Uh, Venkman From Ghostbusters Was Probably A Sexual Predator


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No shit, he's even a professional hack, highlighted by the scene in OP, the psychic guy getting shocked is actually getting all the cards right, he's just one card ahead of the one he holds up, but Venkman either doesn't care or is either too preoccupied with bedding the co-ed to notice was the whole joke of the scene.

Are cracked /ourguys/ Holla Forums? Not everybody BTFOs misogynerds quite like the based comrades over there, after all.

He was a literal cuck. Wasted trips.

Jesus Christ half of the "articles" on cracked are ads for their products now

I remember the days when cracked magazine was a knockoff of mad magazine. What the fuck happened to turn them into this?

So Holla Forums doesn't do archive.is?

Real fa/tv/irgins do, not the redditors.


I'm glad that actual sexual harassment is so rare we can waste our time worrying about fictional people doing it.

At this point "sexual predator" just means someone with a measurable testosterone level.




C-c-c-c-clown world


In third world countries there has been, for decades, a well-documented phenomenon of social engineering where rich politicians/party officials become unofficial sponsors of a media outlet which in turn results in said media outlet churning out biased articles. This kind of public brainwashing shit also happens in the first world, the only difference is the amount of money involved. In other words today's mass media has no credibility whatsoever since anyone with enough money can order custom-made media framing of a certain topic. Cracked was among these sellout media outlets despite being a joke site since it has always had a large normie audience. Basically the main reason why a lot of the oldfags were pissed off when m00t sold 4chan. Once money is involved there's no telling what kind of fuckery will be in store.

How do SJWs propose humans reproduce if men can't get a little forceful in their advances. Clearly its OK for the Jews to act like rape-u-gees but what about h'white guys?

I can't wait for the day the power goes out and all these people die within a week

There is really no need to be forceful, their game is to blur that reality the way you already accepted. Its used both to keep good people from breeding, and to excuse their own bad behavior.

I'm from a third world country with a sold out media I was aware of the bad intent since very young, and your media looks way more brainwashing than ours, or at least efficient at it.

If only someone with legitimate power had the balls to call them out for it.

The white elite have to sort of pretend the media is objective.

Are any of the older writers even there any more? I remember some of them seemed pretty cool.

Next they'll be telling us the Blues Brothers glorifies criminal behaviour.

Jesus. Who writes this shit?

I hope he gets into a car accident. Fuck.

The show was CALLED Breaking Bad. The entire point was that he starts out as a nice, normal guy and by the end he's a fucking supervillain. No one disputes that Walter was a bad guy, but we like it for the same reason people like Scarface and The Sopranos.

Bah, who cares? OP's quite seriously most likely shilling the website. I mean have you seen their numbers? They've been in the toilet for years. They still think the "IF WE PISS PEOPLE OFF WE MAKE MONEY" strategy will work. That died with GamerGate. If OP wasn't a shill he would have archived or screenshotted that shit.

Problematic af

here's your sage

Gives me chills