Now that I watched Revenge of the SIth on my 4K tv I'm ready to say it's the best of second best Star Wars film easily

Now that I watched Revenge of the SIth on my 4K tv I'm ready to say it's the best of second best Star Wars film easily.





Sheev is the only reason why prequels are even considered to be movies.
Everything else is utter shit: dialogue, CGI, pacing,…

Nah III works rewatch it on a good setup


Buzz off, Kike Cucklasa.

II>III>I>IV>VI>V>Ewok films>>>>holiday special>>>>R1>>>>TFA

Prequels are shit in everything but story ideas/design and Sheev.
Lucas is and always will be a god tier story teller and a seller. He's a complete autist in everything else




reddit's imitation of a real cinephile.
The correct answer is

Not good enough bait


2 is shit


IV > V > III > II > I > RO > VI > VII

This is one of my favourite shots (and scenes) from RotS – a truly beautiful scene.

I haven't been on cuckchan for years. Do they still worship Kike Cucklasa?

I want a seamless looping gif of that shot, it's giving me a kino erection.

Could only find ones with fucked up colours, but if you've got the skills, here's a webm.

Also, while I was looking I found a gif showing what looked like a power loader from Aliens appearing in the background of one of the scenes in RotS.

II > III > I > everything else

You're fucking plebs and redditors otherwise

Fuck off with your falseflag shitposting, RLM fuckboy.

I'm not being unironic m8

Attack of the Clones is literally the best, kino love story, detective chase, the plot is actually the best of all 3, the acting isn't bad at all considering the situation Ani and Padme are in, the dialogue is deeper than you think most of the time anyway, and the ending is God tier with the foreboding of the Empire and the wedding, plus it looks great artistically, fuck the haters

Revenge of the Sith comes close in many respects, especially regarding art. The fall of Anakin is well done and the plot is very good, Sheev's a great character. It's not quite as good as AotC imo because aside from the Sheev and Anakin plotline it's basically just an action adventure flick (enjoyable, but not true kino). It is a most satisfactory ending to a great trilogy though.

I is alright though not really kino (unless you count the influence of Qui-Gon on Anakin and his death meaning that he's trained by Obi-Wan who was against his acceptance into the Jedi Order and all the implications that brings). Jar Jar is a shitty character but otherwise it's a fairly solid film although lacking exceptional details. That said Darth Maul and that fight (and that soundtrack) is very good.

You kikes always accuse everyone else of what you're guilty of.

t. totally not a RLM fan
You are the one who give fans of the PT a bad name.

Pot, meet kettle?

Only falseflagger is you lad, D&C shill tbh

You're literally doing what RLM did. You obviously don't care for the prequels

But I am the RLM/falseflagger/shill, right?


You see what you're doing?

I'd personally put VI over V but I agree with everything else.

And also the whole plot about how Sheev sets up Count Dooku to fail and force the republics hand to take in the fifth-columns that is the clone troops is both subtle and brilliant. I've yet to seen a modern movie pull that off, yet alone a soap-opera sci-fi movie based on Lucas' love for Flash f'n Gordon.

And as you mentioned, the romance is both beautiful as it is tragic because we know the jedi aren't allowed to own anything or have any connection of that sort, which means he's willingly breaking one of the cardinal rules of the jedi order. And we already are getting foreshadowing that this will end badly in the vein of Anakin behaving boldly and using his force in vain attempts of impressing Padmé.

As a final saying on the whole thing the "I don't like sand" line is fucking deep. RLM fanboys can shove their Millenium Falcon-statues up their anuses, that line tells more about Anakin and his mindset, what happened in the past and telling us what is going to happen in the future than any of the long winded, drawn out meaningless drivel they had for lines in the newer Star Wars-movies.

I've yet to have seen a valid argument that the Star Wars prequels are bad. It's a hivemind created by early 00's journalists, reviewers and e-celeb faggots like RLM. They are classic movies and Anakin is supposed to be flawed, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for him to cross over to the dark side.

My only real gripe with this movie is padmes acting. She seems to suck all the acting talent from the room. Whenever she's talking to someone their ability to give an effective performance drops considerably.

Why don't you tell me?
I can tell you what you are doing though; making fans of the PT/people who like the PT seem like fucking retards who only love the PT and look down at the OT.

Underrated posts


Your post is spot on, couldn't agree more. Prequel bashers are a phenomenon brought about by nostalgiafags autistically screeching about no millennium falcon in the PT, and this was exacerbated by e-celebs and critics like RLM perpetuating the idea that everyone hated them. Most people are sheep and bought into this meme even if they never watched them.

The plot of AotC really is masterful. You have Count Dooku only saying that Palpatine is a Sith Lord to Obi-Wan for example, and at the time people didn't know if it were true or not. The manipulation is done incredibly well.

People will dismiss it because of the 'bad acting/dialogue' but Hayden Christiansen and Natalie Portman actually do a good job at showing the awkwardness between the two, which is why the dialogue is mistakenly considered bad. It's natural considering that Anakin is nervous as fuck around her and she also is not comfortable with him. But it's beautiful to see their romance gradually develop into genuine affection for each other despite the issues they both have with their relationship and external issues as well. The scene before they're taken to be executed where Padme declares her love is pure kino. And yes, "I don't like sand" is a deep line signifying not only Anakin's hatred of his home, but also the fact that such hatred resides in him. Only plebs would take it at face value.

I love Anakin as a character. He's a great example of a tragically flawed hero who only tries to do what is right but is manipulated by his love for Padme. AotC actually shows him at his best because you see where the seeds of his turning to dark side are sown. Shit gets even deeper when you consider that Anakin was likely conceived by Sheev among other things. The PT is genuinely one of the best film trilogies to have ever been made.

You're acting exactly like an RLM shill does towards those who like the prequels. If liking AotC is RLM then you must be deluded.

As the OT, it's not kino. It's not rubbish but it's just a series of relatively enjoyable space adventure flicks. I really don't get the nostalgia and love for it. The prequels on the other hand have a complex and masterfully executed plot, developed characters (as opposed to the cardboard cutout that was Luke), and it looked a hell of a lot better.

tl;dr you're nothing but a butthurt nostalgiafag RLM shill who's trying to make prequelkino lovers look dumb by causing infighting

thats why she dies during the end of ROTS, she couldnt get any more talent from anyone she worked with anymore


loving the 6 bait here bois

I've got to hand it to you - you are one dedicated shill. I really hope you get paid for this kind of serious shitposting.

That is your (deliberatley) twisted take on it. I highly suspect you are a RLM shill because you make such obvious troll/shill claims so that people will think fans of the PT are deluded retards who think a space opera is serious kino, and lump all the OT films ('simple space adventure flicks') into one, not even bothering to rank them at all.

Falseflagger detected. The prequels are the pinnacle of American culture.

Star Wars shitposting is like some kind of infinitely repeating wave.
It's really fun at first, then it gets boring, then it gets outright fucking irritating, goes back to stale, and then eventually breaks the retard threshold and becomes fun again.

One of these days I will put together a visual essay that will be so far beyond irony that it will convince even the fattest of cucks that the prequels are kino.

I haven't rewatched the prequesl in so many years.. 10 years each now I think…

the day I sit down and watch them again is going to be fucking amazing. The movies are so cozy it's unreal… it's like a prized whiskey or vintage


So you're saying it comes and goes in cycles, similar to the seasons. A kind of ring theory, if you will.

The text below isn't interchangeable, goon. You can't just stick one under the other and expect it to still work. The prequels require a classical education in order to be appreciated. The new Disney flicks require a corporate marxist brain pozzing to be enjoyed.

I was thinking it has ups and downs sort of like a sine wave only more unpredictable, but that works too I guess.
t. shitpost scholar


You will be surprised by how good they are. Kike Cucklasa and his legion of cucks have actually made me realize the prequels are kinos.

IV = V > VI = III > I = II
VII, VIII, IX, are not canon.



Revenge of the Sith actually looked great on upscaled on my new 4K 10 bit dolby vision hdr tv

Who are you trying to fool here?

Also Episode I was actually shot on 35mm so it is more than 4K. Attack of the Clones looks the worst. Revenge looks better than Episode I to me


Where did you get a 4k HDR copy of any Star Wars movie with 10 bit color? You're full of shit.

It looked great upscaled, the bluray looked great upscaled. Granted I have a 65 inch but the detail and everything looked impressive for a good amount.

RLM confirmed

This. Anakin is an Achilles figure, the archetypal Byronic hero. Of course the plebs fail to see this, instead preferring to whine about 'hurr durr da dialogue is bad' while missing the deeper implications of what's actually happening on screen

I'm OP and I love ROTS and even the others and elements but stop with this fucking shit ass redditchan image just stop trying so hard.

The meme is obviously a joke but with very true foundations. That's why it's good.

Nigger I saw it in theaters in 2005 and have seen it tons of times

what did he mean by this?

Apologies, read the OP wrong kek