Don't call her "annoying", that's sexist

Don't call her "annoying", that's sexist.

Other urls found in this thread:

how about "actress that went from milf to whale in between seasons"

what show?


Call her a fucking hole

that was called pregnancy you virgin

Emilia Clarke?

Except she wasn't pregnant it was because of the cortisone.

reported for not checking your sources

Don't call her a woman. It might identify itself as a pencil.

reported for being a virgin

She's an annoying cunt at any weight tbh.

I am not a virgin.


Shoplifting and failure to recognize the difference between rocks and minerals, aside, we can all agree that Marie was the superior sister, right?

She looks like a tranny.

Hopefully you will get some new glasses this Christmas.

Both were annoying as shit, Hank and Walt should've gone civil union with each other.


Better Call Saul S04?

yes, cortisone. definitely not stuffing her face.

Not really, she was hotter than Skyler in S1 and maybe the first half of S2 but after that she ballooned and aged like milk. You look up "cow" to describe a woman in the dictionary and post-S2 Marie is the picture that greets you.

Because Jane was a filthy kikess and aside from the fact she was on the wrong side of 30 when she made her debut, I think we can all agree pic related was by far the best woman on BB bar none.

Willing to bet that's a jewess too.

You fucking arrogant cis-asshole.

Nervousfu best waifu

Assuming I identify in the second person. I want Holla Forums to leave!

nice internalized cisogeny, shitkin

I thought she was ok, but in Season 3 she was a total cunt.

Marie wasn't perfect, but the show expected us to find her annoying while finding Skyler reasonable, when the other way around is a better viewpoint.


I'm not the one posting trannies

At least she supported her man.
Skyler was fucking retarded. Insists she be involved in the meth business then whines constantly about it.
I find it hard to believe the writers intended for her to be likable.


But she is annoying.

She was beyond annoying; infuriating even. She probably gave her husband cancer too.

t. misogynist pigs

I want to break her so bad

What kind of bitch would cuck her dieing husband?

Go back to reddit, Meth Damon


no, the annoying cunt klepto whos barren gets the rope first

almost all the women suck so bad in breaking bad that skylar is the best female character in comparison to all the other cunts




Series went to shit when they moved to the laundromat lab. At this point it was basically a new show, an episodic comedy filmed exclusively for redditors.

And don't remind me of that retarded airplane crash. To think someone would consider it drama to center an entire season on.

What was the point of that crashed plane with no survivors?

Trump > Bane


No, she didn't.


Mandy Mitchell