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Literally every thread on Holla Forums



Even normalfags hate this cunt.

more like Lena done-ham.

(((white))) feminism

She's not very smart.

Dumb cunt. If it wasn't for white and (((white))) women, your whole feminist bullshit wouldn't be nearly as big as it is (and we'd be better off for it).

You go, queen. Virtue signal a little harder against whitey. I'm sure LaShonda and Jamal will totally think you're a B A S E D ally when you soon become a minority in your own country.

now that's what i like to call a lot a' empty.
kudos tbh

Pretty amateur hour, but good news is good news.

Is it actually trying to be a girl now?

wooo that tism, son

but y


Coco or fruity?

Ask her yourself.

I'm still surprised no one hasn't made threads on how beautiful she is, like Maisie Williams.

Now you done it, someone will pick that up. Fuck you.

Good. She hasn't been helping the noble cause of feminism. She has been harming it. I say leave her to the patriarchal rapists she is so set on defending and see if they take her in.

fucking rude, Maisie looks nothing like that!

Dumham was moderately cute as a teenager, in 10 years maisie will make her look like helen of troy.

the nose knows

dude she has a lazy eye


yeah she's openly jewish




I bet you support free speech right up until a minority speaks up for their rights or someone says something you don't like. I bet you "support the constitution" (read- supports the parts that help his world view in that moment) but have an issue with people taking the knee

Drumpfcucks BTFO

anyone who salutes a flag gets a bullet

An Anarchist? How cute.


Are these minorities of white, European stock, Christian, self sufficient and able to fluently converse in English? Because otherwise I have bad news for you, friendo.
Why do these minorities care? It's not like they support the the first or second amendment, or even the fourteenth (Which is totes racist if you really think about it, my man), to begin with.
But I don't. I would love more minorities taking the knee.


Well, if you could use your eyes to see, and not just to look, you'd see that I've basically proven that every trait associated with a person having FAS is absent from Maisie. Also if she'd be mentally handicapped, how could she learn lines or be an actress?


so does the room



FWPs Fellow White People are the new SJWs.

I wish someone would make like a 13 minute skit of two women in smeared make up just destroying an apartment set and screaming like they're retarded about shoes, make up, clothes and queefing while flailing around on the ground and rubbing their tits and cunts against every object in the room every so often just screaming "HOLY FUCK WOMEN ARE FUCKING DUMB" while the words "This scene passes the bachdel test" repeatedly flash at the bottom of the screen the entire time.


Bonus points if one of them is an obvious man in a dress.

Correct me, if I'm wrong, but most mentally handicapped people can't read. If a person can't read and can't learn lines, then that person can't speak lines, which is required to be an actor.

Well, "mentally handicapped" is far from a formal medical diagnosis. Depending on your whimsy half of this website might qualify considering the 'tism. There are some cognitive problems, but from what I understand of it that just means they pass for a millennial without trying, like a tumblr-camouflage.
As far as reading or rehearsing lines, that depends entirely on the handicap in question, but by and large it's not such a binary thing. Even downies can be taught to read, hell, even chimps can be. But to repeat a line you don't necessarily need any reading comprehension, only to memorise lines, which might also not be the easiest for them depending on the nature of the handicap, but even parrots manage.
Also keep in mind that literacy is a fairly new gimmick, especially for unscholarly pursuits such as acting in a stage-play to provide bread and circuses to the plebs.

Consider your record corrected. :^)

The worst thing about this comicstrip is that people in Sweden actually take this shit seriously! It's frightening!

Pick one

I pick Maisie!

Fair enough.

You act like that isn't realpolitik 101.

it doesn't mentions the fact that she's also a molester.

Thanks, doc.