White Girl Being Witch Hunted For Saying Nigger


There was a thread about this on halfchan but I think making it here would be good too. Not the same OP as the last one to be clear.

Even if all we can do is something token, we should try. Witch Hunting is their bread and butter, if we can impair it in some way then that is good

Ideas: releasing the info of the people releasing her's

Mass reporting the offending accounts as this is against Twitter's TOS

Contact the girl and warn her ahead of time. Give her ideas on how to cope (like never apologizing)

Generation Z is a big deal. Show that we're there for them and they will be there for us (as newbies are important even if a pain)

Thank you for your time

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FaoqWTowhHUJ:https://www.jobdiagnosis.com/resumes/Taylor-Ward-Henderson-NV-15043512 &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

How old is this chick? She's on a school bus? Is it just me or does the current generation of kids look older than they did in the past?

Used to live near Henderson. Nogs will nog. She is in danger.

Are they on a high school bus? Why the hell are there over 4,000 people who are probably into adulthood witch hunting one teenager for saying nigger?

I thought it was the opposite. It always seemed newblood in high school were significantly smaller every year went on. But that was a while ago.

Because she's pretty and thus has power over them or their potential mates.

I guarentee they don't even bother with uglies, just report to police and move on.

I'm in the area. I didn't even know we had any Chick Fil A down here, thanks nigger. Anything I can do to help?

Make her my gf plz

the day is going to come when ppl are hunting niggers. I hope I live long enough to see it.

well you can get started now by helping her out.

We'd do it for a guy too

It's because they somehow are. During my last year of highschool, all of the first year kids were shorter than me (and I'm 5'9 for fucks sake), and half of them looked like they were fresh out of daycare.

I live close to Henderson

Right wing protection squads. And for God's sake I don't mean being like the "proud boys".

Me too user. You want to go redpill her? The niggers are saying she works at the galleria mall

she's mine, back the fuck off!?

We can be her nigger defense force

They're trying to get her fired from her job. Wat do

Bud your benis in her bagina :DDDD

Give her the D.

That's a good point. I'm assuming the nigger was really bothered that a good looking white girl wasn't all over his Bee bee cee like all the rappers said.

They already called her manager and they're apparently calling corporate. Best we can do at this point is counter-dox the jealous bitches that leaked her info namely:
https:// twitter.com/taylauryn
https:// twitter.com/cass_uhhh_deee

Can't find her instagram, but have sent her a warning on her Snapchat.

Also, this archive has a response to the tweet in the OP (now gone)

Important info


then that is what must happen

What was the context of the conversation? The nigger wanted to muh dik her but she shut him down? The look of defeat on his face at the end lights up my soul.

user on cuckchan is claiming he goes to school with her and that she's dated nonwhites. Still worth saving?

http:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/124903177#p124912120


Of course user, I believe a completely anonymous post on cuck/pol/ with no evidence, it's the only smart thing to do.

The samefag doesn't even give us the school so that info is useless. If you can get the school though and you're in the area: you know what to do. If you stake out the mall you might be able see niggers looking for her tomorrow.

we contact her and come up with a pre planned encounter to prove she's not racist

A woman who called a nigger a nigger.

we've gotta protect our own user, if we don't we risk her becoming an apologetic coal burner.

Just read through those niggers other tweets.

Disgusting subhumans, Hitler was right

why not normalize racism instead of cucking and cucking until you are indistinguishable from those you supposedly oppose.

ok fine, whats your idea then?

Three options for the high school:
Green Valley (closest to her work location)
Del Sol (second closest)

And I'll hang around the mall tomorrow a bit too, see if there's any action. Local anons can come help too I guess. Although if I try to confront her it might be kinda awkward since I'm kind of a sperg with women I don't know. I am a blonde Aryan in pretty good shape only 5'9 though ;_;

Anything that doesn't involve cucking to the kikes and making muh racism even more bad. Fucking tard.

I was more so trying to make a humorous response than give an actually serious solution. Obviously you realized that my post was satire, did you not?

ironic cucking is still cucking. kill yourself.

Calm down user. You're ruining my chances to get a gf

what has Holla Forums become?
Did we not leave 4chan for a reason?
Are we suddenly going to start defending the kind of harlots who hang around with niggers?
Don't you have any principles?
Do you think she'd have any pity on you if she knew you?


I doubt she'll be working tomorrow after those phone calls. I did some digging and the Sheboon I posted earlier goes to Liberty High School which is in Henderson if I'm not mistaken.

Do you think schoolkids hang around niggers by choice?

she's sitting with black guys, it's the same story as those videos of black guys fighting white women, you might want to defend them, but they are gone.

Alright, keep an eye on Twitter I guess, maybe give it a couple days.

She is on a school bus going to a school full of niggers that was forced unto us by government you fucking idiot.

Do you think she's sitting with black kids of her own free will?
Or because she's on a fucking school bus, you fucking mong?

she is literally talking directly into the camera held by a black guy

I doubt she is the only non black on the bus

literally in a seat behind them sitting by herself you god damn retarded shill.

Because that nigger was probably hitting on her so she called him a nigger to his face and the video is the tail end of your altercation. If reading those tweets from all those race traitors and mongrels doesn't make your blood boil you're deserving of a gas chamber. Now fuck off and let the men work.

it also doesnt really matter if she was provoked imo

Taking the side of the people trying to get her fired and further demonizing muh racism won't get you anywhere with girls, weak-willed alt-kike cuck

She's as worthless as the cunt from the pool video there's no argument there. We're not doing it for her. Do it because these niggers think they can get away with calling racist

Lmao man I'm on your side. I'd be happy to help dox the people trying to fuck with her but I haven't found any leads at all.

You realize the irony in all of this don't you?

Why're you idiots doxing this girl, do you want to make it easy for the lefties to find her?

I don't know what it was, but something has happened. What interests me is how the uptick is constant, and how to get rid of them.

you guys are mentally fucking retarded, LEarnin2sarcasm


nah i dont, enlighten me leftypol

Try to imagine what her life is like in public school. Black dudes are hyper-masculine, and super aggressive. They are after her constantly. All of society encourages their behavior. Day after day she has to rebut them. Eventually, they just wear her down.

Meanwhile, any minuscule display of masculinity from a white male is "toxic masculinity" and he needs to "check his privilege." Every single day, they remind young white males that they're responsible for everything bad in the world. They wear them down eventually too, and they reject masculinity.

I don't like this truth, but this is the way the world is right now. White males are demoralized and eventually they submit to being cucks. White women are utterly alone and constantly hounded so eventually they submit too.

The only place in the entire world (and I'm not even exaggerating here) where white people might hear that they have worth and should stand up for themselves are on chans. And only a few of them ever hear it.

It's sad as shit.

Good post. But what can be done in this case?

This entire post is utterly unrealistic. It reads like you just regurgitated what you think you're supposed to say from observing the board in order to excuse your white knighting. If shes a mudshark then who cares?

fake and I'd bet you're that same user

That uptick was probably /hwndu/ they must have stayed, Shia better not leave that fucking cabin and set up another flag

DM'd one of her friends to tell her which accounts she needs to delete/hide to prevent a dox, although the incident seems to be well known at her school and she's not very popular with a few people for various reasons, so someone will probably leak it.

At least she was right wing before Trump

Kill Every Kike. Nothing extravagant. Just shoot them for preying on our youth. Hate them the same way you hate a disease. You express your hatred by loving yourself and your people enough to bear their burdens as fully as you can without compromising yourself. Create a space for white nationalist academics to grow and they will. The only people you should care if they think you hate them or talk about you hating them, are those with power over you. Family has power over your legacy. Nation and state has power over your family. The species has power over your nation. The world over that.
Does that include, anywhere, one kike or nigger talking to you? No. Those are one persons whom belong to a different nation. Their nation, not them individually, effects a part of your life (generally). Rich kikes control your state which controls your nation which controls your family which controls your legacy.

if she's a mudshark

one cuckchan poster that's probably a lefty trying to hurt her, posted that.

Provide proof that she's a mudshark or fuck off

pick one, rabbi OP

Ramirez published the video, you dumb nigger.

What video, you smarmy kike?

Holy fucking shit are you completely retarded? The video in which the girl calls a nigger what it is. You know, the shit this whole debacle is about. It was put online by a nigger with ramirez in his username. The girl did not fucking record herself saying nigger and put it online herself. Fucking dumbass.

Yes you are completely Jewish. There are no videos in this thread. I'm not going to some spic's twitter, Rabbi.


Does not make you any less of a retard for assuming the source comes from the girl herself. But nice job calling every poster a jew who calls you out for the obnoxious retard that you are.

Go back to 4cuck or make a webm off your spic's twatter you fucking faggot. No one cares.

kill yourself, retarded nigger

Someone tell the importance of not apologizing in this scenario.

Also, who gives a fuck if she keeps her job? She should be making babies. Bring her into our loving embrace when the rest of the world villifies her, and we'll have a new convert.

I'm not whiteknighting the girl, I don't care much for her. I'm calling YOU a retard. Because that's all you've been showing yourself to be since your first post.

This almost word-for-word exactly what happened. OP's faggotry in not uploading a webm is no excuse for you being a dumbshit incapable of basic logical thinking. I'm done with you.

polite sage

Girl a cute.

Every poster in this thread is a bot.

Every reply is the exact same as in this forum.


Stop shilling that shitty website. It crawls this site and copypastas the content for shekels. And you already know that.

We are protecting her from actual rape.

Go to hownew.ru to find out more.

You're not even a double nigger. You're a quadranigger, kill yourself.

Not buying that without hard proof. Bc ALMOST every thread is on there.
There are no user's anymore I'm starting to think.

This is rich. The nigger who outed her wants to remain anonymous:

/You/ know what must be done, pol.


Go away, we're not going to your shitty site. The real "bots" are the faggots that keep on bringing up that fucking trash site all the time. We know about it, we don't care about it. Crawl youtube comments instead.

Trips confirm: She'll be heavy with white child this time next year. I'd do it myself, but I'm old and fat, and she deserves better.

Holy shit user, your post is there too.
Better kill yourself just to make sure you aren't a bot.

Kill yourself.





holy shit you're a faggot

A) Even if she's done interracial gangbang porn, this is an excellent chance to both show up the tolerant left and maybe slay a violent nigger who lays a hand on her, which has value all in itself
B) I'll bet the baptism of bile she's getting now will either redpill her for good or push her over the edge until she's got a nigger baby. Which would you prefer, Rabbi?
C) We must positively reinforce this racially aware behavior among whites, regardless of context.
D) You are taking high school mean-girls gossip, anonymously reported via nigger-chan at face value
E) She looks about ready to breed. Time to break her conditioning and cement her understanding of her own race as the only family she can trust. We do this by supporting her when she needs it.

It's not wrong to white knight for a white girl. It's normal male-female dynamics among non-nig, non-Jew people, you goddamn imbecile.

Lmao i dont know what kind of shit country you live in or if your core is just 100% beta but as a healthy alpha male i can get a fuck whenever i want. But these hoes arent worth it 99 out of a 100 times. So i just cuck niggers for fun nowadays. Anyways what im trying to say is stop cucking yourself by talking it right and givibg up. You can be whatevrr the fuck you want to be so if your content being a cuck be a cuck but dont go spreading your defeatist minset around here you fucking faggot.

Part of me wants to say to protect her because someone has to protect whites. The tactics I've learned from The Chosen, however, make me want to have her catch tons of flak; a martyr to serve to redpill others as to how things are for them. Whatever happens to this girl, she's going to end up getting enriched - either forcibly or guilt tripped into "atoning for her sins" by riding Jamal.

look at your ID, it means you're not white

Maybe that's why she hates niggers.


Holy shit.

Sorry for not being that gullible for falling for "my dad works for Nintendo" tier shit stories. It doesn't work when you keep doing it.

I hope Idubbbz is watching.

Archive that shit

Or… that site is recording all our posts?
That's been happening for a long time.


Let's pretend we never saw this thread. :^)

1) absolutely no proofs whatsoever. Just some random guy with a >(1) goes in says she's a coalburner. No proof, no evidence, doesn't give her info or school name or anything.

2) even if she were a coalburner, that's not the point. It's not about the girl herself. It's about the idea that shitskins should no longer have free rein to just go around doxing and ruining the lives of every single person who doesn't follow the progressive ant-white marxist bullshit. The point is to fuck with these harassing niggers, regardless.

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FaoqWTowhHUJ:https://www.jobdiagnosis.com/resumes/Taylor-Ward-Henderson-NV-15043512 &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

[1] "LMAO" is degenerate. Use your words.
[2] "I" is always capitalized, unless you're a Mexican who didn't finish school.
[3] Oh, I see that you are.
[4] Sure you are, Pedro.
[5] Literally "muh dick." Is it possible you're a dark-skinned spic?
[6] Oh, wow. You're actually a nigger.
[7] Definitely niggish, at least on your mothers' side.
[8] "a 100 times" Full nigger. End of analysis.

This poster gets it.

Your autism is showing.

wew lad.

Where would it be appropriate, if not here?

Well said.

We're saying good effort lad.

Sorry, I momentarily forgot that "autistic" is a compliment here. Thanks, fam!

Actually, even if she's a whore, we need to attack this simply for precedent to stop them from attacking anyone that says the word nigger.

OR , we be complete cunts and use this to get people to attack Idubbbz :^)

Funny how this place works.


Such a qt3.14.


God bless this girl. 88/88; would impregnate.

You sure? My J-dar is going off.

Jews are like weeds in a greenhouse constantly turning the thermostat up higher and higher so that us plants suited to colder climates can't flourish but weeds like them suited to hotter climates can.

You don't reason with a weed, you don't implore one, you remove it, roots and all.

Your kikedar is broken, you stupid nigger.


Spam fake info. Make hers get lost in the noise.
They post her address, post 10 different addresses. They post her facebook account, post fake accounts linked to said fake adresses. They start going "no this is the real one" then you do the same. Post fake names as well. This whole thing will cause lots of confusion and hopefully take the heat off her as the sjw are trying to figure out which info is real and which isn't, as well as attacking each other over posting fake info, which you should also encourage by attacking people who post real info calling them liars(only when they start doing it of course).

continuously spam the doxxer's info

was wondering how long it would take, her father's surname, not the one she uses on instagram, does sound marrano and he works in (((finance)))

>Obviously christian white girl BTFOs nigger on the bus she's forced to share with her inferiors thanks a bunch, kikes, you call her a Jew.

Back to basic shill training with you, Avram. Shareblue demands more from you.

this. Just start posting random fake dox info in all the comment sections.

Quite a lot of assumption, there. Do you have an axe to grind in this?
I see the same Hawkish shimmer in her eyes, the same nose and the same facial curves as Moldylocks. Don't get fooled by her bleached hair, pal.

I'm not your pal.

Anyway, her resume makes mention of her personal beliefs, and I think she may have revised it that way right before applying to work at Chick-fil-a. She ain't a Muslim, and she's too young for that level of advanced Jewry.


p.s. this girl is giving me the weirdest boner rn.

Definitely a nigger shill. Don't believe it.

Holla Forums will put a stop to this

And I see a lot of baseless accusation against a nigger hating teenager here.

Well she's definitely not a natural blonde at the least.


wrong twitter handle lol, the bitch is twitter.com/taylauryn

== she deserves to be lent a hand by /pol
She's white FFS!!!!! ==

look at her photos, goofball.

You heard it here first from
If you sit on public transit in Chicago that means niggers are your best friends goy.

she deserves to be lent a hand by /pol
She's white FFS!!!!!

Let them have their "omg, finally a White girl who shares my beliefs!" fantasy.
When the only reason she said "nigger" was because she calculated that the extra attention would outweigh the backlash from the edge.

A girl only has to say "Jews" or "niggers" to get attention like this:

the footage from a nigger's phone is inevitably shoddy, but as far as I can see, she isn't Jewish.

Her Instagram may show more on her, but since she lives in Vegas, she is most likely no the fair pure maiden. She's still better than any left-wing drone, that's for sure.

That's actually a good thing. Fact of the matter is that women are all attention whores, in some shape or form. They are all social creatures that run on whatever makes people notice/like them.
If we're setting up an atmosphere where women get positive attention for speaking out against niggers and jews, that's a win. Because otherwise, they'd be getting attention from niggers and cucks for saying progressive bullshit instead.

the bigger question is why does she have to travel alone with a bunch of niggers? At worst she should be sitting up front near the driver, at best those chimps wouldn't be attending the same school as her to begin with.


There is only one way out, you must shot yourself

The left is an evil but wellcrafted machine, they automaticly let their hounds out, in attempt to ruin peoples life when they are dissident. Attempts to kick her out of school and work place will follow. We should start something similar, atleast start with amatuer methods such as sending pizzas or crazy anons planting weed packages on their property. Imagine having a twitter employee on our side.

If she apologize, she will have to humiliate her, crawling to the cross, and they will attack her further.

The key is to never apologize, and if you are really good, DOUBLE DOWN! It will lead to pure victory.

Ban evasion.
Of course we would cheer for any effort at undermining the negrification.

According to this shills most pure blooded Nordic would be kikes because their noses are quite curved.

It also has no proof that the guido bitch is the same girl.
Fuck off.

I came up with this Shoah about a year ago but I cant seem to get any traction, maybe you should try.

Not everyone is well off?

I thought you were shilling sorry, Im in a boring class.

This is great red pilling material fam
Let's put up a raid team and have some fun on twitter. Discord?

Most high school girls know that if you date a nigger, most white guys don't want you afterward.

being poor isn't an excuse. someone should have the forethought and decency to protect her. A white classmate should ride with her to her stop, or like I suggested, she sits near the driver.

So, wait…what did she do?
Called someone a nigger? And it was filmed?

Yeah exactly, but she also need an army of white online brothers.

That's where == /pol == comes into effect.

fucking lol. I really dont know where the fuck you guys live but where I'm from racism isnt really a big enough deal to take it seriously. Its just fucking banal at best, bc you cant do shit about it and it really isnt that common. So I'm just gonna assume you're a fucking NEET or worse an MGTOW faggot who really has no idea whats going on in the real world.

Yeah exactly, but she also need an army of white online brothers.
That's where ==/pol== comes into effect.

make a new thread and link it

no prob fam, focus on your studies for now.

Also her surname is Daneza, so I suspect that she is a wop, or of medditeranian descent anyways. Could be Semitic, but unlikely.

That's why men exist. Holla Forums must become the supreme gentleman.

not dating coal burners sounds like a good start.

In the current year that's a crime.

Is it me or does this nig look like gazi?

Shut up you fucking kike.

I guess you don't wanna help her?


African same-gender lovers are all alike.

Yup. (((They))) have gotten around the first amendment by creating a societal culture where a shred of wrongthink you display will get you fired from your job, blacklisted, and branded for life. You won't go to jail for such things in America, but that hardly matters. The net effect is still the same: you cannot public display any right-wing wrongthink.

On the other hand, left-wing radicals are totally free from this shit, because if you fire them, then they get arbitrarily protected by the civil rights act. Which will protect them from repercussions for their anti-straight-white-male shit.

Nigger reminds me of Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man.

It also made me very pro-gun when I was young. Such anti-semitic films should not be shown to children.

And who the hell said I ever dated a coal burner? Between you and me when can agree that we shouldnt date a coal burner but the normalfags dont play by our restrictions you fucking moron thats my whole point. You cant boycot something if its just you and your friend a.k.a. a fringe group of neo nazis and memetic shitposters worlwide wont make a difference.

So what we really have to do is make it socially acceptable to call niggers niggers even make it socially rewarding that will go a whooole way further than just staying away from coal burners when nobody else practically does that.

Ok made a new server on Discord. If anyone would like to coordinate an attack , the server is /pol.

Where's the footage though. Can't find any video on twitter.


You stupid nigger, if you use discord people will think you're honey potting due to its easy ip extraction. Make a new thread on Holla Forums not a new server on fucking discord.

Really?? Pretty sure its Bensuaski

Fuck off FBI, it's obvious you're not from here.
=No one is joining your honeypot.==

Well one thing is for sure. Shes definitely on board with the cause now.

wew time to hang myself, but my point still stands

Yep this is the surname i found for the rest of her family, did she change it when people started contacting her?


At the same time we shouldn’t give the impression that these loud mouth bitches can do or act whatever way they want and we'll white knight for them.

Tough call

I'm afraid I went off some nigger's instagram page of the gril. You may be right.

Don't praise a girl you have never met, on the merit of a video(s). Remember Evalion?

polite sage

It's the name linked to her IG and Youtube, not out to doxx her but using it to find associated IG. Lots of the doxxers seems to be friends just throwing her under the bus lol

meant for and

Can we raid this faggot pr prr prease?

Fuck off, kike. No one is perfect, this girl is lovely.

she gon get raped by niggers sadly

shes probably a coal burner

Nobody here praised evalion besides shills. A majority said she was a Jewish plant since the beginning. Now get lost kike.

FFS this beautiful slut needs our help fam.


Sure, whatever (((you))) say.

you faggots that live nearby better get over there and help this girl out


I'm not denying that she isn't a qt lad. I'm merely saying that what says holds water, at least in my experience.

Now these are absolutely shillniggers

Fuck I probably shouldn't have brought her up>>9889816

if you faggots won't help then I'll do it on my own!

Already started a twitter attack



Lmao fucking spic mother of two got nothing better to do than harrassing some HS kid



imagine how funny it would be if the biggest backlash to jewery and noggery in a long time started because of some highschool girl calling a nig out.

defend every white that says nigger

dude charge your fucking phone!

It's a kamikaze kind of feel.

They'll probably make an example of her because of her look.

Fuck off shill, we control the memes we control the narrative now.

Aryan women BTFOing niggers are all awesome.

even if the RIGHT WING PROTECTION SQUADS fail, it'll be just as good of an example for us. "look how harshly these chimps react just to having their feathers rustled".

trips confirm


Trips on third try means that your trips have been invalidated for being third.

bitch nigger.

Niggers call themself niggers all the time but when muh white girl does it its bad mkay.

oy vey thats a shoah!

Fuck off kike


Beatris Flores

On 1%. I'm out user.

Fuck niggers and their word police SJW ballwashers

don't let the niggers succeed with their faggotry

ffs, do shitskins really have nothing to identify with other than their race?

So many butthurt niggers, kikes and MGTOWs ITT
Keep the salt coming :^)

Check these triple dubs

That's the justification they use for it

It's pathetic, really



The amount of pleasure this mother of two takes in destroying this kids life is pretty disgusting.


A bus full of niggers wow.

Facebook: facebook.com/beatris.flores.16


This is a good example of how the poo babby teenagers here try to score pussy points by being nice guys.
If it was a guy, this thread wouldn't exist.

She's a fucking latina whore, do you expect any less? People like this deserve a bullet.

if you had bothered to read the responses to idiots like you, you would understand and not say the same thing over and over like a parrot
gtfo nigger

I'm waiting until we inevitably find out that she was a coal-burner or she cucks out with an apology.

If it was a guy, you wouldn't be bitching.

shes young and dumb you white knighting faggots need to get some pussy once in a while… just some bs highschool drama

Stay mad, nigger

She won't cuck out, if you bother to validate her behavior. Contact her by any means, and tell her she's done nothing wrong. Presenting yourself as a nazi will only scare her off. Act "neutral" to real her in.






Put her in contact with some of the locals. She'll need the help.

she doesn't have anything better to do while she's milking welfare for her spiclets and soaking up that delicious student minority grant money for her chicano studies degree


I-is glyphosate the new Zyklon B ?

Any local anons will have the responsibility in their hands. Creep her out, and she'll only run back to the blue. Come to her defense, and she'll be reeled in.


Your triple dubs speaks truth.


I don't know if was your intent was to agree with me, but you did.
It's fun watching these faggo kids white knight online, to naive to know it just makes them look stupid.

Fuck that kike shit. She should be protected and let it serve as a message that niggers are subhuman trash who have no place in the USA or Europe. We have to get the next generation of young Americans on our side and this is a great opportunity. Heil victory.


them bitches are always nurses. Damnit I need to go get a coffee before yall suck me into these fucking threads.

No shame, eh? Pathetic.

was referring to that post.. oh well

Everyone seems to be missing that. After she calls him a nigger, that black in front of her confirms what she's saying. Or he could be saying that to the girl, that she tries to act like a nigger.

how much you wanna bet this nigger has a criminal record already, school suspensions or other issues at a minimum

call their boss too and say that if she's fired because the cucked management gets frightened of a handful of leftists brigading to impose their sick mentality through bogus social-media virtue-signaling, you will start a real boycot campaign against their brand for cowardly anti-american disrespect of her freedom of speech

in fact, it would be better to post signed snail-mail letters to the bosses, explaining that you've seen on twitter some filthy degenerates congratulating each other on the fact that they courageously sent anonymous phone calls to smear her and try to get her fired, and you need the reassurance that responsible american entrepreneurs wouldn't caution such vile tactics

how new r u

i noticed that too. i'm pretty sure he was talking to the girl, and i'm hoping he was just trying to pull a rebuttal out of nothing.
if she acts like that 'cash me ousside' whore then i'm going to stop caring really fast.

Or maybe, he's saying that the girl is trying to act like a nigger.

Call her boss and say she is being cyber bullied by anonymous nerds.

She is hot so this will work.

whats her nationality? she looks like alot of albanian girls i know. this isnt anything out of the ordinary for albanians especially the ones surrounded.
if shes albanian, chances are she's got 10 sketchy brothers that'll keep her safe.

The MGTOWcuck redditor sodomite kikes are getting so triggered ITT they are resorting to cuckposting. You will get the rope soon ugly omega male genetic failures

Wew, look at this shitskin.

Do it user

Not from America, what the fuck is an Ipn student?

Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience

where is your rabbi?

Who's supposed to be butthurt again?

Fucking lel.

Kill yourself ugly mgtowcuck sperg. Your D&C doesn't work here go back to cuckchan


Shit, are they learning actual useful things now?

Why are you trying to derail the thread?

Why are redditor mgtowcucks posting cuck propaganda and creating division and conflict between white men and women contrary to the basic tenets of National Socialism? I am just sick and tired of you bitter ugly redditor spergs shitting up this board.

To your point, if a country cannot or will not defend its women and children– it has no future.

US media certainly won't go easy on her. Nor will social media. White knight or no– without intervention from some where, she will likely have no future.

Really, though. You're derailing the thread. It's time to stop.

Back to the niglet attacking the white chick


it also stands for "Licensed Practical Nurse"

I'm not sure how the ranks go but I assume this spic is training to be the one to clean up piss bottles

hey thanks for visiting cuckchan for me, I wouldn't have found that without your link
here's the webm

What's she saying ? Sorry not my first language

Yeah you are right I am feeling so sleepy right better go take a nap… Gonna let those redditors post some more blacked memes and call people who show racial solidarity white knights.

I was going off of the first word being a capital L but I see you're right this dumb wetback wouldn't have the brain power for neuroscience.

Just got sholmed on twitter for raiding the niglet :(

The amount of smug nigs in that twitter thread casually talking about beating and harassing her is intolerable.

If anyone needs to be doxxed, it's them. Then watch them whinge about "muh harassment" when they get a taste of their own medicine.

(???) .. makes himself look like a fucking nigger

I don't understand what she's saying before that either.

Amazing how the niggers and spics accounts aren't locked but they get at you.

You did the right thing

That just means they won't even let one soul be free of white genocide. It's too much for them to handle. If one goes, so do the others.

Never give up.

alot of albanian girls have naturally blonde hair and blue eyes. also light/golden skin if tan. many of them cant tan.

yea! definitely sounds like a shitskin!

Albanians are Muslims, they aren't white. Some of the women might be alright but the males deserve the gas.


there should be a thread on the most efficient up to date way to create throwaway twitter accounts, fake numbers to verify etc

even if some are white, that still doesn't excuse subscribing to one of the two shittiest religions in existence.
no pass for white muslims here, no pass for white muslims there either.

You cant come near an albanian women without having a sitdown with 6 of her brothers.

Good job for a sub human I guess.

OC coming through.

some albanians are muslims. some are christians… some are commies, some are not. you know they had a civil war, right?

thats because they still do arranged marriages where they only allow her to marry another albanian.

wow look at all these shitskins goy!




please crop an image to show a specific sandnigger chaim.

The albanian chicks I have met are pretty whorish up untill to the point you want to get in their pants. Then all of a sudden shit turns real.

The patriarchy runs strong amongst them. But what I have seen over and over again is that they tend to get really fat really fast.

This girl will be fine. All she needs to do is find a nice white Chad to marry her and pump white babies into hear. Women have little to fear from "doxing" unless they want to be (((independent career women.)))

So she's a zookeeper. She's already redpilled on niggers, you can be sure of that.

Marry her. Her real job should be mothering.

>blaming her for integration in the compulsory education system
You are a special kind of stupid.


in america yes but the same could be said about any general group of girls now-a-days. my albanian friend married a girl from cosovo. pretty blonde girl. he looks russian and has darker hair, but weird light hazel eyes. she was a virgin at 24 when they married.

he was born in america and didnt want a whore, so his family found him 5-6 christian albanian girls to choose either from albania, montenegro, and cosovo.

that was kind of hot tbh

Only possible in Europe and Asia tbh.

The shills know they can't win a debate so they don't even try. They are getting btfo in the whole thread but they are keeping us from reaching our goals. Ignore them and move forward.
What we are going to do?
We can dox back the girl who published the video and spout out fake info on our girl to stop people from attacking her? We know that many niggers already called and she is 99% going to be fired. We can't reverse that. What we still can do is look for people threatening her and call the police, if they are students we can call the school about people threatening her.

Look at any of the images that you posted, you stupid shitskin motherfucker.

kys OP

How very jewish of you.

they wouldn't look that old without all that make-up






bix nood


Tell me more…


Lou??? is black because he makes himself look like a fucking nigger.

is dat sum chikkin??

You're too young, son. You need to go back to the kiddie pool.

crop and point 1 person out user. dont be lazy.

After listening to it over 9000 times
"Low(?) is black AND he makes himself look like a fucking nigger"

This is why home schooling is so important, would you really want your daughter riding home on a bus full of niggers? Imagine the influence that older niggers make on impressionable young children. Absolutely disgusting.

I'm serious. She goes to school within 20 miles of me.
Does anyone have her Tinder, Snapchat, or KiK?
I have chosen who I want to court, help me the fuck out, niggers.

yeah definitely AND.

MGTOW because I don't muh dick a girl posted in an imageboard?
Fuck you nigger

i have a feeling she hangs out with niggers, she seems comfortable in that environment, almost like she's sheboon, ie she's a coalburner


Beatros Flores
Las Vegas, Nevada
Brightwood College
age 19

Then go somewhere else faggot this is a nigger lynching thread either grab some rope or go pay with your pecker.

How does it feel to be literally afraid of young white women (and young white men sexing them), kikefags?

warn their schools and CC every administrator there that she's inciting a hate crime against another student.

She does look like a coal burner (yes they can be attractive), but there's something always off with them. A pure Aryan fair maiden wouldn't be cursing like that.

The beaner graduated Im having trouble finding anything else on it. The other beaner is a not in school either some mother of two welfare case.

This lass is practically perfect in every way, fuck you.

She's not Aryan, she's a brunette. Brunettes love to cuss.

http ://www.shadowridgehighschool.com/contact

Tel: 702-799-6699
Fax: 702-799-4698

5050 Brent Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89131

http ://www.shadowridgehighschool.com/administration
Mr. Travis Warnick
School Principal
[email protected]/* */

Ms. Missy Shipp
Assistant Principle
[email protected]/* */

Mr. Ronald Kamman
Assistant Principal
[email protected]/* */

Ms. Sandra McCarty
Assistant Principal
[email protected]/* */

Ms. Shannon Johansen
Assistant Principal
[email protected]/* */

Mr. Edward San Nicolas
Assistant Principal
[email protected]/* */

Mr. Aaron Olson
Assistant Principal
[email protected]/* */

Can an ultra memelord find this info for me??

You aren't her husband, degenerate nigger. Go tell her father you want to casually bang her, you thirsty child.

Aryan doesn't mean blonde.

God, look at this gay motherfucking shitskin right here.

Just look at the "people" in those faggot pictures you uploaded you retarded albanigger.

ICE reports

Just because it's something you see on TV doesn't mean it's happening all over the country. Media loves to normalize things by acting like they are ubiquitous and you should know better than that.

Thanks for confirming that you're a fuccboi catcher!

Anons make shit happen.

email protected bullshit

tjw564 @ interact.ccsd.net
mashipp @ interact.ccsd.net
rwkamman @ interact.ccsd.net
slmccarty @ interact.ccsd.net
smjohans @ interact.ccsd.net
epsannicolas @ interact.ccsd.net
epsannicolas @ interact.ccsd.net
agolson @ interact.ccsd.net

is this the same high school that this is going on at though? it's in vegas

Can nobody help with this /r/equest?

Would be cool if someone could write an example text.

Probably one of the same faggots posting demoralization blacked threads, no reason to trust it.

moar information

Clark County School District

CCSD Police (702) 799-5411

Community/Government Relations (702) 799-1080

CCSD Trustees (702) 799-1072

If a girl has parents that put her in a situation where she's riding the bus with niggers she clearly hates then who could fault her for cursing? They only respect strength and violence, if she were timid and polite they'd have raped her by now.

nigger, give me 1 example. even describe 1 person in that picture that isnt white. just 1. if its full of them, just pick any of them and post them. i'll wait.

MOAR information

Shadow Ridge Main Number: 702.799.6699
Principal Ext 4100
Asst. Principal, Athletics Ext. 4200
Asst. Principal, Curriculum Ext. 4204
Asst. Principal,
Discipline, Attendance, Facilities Ext 4500
Asst. Principal, Testing Ext. 4202
Asst. Principal, Activities Ext. 4202
Counselor’s Office Ext. 4300
Attendance Ext. 4035
Bank Ext. 4044
Career Center Ext. 4049
Nurse’s Office Ext. 4022
Registrar Ext. 4065



I think victim is at Coronado High School

why doesn't it exist


It was a "Drumpf is a Zionist kike" post.
Bad GETs get deleted because they are obviously false. Duh.

You apparently have no contact with women, try leaving your house sometime.

call her work say you'll boycott if she's fired

It's what the nignogs and some of her class mates talked about it

And filtered, you sorry homo

I have already given you multiple examples, see

Retarded albanigger.


Because I helped you out you have to tell me how it goes

Message me inn instagram: itshelicoptertime

You owe me.

Just filter him, "x country isn't really white" is a standard derailment strategy.

- Dox nigger in video, find criminal record
- Dox nigress who posted video
- Find place of victims work and demand she not be fired, threaten boycott if fired
- Notify police of all nigger tweets regarding it, dox if possible beforehand
- Notify ICE for all spic related tweets


How old are you? If you're over 19 and try to date a high school teenager its more than likely just going to turn her off of white nationalism and make her think every white nationalist is a creep.

That just means things are about to get much, much worse. The movement must grow beyond that campaign, and this is not even the beginning of it.

Her cursing doesn't imply she's a burner, just a little trashy.


Shiposting is against the rules.


Our movement is greater than one man.

She reminds me of Gwen Stefani.

I have to agree with the nigger at the end of the video. "You're trying to act like one" it's true. She looks trashy and is sitting in the back of the bus with all those niggers in the first place. I wouldnt doubt if she is a racemixer tbh lads

Shills are really going all out with their cuckoldry fetish I see.

It cannot be measured by mere men, but by action. The fact some anons are mobilising over something so minor as this gives me some hope for the future.

There is one twitter post so far

It's still Clark County School District



1001 Coronado Center Dr. Hnderson, NV 89052
coronadojournalism @ gmail.com

Coronado Main Office 702-799- 6800

Quick reference numbers

Switchboard ext. 4000

Attendance office
Miriam Rojas Ext. 4035

Career center
Jacqueline Curry-Stern ext. 4059

Computer Technician
Phil Arnold ext. 4015

Counselors Office Ext. 4300

Deans office Ext. 4500

Library Office
Bob McKee ext. 4025

Nurse office
Kay Spotleson (FASa) ext. 4021

Registrar office
Carol Goree Ext. 4066

School Bank
Irma Ballard Ext. 4044

School Police
Officer Rooks Ext. 4701


Mr. Michael Piccininni
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114100
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

Ms. Camille Knopp
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114200
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

Mr. Sam Johnson
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114204
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

Mrs. Nicole Delgado
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114206
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

AP Academy/ Testing
Ms. Anne Harper
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114208
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

Attendance/ Discipline/ Facilities
Dr. Joe King
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114202
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

Dean (A-K)
Mrs. Sarah Barlow
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114500
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

sjbarlow @ interact.ccsd.net

Dean (L-Z)
Mr. Sean Marshall
1001 Coronado Center Dr.
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 799-6800 Ext. 114500
(702) 799-6839 (Fax)

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Twitter @cougarpride2016


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>Love, White user


Day after day of living with them she had a meltdown. Totally expected and excusable.


Hahahah fucking based white girl

Watching with bated breath

Sound like a fucking fairytale


That's pretty good, I might use some of that, but I'll send my picture, not yours.


I was talking about the convo they have about the victim, proving she's /ourgirl/, don't be a fag

This niggress "Key"'s last name is Walker

her sister's name is "camyy walker"


Young women need correction, user. Otherwise, they're like a compass with no true north.

Provided that you're the correct age range I wish you well user, make plenty of white babies.

Also they have something to do with Coronado Cougars, might be able to doxx her from there

This is critical. If she apologizes then this simply reinforces the witchhunt behavior and empowers the thugs doing the witch hunt. King Nigger said it is ok to say Nigger now and niggers need to get over it, so niggers need to get over it.

What natural SJW correction will look like

God, she is perfect.

She's mine faget


fuck you nigger

She will most probably apologize to avoid getting fucked by the normalfags hence it is up to the anons to red pill the shit out of her.

In case that wont work its straight to the oven for her along all the other subhumans.

Anons in here be like.. this could work in my favor.. for once!

Choke on a turd.

Go on.

Any good IG # search engines out there? I'm sure we can find the first fag by looking at #prom2k17 at around April 28-30

What the fuck is going on in this thread? I haven't seen this many thirsty fucks and 'hey I live just down the street' fucktards since the gamergay days. This thread fucking reeks of halfchan.

No shit, OP brought HALF the faggotry.


Goddamn you're smooth! I would have spilt spaghetti everywhere, but you've got this down to a science.

The amount of whining from the niggers is the best part. For all their "masculine" attitude the sure cry like little bitches whenever a white girl turns down muh dik.

Maybe this was mentioned elsewhere, I didn't read the whole thread: doxing the attackers is cool and all, but she won't feel it helps her. She needs some emotional support. She isn't a guy used to being shunned by everyone, it's probably the first time people treat her like that. Maybe we could message her defending what she did under free speech, telling her that even though they have a right to disagree with her words they're going way too far (which is true), etc.
The point is to let her know she isn't alone. Without support she'll only see a bunch of idiots who hate her and other idiots who hate those guys, and she may give in to the attackers.

The best thing that can be done at the moment I think is to fire up those twitter accounts and bombard


This was the original tweet at Fox5Vegas.

Can also hammer Fox 5 Vegas Directly


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Niggers are feral and usually take what they want by force.

Being masculine has nothing to do with it.

I can try messaging her something on SC if you have anything useful to say

I swear this [email protected] bullshit

5newsdesk @ fox5vegas.com
ReportIt @ fox5vegas.com
more @ fox5vegas.com
kjames @ fox5vegas.com
fox5engineering @ fox5vegas.com
terri.peck @ fox5vegas.com
cindy.harb @ fox5vegas.com
leilani.molinaro @ fox5vegas.com

Start a hashtag and bombard

with it in support

Now the local media wants her scalp as well.

No shit. You can't call them out for it either. double bind from hell.

Odd, some are coming through.

DOTR can't come soon enough.

This nigger wants to be on TV, she's going to try to profit off this.

GoFundMe when for this nigger's pain and suffering

That girl needs to get out of town. I hope her parents have already sent her out of state to spend time with family.

no you didnt you lying illiterate nigger.

i know.. i want to corner him, but he's never going to mention a single person as an example., and if he does he's going to zoom in on someone in the background. and if he doesnt, im just going to use it as a prime example of anti white d&c

Cloudjew hasn't been paid to protect those.

Her parents have her in a school with a bunch of niggers, if anything they're more likely to force her to apologize.

Furthermore niggers hate the black women so naturally they go for the white women.

Not everybody is wealthy enough move and put their kids into a good school district.

if both parents work it's hard to homeschool, private school costs a ton of money, and it's illegal to keep your kid away from public school if you don't do homeschool/private

this is the jewish / leftist public school trap


There's plenty of white communities that don't have a high cost of living, only reason to have your child in a nigger school is if you're bluepilled on race.


Also I'm not saying not to help the girl, if anything its just more reason to help her because her parents probably won't and are more likely to give her shit over this.

No shit m,an, things used tyo be better understood and now you just have to ignore it unless you wanna be a pariah



I have a feeling that this is going to turn out to be a single mother situation.

Whatever you do you cant beat the feral nature out of a nigger. What I find even more disgusting is white women going for that type of subhuman.

Muh free speech. What a sham this whole alt-kike movement is.

as previously stated– she will need to go into hiding. if she wants to have a normal life anymore– she needs to skip town. across country would be best.

Choose one and only one.

tell her that if need be, we can support her by calling her boss and say that if she's fired because the cucked management gets frightened of a handful of leftists brigading to impose their sick mentality through bogus social-media virtue-signaling, we will start a real boycot campaign against their brand for cowardly anti-american disrespect of her freedom of speech

we can also send serious snail-mail protest letters to the bosses if she risks to get fired, explaining that we've seen on twitter some filthy degenerates congratulating each other on the fact that they courageously sent anonymous phone calls to smear her and try to get her fired, and we need the reassurance that responsible american entrepreneurs wouldn't caution such vile tactics

And you call me illiterate, funny.
And learn how to use apostrophes you inbred albanigger.

Except that I have, repeatedly you fucking monkeybrained faggot.
But here, look at these ugly shitskin albaniggreses, whom you used to "prove" how h'wite you niggerfaggots are.

Your first hint should be "Southern". What the fuck kind of name is that? It's a blatant "how do you do fellow whites?"



Not an argument, jew lover.

I'm not even sure what point he's attempting to make with that pic.

She isn't jewish you fucking retard.

She is, she's talked about how she's jewish and her grandparents survived concentration camps. Its alright, you'll survive being attracted to a kike.

She's a jew you fucking idiot. Stop thinking with your dick like a nigger.

No she hasn't, she said that her Danish grandparents had to "flee" from the German occupation in Denmark.
She isn't a kike, she's just a fucking retard.

No she isn't you fucking retard.

You'll survive user, just do better in the future.


Anons needs a Lobby or something… You can't just change the world with muh votes and doxxing…

You´re the one making shit up, I've seen when she speaks of her grandparents "fleeing" Denmark, and she never mentions being a kike, or fleeing concentration camps.

Most likely her grandparents were a pair of liberal cucks, like you.

Im certainly not a kike lover you fags but since you mentioned it Im intrigued. So is she or isnt she?

this is d&c

pussy cuckfaggot.


>look mom, I'm shitposting!

Yeah, sorry for participating in the derail.

She has a fridge body, but she isn't a kike.
Get triggered faggot.

The only faggot making shit up here is you cuckfaggot.


So, do we have some salt to mine already ?

@ you


its ok.

dubs says you will, fagg


C-could we pull that off? Holla Forums please tell me we can pull that off!

More info on her

Heres her facebook
Sister did that shit and they are really strict on social media send it to the department and they'll 80% kick her out

What does she say? I can't make sense of the first half of the sentence

Has nyone bothered yet to send some e-mails, tweets or whatever?

She said her grandparents had to flee the Nazis from Denmark. Her real name is Simonsen which is a Danish version of a common jewish surname. She changed her name to Southern because she's playing the old name game. How yall doin my fellow hwites? I'm a southern belle, let me be your leadership figure. Also she works for Rebel Media which is owned by Erza Levant.

Yes there have been multiple threads on cuckchan and other forums.

user vs Rest of internet on racism.

Should have been pretty obvious but I didnt know about the name change.

No it isn't, Simon is a normal name in Scandinavia, and Simonsen is a normal surname, it's not Jewish in any way.
You inbred fuckwit.

Actually she's quit that job.

She's an alt-light cuck, but she isn't a fucking kike you retarded faggot, and there exists no evidence of her being a kike.

niggers call each others niggers 1000x a day.
this girl says the N word and the nigger goes all "Wow! what a shock!"

too bad i'll never have a based qt gf im such a pathetic loser im going to kill myself

She is, she admitted it on Twitter.

My accounts are getting locked quick. I've gone through 4 already.

damn i wish i knew a girl like her but im prob twice her age

No, she hasn't, she's never said that she's jewish.

Because she isn't jewish.

Just leave it alone, he can't handle the fact that he found a kike attractive and his autism will last the entire thread if you keep arguing it.

Can you go suck start a shotgun and piss the fuck off you dumb malignant piece of shit. Nobody cares about kike southern you fucking worthless twat.

No, she has. She replied to a tweet about Jews, and in that tweet she cried about anti-semitism and said that her own family has suffered from anti-semitism because her grandfather died in a camp or something. Therefore, she is a kike.

Except that she isn't a kike, there exists no evidence of her being a fucking kike, and you're a fucking retard who doesn't understand that Simon is a normal non-jewish name in Europe, because it's a Christian name.


She is a kike, and admitted to being a kike.
Hahahahaha no it fucking isn't, it's a Yiddish name only

been there, done that m8. i totally understand how it feels to be on a school bus full of non-humans. 12 years ago when i was in high school there were so many unruly nogs on my bus always disturbing everyone. the only way to get them to leave you alone is to stand up for yourself, stand your ground even if you are getting a beating, and speak up about their niggatry. fuck a pack of niggers!


No, she said that she "understood" antisemitism because her grandparents also "had to flee" from the Germans.

She never said that she's jewish, the tweet doesn't even imply that she's jewish, just that she's a philo-semitic fuckwit.

Except that has never happend.

Except that it isn't, I know multiple people who are non-jews and are named Simon.
You dense motherfucker.

Any better ideas on how to throw a wrench in this?

Anyway, I definitely don't think we should encourage women to get involved in politics. We shouldn't let ourselves be put in situations where we need to protect some woman who probably shouldn't be having opinions anyway. But still definitely help this one..

Video source?

#LaurenSouthern. Anons get your facts straight. Kike or not?

Not kike, just a retarded whore.

they have her full doxxed and apparently got her fired already, so that wont work

Kike, should be obvious which is true when you only have a single user with pics saved of her in bikinis saying she's totally white guys, she's not jewish, and everyone else saying she is.

To play devil's advocate, she did make the huge mistake of relaxing around blacks. Also not just saying nigger, but straight calling one a nigger while he was filming her, as if the nigger wouldn't upload it ASAP to get that victim status and ruin her life.

She's seems pretty dumb, but maybe we can start spreading the idea that she has autism or some mental disorder so she can't be held accountable since she's retarded, and anyone mad at her is a bigot for assuming she's not mentally handicapped.


Or instead we just correctly state that there's not a single thing wrong with calling a nigger a nigger.

Another faggot posted that image, and you have no argument.

You're a fucking retard who has to make shit up.

Learn English, you fucking retard, this reads like a retarded 6 year old wrote it.

Fuck off you inbred niggerfaggot.

Yeah, I just skimmed through the twitter post.
I guess there's not much else we can do other than make a lot of noise. Spread word about this in any way we can Sargon, I know you're here you faggot. Get some of your "rational" liberal fanboys mad about this.

Not going to happen.

Go fuck yourself, shill.

We will not apologize. Apologies are blood in the water.

We must secure the existance of our race and a future for white children.

That is a confession to being a Jew. 100%. No way around that. Otherwise the sentence would be nonsensical, to first say Jews are still suffering from the lolocaust and then immediately go on to give an example of her own grandparents suffering from the hoax.

Srgon is a fag who used to hang out on mgtow yt comments until he became an e-celeb.

His last video giving advice to the msm how to denounce kek is pure faggotry.

fuck that, we need to attack the nigger in the video, guarantee you he has a record of some kind


Also how to avoid Twitter tracking your shit. I don't want to make a social media account that gets linked to me just as if I actually made one for myself.

yeah…but she called him a fucking nigger! I'd wager that probably less than 1% of pol has actually called a black guy a nigger to his face unironically.

fuck that, need to attack the nigger in the video for being a nigger with a record, guarantee you he has one.

and the "Key" nigress that immediatly cried to the news for victim status, guarantee you this nigress has some shit somewhere making racist statements against whites

this is the sister "camyy walker"

either her or someone close to her has dirt a gauran fuckin tee it.


silly me, was supposed to be *it

No it isn't, she's just saying that she "understands" the jewish "suffering", because her faggot grandparents had to "flee".

Except that she doesn't say that her grandparents fled from the holocaust, she's saying that they had to leave all their shit in denmark, and that they also "suffered".

Fuck you're retarded.

A bunch of kike names were still Europanized.

I wish that was possible, but I don't see that accomplishing anything other than getting swarmed by SJW faggots screaming "muh institutionalized racism" so they can publicly show how morally superior they are

Never once did I say we should apologize. Your reading comprehension is abysmal.

Now that's actually a better idea.

Love these happenings! The game is afoot!

the press won't pick up on this if there's dirt on the victim it'll me memory holed immediatly

Its completely possible, just don't be a cuck. The goal shouldn't be to get her job back or some other nonsense that relies on jews giving us our way, the goal should be to show the girl that those proud of their race will stand by her. Women don't need to work anyways.

also isn't there legal protections against the media coming out and shaming the fuck out of this girl? if she's underage they can't just blast her face all over the place labeled "racist"

By these people's logic, everyone named John, Michael, Gabriel, etc etc etc is a jew too.

Yeah, tell me about it.

maybe this:

The kikess prefers the nigger to you. You'll live.

more also if literally email screen caps and/or call the local police department on any niggers twitter who'se saying

"what's her name/address/etc I want to find her and just talk to her, promise" i've seen that 10 times already.

What about this chick? Nevermind the spaghetti arms.

Do you want to know how I know that you're a bumbombed little twerp?

Kek pretty much this, but then again what else can you expect from reddit fags

No user, you're the retard. Having a comma there and talking about her grandparents escaping in the SAME SENTENCE where she is whining about Jews still suffering from the holohoax IS a confession to being a Jew.
Holy fuck you are retarded.

I just find it amusing that you want to fuck a jew this badly and can't even admit she's jewish.

This guy is literally JIDF trying to derail this thread.

Exactly just filter and move on.

This is really good.

Now I know who the nigger was they let die in Murdoch Murdoch.

She even had her DNA done, and went over all of it. I'm sure I'll hear how that is just some kike conspiracy, they add jew to people who don't have it and remove it from people who do so they can sneak better.
Even though all those places are actually Mormon conspiracies, because they want to convert your soul after death, because that's totally how that works.

She was quite evidently indicating that her grandparents are kikes. You're rationalizing in order to convince yourself that the whore's a pure aryan waifu.

She's a kike, a pretty kike, but a kike nonetheless. Get your dick out of your pants and stop fixating on some e-celeb who you will probably never meet.

How are you going to convince the SJWs that calling a nigger a nigger is okay? These are the people who give a word way too much power by freaking out whenever someone says it, while not realizing their overreactions actually help give the word the emotional impact on a nigger they (theoretically) should wish it didn't have.

You can't possibly be this stupid. Yes, JIDF is totally wasting their time trying to derail a thread about white knighting a degenerate slut just because she said "nigger". Look at the context of the video, she isn't anti-nigger at all, the negroes are saying she herself is always acting like a nigger. Look at the way she dresses. Listen to the way she talks and pronounces words. She's a wigger slut herself.

Schooling you about how Southern is a kike is no less important than this "white knighting for a random whore" thread.

that's not the goal the goal is to get the media jews to ignore it, because if they dig any deeper their going to find out the person they supported has a rap sheet a mile long, taint the story, make it look like the media jews are literally bullying an underage girl (which they are)

I find it funny that you literally have nothing to come with.

Except that she wasn't.

You're the one who is rationalizing, I don't even like the whore, I think she has a weird face and fridge body.

Except that there exists no evidence in favor of that claim, and there exists evidence against it.

You're a retard.

That phrase only indicates they were morons who believed what the media said and fled. It proves they were jumpy. You're projecting that it must be muh dik and that's the only reason anyone would say she isn't a Jew. No, I just think you're an idiot. Nothing you're showing proves anything at all.

Godspeed user
Make us proud.
Should we all message her letting her know we're doing what we can to help?
There can't be an easier redpill to swallow than a bunch of fuckin nazis extending a helping hand while nigs and shitlibs conduct a witch hunt, try to get you fired, etc.

anonymous tweeting service

No it doesn't you Jew lover. Nobody who wasn't a kike was "running away" from anywhere in Europe, because the Nazis treated everyone very well. Jesus you're a persistent kike.

You need to be seriously delusional if you're going to interpret that as being anything other than an implication that she's Jewish.

Peter, Simon, Jacob, John , Christian derivatives are among the most common Nordic surnames. Like half of the fucking most common 'nordic master race' surnames are 'FUCKING KIKE NAMES'.

It takes seconds to get the etymological history of a name there's no excuse to be retarded mongoloids.

Those guys are most likely actually working with (((Southern))) or one of them is Lauren herself. Report them for e-celeb shilling.

can you fags please stop arguing about Lauren Southern? For the time being, please keep your petty, inconsequential argument about wether or not a girl is a jew away from this thread.

Perfect, tweet at this Key bitch who started this all to begin with



I honestly don't get why they have to be so adamant and single-minded about that.

So persistent it was my second post in this thread.

Other way around. You're reading things that aren't there.

I never promoted anything. I'm only saying you have no proof, yet you act like it's carved in stone. She already had DNA test done, and they know jew DNA when they see it. How is DNA not proof?

Bitch dug her own grave.
Why cuz shes a pretty blonde she can do anything fuck that.
She can get airtight for all i care

i think im in love lads

I'm confused, why send anonymous tweets where you pretend to be a nigger?

Just an FYI– sites like that get shut down quick over abuse. Get it while the getting is good.

It doesn't in any way imply that she's a kike.
She even separates her own grandparents, or she would have stated that they were kikes, which the statement doesn't imply.

Are you retarded?

Yeah, they're christian names, not kike names you fucking moron. Or do you literally believe that half of Scandinavia is Jewish?

Bix nood mufuggah

i would send both, tarnish this nigress's reputation among her fellow niggers

Christian names ARE JEWISH

Everyone sliding this thread with their lauren southern argument is a kike. Fuck off.

You are jewish.

I'm pretty sure niggers don't really care about whether someone's a slut or not, all of them are. Its why their childhood pregnancy rate is so high, also why their abortion rate is so high.

also this in case the other stops working

Let me put it this way:
Let's say someone said "Armenians are still recovering from the Armenian genocide, my grandparents escaped the Ottomans in Ankara and lost everything." To then go on to say that person wasn't implying they were Armenian would be lunacy, right? Well take a look at the situation you've found yourself in.

As a Nordic man I can guarantee that is an absolute lie. Peter is a moderately popular name in Nordic countries, John a bit less, and I have never in my fucking life seen a Nordic person with the name Simon or Jacob. Also, Southerns grandparents family name was Simon, not first name. Simon as a family name is exclusively Jewish, so why are you intentionally confusing that with Simon as a first name used by Anglos.

No. This thread is unimportant so it's no problem to argue about this here. The woman who said "nigger" is clearly no nationalist either, but just a degenerate, most likely race mixer slut who just has the balls to say nigger out loud.

She admitted to being a kike, you can't get around that.

Yes, kikes are sliding an e-celeb thread… Jesus fuck get a hold of yourself man.

Pastebins and other resources are getting deleted. They're onto us. Stop arguing about nonsense please

Actually, it's just a condemnation of the turks, and not in any way does it imply that the person is armenian, it does however imply that the person is trying to relate to the armenians because of shared ancestral strife.

You're a retarded niggerbrain.

This is fucking ridiculous, I know several people named Simon, and one person named Jacob.

And I don't know a single one named "John".

Let me guess, you're Norwegian?

Except that it isn't.

Pastebins and other resources are getting deleted. They're onto us. Stop arguing about nonsense please

Finnish. But Swedes don't have those names either, you're a dumbass. Simon as a family name is Ashkenazi, literally comes from the Hebrew name Shim'on.

Yeah, neither was I until I was redpilled. This "oh she's degenerate dude, no saving her now" bullshit has to go. She's one of our people, we should see to it that we correct her direction, especially since we have an opportunity. But you're probably just some lazy pessimistic fag who likes to argue about wether or not girls are kikes. Must be the jew blood in you.
I was under the assumption that this was a "white girl said nigger, now other niggers are gonna be pissed and ruin her life" thread.
And your whole Lauren argument is pathetic

user, nobody fucking cares about white knighting for the school bus slut. She's clearly not a girl worth fighting for, just LOOK AT HER. She's no good.

Ok, you're just delusional. noted.
Have fun jerking off to a kike you'll never meet I guess. It's not like I can stop you.

oh… fuck youre right

the dream is dead

it's about fighting the witch hunt, dumbass.

Leftists dont need to be told twice to go on a crusade whereas you idiots need to be convinced every 30 minutes it seems. And you wonder why they have so much institutional power?

Yes, we do, I had two children in my own class growing up that were both named Simon.

Not the name "Simonsen" or "Simonsson", those are entirely normal and non Jewish.
You're a fucking retard.

Yeah, it will be the same argument next time it happens. I don't even know why I bothered. No one will change their minds on this and it doesn't even matter.

I honestly agree with you on that. The only problem I have is that I wouldn't personally go for her because she is a degenerate, at which point trying to correct her behaviour and save her is just hypocrisy isn't it?


You're the delusional faggot, go cry somewhere else you inbred retard.

It's just to protect her from the witch hunt. Then she can reflect on the fact that a bunch of really nice Nazis saved/helped her from a bunch of angry niggers and nasty libs.
We also don't want the nig nogs thinking they can just do this every time someone engages in wrong think. Spook the spooks.

weird, I only see shitlibs use the 'inbred' remark

Just how infiltrated is this operation? What with the pastebins with info being deleted and all


Yeah white knight if you want. I won't. She looks like she's been through a mile of dick, some of which might be nonwhites. Women like that have no value and won't even if they "become nationalists", they permanently lost their womanhood and all value once they chose a life of degeneracy, they can't regain their virginity after riding the cock carousel for years.
It's funny how insistent you are on getting Holla Forums to pool its strength to focus on white knighting one whore. It's almost like you want to divert attention from something more important. Must be the Jew blood in you.

Ahh there it is, the Swedish Jew switches tactics. We were talking about the name Simon the entire time, not Simonsen or Simonsson. You just admitted defeat.

filter and report

No the christchan comic fag spammed their comics one post per page in order to steal the get. It was a well deserved ban

Weird, I only see (((alt right))) people use "shitlib", you must be new here.

What is it faggot, were your parents siblings, is that why being called "inbred" triggers you so?


Look below

Her grandparents were named "simonsen", you fucking retard, so yes we were.

And the name "Simon" is a normal first name.

Go milk a yak or something.


So, hypothetically, say there exists a girl who was a slut in highschool, and was shown the truth while she was in college. She had engaged in a life of degeneracy, but now she has been freed by the truth. She marries a stable, white man, has a lot of white kids, has a stable white family, teaching them traditional values.
In this hypothetical situation, is this woman worthless?
You're saying that once someone engages in degeneracy, they're lost forever, which is so far from the truth. You're such a fucking defeatist. I pity people like you. Maybe one day you'll learn not to be such a low energy bitch.
You kikes sure are slippery.

Back to reddit faggots

Eceleb faggotry aside, I feel this clip may relevant. I'm going to leave now before I get attacked for posting this faggot.

yea, definitely infiltrating. You're like a parody

There exists no evidence that she is a degenerate whore.

And yes, we should seek to help her because she called a nigger a nigger in public, and as such has committed an act that his worthy of defence.

Thank you. Voice of reason here.
It's funny, all the people on here like
larp about caring about our race, and our women, and when an opportunity arises to give her the easiest redpill of her life and POTENTIALLY change it in a more positive direction, they throw them to the curb, screeching about how they're 'lost.' This is literally such an easy opportunity to help her life out, and simultaneously discourage niggers and libs from this witch-hunt-for-wrong-think bullshit. It's a shame.

and kikes neurotically overreact to every perceived slight. Hence my point stands

Holy fuck kill yourself user. Take it over to cuckchan if you want to white knight like a faggot

I'm sorry for your sake that you're so new to the internet that you've never been in an internet argument before, get over it you fucking cuckfaggot.

how dare anyone try to stick it to the mob

It's not even about the vagina you fucking retard, she called a nigger a nigger, and therefore should be defended publicly, regardless of gender.

wow, can you not follow the logic?

Me: leftists are powerful because they're always willing to fight and fuck people over for their ideas

Other user: and because of Jews

Me: who also are stereotyped as neurotic and petty, fucking others over for perceived slights. So same behavior basically

But white women are pretty fucking essential in the 14 words.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
If you could save a white woman from a life of degeneracy, would you? Or would you scoff at how silly the idea of whiteknighting is?

In order to have a patriarchy you need to remove wimminz rights first.

In this hypothetical situation, is this woman worthless?
Yes? Are you new or something?
You can't be forgiven for being a whore and a slut, it's a permanent stain on your body and soul. In fact, it even affects your descendants, as if she's been impregnated by one of her former men at any point, their DNA becomes a part of all her future children with another man.
So if she's been a coal burner, got pregnant and aborted, then got married and had white children, those white kids actually have nigger DNA now.

No, I'm saying once a WOMAN engages in having many sex partners, they are lost forever.
This is the absolute truth.

You don't know what that word means apparently.

You're a pathetic creature. You're a small, miserable excuse of a man, white knighting for soulless sluts. Sluts won't be forgiven in the Fascist future. Cucks like you will have their slut wives dragged to the gallows.

To secure the white race you need to protect wimminz from a life of degeneracy and from angry nigger mobs.

wew lad.

yea, this is not even remotely what was happening

No problem user if we throw out the government out of our bedrooms.

That's exactly what happened, you inbred niggerfaggot.

You are fucking retarded. Do you not undetstand the amount of attention she got from this? Do you not understand this is exactly what she wanted and you reddit fags gave it to her. Webm very much related


Lot to fight here.

are you just mad I pointed out that only leftists use the inbred thing so you latched onto a completely different conversation in the thread?

That's the most retarded conspiracy theory that I've ever heard, she called a nigger a nigger, to the niggers face.

And you want to destroy her life because of it, are you a nigger user?

She's probably 18

Except that you just made that up, because in your case it's true.

Enjoy your shoesize IQ, you inbred niggerfaggot.

Fucking kek. You're a clown.
For one, your response to my hypothetical implies the girl has gotten pregnant. What if the girl hadn't?
What the fuck are you on about? Do you seriously think that once someone gets pregnant, her partners genes magically fuse into ALL her eggs or something? Or fuse into her body? That isn't how genetics works AT ALL. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would that even make sense in your poor head?
Moving on from that remarkable display of ignorance of genetics, women can be saved from lives of degeneracy. If you don't think so, you're a traitor to the white race Which is dumb of me to say, given that you're obviously a kike
What makes you think you're going to dictate the rules? You'll probably get the rope or get shipped to madagascar before the fascist future is fully implemented anyways.

Every time. I'd love to blame JIDF, Holla Forums, goons, the usual suspects, but it's probably just the current retarded userbase who can't even muster up the willpower to ignore bait and not be offended by shitty banter. I suppose I'm a hypocrite for even making this post though.

He's one of the people who read the research on fruit flies and thinks human biology works the same way.



Keep bitching, your salt makes this a hell of a lot better

Yeah, isn't that the story of the existence of practically everyone here? Isn't that the story of the entire ideology of National Socialism? The Herculean task in front of us is only impossible if it is believed to be impossible.

You really can't identify a dye job, can you OP?

Which doesent mean that she cant have cute babies.

Please user shes getting the time of her life right now. I could care less about this and it doesnt need a thread here. But sometimes i forget that 8cuck is the new cuckchan. My apologies keep on white knighting reddit fags

The board is just mostly unusable like this during daylight hours. It's only around after 10pm when the shills have clocked out and the kids have gone to bed that we can get some quality discussion going on.

I got banned from halfchan so I cant contribute there. And yes, halfchan seems to have the better weaponized autism at this points



4Chan Mods DOX leaked.!

Leakforums post explaining everything.


She said nigger to a niggers face, that's awesome, we should help her.
You don't agree with that because you're a nigger.

Get fucked, niggerfaggot.

I didn't even mention halfchan, but this thread would probably get deleted and the OP would be banned over there.


This is a nigger hate thread, and you are an uppity coon

there is one right now. The banned threads continued with what the original thread suggested: counter-doxing.

The new threads dont and are fine

She's already been fired supposedly.

Alright, that got me good.

yea, we werent going to prevent that unless we just massively called in expressing support. Was hoping something could be done to the witch-hunters

poor taste tbh

You really are a newfag huh?
Actually that is exactly how genetics work you fucking retard, there's hard science proving this and it's been a huge recurring thread on Holla Forums, something you would know if you had spent more than a few weeks here. But your assignment started today, didn't it?
Everyone here knows about this, it's common knowledge by now.
Nope. Any woman who has had more than 1 partner in their life is actually incredibly likely to cheat on their latter boyfriends/husbands and almost 100% likely to divorce them at some point. Women become LITERALLY permanently mentally damaged if they have more than one man in their life.

Everything I said was fact, but you guys were ordered by your boss to pretend it's not common knowledge on Holla Forums by now that the DNA of men impregnating women actually passes on to their future children with other men. Lurk more kikes, your nose is showing.


If you filter them here, does it filter them in any other thread long as IP MAC etc stay the same?


No, the only thing pointing to that is fruit flies, our biology is far different. Not saying its impossible but there's no real evidence. I mean look at all the animal testing where they think they find cures when testing medications on rodents or apes that goes on to be completely ineffective in humans and they are far closer to us than fruit flies.

Funny how all these faggots have such a knee jerk reaction to Holla Forums trying to help a white woman. They just claim she's a whore with absolutely 0 evidence and then start the autistic screeching to derail the thread

user, are you brain damaged? The studies regarding that subject were about humans. It was proven the DNA of a womans sex partners passes on to her future children with other men. The study was done with humans, not fucking fruit flies.

Good eye, my man.
I never noticed that.

Into the fucking trash. JK she's quite top tier, especially since her big tits don't sag without a bra

Whoops meant to link the below.

Link? The only one I ever saw was fruit flies.

All the damn xenoestrogens forcing them into early puberty. Not to mention, sexualization of children with makeup, earrings etc.

They're smaller mentally and in strength, because they've not been getting the nutrients and the spiritual maturation they need as they're being thrown earlier into puberty.


No, that's pseudo-science you fucking moron. There was also hard science that said planet earth would be in an ice age right now. But yeah, keep thinking that when you ejaculate into a girl, your genetics fuse with hers and impacts her future children. A nigger getting a girl pregnant does not insert nigger DNA into her other eggs, or into her own cells. You're a gullible little retard if you believe that. MUH FRUITFLIES.
Wew, over exaggerating like a typical little kike. Your employers must pay you handsomely.
Yes, the more partners a woman has, the less likely her marriage is going to be stable, the more likely she is to cheat. But what you just said was:
Which just backs up my belief that you're probably the most scientifically illiterate person I've met on here.
Your "women CAN'T BE SAVED GUYS" bullshit is so tiring. You're a traitor to the white race, 100%. I would say you get the rope, but that'd be too good for you.
These kikes are getting crafty.

Spoke too soon about the halfchan thread, Just got deleted.

How DARE the anons do what is being done to another

There was plenty of evidence. Talks like a wigger and the negroes in the bus even said "but you always act like a nigger", insinuating that she is some kind of rap listening, nigger fucking wigger.

I haven't saved it, but even right now there is a thread in the catalogue that has a long discussion about the study. You'll have to find it yourself as I don't remember what thread it was, but I think it was either the QTTDTOT thread or the Esoterics thread.

No, it's hard science, you lying kike. Nice strawman arguments though Rabbi. You've done a good job of revealing your nose.


If you're not a shill, then stop replying to that idiot. He's obviously a derailer, filter and move on. You two slapfighting each other has created nearly 40 posts shitting up this thread.

Anyway, you're reported for defending race mixing. Goodbye Shlomo.


Halfchan/pol/ is so fucking compromised. I don't get how people still seriously use it after shit like the word tavistock being an instaban, also that time the mods removed captchas and invited all boards to shit up Holla Forums. Oh well, I guess it's a good as a containment site

Like the dude said himself, people thinking:

Nice strawmanning. That's not what I meant at all. It's good to stay noided though.

Too obvious.


those fucking scum

honestly, because people dont like the userbase here. So they stay there

The one I keep seeing linked again and again is the fruit flies one and lazy faggots who don't even read it think it applies to humans.

Get it together pigskins.
Save the good ones in youyofamily circle fuck the rest

Cry more shill

Check the majority of people who use it and you'll see it's people from school and women.

There isn't a single thing pointing to that other than MGTOW tier retards who think that every white girl is a whore that fucks niggers.

What?! How about all my other posts where I showed how to post anonymously to twitter?!

What's the original of that first pic?

You're the shills, as proven.

if you prove she is what you say, do so.

He's calling everyone pigskin and insinuating incest. I think you know what ethnicity he is. They can't silence it, so now they're shouting it down.

No, user.

Fellate a shotgun nigger lover, now can we get back to doxing and ruining whatever lives these niggers have

Totally askin for it. Plausable denability. Let the guy do his moves without sayin anythin so no one calls u a slut

Its 2017 safe to assume

alexa is bullshit, it's mainly school and women who don't bother to install an adblocker, or anything that would prevent google analytics

Its really not, the vast majority of whites do not fuck outside of their race. If you have some cuckoldry fetish go back to cuckchan.


The mods are letting the thread fill up with shitposts, so that a "better" one under their control can be made. They'll delete any others as duplicates, and go onto control the narrative.

No it isn't, the original is about Britistan and Rotherham.


I haven't read the rest of the thread, so I don't know how volatile your conversation has been so far. However, I would ask for your thoughts about the paper "Male microchimerism in the Human Female Brain" by William Chan et. al. (published in 2012). It should be available publicly on plos-one.



first thing i noticed

I think I found the black chick in the OP.

post it then nigger.



No, arguing with retards.

This checks out.
We should exterminate these filthy fucking niggers anyway. We should kill the kikes first
My dog has more emotion than any nigger could possibly dream of having.

Keep it to Holla Forums. This board is for political discussion.

Could you make yourself a bit more obvious your from cuckchan plz?

Not with the cuckchan faggots here it isn't….

My dad works at Nintendo and can confirm this.


It would appear they are still trying to find her account, what if we create a fake account that looks like it's her



what someone with a burner fake twitter and good opsec could do is send a msg to the head nigress leading the assault
saying that he's got nudes of the rayciss chick from when he fucked her a couple months ago and that he can give them
to someone wanting to ruin her because she's, like, such a total slut omg but won't do it himself bcuz he don't want to get doxxed
"I took pics and a vid as a safety against psycho-chick accusation, ofc"

surefire way to get added, thus having access to most of the sjw's tweets including potentially compromising ones and to be able to bounce
on the other libtards who decided to hunt the girl, thus being able to do the same thing


Would any of you date her if she had in fact dated niggers in the past (but does not have children)? I don't think I could bring myself to.

That pussy better be bleached, rinsed and medically sterilized and she must spend the rest of her Sundays going to church or some cult meeting to cleanse herself… maybe then.

Nigger who made the video then sent it to local news
courtesy of your local /baph/ole

Kiayna Ford
twitter com/Kizzy_K42 (archive.is/BHMsQ) Images (archive.is/WvyXZ)
Old Twitter Handle for that account: @kiaynaF
Old Twitter: twitter com/bichickhhh
Gaia lol : gaiaonline com/profiles/kiayna-ford/15212118

Facebook: facebook com/kiayna.ford (archive.is/I5rCB) Friends (archive.is/qKKh6) Photos (archive.is/nj2bF)
Old Facebook: www.facebook.com lolkeekee (archive.is/YgorV)

Dad: Gerald Anthony Ford (out of the picture lol)
facebook com/gerald.a.ford

Looks like her mom divorced her dad and he's living in DC while she remarried and lives in Henderson.

Coronado High School in Henderson, Nevada
Going to Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
She's into Pro Wrestling and is also a faggot lol

Looking through her dad's facebook now to try to find something about the mom. She doesn't mention her by name anywhere but perhaps I missed it so help would be appreciated. Anyway if I can get the mom's name hopefully I can figure out where they live.

Clark Country property record search (by name even too) if anyone else gets a lead

9/10 would bang if no coal in furnace.

Niggers always look like special-needs children. I hate them so fucking much, and pray that one day a race specific bioweapon will eradicate them.

this person might be interesting in the doxing practices of her student Elaina Serrato


No second chances for coal burners.


Niggers have learned how to profit from this scam.



You know why, it's a drug thing.

It's not related at all, you fucking retard. She called a nigger a nigger, she didn't cheat on her boyfriend or do anything even remotely depraved. What she did was good, and male or female, especially because she's white, she should be defended against the hordes of filth. The only way to make a change is to change perceived social acceptability. One step at a time.

yeah lol

anyway no luck on finding out about her mom. I have no idea when they divorced or where so that's fucked too

Yeah, I bet she's loving having to constantly watch her back as the fat female niggers in her school and area constantly stare her down and act like a rabid animal on the prowl.

Yes. True or not, this is about white people being systematically attacked and suppressed via organized attack groups. That needs to change.

great job

Betas everywhere. This shit is win win. Let it proceed. You can't dream up propaganda this effective.

Pretty sure I've heard her say her mother or grandmother was jewish

perfect. Has this been shared far and wide?

nigress is trying to distance herself now, while prepping for awareness gibs / social justice points, obongo would have given her a medal

fucking obama generation, they are all monsters

lynch all niggers

Coal burning would explain why she felt comfortable enough in front of black men to say that. She either has poorly developed self preservation instincts or has some strong level of familiarity/intimacy with this group of chimps. It also explains why black women then attacked her on the interwebs because they HATE being cuck queened by white girls.

Going to need a meme of the last frame of this webm. That is a kektastic buckwheat tier expression.

I dont use cuckchan and I dont post anywhere else so prob not lol

well how noble of you jigs

We need this, polite sage


What happens in high schools across the country? This nigger seems to be forgetting to mention the literal epidemic of violent crime against white students.

A disturbingly high percentage of you "fellow whites" are assuming this girl is a coal burner without evidence. Your brains are kiked.

I've seen this before, white girl hangs around nigs for a while and accidentally begins to redpills herself on the nature of the nog. But she's only about halfway there at this point. Then she thinks she can convince them to act normal by reminding them that they are acting like niggers, and surely they wouldn't want to act like that would they.

They need it to be true so that they can justify doing nothing.

There's also loads of muds on Holla Forums…

underrated post

Yeah, my guess is that they're muds.
Fucking shitskins that came here with HWNDU.
And the cuckfaggots who enabled them.

It could be "hole" as in, "that asshole (whoever the conversation was about) is black"

I mean let's be honest, she's hot as fuck. Those guys weren't having a polite conversation with her, right? They were definitely, 100% certainty, talking about muh dick: "yo gurl, you need to let me git wiff u" - that kind of thing. At some point, one of them crossed the line and she was more emphatic - she's not going to date *him* (emphasis on the him)

That guy moved off but the other guys kept after her. "why? why you wont get with him? why? what's wrong with him?" and this was her answer: (in adult-speak) "I will not consider dating him because his actions today on this bus have proved himself to be of low character"

her answer: (in red pill) "I wont go out with him because that asshole is black…"

I just made that up, but whatever. Maybe this will be one of those prophetic chan posts. Dubs will confirm.



the movement never started with his fucking campaign you /r/the_donald, cuckold.

What she actually said:

What he heard:

Which doesn't make any sense, but isn't surprising.

How many of you have called a nigger, nigger to his face? She has more balls then 99% of the people on here.

I have but im a girl so its a little safer

That's the study the faggot you're arguing with is pointing at. him, like every other mgtow faggot, point at it and scream 'see! see! your women are ruined because muh flies!' best thing to do is to filter and move on. I've reported him for encouraging race-mixing too.

Where the hell did they hire you shills from? Pathetic!

Why does hollaforums even fucking exist
Stop shilling your shitty site

if anything close to that is in the whole tape then this thing is going to turn on it's head. these niggers are sexually harassing etc


I haven't gone through everything but as far as I know pregnancy causes microchimerism, but it potentially happens even in the event of an early miscarraige, which the woman may not even know about. It makes perfect sense. If the woman did not obtain male DNA, the immune system would try to attack and destroy the child. "fetus" is a kike term pushed to promote abortion and you should never use it

So 643c01 is correct, and the ones attacking him are either shills/need to lurk moar.

You're a dumb nigger. Filtered.

No he's not correct. The study you linked only talks about if a woman was pregnant, not just because they had sex.

My thoughts.

fuck that cunt. I hope she gets raped. females should not be allowed to speak in public. females should be seen and not heard. females are actively ruining society with their whoring and degeneracy and women's sufferage. fuck the white knights ITT. let this bitch get what's coming to her for being a dumb nigger. and guess what nothing will even happen to her because she has a nigger pussy pass and can just fuck a nigger and all will be forgiven. anyone in this thread running to her rescue is a fucking nigger faggot.

Why you mad tho?
She called a nigger for what it is
It's only natural for her to be acclaimed for it because she knows what the fuck is happening
So why be mad at something irrelevant?

He's a kike that would rather side with a bunch of niggers over a white woman. He makes token sounds about traditionalism all while ignoring the fact that the traditional role of men is that of the protector and leader.

Holy fuck I want to BTFO all these cucks. Especially that mom who says it was her step son who recorded the video. She's acting like a kid and saying she's going to go fight the girl at the mall. All these fucks must be destroyed

isnt she the girl whining about being kicked out of school on twitter?

Same girl? imgur.com/cZ46CnH

no, u dumb namefag. assuming you are a girl, you'd get gangraped by the nigger and his "friends".

that said


Honestly, and hold on, why not post this info on the larger cuckchan?

They have more people who will see it and the mods will ban you anyway so you';ll actually be prevented from posting which is like way better than simply being unable to

Women are worse than Jews.

Zig Heil!