The Chinese came up with a new term for the Nu-Left

The new term is called "白左" (literally "white left")

>白左 is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”.

I guess commies really do think they're useful idiots and the harmful bourgeois element they will line up against the wall and murderise once the west collapses. At least some good will come of it.

These fucking insects have no respect for nature. The Rape of Nanking didn't happen, but it should have.

But global warming is a hoax, they are right.

I'm not talking about global warming.

Jews of the east.
except Russians

atleast they understand what we deal wtih im sure in china these kind of faggots would not be allowed to do this but even then i do not trust the chinese or like them


They are spot on about the "white" left.

That can't be real.

Too anti-white for my tastes.

Check the link, its real. They are the embodiment of the term christucks.

Independent Baptists are the only non-degenerate Christian sect.

Neither do communists though tbh


there's already a thread about this article

Trad Lutheran or bust kiddo

redpill me on that please. I always kind of assumed what the japanese are accused of happened because they were ruthless and competent. most of what they're accused of would've been really effective and makes pragmatic sense.

Should have called it the "Jewish left", but I understand what they mean. It will really never sink in for gullible white people that their precious Pirates of Caribbeans look at them with disgust.

It did happen, but obvioulsy not anything like the chinese tell

Literally the same thing as holohoax, a bunch of fake photos and testimony. The white dude in this video is jew and insisting that its real even though they prove that is not

China is no longer communist.

Not to derail the thread, but I think Trad anything is still ok.

part where they talk about it extensively

I think this guy is the biggest example of a cuck I've ever seen.

There's only one way to make this work: double down and say that liberalist social justice is an exclusively white idea.

Better yet, convince kikes to go after chinks so the chinks will aid in the extermination of kikes.



At least the China commies aren't hell bent on the extinction of their own people.


They did kill what could be considered their best and brightest. Nothing but peasantry left.

Fucking genius. Spread it.

Make it official. Time to start aggressively meming the terms "White Left" and its Chinese script equivalent, "白左".




白右 is "White Right". Benefits of learning nip moonrunes for business: you learn some chink runes, too.



Bái zuǒ sounds a little like bait-zoo-A when said

No!! jews certainly push the poison, but the Bái zuǒ need to be insulted out of their retarded ways that give jewish intellectuals their power.

Only when the stupid cuckolds a finally shamed out of supporting Altruism can we finally move forward.



왼쪽 화이트

mej chIS

That works, too.

It is japanese.

Chinese are better for us than jews, because atleast normalfags recognize the chinese as others, while they continue to fall for the "judaism is just a religion???" meme.


I'm trying to say "I know that is Japanese." Would that be grammatically correct? I'm still a newfag when it comes to moonrunes

Dubs confirm. Chinks will also make a great ally in fighting the Jews.

Or would it be 「それは日本語だとしっています。」

I just got it off translatorr.

Not totally surprised, but I could see it working. It says "migi howaito", which literally means "Right White". Given the katakana, it could be interpreted as "White Right", but the adjective usually goes before the noun, so I think it should be "howaito migi", literally "white right".

I still like using the actual kanji for it, though. (pronounced "shiro migi")




We are trying to make meme "
白左" into a global insult.


Yeah, but you're fucking with some of the Chinese agents who lurk this board.


isn't asia constantly being finger wagged by (((westerners))) on asian affairs?

Haha no I am from Australia so I won't gulag you.

I am good thank for asking. :)

The party just forces them to care. They do start reforestation projects and whatnot. Its how you handle the chink drones. Compare this to, say, pajeets who you can't even force to poo in the loo.

That's because the used to have an entire caste for maintaining the public poo-eries but the british and Gandhi fucked that right up.

I should probably gas myself for this


Hungarians just call them hipster leftists.

True, but who can say a number of those best and brightest are the kind of people that spout jewish propaganda and other secret subversive shit?


I'll head to the delousing chamber with you for keking at that.

Even they have to be watched closely, see Sam Gipp. Pastor Anderson has been railing against him for weeks now and exposing him as a Crypto-Jew.

Subhuman Chink detected.

Lutherans completely denounce or ignore Luther's older writings. When confronted about it they'll tell you Luther went crazy later in life, that their religion is about God not Luther, that he didn't want a religion named after him, etc.

t. raised a lutheran

Sounds like what most religious cucks do.

Neither do leftists, they all want to live in huge cities. Their 'environmentalism' is literally empty virtue signalling with the sole purpose of making the leftist platform palatable to the normal person. It makes me rage every time I see it. Neocohens participate in this sham by being ardently anti-environmentalist.

Lutherans are certainly not special in this regard. Too many people on Holla Forums think that Lutherans are different because later-life Luther shittalked the jews. But that's not the case, Lutherans sooner denounce later-life Luther than the jews. Lutherans rarely talk or think about Luther at a. To them, he's just that guy who pointed out what the Roman Catholic Church was doing wrong.

>Lutherans rarely talk or think about Luther at all.

fixed it for them.

I know it's normie-tier, but I'm always amazed ho prescient the old blog Stuff White People Like was in noticing these trends.

fucking kill me

Exactly. Every time I come across one of these rats I make it a point to tell them they're pavement apes living in an unnatural concrete environment which exists on thousands of acres of destroyed ecosystem, and that they require entire road system and armies of trucks to bring food and other necessities in to them on a daily basis. They're the most destructive force to nature on this planet. On top of that, it's the urbanites who demand low quality cheap plastic goods, and it's the urbanites who support politicians into power who increase taxation and regulations, destroying wealth creation from the bottom. Not only do they destroy our jobs and leave all wealth creation at the very top, where we have no access to it, but due to their feigned environmentalism and taxation they chase these jobs over to places like China where the harm to the environment is tenfold worse than it would be here. The world would be a better place if we fire bombed all major urban centers and killed all urbanites.

Nice desu ne.

What do the chinks call all those zionist neocon Republikikes?



Can't rape the willing. Unless you are white and they regret it the next day.

Glorified snake handlers.

top snek m80

cucked ZOG trash wewww

Low IQ subhumans must be exterminated.

I usually don't mind ignorant normalfags thinking that since they are communist in name and were actual communists 40 years ago; I mean the flag and all. But someone on Holla Forums 40 years out of date on geopolitical events has to be a shill.


Who can blame them?

Look at how badly a bunch of Commies held back China. The Liberals created a modern day dark age in China.

They are, but China is basically powerful enough to not give a shit.

get out hippie

You mean later writings, I presume.

Why wouldn't the kanji be pronounced Haku migi, as in 白人?