was a satantist Who thought atheists were stupid sheeple. He thought trolling atheists into a religion was funny. Read his official biography

He's not an ancap nor is he an atheist, are you thinking of Molyjew?

styxen>varg>everyone else


The one thing I disagree with him on is his idea of creating a Constitutional ammendment for the internet so the 1st ammendment could apply to it. Seems redundant and not sure how one would go about it. That and ammendments rarely happen.

No he's a pagan minarchist, basically just a stoned hippy who likes trump

i get my opinions from reviewbrah, thank you very much