

His knees are the same height as a miniature schnauzer.

How do we save him, Holla Forums?


On a side note, whatever happened to the ginger one

I think he bought an ice cream truck, likely to attract children so he can rape them.

Cute doggies.

He's using bitches to attract bitches. It's like magic

When you are literally so rich the rules no longer apply to you.


All those women laughing at him…

He has Emma on speed dial, he doesn't give a fuck

Was he autistic?

Not even gonna lie, I used to walk a pack of dogs and I've considered doing this exact same thing on numerous occasions just so their leashes wouldn't get tangled and I'd always have both hands free. I always figured with the dogs I was walking (huskies and pitbulls) the belt would just be ripped apart in every direction since I walked them on steel tethers and they still went through them every few months.

Also while I hate the HP movies, Horns was pretty good.

Did that movie where he played a white supremacist ever came out?

Are you fucking autistic?

soooooooooo wacky :D

I didnt even recognize him.
At least he doesn't look like a soyboy when he's out and about I guess?
good for 'arry

not that user but what are you talking about? Or do you just like to call people autistic in every post because you yourself are terrified that you might have autism so you relieve your stress outwards by being an annoying faggot?

Normal person behavior
Autistic person behavior

Was it good money? How do you pick up the dogs? I can't imagine people just giving you access to their house when they are out so how does that work?

We need more based Radcliffe threads, this guy is a legend in the making

Dog walker is a paid job you dolt. You walk them all at once to save time.

you're really grasping at straws here to make an autism connection. I still hold you use that term so much because you're fearful.

t. autist

t. autist

t. autist


jk we love you Emma



Hermione >>> Emma Watson

My landlords had four dogs and I had one. I could take them on five short walks where the whole time they'd be worried because they hate being separated from eachother, or could take them all at once on one long walk as a pack which they extremely enjoy because dogs are pack animals.

They behave better in a pack, for the most part because they want to stay with the group and feel much more secure. Of course, you have to establish yourself as the head of the pack or you'll just get dragged around.

Maximum autism.

or maybe Alaskan behavior


Kys faggots

Emma is hermione, she played a sperg so well you think shes like that


Who the fuck is cleaning up the shit though? dog owners should be fucking slaughtered

That must feel pretty cool if they're all trained and not pulling. I seen some shelter dogs pull so hard that they pass out so if they are even half that bad it would be a huge pain in the ass to walk a pack.


Here's your (you)


user you have some of the worst taste imaginable. Horns is such a filthy piece of dogshit movie and every single HP is infinitely better.

The HP movies are a series I don't like, in a setting I hate, with dumb names, bad writing and terrible twists. And yes, I mean by children's story standards, I could name a dozen children's series with better writing. The Edge Chronicles, the Dragonriders of Pern, freaking Dinotopia. Even The Princess and the Penis had a more satisfying conclusion.

Meanwhile, Horns tells an interesting story with a relatable protagonist, a pretty good twist, and some surprisingly decent special effects. Guy's accused of his girlfriend's murder, he wakes up one day with horns as everyone's branded him a demon. The horns cause whoever sees them to reveal their darkest inner desires, whatever secrets their hiding, whatever their real thoughts are and then essentially to become parodies of themselves. Guy uses this to discover his girlfriend's killer and avenge her. I was pleasantly surprised.

user you have crap taste like I said, the HP films are done extremely well and you think about the plot. Horns is terrible, I had to actually force myself to sit through it because it was so amateurishly done

Dude, I gave you arguments, solid reasoning and comparisons. You just keep coming back and insulting me and saying "IT'S BAD BECAUSE IT'S BAD, IT'S GOOD BECAUSE IT'S GOOD" like this is an analysis.

Do you see it yet?


mad as fuck

0/10, low energy.

I take it someone called CPS after witnessing this.

Dude you have no solid arguments at all not one fucking bit, look at you talking about Twilight. You don't know jack shit. The HP films are well directed, cast, scored, edited, paced, goat sets, great art direction, sound editing, effects and sound effects etc etc.

Horns is literally weak ass shit


How do I become the alpha pack leader doggiedog?

These are statements, they add nothing to your post, and make you sound desperate. Look, watch:

You know nothing about film. You've never seen any of the films mentioned. You've been diagnosed as low-functioning autistic. Your IQ is in the negatives.

These are unverified, unqualified statements, just like 90% of what you say. The remaining chunk? Opinions.

This is word for word your 'argument'.

I guess he let the dogs out

god i hate those nigger dogs

Unqualified statements? Kek dude. The HP series hired top and I mean top tier cinematographers, composers, actors etc. Horns isn't well directed, cast, shot, scored, edited, paced and doesn't have good sets or art direction. That's the fucking point. All you talkee about is the plot and Horns is extrenely basic. It was amateur hour and directed shittily, the pajeey friend ends up being the killer. I couldn't care less, it was a waste of time ane showcased nothing interestinf film wise.

The tone and atmosphere of Horns is shit compared to HP. You have no idea about film, now fuck off back to wherever you came from. My argument is every single filmmaking element of HP is well done for eight films and I couldn't even stand to enjoy Horns because it was a B movie tier production

Ha! Who are you kidding you philistine mental midget? Clearly your taste is shit! And you like things that are bad! [THE THINGS YOU LIKE] are terribly directed, and have terrible production value, while [THE THINGS I LIKE] are all around good in every way! Clearly because I said what I like is good I have made the superior argument and you know nothing about film and should fuck off! This is not an autistic argument at all!

old image is old

t. muslim

Not him but seriously that is a basic bitch tier argument. And I don't even hate Pottershit.

I love this picture, he just doesn't give a single fuck. He's walking those dogs and he's getting paid for it, all those women laughing at him in the background wouldn't wait a single second to jump on his cock.

holy shit, I'm pretty sure I know those two on the left

a guy on my street owns them and another one who also looks like that

Nigger I dont care that you aren't him you have even less of an argument. The people they hired delivered and made good films now stop with your autism. You fucking asswipe.

Horns is shit and you are a fucking mong

That's a pretty smart way to avoid getting swamped with starfuckers.

ahmed please go