The people behind /polk/ are the same behind the TRS doxing

Daily reminder

The group of people biehind the TRS doxing event that congregated in the >>>/trs/ board is the same people behind the >>>/polk/ board
The BO use the same [email protected]/* */ email to shill round and coordinate their D&C campaings
The BO of both boards use the Username ANIMEISRAEL (wtf???)

The people behind all this are possible idiotic retard kids from Ironmarch following some idiot called Natt danelaw who try to cover their steps by being super ironic naming themselves directly in the /trs/ board

Make your own conclusions

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's a video full of evidence that supports your claims OP, have a look it's pretty valuable stuff.

so this is your damage control?

>google [email protected]/* */ and make your own conclusions

Or you could post the most relevant shit in a follow up post to make up for your shit OP.

I have no doubt you are probably right tho. The D & C shilling on her is fucking intense as fuck for literal months and months now. It's laughably simple to spot and just ignore, but pretty annoying how it makes its way in to 99% of threads somehow and shits everything up. Definitely multiple people and a coordinated effort.

Nigger it's 3AM on a Fri night/Sat morn and I've had a few beers. This is me fucking with you.

i am putting more things together, i will post in the future, just spread this for now

>>>/polk/ did nothing wrong.

So… Shlomo works for us now? Cool, still not going to visit /polk and as far as trs goes… you must be joking nigger.

I don't know who is jewing who anymore

the only reason i checked out polk was actual good discussion threads here getting shoa'd for no apparent reason. also, criticizing cat ownership is a mod-triggering bannable offense wtf

Honestly, this is one of our last bastions from The Alt-lite Stuff, so listen good.

TRS is compromised and meant to crack down on real NatSoc people like ourselves. The only reason why they want us to move boards/"Branch out"/splinter down is so that they can control the narrative and moderation in order to destroy us from within. The mods we have now already control some context, but they're not as bad as fucking TRS.

/polk/ is a good example. Seems promising, more people will go there and establish a userbase. This is step 1.
Next, the group starts pointing out flaws here on Holla Forums, and flaunt about how they don't have such problems, thus attracting more and more people. This is step 2.
Afterwards, they condemn Holla Forums and "claim" that /polk/ is nu-Holla Forums. Around this point, should a good chunk of people migrate to the board, both boards should be quite divided and constantly infighting. This is step 3, the turning point.
Additionally, they start making subtle, but sure, changes to moderation, censorship, and narrative to control the posters on the board and to create counterproductive mentalities of what should be done in order to advance NatSoc agenda. This is step 4.
Finally, the board becomes riddled with so much cancerous bullshit that the migrated group is either dead, filled with idiots, or blind followers. If Holla Forums is dead or even half-dead/half-emigrated or exodused, they take a major victory. A good example is the Halfchan exodus. This is step 5, the final phase.

Screencap this, because this is (((their))) plan, and a lot of people are falling for it. Don't (((let))) them win.

He already did

Heaven forbid we question our glorious leader's motives. Better we blindly accept that ((they)) have our best interests at heart at all times. After all, it's not like internet forum moderators are known for being the worst kinds of power tripping children in existence.

if youre not banned for questioning trump, its not a problem

if other people are saying you're shill, deal with it.

Kikes never divided the board, the mods are the only ones with the power to do that. Notice it took that fag codemonkey to restore the board from death by 1500 UID. The mods would have let the board die a death and still say it wasn't on them. They are fucking retarded and to blame fucking polk for doing anything is retarded. The only ones who jewed us are the mods.

This man is right. We should all have stayed on 4chan.

This, and its amusing to see these failed attempts to regain a user base that's already long gone from here. Take a look at each thread since the hack. Count the webms. Count the JewTube embeds. It says a LOT about who remains


I'm glad (((TRS))) got outed, but the drama around it was still fabricated by some real scumbag autists.

And the enemy of an enemy is NOT my friend.

No punching to the right huh?

ANIMEISRAEL is a reference to this:


/polk/ BO here, he's right, I am the /trs/ BO too but I never mentioned it because I didn't feel it was worth mentioning. I haven't been shilling here in a long time so if anyone has been doing that it's not me. I am starting to think I should throw kikey's face back on the banner though.

So yeah, it's pretty silly to call /polk/ TRS rejects when I helped oust the sodomites themselves. And no, I'm not Iron March kek, just one too many layers of irony for the sodomites to grasp apparently.