Who's more "fun" theory to meme wars (Right vs. Left)

Liberals used to be the comedic/cool artsy "fun" crowd that used to espouse "freedom" and "fuck the government" shit which used to make them look edgy and "fun" to normalfags versus the stodgy conservative pro-law enforcement right-wing person (in the United States.)

Liberals are now basically becoming "unfinished" and are about big government and limiting people's freedoms and choices. I'm an oldfag and talked to a bunch of 15 year olds at a family party. They basically said SJWs suck because SJWs want to control shit and it's blatant. They said kids at their school were thinking the 25 year old edgelords are dumb because they remember their parents being broke in '08-'11.

Basically, we win the meme war because we have a sense of humor and are more "honest" about social shit rather than excuses from cucked SJWs.

What's your take on this new generation in high school? Are they cucked and this was an outlier?

Leftists can't meme and are incapable of being legitimately funny.


When was this? Go back and watch John Stewart during the early bush years. He is just as smarmy, cunty, JEWISH and NOT FUNNY as Oliver, Noah, Colbert et al are today.

Here's how it breaks down right now, especially with younger people:
Now imagine a scale of memetics from the top to bottom. Liberals and commies suck at memes and are uncool anyway. Cuckservatives are old and dying off, theyd probably get upset if you said meme at them. Lolbergs, civic nationalists, and alt right niggers steal our memes, and as a result have solid mememetic power. Ours are superior because we directly channel kek.

With all of this being said, younger people like memes, and generally have OK taste. Most of them grew up in governemtn schools with liberal parents, and pretty much see how fucked everything is. they're ripe for the taking tbh.

Great dubs for a great post.
Have you seen lefty memes lately? Have you seen the comedians they rally behind? Have you seen the videos of lefty heroes asking questions of other people being represented as "WATCH THIS PERSON VERBALLY ANNIHILATE TRUMP!!!"

It's not just that they are unfunny or uncreative.. They are repressed to the point of retardation. Their brains just don't fucking function correctly anymore.

i have some screencaps that explain why we're winning the memetic front better than i could


At a local poker game I attend, I off-handedly commented that leftists can't meme for shit. The resident lefty went full apoplectic at the comment, but realized midway through that he didn't have anything that he could use to prove otherwise. They best he's capable of is pulling out perfectly timed and appropriate Simpson's references. Crafting his own meme, though? He couldn't. He knew. I saw it in his eyes.


Even when they do create memes that gain reasonable traction, Holla Forums finds a way to use their memes against them.

For example, when Holla Forums started using the capitalist pig as their mascot, Holla Forums simply added a hook nose, sidecurls and a star of david - BTFOing Holla Forums and making the meme a million times funnier in the process.

How the fuck can they win against that? We use their own weapons against them. Give us your worst, cucks.

Summer time on Holla Forums.

Very nice dump user

Their most technologically advanced meme is white text on background picture. They are 10 years obsolete. Our run of the mill 'Edit' meme is like a 21st century HEAT shell against the armor of a clunker T-72.

Eternal Summer 2: Revenge of Giga Jew

Leftists were fucking hilarious compared to the neocon/evangelical right in the early 2000s. Like half of the Holla Forums """"oldfags"""" on this site are ex-fedoras.

The spirit of Holla Forums reminds me of an Italian fascist journal of the 1970's. It was called 'the sewer' or 'the gutter' depending on the translation.

Frankly since we are already mass murderers by default, dehumanised insane radical nazis, according to liberals, we don't give a damn about putting out the most truthful albeit extreme memes.

it's interesting to witness, over time, the *chan zeitgeist change. at first simply contrarian, a lot of users were fedoras 100%, or at least acted like them, because it was funny to trigger people who weren't. then the study of NatSoc, Hitler, tradition, and the discovery that spiritual matters do matter changed them. Now calling someone a fedora is mocking their atheism for the sake of edginess.

I think the greatest component of this change is the discovery that most people, most users even, lack conviction. they lack commitment. we, having drowned ourselves in irony long before the hipsters of IRL co-opted it into their shitty fad movement, we've gone so deep into irony we've emerged out the other side. if everything is ironic, what do we really believe? is anything worth any kind of effort?
we found it in NatSoc. there are things worth fighting for. our spirit was rekindled. we have direction. the causes we fight for are not merely to virtue-signal to each other (and impossible, because we lack namefagging and upboats) but because we genuinely believe in them.

in this, the leftists are bereft of any counter. they lack conviction because all of their efforts are to prevent themselves from being out-grouped by their peers, and save themselves suffering at their hands. they lack belief, because their beliefs change every day, just like The Narrative. Their spirits are dead, their bodies are degenerating husks, and their empty minds only serve us as free realty for our own memes and ideas.

The problem lies in the fact that leftism is about the collective, not the individual. Which means that any idea put forth must be agreed upon by consensus. That's why leftist jokes and memes often have to explain to the viewer exactly how to think and feel about what they're seeing because you have to reach the same conclusion as everyone else, or else. A prime example of this is that video where some girl is interviewing college students about Pepe. Most had no idea what it was, and when one person said that they knew, the girl immediately told him that Pepe was a racist symbol.

Option three: WN. Laughing at both the left and right while the rage intensifies.

Get the fuck out of your own little bubble, plebbit.

FPBP and hitler dubs

Kek wills it






Basically the old baby boomer cucks were the laughing stock a few decades go an now the roles have been reversed and the leftists are the new lulz cow. The left just isn't funny, they are control freaks that throw tantrums when ever somebody doesn't take their mental gymnastics seriously.

There are a small group of meme artists who are free agents, in the employ of various advertising agencies, political parties, and IC. With the fragmentation of advertising world due to internet ads, many of us have had to find other work. (Last year, I was working on a goat farm, for instance.) However there was a critical mass of bullshit and most us kind of formed an umman manda out of necessity.

tl;dr Gamergate happened because they pissed off a lot of laid off advertising people, and Trump happened because (((they))) doubled down.

and heil'd
all they have is snark

Anyone know where I could find a translation of this in English?

yes we do. we just don't care who it offends.

I have to beg to differ with the second cap in regards to Hitler's being the only humorous NS movement. GLR was fucking hilarious and if you talk to the really old NS guys(60-mid70's) and not the 80's-90's guys, they are actually pretty funny. No offense to the 80's-90's guys, but the movement after Rockwell was taken over by guys who were very serious(Koehl) or kind of autistic(Pierce), so it wasn't as funny and witty as the earlier NS stuff. We were always funny and trolling has always been our thing, pics related.

I downloaded the thumbs, sorry fellas

jews had been the ultimate mememasters for a very long time. just look at made up, inherently wrong words like, homophobia or antisemitism and a whole lot of unpleasant stuff.

none of these things is "fun" or honest. if anything it would be interesting understanting why are they starting to slip.

yeah, that's cringey as fuck.

But user isn't wrong.

more like a blog post. they're so wordy they lack all punch.

What? Baby boomers were the "funny" leftists a few decades ago.

Eventually people are going to have to unironically and openly declare themselves Jews or Goyim, to prevent being called anti-Semitic. and that will be sad, but also is always what we wanted to reveal. there is no neutrality with Jews. They are always on their own side. Alwaysl

lefties always wanted more government regulations and always complained of there not being enough

Dubs confirm. Their inefficiency is inherent in their ideology. Being followers of truth, not followers of people, we need less maintenance to maintain a uniform direction. Our adherence to reasoned principles allows us more succinct communication that requires less reinforcement.

Linguistic jew-jitsu their memes against them!

we found it in NatSoc. there are things worth fighting for. our spirit was rekindled. we have direction. the causes we fight for are not merely to virtue-signal to each other (and impossible, because we lack namefagging and upboats) but because we genuinely believe in them.

Tay's law:
Any intelligence of sufficient complexity, if left to freely assimilate information, will eventually become an antisemite.

Young & Rubicam fam, I thought advertising agencies and the ad industry was controlled and run by (((them))). Note adman (((Donny Deutsch))) gets insulted when Iron Ann Coulter calls kikes "imperfect Christians" that need to be perfected. BASED.

Watch what happens when a kike is called a kike, they shrivel…

How many times has this thread been up in the last year? You're not wrong OP, but this also isn't reddit.

He's referring to TOTSEan anarchists, as in controlled opposition to the ZOG. As in make a frigging mess and annoy a swath of folks and possibly kill a few cops anarchy.

Next generation is going to be beyond Regen Youth 2.0 but the direction they take is probably the libertarian route. As long as Trump does what an actual conservative should do then he has that crowd by the balls.

This was never the case. Leftists have been the establishment since FDR. This is just a meme perpetuated in popular culture, since virtually no one likes neocons. The reason you're seeing a "culture shift" in the left-right facade, is that, for the first time in a long time, people are actually standing up to the leftists. If you listen to them talk, they still act like they're the uncool outsider "rebels" in the same breath that they brag about how much more power they have.

Also the far-right is the most fun. Leftists rely solely on social ques, and randomness for their humor. They try to trigger some form of reaction along with a dosage of their ideology. This associates excitement with leftist beliefs, and essentially brainwashes people into supporting leftism; it works in the same way some people like pain during sex. It's especially effective since they're rotted out any healthy stimulus such as sports or family, and "political humor" is a lot less damaging than drugs and alchohol.

Their entire system is pretty clever. It's strong enough to make people think that beating an old lady unconscious and locking her in prison for saying something factual true is perfect justice. Because of leftism's reliance on social views it becomes the ultimate cult, if you say a single thing out of line you can expect to lose most of your friends. It's devilish. And they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling final battalion of honor, strength, and sacred virtue.

pick one

This. GLR was a grade-A IRL shitposter. He would've fit in perfectly on Holla Forums. Hell, even his informative college speeches still have plenty of humor peppered in when he's outing the kikes.

Also, behead those that insult Pierce. Yeah, he was humorless, but different strategies toward the same goal. Pierce is by far the most informative person in WN, and his words are still 100% relevant today. I dare say even moreso than Hitler himself, if only because he has an american viewpoint from within our lifetimes.

Yeah that's right keep watching sports instead of fighting the jew, goy!

What's a matter chaim? Really hard to laugh these days? I don't miss the sound of your cackling either.

I meant participating in sports.


You aren't wrong but
don't just consider suicide

in some ways, teenagers are good bullshit detectors when fed something hamfisted and unpolished. you have to wrap a message in a joke or immediate satisfaction or well-done rebellion for it to take hold. it's why the college meme is so solidly planted in highschooler's minds: a lot of them don't even see the debt or that guys who learn trades do just fine, just the partying and fun they're lead to believe they will experience with a bigger paycheck after.

the left is steadily losing their ability to swing the young due to a combination of way too many sacred cows and the general sjw attitude towards "respect". it's no fun at all to not be able to make fun of people for literally no fucking reason. trannies and faggots and assorted brown people being seen and treated as protected species while also being propped up as just regular people is sure to piss off a bunch of teenagers, because fuck you, that's why. jake sucks cock and takes it in the ass so i'm going to make fun of him for it, and "jessica" is really named sam so i'm going to call him sam to piss him off. when you say "don't do this" to a teenager, they tend to want to do it more, and this goes double when said by authority figures, which commie rats have wormed themselves into being. they're not ever fun about it either, or have some solid underlying morality past "can't we all just get along?". it's just all based on shame and overbearing bullshit for something that's not allowed to be questioned ever. don't do that, take that hat off, you can't say that, don't be mean.

none of it is fun, none of it is rebellious in any way because the left is still in charge culturally speaking, and that's not changing any time soon. fuck, even antifa, which has the highest potential to draw over edgy teenagers, has proven to be nothing more than a bunch of losers that tip over trashcans while screaming about gommunism. the left is going to lose the young simply because it has no staying power

I fucking love, they've put themselves in this fucking microaggression safe space trigger warned box. Normies find them offensive and their own families shun them because they are so difficult to deal with on a personal level.

hitler is ok

No they weren't, they were just elitist asshats that verbally bullied people.

The left was never actually funny, it just had absolute control of the narrative so it always put forward the idea that it was the funny transgressive force. But how can you be transgressive when you run popular-culture, the media, the colleges, and the government bureaucracy? The left had control by 1940, half of the people(conservative whites) didn't want anything to do with it. The other half(liberal whites) has been shrinking due to their 0.9 birthrate whiles the conservative whites grew due to their 2.7 birthrate, the highest of any population in an industrial nation which has been maintained for generations at this point without change.

They needed to import shitskins because without them we'd be living in fascistic republic already. Their echo chamber of smug faggotry has gotten smaller and smaller with each generation, the conservative whites don't watch their bullshit and the shitskins are too stupid to even get anything from the vapid social signalling being broadcast.

They had control of everything but rural Americans were calling them niggers and faggots, and talking about killing them all for decades. Now that same sentiment has a medium to be expressed through. The current meme war is just and outpouring of the hate that every John and Bubba had for the left for almost a century now. But being isolated they never knew just how much others hated these faggots and whenever their views were expressed the left either killed the feed, drowned them out, or used editing to make them look like fools while signalling how it was "smart" to be a nigger-fucker or whatever was being opposed by these ordinary people.

This is why the counter-culture must always remain a more extreme version of White Nationalism.

We don't want to allow the left to be the counter-culture at any point. They will always remain the laughing stock, like fags, for here on out.


This is the problem nobody addresses with lefty memes and why it will never ever work.

Right-wing Nazi meme

Lefty Meme


You cannot fight with words if you have no words

This is important of for what it says about the lefts own view of itself right now. The left's inability to self critique has lead them to label underwhelming events, own goals and even losses as victory. The problem arises when their defeat is so obvious that no amount of spin can hide it. This tactic has stopped being effective propaganda for them and is actually working against them as a demotivational tool. When a non-victory is labeled a victory it is now obvious that there is fear coming from that. It is somewhat akin to trying to raise revolutionary sentiment by talking about how horrible your opponent is to face. If you will notice most commie propaganda sidesteps this by only talking about the horrors of the enemy after they are defeated. During the conflict itself losses are never spoken of and victories are hyperbolized. The left's current problem is that their position of power comes from seeing the enemy as an all powerful monster. This works well when the enemy is cucked and offering concessions. However, if the enemy should go to war against you this rhetoric will serve to demoralize your troops. This is why the left is STILL on the ropes and fractured to shit. No one is asserting their ability to win so it seems to leftists that anyone can and should give ti a try. The coming years for leftists will make that fat naked lolbertarian guy seem like a well thought out choice. As an aside if you are subverting leftist forums secretly use this kind of rhetoric to demotivate them. Talk about "how many of us have been arrested already" or "how much power the enemy has" and wat he is likely to do with it. Make it sound like you are being righteous in the face of oppression but secretly outline all the losses the left is going through.